Chapter 12

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I ran downstairs to see what happened only to see Shigaraki covered in blood and 4 gunshot wounds. "Shigaraki!!"


I immediately ran to his side and started tearing up my shirt so I could use it as temporary bandages. "Toga! Help! Get the first aid!" After I yelled I could hear a thud upstairs meaning she was up. I turned my attention back to shiggy and started putting pressure on his wounds. Shortly after Toga ran down and saw why I was screaming earlier. She ran by my side and started cleaning his wounds. "Shiggy! I need you to say something! Anything! Please..!" Tears started streaming down my face, I didn't wanna lose my family... "O-Ow..." I let out a sigh of relief and helped Toga finish patching him up. I stood up and helped Shiggy sit down at the bar in front of all his papers. I had one question on my mind and I hoped he could answer it... "Hey Shiggy? What happened to you? I thought you were going to see the big boss?" He looked over at me with an anxious look the looked back down at his papers. "I did see the big boss, but he gave me this superhuman called a Nomu. He said to use it for the attack on-" He suddenly covered his mouth, as if he was stopping himself from saying something "Attack on where Shiggy?" I looked over a Toga in hopes she had answers but she was also covering her mouth "Guys? Why isn't anybody telling me anything..?" I could feel the tears building up again, I didn't wanna cry but my body said otherwise. "Shiggy..? Toga..?" I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I turned to Kurogiri, and even he was being silent "Why isn't anyone telling me what happened..? I-I thought...I though family told each other everything..?" More tears were falling down my cheeks at this point "Shiggy please..! Tell me..! You know you can trust me..! We're family..!" He shot up "You don't know anything about family (Y/N)!" I... "What..?" He looked at me and I could see he felt guilty in his eyes "If thats what you think then I'll leave...It's obvious you don't want me here anymore..." Before they could object I ran up to my room and locked the door. I packed a bunch of clothes and my uniform. I saw Toga's tie and hoodie...I grabbed them and put them on. At this point I could hear Toga, Dabi, and Shigaraki on the other side trying to apologize or trying to make me stay...but my mind was set, I had to leave if they truly felt that way...I took a shaky deep breath and opened the window. Right as I got on the window sill to jump down my door decayed and the three of them we're running to try to keep me from jumping, but it was to late. Right before Toga could grab me I jumped down. I used the moisture in the air to make a small puddle to cushion my fall.

I ran. And I kept running until I was in the main city. I had no money or food now, I was only now realizing I might had made a mistake. But I already made my choice and I needed to see it out...I walked out of the main city to a small park in a neighborhood. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened my message chat with Mina

(Y/N): Hey Mama Mina, where do you live?

Mama Mina: I can get you my address in a second, but why? Did something happen?

(Y/N): I maaaay away and need a place to stay-

Mama Mina: (Y/N)! Why did you run away! Wait you can explain later, just send me your location!

(Y/N): Alright... *Insert park address*

Mama Mina: On my way, give me like 20 minutes and I'll be there!

(Y/N): Thank you again Mina! This means a lot really..!

Mama Mina: No problem (Y/N)! See ya soon!

