Twelve Dancing Princes


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Being a crown princess, with a selection of princes vying for your hand? What's the catch? Well, for one, lov... Еще

Sunday: Crown Princess Jenny
Monday: Princess Anne and Sir Raphael Hevn
Tuesday: Prince Aloysius
Wednesday: Crown Prince Kevyn
Thursday: Prince Raul
Friday: Sir Timothy McKeagan
Saturday: Crown Prince Royce
Sunday: Prince Ross
Monday: Sir Raphael
Tuesday: Prince Aloysius
Wednesday: Crown Prince Kevyn
Thursday: Sir Raul
Friday: Sir Timothy McKeagan
Sunday: King Maximilian
Three months later: Raul
Four years later: Queen Jennifer

Saturday: Crown Prince Royce

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The meeting with the council dragged on, but turned out well. It would be hard to break it to Brandon, but all's well that ends well.

"Thanks for everything, Cass. I couldn't have done it without you." I hug Cass before we part in front of the meeting room.

"Hey, no big deal. Anything for Al's girl, um, Nap's? Ahem, Liv's girl." Cass laughs in awkwardness. "This little heartbreaker."

"Hey! You're once in my position, too." Any royal, really.

"I know. Haha. Anyway, settle soon, Jenny. Our little bundle of joy is now little bundle of constant fuming. Even Dom is overwhelmed by now."

I grimace. "I'm so sorry, you guys. I'll talk to him."

Cass casts me curious look. "You've made your choice?"

"Uh, nothing's official yet ...." Cass raises his eyebrows but I hesitate to elaborate.

As if on cue, Jack walks up to us and bows to me. "Your Royal Highness, your presence is requested by His Majesty in his study." He then bows to Cass. "Your Highness."

"Well, that's my cue. See you around, Jenny."

"You too, Cass."


I meet Prince Edmund in front of Uncle Isaac's study. We exchange formal greeting, then almost immediately fall silent. I cast discreet glances at him.

He's a thin man in his early forties, short black hair and outdated grey suit. I've met him a couple of times in official events, but never engaged on more personal level. All I know is for a prince consort of Wondera, he's very timid and lacks regality. But today, he looks especially on edge.

Jack presents us and excuses himself. Uncle Isaac rises from the sofa.

"Jenny ... Ed. It's been a while."

I grimace. The atmosphere has gone from relaxed to awkward real fast. I'm about to curtsy when Prince Edmund hastily walks his way around and pulls my uncle into a tight embrace.

Oh, wow. Talk about extreme.

Uncle Isaac looks panicked. I open my mouth to help him but stop myself hearing the prince's quiet sobs.

"I'm sorry, Ise, I was ... I was so hurt. This is not me. You know this is not me. You hurt me, Ise ...."

I glare at my uncle. Did the poor guy never have his closure? After all this damn time? This cruel bastard!

Uncle grimaces and mouths his sorry. Yeah, better start comforting him then.

"I'm sorry, Ed. I really am. I'm so ashamed of how I left things to face you. I was a coward. I still am a coward ...." Finally, uncle hugs him back.

I give him a thumbs up before turning around, in attempt to give them space, when I'm faced with Prince Gareth's blank face instead.

Oh, my God. "How long have you been standing here?" I whisper anxiously.

"Long enough." He whispers back with a tone and a face that I can't possibly decipher.

I hurriedly turn to warn my uncle when Prince Gareth stops me. "No, let them have their closure."

"'Their'? Hasn't my uncle already moved on with you?"

Prince Gareth only shakes his head. "Some part of him is always missing. Now I know why."

"Oh, Prince Gareth." I move to hug the big man with a bigger heart. How lucky my uncle is to find him.

"...No, I owe Jennifer an explanation as well. It's her that I'm targeting, after all." Prince Edmund's voice becomes clearer, and when I release myself from Prince Gareth, my uncle and his ex has already frozen in his presence.

"Gareth, it's not—" Uncle clambers out of his and Prince Edmund's embrace. "—what it looks like, I swear."

"Calm down, Isaac." Prince Gareth says calmly.

But uncle must've gotten the wrong message, since he starts to walk hastily up to his lover, mouth trembling and eyes teary, not in any way getting any calmer. "No, no, please let me explain ... Gareth ...."

Prince Gareth scoops him in an embrace, one hand tight in his waist and the other strokes his shaking back gently. "I said calm down, didn't I? What are you so upset about?"

