Toughest Battle

Bởi TierraMarcel

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Azalea Moore - When they say a mother job is never done, they was telling the truth. Did Azalea Moore make a... Xem Thêm



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Bởi TierraMarcel

Monday, May 29th / 11:30


It's been over an month since Zack brother was killed he couldn't put a finger on it but he had people working over time. He wanted any information that was close enough to his brother in that time frame. He was now working on getting the cameras out that red light but that was taking so much money and time but he needed it that bad.

He put his brother to rest ten days after him getting killed the G way he had on all black, had him put in a wall and had his big brother come see his little brother for the last time & for only ten minutes. He couldn't thank Lucky enough she been his go to for everything like she been his back bone through it all. He couldn't call her friend no more but she kept saying she didn't want no more useless tittles.

"Okay." Lucky voice made Zack jump out of deep thoughts, they was in his house and he been waiting for her to get dressed for an hour. "What about this ?"

"I like it just like I liked the other 10 outfits." He stood up and went towards her kissing her lips. "Please lets go." He said inside the kiss and she nodded her head telling him let's go.

Lucky took a few pictures for IG later, once she liked at least one she got her bag and walked out the door her man had open for her. It was May and the sun was out & she was loving how it hit her skin so pretty. Zack opened the door to his Hellcat SRT & she got in putting her sunglasses & seatbelt on.

"How are you feeling ? Where are we going ?" She asked soon as he pulled off heading towards the highway. "Talk to your mom ?"

"I'm feeling how I been feeling kinda sad kinda depressed. I was talking to her while you was changing she enjoying your get away. You can also still hear the hurt in her voice but she trying to find happiness."

"I can say you are coming far from last week staying in the room all day. I'm so sorry you have to or had to go through any thing like that."

"Yea I guess so." He throwing his shoulders up and down. "I'm sorry for whoever did it honestly like what he do ? Nothing at all I just can't understand. I'm putting so much money into finding the pussy. They took my other half left me out here alone."

"I'll continue to pray for you every night and you have me along the way. I loved your brother like he was a little brother."

"I know I have you like I really thank you for it all. I never been out & about with anything female you really one of a kind. You really tried to get him on that flight but god had other plans."

"He did and hopefully one day you will know his plans. Again what are we doing today ?"

"Whatever you wanna do ? Until we meet up with your mother later on."

"It don't matter first I want Starbucks and it's whatever after."

He said okay asking her was it okay that he cut his music back up. He let lil baby songs play through the car ride he got her her Starbucks and next was his business partner house. He was slowly starting to trust Lucky so he didn't mind taking her places.

They was meeting up with her mother later on because everybody was dying to know the new man in her life. Only Lucky friends knew about Zack and a few others Zack mother already loved Lucky so he was okay with meeting whoever he wasn't leaving her alone what so ever.


"Fix your face you walk around all day looking mad at the world." Maya said rolling her eyes at Ye' he been in this shitty ass mood for a week and it was killing her. "Look around you should be happy."

She watched him sit down on the couch and just look at her like he wanted her to try him. She been trying to get her life together that she try not to feed into him.

"Your daughter having her summer photo shoot and you face is just like you don't care." She shook her head getting up walking to the kitchen to get a cold bottle of water for the women taking Mezzy pictures outside in their backyard. She looked at him one last time because shaking her head walking off.

When Mezzy seen Maya come back she start laughing and smiling so big she loved Maya. "Oh mommy gotta make you smile huh ?" The lady said and was taking all the cute pictures to her smiling. Maya always told people she was just the step mom but she didn't have time to keep telling this lady the same thing.

"Hi mommy you look so pretty." Maya said in her baby talk smiling and clapping her hands together she was smiling back so hard. "You look so pretty mommy."

"Thanks mom we got some really dope shoots." Maya went over to the lady laptop and seen how pretty everything came out. "She's really good at this."

"Thank you so much for coming out so last minute."

