Chapter 21

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I turned to face Katsuki and held his waist and he held mine. We got closer and I put my face in the crook of his neck and fell asleep. It was an amazing day...I would trade anything and everything in the world to keep them all happy...


I woke up pretty early the next morning, I was so used to waking up at 5:30 in the morning it just became a habit. When I woke up I found myself snuggling closer to Katsuki, closer than when I was awake. I silently giggled and tried to get out of his grip, but boy did he have an iron grab. I tried for 10 minutes, 10 FRICKEN MINUTES, to get out of his hold but no luck, AND HE'S SOMEHOW STILL ASLEEP??? I wish I could sleep that deep-

I decided to just give up and enjoy cuddling with him while I could, It's not like he would cuddle me again until he was in a softer mood. I put my face back into the crook of his neck and enjoyed the cinnamon like smell he gave off. I always found it weird, he always smelled like cinnamon or caramel, but he doesn't use any kind of cologne. Trust me I would know- I tried to find some and steal it- I wanna smell like sweets too-

A few hours pass by and it's now 9:00 am, and Katsuki is starting to stir so I know he's starting to wake up. I take advantage of his sleepy state and decide to try to fluster him. I got out of his iron grip and turned him on his back slowly. Then I carefully climbed on top of him and made sure I was pretty dang close to his face. Once he opened his eyes, they shot open and his face went red. I got a good laugh at it until I saw his eyes...wandering. "HEY! LOOK RESPECTFULLY!" I grabbed a random pillow and whacked him with it, my face turning to a bright crimson. "HAH!? YOU SHOULDN'T OF BEEN ON ME THEN!" He grabbed a pillow as well and knocked me on the side of the head with it.


I smiled widely, and reached for another pillow. As I grabbed it I smushed his face in between the two pillows and started laughing. He grinned evilly and grabbed a second pillow as well. Soon enough,

Blankets? On the floor

Stuffed animals? Being thrown

Katsuki? Trying to get me with a pillow

Me? Running out of my room to wake up the other and help me because I am I'm not gonna win OR lose alone

I booked it out of my room, taking my two pillows with me. As I ran out I could hear Katsuki yell "GET BACK HERE!" I playfully shriek and let me tell ya, Mina ran out with a pillow, Kiri ran to the staircase to look upstairs, and Sero was still on the couch trying to block out the noise. Mina and Kiri saw we were chasing eachother with pillows and got the memo. They went to their sleeping areas and grabbed ammo, and Kiri got Sero to tag along.

This is where war started

Sero was using his tape, Mina was just screaming war cries, Kiri was running after Katsuki, I was also on Katsuki's tail, and Katsuki was heading for Sero and Mina. Me and Kiri eventually got enough speed to catch up with him and tackled him with our pillows. The small house erupted in giggles and chuckles, Mina looked over to me "That's one way to wake up isn't it?" "Hell yeah it is! But mans was looking disrespectfully!" I pointed to Katsuki and playfully pouted. Mina gasped and ran at Katsuki, full force and with a pillow, I swear you could see the fear in his eyes as Mina went after him.

While Mina and Katsuki were busy running around, I got Sero and Kiri to the dining room table to wait for food and drinks. I handed them water and coffee while I started breakfast. After awhile, Mina and Katsuki walked in. Katsuki had a red handprint on his face and Mina looked proud of herself. "Did- Did you slap Katsuki?" "I sure did! *she turns to Sero and Kiri* Always look respectfully at a woman or that's gonna be you!" Both boys nodded vigorously and I laughed. They sat down and I got the drinks as I passed out everyone's plate. I decided to do bacon pancakes, bacon inside the pancakes, best damn thing EVER. After everyone was done we all got our things ready and waited outside the home for everyone. Once everyone was outside we started walking back to the main gym to head back to our houses. We greeted my friend at the front desk and left.

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