Chapter 4

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A little A/N before this chapter starts: Hello everyone! Author-Kun here, I just wanted to say thank you all for the major support on this book. I know it's not the best but I am working to improve my writing skills. If you see something spelled wrong or somewhere where I could of put a comma please let me know. With that being is the long awaited chapter 4!!!



I open the door to my house and suddenly my vision went black

*A few hours later*


"Ugh...My head..." I try to grab my head and rub my temples to relieve the pain but I can't move my arms. I was confused and the events of what happened flooded back into my head... "M-Mom!? Dad!? Are you in here! Please let me go! Please..." I kept screaming and pleading into the darkness...but no one heard my one was coming for me...I look down at my legs "No ones coming for me...I'll just die down here..." Your once silent cries became louder, you couldn't keep it in any longer. You just wanted to cry.

*A creaky door in the distance can be heard, as if someone was entering or leaving*

I looked up to the direction of the sound "Hello!? Is someone there!?" You start to panic as your breathing picks up until it reaches a point of hyperventilation. "P-Please if you came in the room come help me! I-I...I want out of here!"

*In the distance you can hear someone coming closer to you* *Yes! They heard you! Your gonna live after-*

As soon as the shadow stepped into the light you could only stare in fear. You were paralyzed, You couldn't move or think and your breathing picks up again as tears fall from your face*

??? POV

I was told to come here by some other villains, not sure why though. I looked out at the warehouse and made my way to the door. As to make sure there wasn't anyone in there I put my ear against the door. I could hear the faint noise of a girl pleading for her mom and dad. I opened the door, and damn was it loud! This place was really old so the door creaked open. I'm assuming the girl could hear the door as she started pleading for me to help her. I may be a villain but I still have a heart...I slowly made my way over to the girl and once I stepped into the light the only thing I could see in her eyes was fear. Was I really that scary?


I could tell the person in front of me was a male, His bone structure and figure matched those of a male. But the thing that paralyzed me was that the man was wearing hands all over his body...I had heard of a villain who wore hands on his body, and by what the news said he was not someone to mess with. The only thing I could think of was that my parents sent him here to do one of two things. Either one he kills me, or two he is here to use me against the heroes...

"Hello there..."

I snapped out of my thoughts and back into reality and looked back at the male, still horrified. "D-Did my parents send you here to kill me..? He looked at me like I was crazy, he was in shock?

"W-What!? No! Two villains sent me here for..."The male looks around the place again "Actually I have no idea why they sent me here" I was confused, did they really not tell him why he was supposed to come here? I stare at the confused then I speak up "If its not to much to ask could you tell me what the two villains looked like?" He looks confused then shrugs his shoulders "I don't see why not, I mean your kinda stuck there anyways" He looked at you with a smirk on that last part, not the best way to rub it in my face buy okay.

??? POV

I gave her a smirk as I teased her, she didn't look to happy about that but it's not my job to care "The female had (H/C) hair and blue eyes whereas the male had black hair and (E/C)" She looked at me in a weird way, I could tell a couple feelings were hitting her all at once. "I'm assuming they were the ones that locked you in here to die?" She looks at me as if shes about to cry and looks down, but then she said something but she was to quiet so I didn't hear her. "What did you say? You were to quiet" She looks back up as tears stream down her eyes and all I could think was oh god... She spoke up a bit louder this time "T-Those were m-my parents...I guess this i-is my punishment..." Strange enough I felt bad for the girl but my eyes widened as I thought about those words...'Punishment'? "What do you mean punishment?" Her eyes shifted from side to side, I could tell shes nervous to answer. "W-Will you tell my parents I told you..?" I sighed and walked behind her to where her restraints were. "I wont tell your parents kid, your secrets safe with me" She seemed to calm down by my answer, as she started to speak I reached for the restraints and stated to decay them "M-My parents are...I guess abusive is the right word for it...Anytime I don't do something to their high standards they punish me...It could range from having glass thrown at me and they cut me with it to them starving and over-working me for a few days until I pass out from exhaustion..." All I could do as she told me what she meant was keep taking off the things keeping her tied up, it angered me as the words escaped her mouth. It reminded me to much of what my father would do to me...As I finally got all the ropes and chains off her she...hugged me? I guess she doesn't know who I am and what I can do with a simple touch


As soon as the man took all of my restraints off I stumbled out of the chair and fell to the ground and hugged him. He seemed confused but I didn't care, I just needed someone to help me and he came for me...Villain or not he saved me..! I started crying into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me, leaving his hands away from my body. I guess not all the villains are bad...But after a minute of me crying into his shoulder her spoke up "Do you want to come back to my base and train?" All I could do was keep crying into his shoulder in shock, he didn't care if I wanted to be a hero?

Words total:1228

A/N:Thank you all for reading this chapter of my story! I'll see y'all soon! 💜


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