"What would I do if you leave me? What's left of me without you?" My uncle's a panicking mess. His gaze becomes frantic and his breath becomes dangerously rapid.

"Hey, hey! Isaac, listen to me." Prince Gareth forces my uncle to look up to his calm, steady eyes. Slowly, Uncle Isaac's breathe goes slower. "You would still be the king your people loves and deserves. And I'm not going anywhere. Just go do whatever you need to do for your people and your family. For yourself. You know I'll still be here when you're done. When have I ever not?"

"Yes, yes Gareth, I'm sorry ...."

"Don't be, my love." Prince Gareth kisses the top of my uncle's head and holds him tight.

Okay, that was incredibly sweet I can't even. I bet Prince Edmund's moved, too, since he takes a step forward and faces us with a determination in his eyes.

"I owe you so many apologies, Princess Jennifer. Naive and heartbroken, years ago, I came to believe in this distorted logic that you're the reason Ise broke up with me. All of the sudden, with no explanation at all. While it's partly his fault, it still doesn't justify me trying to threaten your life, haunting you with constant fear. For that, I sincerely apologize."

"Apology accepted, Prince Edmund. I am the reason he broke up with you, after all."

"No, Jenny, it's not your fault!" Uncle Isaac buries me in his arms. "My baby, it's never your fault. Never! It's all me."

"Well, so it happened." I swiftly dismiss him before he's having another panic attack. "No one's harmed. Let's move on. Just give me your word to never do that again."

"I promise." Prince Edmund says readily. "And know that while it seems unlikely, since I've sent assassins your way. You must believe me that I have no intention whatsoever to actually assassinate you. You must believe me that the chandelier accident's not my doing."

"I understand." I nod. "And thank you, for being honest with us."

"No, thank you for being very understanding."

"I must ask you, though, were you the one who killed my horse?" I intentionally use the word 'kill' to gag his reaction.

"Horse? I'm afraid not, princess."

I nod. "Then I'm done here. Uncle?" As I thought, the one who poisoned Summer and Timmy is the same person, and not Prince Edmund.

Uncle nods in agreement, as if reading my mind. "Then you are excused, Jenny."

I give him a quick hug. "Talk it out, you guys." I address the three men before walking out of my uncle's study.

...And straight into some other's broad back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ... Kev! What are you doing here?"

Turning around, Kevyn looks at me with sad eyes without saying anything.

"Uh, Kev? Let's talk somewhere else?"

Kevyn blinks, snapping out of whatever it is he's originally in. "Where are you going? I'll take you there. I promised Royce I won't be long."

I nod. "East guest chamber then. I'm meeting him there."

We start to walk in silence.

"So? Are you here with Prince Edmund?"

"Partially, yes. I still have an audience with King Isaac later. But I want to personally tell you I have absolutely nothing to do with whatever crazy thing my father did to you. I know nothing, Jenny, please believe me. I'm here because I sincerely think that you are a great match, no more and no less."

I smile reassuringly. "I believe you, Kev." He needs me alive more than dead, after all.

"Ah, but what does it matter?" Kevyn runs his fingers through his hair, looks just a tiny bit frustrated. "You choose the eleventh-in-line anyway."

My heart skips a beat. "I choose no one." ...yet.

"Not officially, no. But you can't fool me, Jenny."

I look blankly at him and say nothing.

"You've always been on your guard whenever you're with me. You kept trying to dig deeper into me, hoping to find fault (or spark?) along the way. Your mind knew I'm the best for you, but your heart's not that easily convinced. But the last time I saw you, you've changed. You're both careless and carefree at the same time, like nothing I said or did would make any change." Kevyn shrugs. "It's not hard to piece together the rest. The only thing that happened between the two Wednesdays is Prince Napoleon."

Wow, he's good. "I know that you're not one to engage in drama unless necessary, but can I still have your word that you wouldn't tell a soul before I make an official statement?"

"As you wish, Jenny." Kevyn looks at me long before breaking his gaze. "So you choose to go with your heart. I can't say it's a wise choice, but I respect that anyway."

We stop in front of the guest chamber.

I turn to him and smile sincerely. "Thank you, Kevyn."

"As long as I'm not married, come find me if you ever reconsider your decision, Jenny."

"I'm sure I won't, but thank you for the offer anyway."

"Well, I guess this is where we part. Call me sometimes?"

"I will. Goodbye, Prince Kevyn."

He nods, his expression grim. "Princess Jenny."

