Unknown War

By Heyarandomstuffs

3.1K 138 36

In this book there is two kingdoms the star sanes and bad sanses. The ship kids hate the fact that they gave... More

chapter ²
chapter ³
chapter ⁴
chapter ⁵
chapter ⁶
chapter ⁷
chapter ⁸
chapter ⁹
chapter ¹⁰
chapter ¹¹
chapter ¹²
chapter ¹³
chapter ¹⁴
Chapter ¹5
chapter 1⁶
chapter ¹7
chapter 1⁸

chapter ¹

244 8 2
By Heyarandomstuffs

"GRADIENT" my father yells for me. I give up on keeping my brothers from fighting and hurry to the thrown room where my father usually is.

"Y-yes f-father" I studded walking into the throne room.

He stood up and walked over to me. "Stand up straight and don't studder if you want to become a proper king" he said sternly.

"Yes father" I whisper.

"Speak up, and aren't you supposed to be at you class" he said facing the big window.

"But, father didn't you c-call me for something" I say fiddling my fingers.

"Yes, to see if you were in you class" he said looking at the sky.

I bit my 'lip?' still fiddling with my fingers.

"Sometimes I think paperjam would be a better ruler than you" he growls sternly.

I couldn't feel tears start to prick a the corners of my sockets.

I heard the thrown room door opens. "In-" dream starts but cuts himself when he seen me.

"Gradient you are excused" father said going over to sit on his throne again.

I walk out of the room and as soon as the door closes I start running down the hall towards my room.

I pass my brothers who were still fighting. It seems only blueprint noticed me run.

"Grad why you running" Blueprint yelled to me tone full of concern.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine" I yell back lying.

I continue run to my room. After a few minutes I was stopping.

"Gradient your lying" blueprint said pulling me by my sleeves to stop.

"How the flip are you so fast" I ask trying to catch my breath.

He raises a bone brow probably thinking really.

I face palm remembering he's going to be the next general and trains extra with his dad blue.

"Now tell me why your running away from the throne room, what did father say to you" he asked very concerned for me.

Blueprint is so sweet and kind, yet so so strong and overlooked.

Actually when Pj and myself train in sword fighting because were supposed to practice sword fighting. Well blue had to attend to somthing leaving blueprint to sword fight with us because he was already really really good at it. And we did a 2 v 1 and he won with not even a scratch so he will be an amazing general for the castle.

"Its nothing I-" I try to answer.

"Liar" blueprint said sternly finally letting go of my arm. "I know you're lying because ink is a curl lying bastard."

I bit my 'lip?' thinking "alright let's go to my room."

Blueprint nods and we continue walking to my room.

I get to my room closing the door. "What did he say" blueprint asked.

"Well he called me to the throne room to see if I was in my class that was canceled, he was says the usual stand up straight, speaking up, no studdering" I answered sitting on my bed.

"He said something else I seen you were about to cry when you ran out of the thrown room" blueprint said writing in a small note book he usually carries around.

"Do you think paperjam would be a better king" I ask hugging my pillow looking out the window.

"Gradient you will be an amazing king, paperjam can't even go a minute without fighting with palette, and your so nice to people and you know what's far for the people" blueprint smiles sitting next to me.

"No, your the nice one" I say as blueprint stands up continuing to write in his notebook.

"I'm supposed to be the one comforting you" blueprint giggled.

"I dont understand how you don't have a lover yet, your nice, strong, confident, smart-" I said aloud.

"Ya right border boy" he smiles ripping out the page.

"Shush, your the only one who figured it out" I say standing up.

"I only figured it out a week ago" blueprint said quietly put the note book in his small bag. "Lapis~."

Blueprints spirt animal appeared next to him. He attended a small piece of paper to his coller. "Give this to goth good girl" he said opening the door. "Your late to your meeting with him, and tell him I said hi" blueprint exclaims walking out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Oh shit" I swore grabbing my bag and opening the doors on my balcony.

I jump over the railing grabbing one of the vines and slid down.

Once my feet touch the grass I start running towards the forest 'I'm late again' kept going through my mind.

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