Shattered Pasts (on hold) nee...

By EwinHuadHippo

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Dry Shampoo
Bear Hug
Jack Daniels
The Chain
My forest
Scouts Honour
Our Place
Mr Cutie
Rainbow cake
Aunt Lily
Deep shit
Last Day
Sleeping bags
Cold water
The Clown
Tear Trails
A/N- Sorry guys :(
Tuna melt
Sorry A/N


92 7 5
By EwinHuadHippo

Shadow's p.o.v

"What do you mean she's awake?" I gasp with a puzzled frown.

Jay sighs, tiredly. "I mean... She woke up. Bea woke up from her coma."

"Bu...but in the phone call-"

Jay cuts me off with another exasperated sigh. "Yes I know what it sounded like in the phone call. I tried to explain to River but the line suddenly went dead. I tried to call again and again but I couldn't get through."

I stare at him in shock.

Bea. She's okay.

I kept my promise.

After River had a screaming match with the nurse, she seemed to loose her fight and she passed out in my arms so the doctors took her for examination. Shit, I was more worried about her than anything in that one moment. Those doctors just left me, and whisked River way in a flurry. Luckily, they said it was from exhaustion and anxiety, and that she should be awake in few hours.

Bea's family heard the commotion and came outside to see what had happened. They all seemed so... normal.That's what confused me first. I expected them to have red rimmed eyes and look like borderline hysterical - I mean, their only daughter had just passed away. So I knew something was up.

"You can go and see her if you want, my parents and I are going down to talk to the doctor, they're going to tell us when Bea can leave the hospital." Jay offers, with a kind smile. I feel almost guilty at how kind he is being to me when it is partially my fault he and his family are here.

I fall out of my surprised daze and nod. "Yeah, I... I'll do that."

I turn to enter the room but then Jay stops me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

" Shadow. I'm sorry, you know, for the fights and everything." He lets go of me and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm sorry too." I simply shrug.

What else can I say? I can't thank him, we were both at fault. It wasn't purely me or him. And it was in the past, nothing we say or do will change that.

He smiles sheepishly, but I can still see the happiness in his face, now that Bea is awake. I wait until he walks back to the lift. Then I take a deep breath and enter the room.

Bea is sleeping on the bed, her face looks much more healthier; they probably gave her some solid food when she woke up. She looks... more alive. It is almost as if the will to live has given her some sort of power and energy. I smile at her slightly, I can't wait until River comes to see her. Maybe some of Bea's hope will transfer on to her, she needs it.

I collapse into the chair next to her bed and yawn tiredly, stretching my long limbs out. I haven't had any sleep for ages, what with the camping and long drives.

Suddenly, Bea stirs and her eyes flutter open. They dart around, bright and alert, bringing her to her senses. I can imagine that it is still odd for her to wake up in a hospital ward so often.

"Where is everyone?" She asks worriedly, clearly searching for her family.

"They went to see the doctor, don't worry, they'll be back soon." I reassure her. She seems to relax when I tell her, and she sighs in relief.

"Um... I recognise you, who are you?" She says with a perplexed expression. Ah, this will be hard to explain.

How exactly does one explain to a recently comatose girl that he is part of the reason she was in a coma in the first place, and that you have since her accident fallen in love with her best friend?


"Oh... Um.. I'm Shadow?" I say as more of a question than a fact. I shake my head, thinking. "Yeah- I'm Shadow."

"Oh, I know who you are..." And a small flicker of recognition registers on her face so I know she has clocked who I am.

"Hey, er...How are you feeling?" I ask kindly, if slightly awkwardly.

Bea smiles. "I'm tired. But happy to be awake." She shuffles around and sits up in the bed.

I stick my hand forward. "I never got to introduce myself properly... I know I just said but, I'm Shadow..."

God, I'm so awkward today.

She laughs and shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Bea. I'm pretty sure I won't forget a name like Shadow!"

I grin. "It's good to have you back. I suppose I don't know you that personally, but I know you're really special to River. She was a wreck when the accident happened. I did my best to support her, but I suppose... I'm just not you. "

Bea's eyes light up when I mention River, and I see true care for her in them. "Is she here, can I talk to her?"

I nod with a small smile. "I'll bring her to you when she wakes up...She's had a difficult day."

"Oh okay, thank you for bringing her here. I've missed her so much." She sighs and leans back into her pillow, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been fighting with your brother. If I had just stayed calm... you wouldn't be here like this. I suppose I f*cked up big time." I burst out, needing to say it. A sad smile grows on my face and I find it hard to look in her eyes knowing what I have done.

Bea shakes her head and frowns at me. "Don't blame yourself. It was a simple accident, and I shouldn't have tried to break up a fight between two guys. I mean, I'm tall but you guys are freaking giants and are definitely stronger than me! It was kinda stupid of me."

I instantly feel as if a huge weight had been lifted off my chest, like all the guilt for what had happened has gone away.