Maya help the lady clean up whole baby girl was playing with everything around her. Once the lady was paid and gone Maya went to get Mezzy and went into the house. "Juice ?" Mezzy just looked at her and yet smiled again. "Apple juice it is."

Mezzy was a little behind with talking but her doctor told them dont really worry until she's two. Mezzy wouldn't say one world unless she was cold and wanted some cover on her she would yell but other than that no talking from her for to be one and some months.

They moved around the kitchen as Maya got Mezzy everything she needed after her juice she was getting wiped down for her nap. Once she was sound asleep on her back in her own crib she went to find Ye'.

She walked around the whole house and he was gone she shook her head and went to her office. She opened her laptop and start looking for herself a apartment that was near by she was about to move she couldn't take no more.

That took about an hour because she was now picky she was now use to living a way. She closed her laptop when Nay called and asked her to come out for a quick lunch date. She said okay and called Ye'Von to see if she could get Mezzy she didn't pick up, she the called her other grandma she didn't pick up. Maya had a life to and Ye' kept leaving her to babysit but always told her not to take his daughter anywhere without him. She then called Ye' over and over he didn't pick so she had no other choice but to her Mezzy mother.


"She so pretty." Zack said to Lucky as they was playing on his living room floor. "She look just like your son."

When Lucky got that phone call she didn't care about nobody else she stopped and met Maya to get her daughter. She didn't know what Ye' was doing and she didn't care she was loving this time with her little daughter.

"Say thank you Pooh, say thank you." Lucky said standing her up kissing on her face. "Say my mother won this fight."

Zack laughed but was more so into his cell phone his main man said he might got some information on his brother killing and wanted to meet soon. Zack said he was free now so where to meet him at. He start putting back on his shoes as he was waiting on a the next time.

He went into his master bedroom to look over his outfit he always wanted to look like something when he went outside. He didn't like how the neck of his shirt look so he quickly changed his whole outfit. He didn't put on anything fashionable just a white tshirt and some gucci pants with some all whites.

He walked back into the living seeing the two still playing with toys and watching tv. He  unlocked his phone and seen an adress but also was told to wait an hour before coming.

He went into the kitchen and start looking for something healthy to eat because he felt like he was getting big. He pulled his shirt up and looked at his stomach seeing if he was getting big.

He pulled his shirt down fast when he start hearing laugher. Lucky was laughing with her daughter on her hip so she was laughing too. "What the hell was you just doing ?"

"I feel like I'm getting big I can't have that need to get back into the gym."

"You not getting big."

"Hopefully." He pulled out some different foods to make him a nice salad real quick. "I'm about to start back eating right and everything."

"Where you going ?"

"To meet my man he got some information for me."

"You had to change your whole outfit to meet your friend ?"

"I changed my outfit because the neck was hanging and you know I hate that."

"You changed your whole outfit not just the top."

"So ?"

"That's weird to me but whatever." She rolled her eyes and walked out the kitchen Zack didn't say anything because he hate pointless arguments. Once he had his bottle of water he didn't care to be in the house any longer. He kissed her forehead and left after locking them up in the house.

Two hours as passed and Lucky couldn't sleep no longer because her phone wouldn't stop ringing. With Mezzy on her chest she used her free left hand feeling around for her iPhone. Once she got her hands on it it started ringing again with an unknown number.


"Drop my fucking daughter off now nobody told you to take her anywhere & not call me."

"Hold up. Your wife called me & asked can I get her and of course I said yes. I'm not the one you should be so upset with."

"I don't care. You not home so where are you with my daughter? You shouldn't have took her you know the rules you see her with she's with my mom or yours."

Lucky tried to keep her laughter In because his wife most really be done with him she seen Zack with her and she nicely minded her business. Maya didn't tell him anything but his daughter with her mother and she's out drinking goodbye."

"We can meet I'll drop her off to you."

"Where the fuck are YOU ? Bitch I can't even come near you bitch you got a stay away order out on me hot bitch."

"Well I'll take her to my mom house & you get her from there. Anything else ?"