Now that I had a place to stay I just needed to wait until she could get here...A heavy breeze flew by and I shook from how cold it was. Toga's jacket was kind of thin so I wasn't that warm. Out of nowhere I hear two voices coming from both sides of the park. "Oi! Hydration! Why are you out here this late!" That on of obviously Bakugo "(Y/N)! How did you get here? It's late and you should be inside, it's cold out tonight." And judging by that voice the other person was Izuku. I looked up at both males, my face was red and puffy so I looked terrible. Bakugo sat next to me on my right while Izuku sat on my left and hugged me. "So Hydration, why are you out here? I know your small brain has enough smart to know to bring a heavy jacket." Huh? Bakugo was being nice to me? I thought he thought I was weak... "I-I..." tears started flowing down my cheeks again and Izuku freaked out "(Y/N)! Why are you crying?" I hugged Izuku and I could hear Bakugo tch. "I-I...I ran away from home...I kept running until I got here...Now I'm waiting on Mina to pick me up so I could stay at her house..." Both males looked at me in shock, Izuku looked like he was concerned while Bakugo suddenly gave me a side hug. "H-Huh..? Bakugo why are you hugging someone as weak as me..?" He flinched at my words "I don't think your weak Hydration! I was just trying to say everyone around me is weaker than ME!" He pulled me out of Izuku's hug and into his own. I was so confused, the angry pomeranian had a soft side? And he willingly hugged me??? All I did was hug back and silently cried into his shoulder. "Tell the wad of gum you're going to my house. I live closer than her so you won't have to walk far" I still couldn't comprehend a nice Bakugo but I did as he said and sent Mina a text saying I ran into Bakugo and he was taking me to his house. Mina sent back an okay and a lenny face. I chuckled a bit and was shocked when Bakugo took my stuff and told me to follow him. As we walked in a woman who looked like they could be his mom walked up to the door. She started screaming at Bakugo until she noticed me. I gave her an awkward wave then she pulled me into a hug "Oh my god! You must be the girl the brat is always talking about! So glad I could meet you!" Bakugo's face lit up a bright red. "You old hag! What the fuck!" She let go of me and hit Bakugo in the back of the head "You brat! That is no way to speak to your mom! And we have a guest over! Learn some fucking manners!" The two of them kept arguing and then a man with brown hair showed up and extended his hand to me "I'm Marisu Bakugo, it's nice to meet you miss (L/N)! Sorry for all the yelling, it's a regular thing that happens." I gave him a smile and shook his hand " It's nice to meet you too! And please, you can call me (Y/N). It's alright about the yelling i'm used to it. He yells all the time at school" We both chuckle and he invites me to come sit on the couch while he gets me a drink. I walked past the pomeranian and sat on the couch. Marisu returned and gave me some water. "So what brings you here (Y/N)? Katsuki never invites anyone over." He gave me a smile but I looked down at my feet. "I uh..." Right before I could respond Bakugo came up to the couch with his mother and answered for me "She needs a place to stay since she ran away. I invited her to stay in the guest room." Both of Bakugo's parents looked at me with worry until his mom hugged me "Of course you can stay! But would you mind telling me what happened while I cook dinner?" I nodded reluctantly and she told Bakugo to help me to the guest room. Once he showed me where it was he helped me get settled in. "Thank you so much Bakugo...This really means alot to me..." He sighed and walked over and gave me a hug "You can call me Katsuki Hydration" My eyes widened and I looked up at him, there was a bit of pink on his face. I giggled and hugged him back "Thank you Katsuki..."

After another minute of hugging we went our separate ways and I went to help his mother cook dinner. "Hello miss Bakugo!" I walked into the kitchen and washed my hands "Oh dear you can call me Mitsuki! Now do you mind telling me what happened?" She cut the vegetable on the cutting board and slid them into the pot of Ramen. "W-Well...To be blunt...I'm an orphan who was living with a bunch of people...We were all like a family..." I look down at Toga's tie and continue "Well one of them came back with gunshot wounds and wouldn't tell me what happened...I told him that family doesn't keep secrets from each other and he told me I didn't know anything about family...I ran and packed my stuff without a plan and ended up running into Katsuki at the park...Then he brought me here..." I looked down at my feet and I could feel the tears building up. Mitsuki hugged me and brushed some hair out of my face "Well you can stay here as long as you want (Y/N), I'm sure Katuki wouldn't mind it either" She said that last part with a grin which caused me to blush a bit. But I snapped back to reality when I heard Katsuki yell upstairs "SHUT UP HAG!" I laughed as the two kept fighting. We had all enjoyed a nice dinner but when it came to going to bed I didn't have that same safety feeling I had back at the bar... I changed into some pajamas and walked to Katsuki's room. "Hey um...Katsuki? You still awake?" He groaned "Ugh...What do you need Hydration its 9:30..." He goes to sleep this early? "I um...I know this will sound really weird but it's a comfort thing for me, can you sleep in my room with me so I can feel safe!" I was blushing brighter than Kirishima's hair, but I didn't know why. Why was I blushing when I asked Katsuki but not Dabi? I was nervous with Dabi but I feel like I will be safer with Katsuki...Dabi was family but Katsuki is just a friend, why was I feeling like this? "Ugh...Fine just get in your damn room I'll be there in a minute..." He yawned and started grabbing his stuff. I walked back to my room and laid down. Katsuki came in a minute later "Want me to sleep in the bed or the floor..?" He sounded so exhausted it was kind of funny "U-Um...The bed p-please..." Without second thought he hopped in the bed next to me and passed out. I faced away from him and felt safer than before, soon enough I passed out.

??? POV

'Oh? What's this?' I thought to myself as I looked into the a window of the Bakugo household. 'Our little (N/N) thought she would be safe with the biggest bully in her school? He's part of the reason she's always so tired so I wonder...Why is she sharing a bed with him?' My thoughts raced back and forth until I noticed a portal form under me. I fell in and landed back at the bar, then Shigaraki looked at me and spoke "Did you find her?" I looked up and smiled "I sure did but i've got an idea..."

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