Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader...

By lndlover

533K 12.3K 3.2K

See title More

Another one
Prompts contiued
Somebody Else
Mother dearest (daughter!reader)
This seat taken?
Movie night
Since when?
Thats my shirt
She'll kill me
A bitter Goodbye
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me
Thank you, and goodnight
Mothers of 7
We'll meet again
My Way
Til Death Do Us Part
Til death do us part (ending 2)
3 am
Story updates
Early Mornings
Back Home
Because of You
Parents' Visit
Band Double Date
Pillow Forts
Coffee Talk
Old Friend
A Rookie Mistake
Of Tops and Bottoms
A Steady Breath
Make You Love Me
Disapointment pt.2
Unreqited pt.2
Dinosaurs fell in love
Hymn for the missing
Striking out
Series announcement
Smoke and Mirrors
Quick announcement
A New Reality
My mother's friend
Curiosity killed the Cat
Our Friend Mari
Not His
Her Highness
Can't Let Go Annoncement
Fingers crossed
Sleeping Beauty
Gonna be okay
By Your Side

Lie to me

15.8K 323 215
By lndlover

A/N: all of my story ideas come to me with songs I swear bro

Warnings: angst

Song: Lie to me (feat. Julia Michaels) - 5sos

I saw you looking brand new overnight
And I caught you looking too, but you didn't look twice

Gripping the drink in your hand a bit tighter you did your best not to scowl at the harsh liquid that had become a close friend over the past month. You were at a party, after all, you should be enjoying yourself.

Looking up at the crowd your eyes locked onto the reason you couldn't exactly enjoy yourself.

You look happy,
You look happy

Her smile brighter up the room and you couldn't help the flutter that your heart gave at the sight of it. The flutter soon turned into an ache as you looked at the man who had to cause her to smile in such a way.

She threw her head back giving a gleeful laugh at something Bruce had said to her. God, how you wished you could hear that laugh again. The crowd made sure the sound was drowned out causing your ears to strain to try and hear the sound once more.

You knew it was no use however, she was clear across the room and sadly, super hearing was not one of your powers.

Still, you couldn't help trying to conjure up the memory of said sound. Conjuring up at a time when you used to cause her to laugh like that.

Flashing back to New York City
Change your flight so you stay with me

Remember thinking that I got this right

You tore your eyes away from the new happy couple and looked into the glass in front of you. It had only been a month since she had broken things off with you.

Seeing as she and Bruce were acting as if they had been together for quite some time now, you could only assume they had started their relationship well before you and Natasha had ended yours.

This small bought of knowledge stung more than the drink that you were currently attempting to drown in one go.

With a loud sigh, you placed the glass down on the bar and pushed yourself away from it.

And now I wish we never met
'Cause you're too hard to forget

You weren't in the mood for a party. Truth be told you would much rather be off in the gym taking your anger out on some poor punching bag. Or better yet, you could be in your room right now drowning in your own self-pity.

Sticking to the edges of the crowd you decided to do your best and mingle with some of the people there. That was the only reason Tony had convinced you to come, just to keep up appearances.

You were reluctant at first but it wouldn't look very good if all Avengers weren't present and accounted for at a party that's purpose was to try and convince investors in aiding the program.

Honestly, you couldn't care less about what investors thought. It was what your teammates thought that was really nagging at you.

Your pride refused to let you wallow around when Natasha had up and completely moved on from you.

You would not be seen as weak to the others.

While I'm cleaning up your mess
I know he's taking off your dress

You found yourself glancing back over at Nat and Bruce, finding that Nat was practically hanging off his arm. You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. If you didn't know any better you would say she was doing it just to get under your skin.

Then again, maybe you didn't know better.

"Quite the show they're making hmm?" A female voice tore you from your thoughts. With a sigh, you shook your head and looked over at Wanda.

"The happy couple seems very smug to be here." Your words came out harsher than intended. "Let me guess, if I had laser vision they both would have been dead." You attempted at a joke.

"They would be burnt to a crisp." She chuckled and took your arm, gently pulling you further into the crowd. You raised your eyebrow at your friend but allowed her to lead you.

"You, need to stop thinking about them. I'm not even reading your mind and I can still hear you practically screaming at them." She said as you reached your destination. She opened the balcony doors and let go of your arms before walking over to the railing.

"Can you blame me?" You asked in a quiet voice as you walked over to join her.

And I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me

"Not at all." She said simply as she looked out over the city. A comfortable silence settled over the two of you with only the muffled chatter of the guests inside and the sounds of the traffic below filling the air.

"Do you think she ever really cared about me?" You asked after a few minutes, proud of how steady your voice came out. Sensing you had more to say, Wanda merely glanced at you.

"I mean, you've seen her with Bruce. It's only been like what, a month? And they're already in there all over each other." You swallowed the lump that was developing in your throat. "I mean God! It took me a year to even get a real smile out of her!"

