Hard and Fast

By Seraphon2003

18.3K 542 46

A woman is rescued by the most unlikely of heroes.... Predator belongs to its usual copyrights, but character... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6

1.2K 35 2
By Seraphon2003

A few months later they were approaching the home planet. Each night Carly and Setg consummated their love for each other, their passionate embraces intensifying. g. But Carly did notice Setg becoming obsessive to the point where he no longer let other males nearby and had moved Carly to a private room. She hoped it had nothing to do with his brother.

Setg came back from training early to find Carly throwing up her food again. He picked her up and comforted her. "Food not agreeing with you again? Carly nodded and closed her eyes as another wave of nausea overcame her.

Setg ran his rand over her belly, rubbing it with a smile, "you must be keeping something down, you are becoming very curvy, I enjoy your hips, it makes me aroused seeing you like this." Carly smiled weakly. She wasn't eating much but she was putting on the weight... maybe their food was fattening to humans? Carly looked at Setg, he looked flushed.

"Are you ok? How was training?" Carly now was concerned with Setg, he had been training very hard lately and on more than one occasion, been sent out of training for his explosive temper. He was never like this around Carly, so she was naturally curious why. Setg trilled at her softly.

"I am fine. .. But when I train, I feel like I am under attack, that they want to take you away from me. I have to be stronger than them; I have to defeat them all. I will not lose you." Setg looked hard into Carly's eyes searching for strength.

"You won't...." Carly stroked his face gently and pulled him into a kiss, slowly and deeply. Her lips parted slightly and Setg gently slipped his tongue in, tasting each other. Their mouths exploring each other while Setg pulled Carly in tighter. He ran his taloned hand up her thigh, caressing it softly, pulling her on top. Setg slowly kissed his way down Carly's neck, his mandibles, just prickling the skin. Carly felt Setg's manhood stiffen and harden under his loincloth and Carly softly moaned. Setg released his stiff cock and slid it up under Carly's dress, letting Carly, slide against it. Carly removed her dress and kissed him harder. Setg ran his fingers into her hot wet mound and rubbed her as her juices trickled down his fingers. Carly begging for more, Setg eased his throbbing cock into her aching pussy.

"Please honey, I don't feel so good... I feel nauseous...." Setg nodded his head. "Do you want me to stop?" Setg still kissing her shoulder. Carly slowly eased up off him and suddenly felt lost. Sliding back down his cock and held him close and whispered into his ears... "I need you.... So bad"

Setg rolled her onto the bed, and made love to her slowly and gently as Carly winced in pain. Grabbing her ass, he purred as he brought her to climax. Carly moaned and cried as she orgasmed. Setg trilled gently as he held her. Carly dried her tears on Setg's chest before kissing him again tenderly, making her way down to his groin. His cock still hard, she sucked and licked him until he came; enjoying the taste of his seed on his lips.

Setg picked her up and kissed her. "Are you feeling better? Do you want more Setg?" Carly smiled and shook her head. Holding him close, she fell asleep, her face buried in his neck. Setg hearing her soft breathing while she slept, kissed her forehead and tucked her into bed and whispered, "You are the only one for me and I would die if I didn't have you."

Lying down next to her, Setg fell asleep and was tormented by nightmares. Demonic Yuatja tore at him but the greatest pain was seeing Carly being strangled by his father. Unable to move or scream, he watched Carly die over and over in his dreams. The pain searing in his chest making him wake. Sweating profusely, Setg showered, the cool water calming him. He decided to have a walk around the ship. He did not want to leave Carly alone, but she needed rest. He kissed her on the cheek before leaving the room. As he left, he checked twice the room was locked, his fear suddenly surfacing.

As Setg walked through the ship, seeking clarity, he lost track of time. He avoided the training halls, he had been warned to stay away until his temper had calmed but in truth his fear of losing Carly just fuelled the fires in his heart. He was so angry when he was not with her, he felt unnatural. Never had he felt so in tune with someone and so violent in the company of others.

