Chapter 31

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I grabbed my pillow and cried. I cried until I had run out of tears, passing out from the exhaustion of it all. But I had no dream, I was only surrounded by darkness. It stretched on for miles, no light was visible in the slightest. I ran in a random direction, hoping to find someone. ANYTHING.

I tripped and landed on my leg, effectively spraining it. "Ow..." I tried to stand, only to fall again. I started crawling. If I wasn't gonna walk I was gonna crawl, I'm not giving up yet.


But all there was, was the darkness...


I crawled for what seemed like ages...I couldn't see a way out...







After what felt like hours of crawling..I heard something, no SOMEONE...As the hope filled my eyes I quickly crawled over to where I heard the noise coming from. As I finally made it to the noise, I see a little jack in the box on the ground being held by a little kid. The kid had the same hair color as me, same eye color as well. They turned the little jack in the box slowly...

When the jack popped out, they didn't flinch, they just stared at the jack...Then out of nowhere, the child seemingly snapped their neck towards me. The once (E/C) eyes were replaced with hollow emptiness.

I scooted back a bit in shock. And as if they teleported, they ended up in front of me.


I took a sharp inhale

The little girl went silent

"Do you blame yourself?"


"Well it's quite common in the situation for a person to feel a kind of...guilt."

"...What situation?"

They smiled as the blood dripped from their head...


3rd POV

The LOV was just lounging downstairs, contemplating about what happened at dinner. When suddenly they heard an ear piercing scream coming from (Y/N)'s room. In the blink of an eye, Toga booked it up the stairs followed by Dabi and Shiggy. When they arrived in their room (Y/N) was on the ground screaming and crying in pain. Toga smelled something she wish she couldn't...


Toga fell to the floor and quickly turned (Y/N) over, revealing her blood stained tears falling from her face. Their eyelids were seamlessly cut, as if with a knife, but there was no weapons near or people. Toga acted quickly and ran to their closet for a first aid she left in there. Toga had a feeling she would need to dress more wounds in the future so she kept an aid in her closet.

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