"Leave out NOW !"

"She's asleep so give us an hour I still need time to get to my mom house."

"Bit-" Lucky nicely hung to her phone and rubbed through her baby long hair and just enjoyed this time alone. Lucky was now at the point where she didn't care for Ye' he always made her life hell so he won this fight she was tired.

She got up and got them both dressed to leave out and meet him at her moms house. Once they got there his car was parked and she rolled her eyes never wanting to see his ugly ass again.

She opened the door and seen her mom and him sitting down in the living room talking. Lucky didn't say anything she bend down gave Mezzy a kiss. "I love you so much." And headed back for the door again she had a stay away order out on him and the way he was set up he would tell somebody I came to him and I didn't. Her mother was yelling wait but she didn't she walked until she got to her jeep and locked the door.

She send her mother a text message explaining why she dropped her daughter off and left. Her mom text and just said leave because he's coming out and she was right he must had put Mezzy in the car or left her with my mother because his crazy ass was knocking on my window.

"What do you want ?" I asked never rolling down the window. "You have what you wanted now leave me alone."

"Bitch I'll kill you."

"Okay like you did your ex ? Got it."

"For even putting police in our damn business you told them bitches my real name and real address. I'll never have no respect for you and I'll keep making your life hell."

"What you wanted me to do sit around while you make the women who gave you your first child life hell ? While a young dumb bitch sit around happy ? No fuck both of y'all."

"Bitch you was making my life hell too or at least trying. Bitch you told my wife at my wedding we was still having sex like what ? Bitch you are embarrassing."

"I don't care fuck you forever." I started my jeep up and he start hitting the windows going crazy. "Leave me alone."

I pulled off and he went to get into his car following behind me I kept making the same right turn and so did he so at this point I didn't feel safe so I called my boyfriend.

"If you're upset I'm sorry L"

"No ! It's okay Ye' is following behind me and I don't feel no longer safe.

"Why is he following you ?" Zack picked how keys up and left his friend house he didn't even get no information about his brother yet but he had to go. "Why is he following you ??"

"I went to drop baby off at my mom house and he was there I left and he came to my window saying all this shit. I started my car up to leave and he still following me."'I looked in my mirror still seeing how car. "He's crazy."

"So am I meet me at your house."


"Stay on the phone I'm five minutes away so drive slow I want to be there when y'all pull up."

I started to drive slow and Ye' was calling on the other line I told Zack hold on and picked up. "Ye' why are you following me ?"

"I'm not done talking you making life hard for yourself." He said calmly. "We gotta deal with each other for a long time two kids are involved so I think you should just stop."

"I think you should just stop following me. One you cant even be around me so one phone call will put you in jail."

"One phone call will have your kids motherless now act normal bitch."

Lucky didn't say anything back to him because she seen Zack car so she pulled right behind him and they all got out their cars together. "Lucky you good ?" Zack asked looking at Ye."

"You called your boyfriend ?" Ye' asked laughing. "Bitch you was better off calling the police on me."

"Or you can just leave some alone."

"Or I can't. When he leave you alone you still going to have to deal with me Lucky are you dumb ?"

"I'm not with no talking I'm so much on man time, I understand yall going through yall thing but what can I do so she won't feel unsafe dealing with you ?"

Ye' just looked at him talking in what he said. "We know each other well, your older brother mad cool with me. Dealing with my baby mother should've been off limits so we don't have anything to talk about."

"Who said we didn't know each other ? I didn't know who her kids father was first. When I didn't find out I wasn't leaving her alone so again what can I do ?"

"Man how are you with a women who put her kids last ?"

"Always got her son, go running when her mother got her daughter."

"Always got her son ?"

"When he's not with his dad or you she got him how are you mad with that when y'all let him pick freely who he want to be with ? It's seven days in a week."

"And he with her for what ? Three ?"

"Leaving two other people with four so he still pick her like what's really the problem?"

"She's the problem and always will be long ass shes alive."