I kiss his cheek and watch him walks away and with that, closes a chapter of my life.

It's sad but, at the same time, liberating.

One down. Three to go.


I'm about to enter the guest chamber when I hear a familiar voice.

"Jenny!" Paige runs through the hallway, Bobby a few steps behind her. They wear all black and they reek of sunshine—they must be back from the church's graveyard to visit Sherry.

"Did you just break up with him?" Paige whispers suggestively, pointing to the direction of the main gate. Practically anybody she could refer to.

"Paige. And Bobby." I nod curtly, refusing to humour her. Last time I did, I ended up digging my own grave, pun not intended.

"He looks heartbroken." Paige says dramatically.

Without responding I push down the door's handle and let myself in.

"How are you feeling, Timmy?"

"Jenny, hey. Paige and Bobby, too." Timmy waves weakly from the bed. "Feeling very much alive, thanks to you."

I smile warmly. "I'm glad."

Royce gets up from a chair beside the bed and walks up to us. He nods at Bobby's bow before turns to me. "Hey. How did it go?"

He means with the council or with Kevyn? No matter, I'll answer to them both. "As well as it could possibly be, I suppose."

"Jenny, don't keep me in suspense ...!" Paige nags me before her brother could say another word. "Did you really break up with him? Why?"

"You're loud, Paige." I smile mockingly at her. "Not the time nor place."

She goes on as if she hears nothing. "How could you? What did he do wrong?" Paige squeals as she finally puts two and two together. "You made it official with your commander dearest already?"

"Who even is 'commander dearest'?" I frown in disgust. "And he's a doctor, not a commander—despite the name."

"Oh, Jenny, I'm so happy for you!!" Another high-pitched squeal as her lover casually approaches the bed, completely undisturbed (or just used to it).

"How are you, stable boy?" Bobby greets Timmy playfully.

"No worse than your face, muffin boy."

They exchange some more banter as Royce joins us. "You broke up with Kevyn?"

"...Yes." I answer, glaring at Paige all the while.

Royce looks worried. "Why?"

I shrug. "I suppose ... we're just not meant to be."

"And why now? You still have a good two years to decide. Is it a condition from the council? Don't tell me .... did he do something terrible to you?" He growls, showing his possessive side.

"Nothing of the sorts! Listen, Royce, let's talk later, okay?" I give his arm a reassuring squeeze, but Royce already looks dejected, like he can figure out where this is going.

"I overheard Prince Napoleon yesterday ...." Timmy starts, drawing everyone's attention and sending shivers down my spine. "When they thought I was already asleep. He asked Sir Raphael when Jenny's supposed to make a decision about her suitors."

Oh lord ... I don't like where this is going.

Timmy looks at me sadly and says, "You've made yours, haven't you?"

"Timmy ...." I really didn't want to break it to him while he's still lying in bed. But I guess I have no choice. "Yes. I have." I look up to Royce and say, "I'm sorry, guys."

Royce goes perfectly still, before bursting into rage. "This is stupid. You met him last week! With what kind of logic ...." He rakes his hair in frustration. "You'd risk the whole kingdom for an impulsive love?! God, Jenny, you're being very irresponsible right now!"

"And you're being out of line, Royce." I snap at him.

"Me, out of line?! His grandfather killed your parents! Might have killed Sherry, too, for all we know! And what about the chandelier? How could you be so blind, Jenny?! No kingdom other than Magnemt is thirsty for blood!"

"Don't go around accusing people just because things don't go your way!"

"Fine! If you don't want to heed my words. But don't come crying to me when things don't go your way!" With that, Royce storms out of the chamber.

'When'? 'When'? How rude!

"Jenny, I'm sorry." Paige looks torn as she gazes back and forth between the door and me.

I exhales, trying to calm myself. "It's okay, Paige. Go calm him down."

Without thinking twice, Paige pulls me in a short embrace before chasing after her brother.

"For what it's worth, Jenny ...." Timmy says quietly, getting my attention back. "The prince said it's a huge responsibility ...."

"...Oh." I respond in defeat.

"...One he doesn't want you to carry all by yourself."

Oh, Raul.

I move to hug Timmy. "Thank you, Timmy. Truly."

"Well. Can't storm my way out of the chamber in this state so I've to come with another foolish move." He laughs nervously. Bobby joins in, and the three of us melt into a fit of giggles.

"Thanks, guys."

"Anytime, Jenny."

And just like that, the three's down to one.

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