"By the way...I heard everything." Bea smirks, a cheeky expression growing on her face. She wiggles her eyebrows at me suggestively.

At first I'm confused, but then I remember...


"Bea. Hi. Um... Sorry you are like this I... yeah." I say scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. I guess I should just get the main part over.

"I'm in love with your best friend. And I don't know what to do. I doubt that you can hear me, but I feel as if you should know. River is not alone. I will be there for her. I trust her with all my heart, and though she may not tell me everything I hope she trusts me. I get mad, very mad and sometimes I don't know why. I think I've hurt her and I hope to God that I haven't lost her. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't here. She made me happy and all I have done is brought misery to her life. I can see why she was your best friend, who wouldn't want to be her friend? All my friends love her, she is a little sister to them now. I guess what I want to ask is... do I deserve her?"

*End of Flashback*

I gawk at her in surprise. "You heard everything?"

She nods, an amused smile on her face. "Everything. All the stuff River said when she came to visit, my parents, Jay... And then you."

I didn't think people actually heard what you were saying to them when they were in a coma. I thought that sort of thing only happened in books. But I guess Bea's an exception.

"Oh. So you know how I feel about River?" I say awkwardly.

She giggles. "Yep, I won't pretend to know you but I believe from what you said and the fact that you have been there for her while I couldn't - that you truly deserve her as much as she deserves everything she could possibly want or need. And I think she needs you." She says with real emotion. "And I totally ship you two so much! I am actually thinking of a couple name for you right now. Shriver? Ridow?" She laughs as I roll my eyes.

I wince as she lets out a high-pitched squeal. "Who thought River would go for a hottie like you? I thought she would always be the quiet, library geek boy type! "

I grimace. "That's the thing, she doesn't like me back." Maybe, I should become a nerd...

Bea waves a hand dismissively. "Oh I'm sure she does, you're just not trying hard enough. And I'm a relationships expert so don't go talking sh*t that she won't love you back."

I don't reply, lost for words. Who would have a reply for that?

"Ah wait...I need to warn you first." She says, her expression serious.

"About what?" I question, concerned.

"If you hurt my best friend in any way, I will come find you when you're sleeping, cut off your tiny dick and shove it down your throat. And then feed it to hedgehogs. While I play One Direction loudly in your ears..." She threatens.

I frown. "Hey! My dick isn't - "

I'm suddenly cut off my someone clearing their throat by the door.

It really isn't small.

"I'm not disturbing anything am I?" We both turn our heads to spot River standing by the door, she looks weak and there are dark circles under her eyes, but a small smile shows that she isn't broken yet.

"River!" Bea gasps, joy filling ever corner of her face.

River starts to cry again, and she rushes forward to hug Bea.

They both start to sob and I watch them in awe. It's obvious they have a very strong friendship together.

"I missed you so much, I thought you were gone. I thought you would never come back!" River stutters out, laughing with joy.

Bea smiles through her tears. "I always come back. I would never leave you. I'm too f*cking stubborn for that!"

I quietly get off my chair and creep out the room. They should have some time by themselves. They deserve it.

They both deserve so much.

River's p.o.v

Bea's back. Truly back.

I genuinely thought she was gone forever. That I had lost her to something no one could ever fight to get her back from. But it was all a misunderstanding, a stupid bloody misunderstanding. The phone call wasn't telling me she was dead, but alive and awake. Jay just couldn't get through to me. It was a just a stupid mistake.

Everything feels so different now. I can't explain it, but it's like all the bad memories from these past months have disappeared - it was almost as if I had been carrying Bea's lifeless body with me. Everything is so bright and happy all of a sudden. Its like when the TV colour is too bright, but it feels and looks fresh and new.

"How can you not like Starbucks coffee?" Shadow says incredulously, as he raises the cup to his mouth. I'm glad he's here with me, not letting me get too giddy, anchoring me.

I shrug. "I just hate the smell, and it tastes so bitter - I like my coffee sweet and milky and you just can't get Starbucks like that no matter how much milk or sugar you put in. I'm just gonna stick with hot chocolate."

Shadow gives me a weird look. "Strange girl." He mutters quietly into his cup.

"Hey! I heard that!" I exclaim. "Your'e the one called Shadow and you're calling me strange?"

Shadow laughs, almost spluttering out his drink. "So, do we need to get anything for Bea?"

I shake my head. "She's fallen asleep again. Her mum said that she'll be doing that alot for the next few days."

It was kinda scary actually. Bea thought she wouldn't wake up if she slept again. I had to sit there for an hour just trying to reassure her - even when I have the exact same fears of her never waking up again.

Shadow smiles sadly. "I'm sure she'll be okay soon. It's probably really hard for her, I can't imagine what it's like being in a coma."

I nod. "What were you doing while I was in the ward? You weren't in the waiting room were you, I was with Bea for over three hours."