Wanda reached over and placed a comforting hand on your back, causing you to tense momentarily. "Natasha...Natasha has always been a complicated person to read. Even with my powers, she has remained an enigma to me."

A deep sigh escaped you as you tried your best to hold on the tears pricking your eyes. "I can't explain why she did what she did and is doing what she's doing but I can tell you one thing for sure Y/N." The firmness in her tone caused your eyes to meet hers.

"You don't deserve any of this kind of treatment. You did nothing wrong." You closed your eyes and took a deep, shaky breath before silently turning to her and opening your arms.

Wanda didn't need any more prompting and walked into your arms before wrapping her arms around you in a tight and secure hug.

You held onto her as if you would crumble if you didn't.

I hope you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me

Nat had been watching you all night and seeing you walk off with Wanda sparked her interest. She looked at Bruce and the others she was talking to before quietly excusing herself and walking off to the bar.

After ordering herself some of the strongest Vodka they had she subtly followed the path she had seen you and Wanda take a few minutes before.

She didn't know why she was seeking you out, if anything she should have turned around and walked back to Bruce.

But seeing you with Wanda just didn't sit well with her.

She needed to see what the two of you were doing.

It's 3 AM and the moonlight's testing me
I know that you've been holding on to someone else

When her eyes landed on you in Wanda's arms a tinge of anger flared in her. She knew it wasn't justified but seeing you in another's arms would have sent her into a rage if she wasn't in such a public area.

Taking a deep breath and a long sip of her drink she fought the urge to march over and rip you from Wanda's arms.

She knew it wouldn't end well especially because she was in no way justified in doing so. So instead she went for the next best thing.

And now I can't sleep
I ain't happy,
I ain't too happy

She walked back over to Bruce and the others.

"You alright Nat?" Bruce asked her softly causing her to look at him and give him a sweet smile. "Just fine Banner." Her response came to her all too easily.

He gave her a slightly skeptical look before deciding to leave it alone and turning back to his conversation with some other scientists.

Nat really couldn't find anything interesting about the conversation. So instead, she let her eyes roam over the crowd.

She was looking for something. For what she couldn't exactly say.

That was until she saw it. You and Wanda had returned to the crowd and were now talking to Sam and Bucky. You were in noticeably better spirts.

She couldn't help the soft smirk that rose to her face before she leaned up in Bruce's ear that damn near turned the poor man the color of a tomato.

"If you'd excuse us," Natasha said to the other scientists with a playful smirk before she pulled Bruce away from them and towards the elevator.

Sadly, you were standing in an area that would cause her to have to pass you. Well sadly for you at least. Nat on the other hand wanted to make a show of this.

Her satisfaction didn't come, however. She couldn't decide if it was because of the heated glares she gained from Sam, Bucky, and Wanda or if it was the look of pure hurt that you held in your eyes as she passed.

Whatever it was, it only made her angrier and the second the elevator doors closed, she crashed her lips onto Banners.

Flashing back to New York City
I was done, but you undid me

Classic me to run when it feels right

You looked down at the floor as you heard Sam sigh. "I didn't know Romanoff was such a bitch." He remarked earning a sharp elbow to his side from Bucky.

"What? I mean did you see that shit? She was obviously doing it to taunt Y/N and I for one am not standing for it." He defended himself. Bucky was also beyond upset at seeing what Nat had done. You had become like a little sister to him and it was taking everything in him not to go and give Natasha a piece of his mind.

He didn't for your sake though, knowing you would never approve seeing as you wanted nothing more than for Nat to be happy.

"Just leave it guys," you said brokenly. "If he makes her happier than who are any of us to stand in their way?" You finally looked up at them trying to put on a brave face. The unshed tears in your eyes gave you away.

Before any of them could say anything you stepped away. "Excuse me." You said quickly before going to the elevator.

Now I wish we never met
'Cause you're too hard to forget

You quickly got in and told FRIDAY to take you to your floor which, regrettably, was also Nat's floor.

All you could do was pray that she was merciful and went to Bruce's instead.

You knew better though. You knew that if she was going to hurt you, then she was going to do everything she could to make sure it left lasting scars.

Sure enough, as you walked past her room you could hear the heavy breathing as soft moans being emitted from both parties.

Your fist balled together, embedding your nails deep into your palms.

Closing your eyes tight you took a deep breath and pushed onto your room. Although tears threatened to fall, you silently promised yourself that you wouldn't let them.

You had already speared her enough of them.

While he's taking off my dress
I know she's laying on your chest

Nat and Bruce moved quickly in their effort to tear each other's clothes off. There was no love in the actions and Nat couldn't help but think about all the times you had been together.

Even when you were rough with her your touches and caresses were always loving. You knew just what to say or do to have her pawing at your lap. The soft kisses paired with the bites and marks you would leave on her would drive her crazy.

You knew how to make her feel like the most important person in the world. Sex with you was always special, it was always perfect.

