The Prince (Harry Styles)

By amandaJtommo

3.7M 124K 53.9K

Book #1 in the Kingdom of Ula Series In the kingdom of Ula, Prince Harry has come of age to look for his ne... More

Before You Read
World Confusion
To My New Readers....
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
2019 Acknowledgments

Chapter 50

47K 1.8K 318
By amandaJtommo

The day of Harry's coronation has finally arrived. I couldn't be any happier for him because he is the one person who truly deserves this. He deserves this more than any other person I know. I was staying with him most of the day keeping him company. He was getting dressed and whatnot with the help of his maids. I was dressed hours ago by Trish and I couldn't wait to get the show on the road.

"Nervous?" I asked as I swung my legs.

"More than anything," he said exhausting a heavy sigh. "It's probably the most nerve wracking day of my life to date. I can't wait until the end of the day."

"How come?" I asked.

"It'll be over," he grinned to me as he ran his hands over the front of his jacket, he paused over his right breast letting his hand rest there. He donned the red jacket that I have grown so used to seeing him in the past months. "I'm glad you're here, Em."

"I'm glad I'm here too," I smiled reaching out to grab his hand.

If I didn't know he was nervous before, I definitely know it now. The palms of his hands were moist with perspiration. That must have been why he was wiping his hands on his jacket. I gave Harry a wide smile as I held his hand.

"It does mean the world to me that you're here, Em," he said with a smile. "Is your family coming today?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"I didn't know if you talked to them since you moved back here," he said quietly. "I am still getting to know them, remember?"

"Oh yes," I giggled walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck once the maids left the room to retrieve something. "You have to know my family. I forgot about that."

"No you didn't," he chuckled. "You choose to ignore it."

"No," I laughed. "I chose to let you infest my mind with clutter." A blush rose on Harry's cheeks. He leaned up to kiss my lips. I bowed down to kiss him in a sweet kiss.

"Tonight will be the coronation ball," he sighed. "I don't want to go."

"It's your coronation," I laughed. "You have to go."

"The coronation isn't even working out how it's supposed to go," he sighed. "We were supposed to be coroneted together. It was supposed to be a moment," he said looking into my blue eyes.

"It still will be," I promised touching my hand to his cheek. "We still get to spend them together."

A smile appeared on his beautiful face. He took his bottom lip in between his teeth as he looked at me. He leaned forward bringing his lips to mine. He deepened the kiss sliding his tongue across the bottom of my lip.

"I love you," He murmured pressing his forehead to mine. "You're the best thing in my life."

"You're the best thing that could ever happen to me, Harry," I whispered to him. "You're going to make everyone proud today."

"You think so?" he asked, his eyes locking with mine.

"I know so," I said kissing his lips gently.

Moments later, his maids returned carrying a large red and white robe. It looked to be entirely made of fur and looked as if it has been preserved for centuries. Who made the robe was beyond me. This robe, however, showed me that this was a mark of the nation. These were coronation robes fit for the finest king.

"You look nothing like your father," One of his maids said shaking her head as she put the robe on him.

Harry turned to me with wide eyes as I took in the robe on his broad shoulders. The size of the robe was a one size fits all. There were no buttons to be done on it. It was a white ribbon that held the large robe up. The way Harry looked in these robes made me think of him as one of those princes in the fairytales my mum would read to me when I was younger. His tall figure seemed to be swallowed by the robe, but it looked good on him.

"I am ready to be done with this," Harry said wringing out his hands. "I'm so fucking nervous."

"Language," Mrs. Willer reminded him tutting him off. "You're forgetting something important."

"What's that? My breakfast?" he joked with a smile. "I really just want to get the ceremony done."

"You need your crown," she laughed grabbing it off of the table. "The last time you will wear this one. Your mum has sent in for the new one."

"I get a big boy crown!" he joked sarcastically giving her a big thumbs up. I giggled softly as the crown was placed on his head. He adjusted it himself and looked at the women around him. "May I go now?"

"You have to wait here," Mrs. Willer said shaking her head with a smile on her face. "However, Miss Price, you must go join Anne and Princess Gemma downstairs."

"Okay," I nodded. "I'll see you down there, H."

"I'll miss you, Em," he said giving me a kiss. "You look better than me."

"You look like a dashing king," I smiled as I walked out. I turned around giving him one last smile before I retreated to where the girls were.


The moment was here, Harry was finally announced into the throne room. Instead of the two thrones that Queen Anne and King Desmond usually sat in, there was only one there now since Harry was currently the sole monarch. However, the throne was place on the floor instead of where the King and Queen typically sat. He looked bored, not nervous. This was, after all, his least favorite place in the entirety of the palace.