He decided to see the Healer and thought perhaps he was ill. There were numerous healers located within the ship, some were from the Clan, others travellers looking things to research. Unlike the med bay with its technological advances, Setg felt something more traditional was needed and he felt to avoid other Yuatja. Thinking about Carly also not being able to stomach most of the food, Setg decided to visit the only Healer on board who specialised in humans. This healer had been associated with some shady characters and practises, but was allowed on the ship as his knowledge was superior and respected.

Entering down a darkened hall, Setg wondered how this Healer operated so far from the rest of the others. The hum of the engines was the only thing to be heard as he kept going down the maze of tunnels to the healer's room. Why would anyone be so far away? Standing outside the doorway, he pressed the buzzer, awaiting a response.

An elderly voice gravelled on the end of the intercom, "Yes?"

Setg replied slowly. "Im Setg Thwei, and I seek advice... on healing. Also I have.....a sick...companion who needs attention."

The vox hissed, "If your friend is sick, I suggest you take them to the med bay, I am....not...a typical healer.....

"She is ooman....you are an expert, are you not?" Setg grew restless.

The door buzzed open and Setg peered into the even darker room. Setg entered into the darkness, the room was large and in the far corner, faint light was flickering from candles. The heavy curtains rustled as he heard the healer approach him from behind them. The door slid closed behind Setg and locked with an audible click. Setg turned slightly to the sound and turned back to watch the healer ease himself into a chair.

"So what is the great emergency? Its late and you have got me out of my warm bed... Setg Thwei....son... of the mighty Elder Ramses." The words were weighted. Setg suddenly felt suspicious and raised an eyebrow in response. "You know of me?"

"The mighty Elder Ramses is proud of his twin sons. What is there to say? Most parents like to revel in their children's glory. Come now, tell me what is wrong. There is a sick ooman is there not?"

Setg breathed out in relief. "Healer, my female is sick; she cannot keep her food down but has still managed to put on weight. Everything else appears normal. I don't know what else I can do and I want to keep her away from.... others." Setg felt like a burden had been lifted.

The healer shifted in his chair. "You may call me Bekken, A female you say? And you...are becoming territorial? More angry and violent more than normal?"

Setg nodded.

"I think I know the answer. Come, let's go to your quarters and see your sick female. I will bring some items that may assist." The healer grabbed a small bag and then proceeded out the door with Setg in tow.

This morning Carly wasn't faring any better and struggled to get up. Making her way to the bathroom, she swayed a little before puking into the toilet. Feeling worse than ever she laid down on the floor and passed out. Carly woke up in bed with Setg sitting nearby, her hand in his, and there was another Yuatja in the room with them.

"Who is this?" Carly slurred.

Setg comforted her, purring... "He is a Healer, Bekken".

"Im ok, its just the food is not agreeing with my stomach" Carly smiled, trying to comfort Setg. Setg was full of concern, "The healer will see..."

The healer checked her temperature and felt her lymph nodes in her neck. His eyes drawn to Carly's enlarged belly and gently ran his hand over it, Carly gasped and Setg immediately hissed cautionary. The healer turned his head slightly at Setg and looked at him curiously. "You are rather touchy". Setg immediately withheld his temper and then sat next to Carly on the bed. Looking at the couple, "I will need to run a test." The healer took a small diagnostic unit and placed it on Carly's hand and within seconds it started to beep in respond, Yuatjan text appearing on its screen. The healer then scanned Setg's briefly. The healer knew he didn't need a machine to tell him what he already knew but still wanted to confirm the results. He smiled at Setg.

"It is good news Setg. The reason you becoming territorial and violent is that Carly is with young." Bekken nodded, clasping Setg's hand. "Its natural when one is living with a pregnant female".