This was not the case with Bruce. That wasn't to say he was doing a bad job, he just wasn't you.

And that fact drove Natasha even crazier.

I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me
I hope you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me

You sighed as you double checked that you had packed everything.

It had been a few weeks after the party and you just couldn't take it anymore. It seemed like whenever you were in the same room with Nat and Bruce, Nat would go out of her way to rub it in your face that you and she were no longer together.

You made an effort to ignore her but you could only take so much. You soon decided that enough was enough and had a long talk with Steve and Fury.

You were transferring. Fury had offered to transfer you overseas to the London branch but you wanted to stay semi-close to home just in case the Avengers ever needed you again.

Really it was just that apart of you couldn't let go of them, or Natasha.

"You sure about this L/N?" Fury asked. "You won't see them very much anymore and you'll be taking on a much larger workload."

Honestly, the idea of more work was a very welcome distraction. It would help you ease the pain or at the very least ignore it until you were fully ready to move one.

Whenever that would be.

"I'm sure Fury." You said giving a small nod to the two men. Steve of course expressed that he was sad to see you go and that you would always have a place with the Avengers.

That was about two weeks ago. You had personally told everyone that you were leaving. Well, everyone except Natasha and Bruce. You didn't think you could stomach a conversation with either of them.

Everyone expressed their sadness to see you go, especially Bucky and Wanda. It hurt the most to tell them you were leaving and you would stay in a heartbeat if they told you to.

But they didn't. They knew just as much as you did that this was the right thing to do. Staying in the tower with Nat was turning out to be horrible for your mental state and moral. You had to getaway.

Singing, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie
Li-li-lie, lie, lie, lie, lie

Suddenly the door to your room was thrown open. You didn't even have to turn to see who it was.

"You're leaving!?" She was angry.

"FRIDAY," you sighed, your back still to the furious redhead. "I thought I told you not to let her in."

"I'm sorry miss, she over rid my system."

Of course, she did, you groaned internally. You slowly stood a bit taller and turned to the woman in question. "Yes."

"And you didn't tell me?" She was clearly fuming at the very thought of you about to slip away without telling her.

"I don't see why you care." You scoffed as you turned back to make sure everything had been packed up. You really didn't have all that much to pack up. It was in your nature to be ready to move at a moment's notice, even in a place you planned on permanently calling your home.

"Of course I care Y/N. You told everyone else that you were leaving and I had to find out from some of the trainees during today's session." She said as she crossed her arms tightly over her chest.

You simply shrugged and zipped up your bag before picking it up off the floor. "I'm not going to stay here if you're going to continue to make my life a living hell Natalia."

She flinched at the use of her name. Her eyes flicked to you in shock and a bit of hurt. When you turned to meet the sight you let out a cynical laugh and shook your head.

"Oh don't look so surprised. You break up with me and then in a matter of days you get with Bruce," you were struggling to keep your voice steady and low. Not once had you ever raised your voice at her and even now you weren't about to start.

"I was going to let it go because you looked happy. Happier than I ever made you." Your shoulders sagged a bit at the words and you looked to the floor.

Taking a deep breath Your looked back up at her with a hard and pained gaze. "But then you began to make a show of it all. Every time I was in the same room with you two you would begin to rub it in my face that you were with him. Out of the nearly two years, we were together you never did that with me."


"No Nat. It's my turn to talk now." You said firmly and she shrunk a bit under your gaze. "Seeing as it took you a year before we even started dating for you to even give me a genuine smile I'm assuming you and Bruce had been a thing behind my back for quite some time," you shook your head and ran a hand through your hair.

"I mean hell! Did you ever even really love me? Or was it all just some sick game to you?" She wouldn't meet your eyes and just hugged herself tighter as silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie
Li-li-lie, lie, lie, lie, lie

Hurting you this much was never her intention. In fact, she had broken up with you and quickly gotten with Bruce in an effort to try and put you back within arms reach.

You had gotten too close and when people get too close they get hurt.

She knew breaking up with you would hurt you but she expected you to just pick up and move on. She had only done the extra things to try and solidify that you wouldn't come back.

She didn't want you to completely leave, she wanted you, no needed you to be a constant in her life and now she had gone and fucked it all up.

She knew now that there was nothing she could say or do that could take anything back, yet at that moment she was praying to every god and deity there was that she could go back to when you two were happy together.

Go back to a time when you and she would share laughs and steal kisses from each other. Where the only tears that were shed were either happy ones or tears that would be kissed away by the other.

She knew that time had long passed, and it was all her fault.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." She whispered, not trusting her voice to be any louder.

"You're sorry?" You hissed with a harsh glare. You scoffed before gripping your bag and brushing past her.

I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me

You stopped in the doorway with your back turned to her before looking at her over your shoulder. "You meant the world to me, Tasha. I'm sorry I didn't mean the same."

You then turned fully facing the hallway and walked out.

"Goodbye, Agent Romanoff."

I hope you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me

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