"Huh ?" Zack walked up towards him. "What you say ?"

"Nigga you can fucking hear me. I can be cool or y'all fucking nightmare."

"Do what you gotta do. You know where I be and where I'm from. Fuck your talking about pussy."


Ye' took that time to walk off and get back in his car to leave and now Zack felt like it was game time. He still wanted to find out who killed his brother but looking at Ye' ring he think he already know who did so know he wanted blood with him and everybody else.


Two weeks later ⚾️

Ryan had his first baseball today so everybody who could make it came out for him. Lucky was that mom who didn't care she was there yelling him on letting him know he was doing a good job. This was the first time everybody seen R.J around and of course nobody liked him still they can forget but can't forgive he put they friend and family through hell.

"He going good as hell. Making god mommy so proud." Cardi clapped her hands with her long nails everywhere. "GO BABY !"

"He's not even playing right now." R.J said making everybody laugh. "Are we watching the same game ?"

"Pissy I know you not talking to me I'm only standing this close to you because my god som." Cardi rolled her eyes. "So act like you know."

"I don't care never did never will."

"Ite YALL." M's said taking her sunglasses down. "Nobody like R.J but his son he know that and I'm happy he do."

"Ye' not coming ?" Lucky shook her head no because she didn't tell him a thing since the last run in they had. "Why he Ryan biggest fan."

"She petty and didn't tell him." R.J said. "Me and him don't see eye to eye but for little man we good."

"Now Lucky we don't do people how they do us you know Ryan would've wanted them both here." M's pulled out her phone sending Ye' a text she was a team player and what Lucky was doing was wrong.

Lucky wanted to tell people around her what they was really going through but she didn't. She really didn't tell them shit that's why they thought she was being petty when she was being safe about it all. She didn't care no more because she hated that man and nothing will make her like him again.

The game went on for about another 30 minutes until everybody heard Ryan yelling "Daddy you made it." When Ye' and Maya walked up almost everybody said awww and Ye' went to give him a hug running his hair all wild and crazy.

Ye' came and said wassup to everybody but Lucky but she didn't care Maya said hello to everybody and came everybody a side hug. "Happy YALL could make it." M's said. "He's so happy both of his dads are here."

"I wish I could've been here when it started but it's cool." The shade went on and everybody was just like get back together already but everybody knew that wouldn't happen. "We should all go have lunch when this over."

"Yeah count me and my son out of that." Lucky said getting all her things together because the game was almost over and Ryan team was about to win. "Y'all can go but we not."

"There she go making the day about her." Ye' said laughing. "Like damn can a nigga catch a break. You don't even give R.J this much of a problem why me ?"

"One I'm about to have this conversation with you or here two R.J stay out my way and only come in my way if it's about Ryan."

"Little man don't even call me dad or daddy so I stay out her way to make things right for him." R.J said not wanting to get in the middle of what they got going on. "I did her wrong so much I won't even want to be in her space."

"Thank you." Cardi said clapping her hands at him and everybody else. "Did her wrong as fuck and she still want you around this bitch a good women fuck whoever talking otherwise."

"Can we go have dinner on me or what ?"

"I said NO ! what you not getting ? That's why I didn't want you here."

"Girl fuck you."

Lucky put her sunglasses on and walked away they wasn't going no where with him and that was that. Once she got Ryan and gave him so many high fives and hugs he went to see everybody else.

"You did good out there son keep up the good work."

"Thanks R.J nice outfit my man." He laughed and said thank you. "Where Ri ?"

"She's home she don't feel good so she didn't come you'll see her when you come over."

"Cool." He looked around at everybody he was up in Ye' arms. "Everybody here I wanted to be here but GG and Ma."

"They out of town but you know they would've been here." Ye' said. "Wanna go out to eat with everybody ?" He nodded and said yes.

Trying to make a come back 😭🥺 it's BEEN MONTHS SINCE I OPENED THIS BOOK TO WORK ON IT SORRY.

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