Carly sat numb and dumbfounded. Pregnant? She was suddenly worried... What if it was ex-boyfriend's? She felt sick and suddenly had doubts... but she had been in space for such a long time, so it couldn't be.. but the fear grew. She took the healer's hand and asked nervously, "Can you tell if the baby is human or Yuatja?" She hoped her question masked her underlying fears.

The Healer laughed, "The young is Yuatja of course, and judging by his DNA readout, he is almost completely Yuatja and any ooman DNA influences would be subtle. Strange as you don't appear to be Yuatjan heritage." Bekken looked deeply at Carly. An ooman female with almost a pure strain child. It was almost unheard of. The analysis picked up something else, something different about the young.

Setg was estatic and could not stop smiling. "He? Its male? I have a son!" He clasped the healer and then held Carly close.

Bekken nodded, "It is odd to have conceived so readily, it usually takes... assistance... from the fertility temple to conceive...but the ooman DNA is not that far off our own, Its not easy for us to merge species...." Bekken wondered what was hidden in Carly's DNA. He needed to know.

Setg was still ecstatic and trumped around the room. The healer pulled Setg aside. "Setg, I am overjoyed for your good news, but be warned, your father is here and if he finds out about her in this condition.... Just be careful.. Your father is a respected Elder; best to hide her for now."

Setg looked at Carly, who was gently rubbing her swollen belly. "What can I do? We are meant to be home soon... I need your help...." The doctor nodded. "At the Temple on home, I have a friend there.... He helps me with.... requests. Best not to ask.... But I will let him know you are coming.... He will hide Carly and the child until it is born."

Setg nodded. "I will consider your offer...."

The healer sighed, "Don't wait too long. We land at home tomorrow." The healer nodded to Carly and left the room.

Carly sobbed and ran over to Setg, wrapping her arms around him. "Don't leave me, I'm frightened. I have never been pregnant before.... I...." Setg beamed, hiding his concern.... "It will be fine but I must hide you. I worry about your safety." He picked her up and carried her to the bed and laid her down on it. He got on the bed and lay next to her, gently rubbing her belly and then putting his head to listen to the growing child within. Carly smiled. She never thought that she would be pregnant and now she was... Gazing at Setg, she was so happy that she was with him and now she was having his child...

Setg pulled her in close to warm her and kissed her deeply, gently caressing her body. He was so happy, his love, his paya... was carrying his seed. He wanted to make love to her again, but now afraid in case he hurt his child. He continued to caress and kiss her. Carly opened her eyes and whispered, "make love to me again, I want to feel you inside me." Setg responded by kissing her deeper, gently biting her shoulders and he slowly thrusted his cock into her. His love making was slow and deliberate. He held back, concerned for her welfare but more aroused than ever. This woman was carrying his seed and he desired her moreso. He thrusted harder now, licking her mouth and making his way down her neck to her breasts and tasted the sweetness of them. She was moaning now loudly and he knew she was about to orgasm, and gently raked his hands down her back, and pulled her on top, to let her chose how rough she wanted to ride. Carly, moaned and gently rode him to orgasm. As she cried out, Setg came and roared in pleasure, continuously coming in her, responding to her multitudes of orgasms. Carly collapsed on him, panting. Setg took Carly's hand in his and lifted her chin with the other.... "Carleee....." Carly smiled, he could never say her name properly. "Carleee.... Be mine forever?"

Carly sat up slightly, "are you wanting to marry me?" Setg wasn't sure on what marriage was but thought it must be a ooman word for something similar..... he smiled, "Marriage me, have ceremony with me."

Carly smiled and whispered "yes" as she laid back down and fell asleep.

Setg smiled again and thought about the child. Then thoughts about his father cast a dark shadow in his mind. He needed to protect Carly. His father, Ramses, was unpredictable and would sacrifice everything for honor and the clan. Setg thought about it and decided. Tomorrow he will hide Carly from his father. The idea comforted him as he fell asleep.

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