He shakes his head. "No, I went home for a bit, and then went to see Will and Alec. They just got back a while ago. Oh, and I brought some of your stuff, it's in my car. I thought you might want to wear your own clothes. That hospital gown looks uncomfortable." He gestures towards the blue and white gown that's at least two sizes big for me.

I look down disgustedly at it. Its made of that nasty starchy material that makes you itch all over and makes me feel like I've been tagged and captured as a patient. "I don't even remember putting this on."

"They must of put it on you when you passed out last night." Shadow explains.

I inwardly groan when the memories of yesterday flood back to me. "I can't believe I was like that. I almost feel embarrassed at how crazy I was being. I was screaming and shouting for no reason. If I knew she was awake, I wouldn't have panicked like that."

Shadow pats my hand sympathetically. "Well it's not your fault so don't worry about it. You were borderline hysterical so I suppose you didn't know what you were doing. It was actually quite funny to be honest. You were so close to karate kicking that frumpy nurse!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty good at karate." I joke, going into a mock attacking pose, arms raised.

"Like a hot ninja." Shadow mumbles, an odd look in his eyes.

"What?" I say, my eyes wide, laughing slightly at his reaction.

"What?" He mirrors my response. I have a feeling he's doing it on purpose, avoiding something.

"You said-"

"Oh look, there's Alec at the reception desk. Let's go." He cuts me off, quickly getting out of his seat and heading towards Alec, striding quickly away.

I roll my eyes and follow him, almost having to jog to keep up with the fast long strides.

Really? A hot ninja?

Shadow's p.o.v

"Hey. I've been looking for you." Alec says when we reach him. He's twirling his car keys around in his hand, making an irritating clattering noise that sounds out amongst the hustle and bustle of the hospital.

I'm slightly annoyed about my slip up that just happened with River, I shouldn't have said that. She's probably really confused now. Or maybe...

"What's wrong?" I ask Alec. I don't remember him saying he was going to come to the hospital. "And where's Will?" It really isn't hard to miss the absence of Will.

He shrugs. "I think he's with that chick we met in Costa last week - the hot one with green eyes. Or maybe she had blue... Anyway, nothing's wrong, just bored. I was meant to be meeting this girl Becca but she called it off for some unknown reason. I though I'd come and see you and River. Something entertaining always happens when we're together!"

River chuckles, tucking a strand of her perfect hair behind one ear. "That's true. Like the sleeping bags or the flour and water at school. Or the chair-lift incident. "

I groan. "Oh, don't remind me. That was torture! I will never see Starbursts as innocent little sweets ever again - We could have died."

They both burst out in laughter and I can't help but allow a small smile appear on my face at their giggles.

"So, how's your friend River?" Alec questions her, sounding slightly more serious and less jokey.

River grins and I can see how much lighter she is since Bea woke up. "She's... so much better. I guess Shadow told you about Bea waking up and everything."

Alec nods. "Yep. I'm happy for you. So when do you think Bea'll be out of hospital? Hopefully soon?"

River bites her lip in thought. "I'm not sure yet. Her mum told me it'll be a few weeks 'cause they need to keep her in for observation and to be a hundred percent sure she's okay. But nothing to worry too much about."

I place my hands in my pockets and lean against the wall, yawning. "I'm bored. Lets go and see if Bea's awake yet. It'll be good to introduce her to you Alec."

Alec agrees. "Yeah, we should play a game or something. It must be so dull being stuck in the small hospital bed for months!"

I roll my eyes. "She does have a TV in there you know, and River and her family visit all of the time. She doesn't just lie there doing nothing."

He chuckles. "But I'm sure she would rather have some time with her best friends right now."

River frowns in confusion, shaking her head. "She only has one best friend."

Alec shakes his head. "No she doesn't...Shadow, Will, and I count as well. We are now also her official 'BFF's'!" He says squealing like a fangirl on crack.

I nudge him on the shoulder, sighing at his hyper attitude. "Dude, You haven't even met her before."

He thinks for a few seconds before replying. "Well, any friend of River's is a friend of mine right? And I feel like I should have more friends that are girls. Oh, and that I haven't f*cked." He says as if just remembering his man-whore-ness.

River chortles. "Okay, I'm sure Bea will get on fine with you. But I'm telling you now, she's very outspoken and blunt, so be careful what you say around her. I'm not wiping away your tears if she hurts your ego."

Alec crosses his arms. "Don't worry, I get on with everyone! And my ego is invincible!"

I shake my head at him as we start heading towards the lift. "Whatever you say, Alec."

River clasps her hands together. "So what are we going to with Bea? We can't make too much noise since we're in a hospital."

"How about truth or dare?" I offer. That's the one game that you can't refuse to play. Its addictive.

River smiles. "Truth or dare it is."

Lets just hope the subject of crushes doesn't come up.


Hey everyone!!!

We finally updated after ages! It took us so long to write this chapter because this week has been so busy...

But the good news is that we have one more week of school and then a ten day holiday..and hopefully there'll be quicker updates by then ;-)

Please vote and comment!

EwinHuadHippo xxx

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