At the front was an array of people, most who I didn't recognize. They all had fancy dress clothes on differing from the people and me who were in the benches. I felt out of place since I was sitting in the front with Harry's distant relatives. We were allowed to sit as Harry faced us. His eyes scanned the first few rows of people. When his sparkling green eyes met mine, a dimpled grin formed on his cheeks.

"I love you," I mouthed with a smile. He reciprocated a smile to me knowing he would be caught with mouthing to me.

Harry takes a seat on the throne and the people up front apart from Gemma and Anne move as he does this. I look at Anne who had tears running down her cheeks. I shook my head at her knowing she was an emotional soul. Gemma had her hand wrapped around her mother's trying to quiet her mother's emotional crying.

A man stepped out in front of Harry looking at the men on either side of him.

"Sirs, I here present unto you your undoubted King. Wherefore all you who come this day to do your homage and service, are you willing to do the same?" the man asked. I blinked. Was this man even speaking English?

"I do," the men all chimed together in a way similar to a choir. The man then turned back to Harry.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Ula, and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

"I solemnly promise so to do," Harry replied.

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will."

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in Ula the Performed Religion established by the law? Will you maintain and preserve the settlement of the church, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in Ula? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of Ula, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?"

"All this I promise to do. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform, and keep. So help me God," he said.

Some other phrases I didn't completely understand were said. I knew it was talking about the church because it was some religious stuff I didn't fully understand. Harry seemed to be reciting everything by memory as if he had memorized this stuff from when he was a boy. Knowing his father, he probably did.

"Please rise, Your Highness," the man said. A few men went behind him as Harry's lengthy fingers carefully pulled the silk ribbon undone. The men took hold of the robe removing it from his shoulders. His shoulders rotated as if he were cracking his back. Knowing Harry, he probably was cracking his back.

Someone unveiled an old chair that looks as if it were going to break at any second. The shape of it was simple. It gave the impression of a throne with the spike behind where Harry's head would be resting. The bottom of the chair looked to be the newest, or the most well-kept portion of this chair. There was gold lions carved and molded to the bottom of the throne.

The men who took the other robe brought out a new robe. This one was white and red looked to be fitted perfectly to Harry's stature. This must be Harry's custom robe. They secured this to Harry's body. The men guided Harry to the ancient chair where the other throne normally sits.

They did a ritual with oil. Small crosses were made with this oil on his forehead, his heart, and his hands. They then had Harry rise. He was presented with golden spurs which were firmly placed on his boots. These were to represent his chivalry. He was presented a new sword and that was placed in the halter secured at his side.

Next, Baba came up to Harry holding an orb. The orb was a long shaft with a circular golden ball at the top encrusted with jewels. It is surmounted with a cross on top. Baba explains to Harry that the cross is to represent the rule of Jesus over the world. He takes it back from Harry after it has been received. Next, a man came up to Harry with a ring telling him he is uniting him and Ula in marriage. He is to take care of his country for the rest of his life as he best can.

A man then came up with two sceptres. These were two objects similar to the orb, but the orb wasn't half as large. One of them had a dove carved into the top representing the Holy Spirit. As Harry is handed these and holds these, a man comes out with a pillow and the most extravagant crown placed on the pillow.

The crown is red and gold, matching Harry's robes. It is plush on the inside, but gold metal serves an intricate design making it glorious. The gold comes together at the top and a cross is on the top of this crown.

Everyone in the audience begins to sing "God Save the King." Loud cannons erupt from one of the towers of the palace as we did this. Harry's eyes were looking into mine the whole time we sang the song. He gave me a smile, the nerves seemed to be coursing through him now. He wasn't as confident as he was when this whole thing started.

Harry is then led to the throne where he first began. The men around him began taking oaths themselves promising to help him become the best king he is allowed to be. They, like many of the oaths from earlier were promised to God. Anne and Gemma were a part of this group giving an oath to help Harry as best they can.

Harry then rises and exits the throne room to the chapel (it said this on the cheat sheet I got from Gemma). The people who presented him with gifts followed in there. Gemma and Anne follow them pulling me up for me to follow.

"I think he would like it if you were there," Anne whispered silently in my ear. I smiled giving a soft nod as I hooked my arm in hers as we trailed behind the royal party.

Once everyone filtered into the chapel, Baba stood at the altar. Harry laid the sceptres down on the altar carefully. He then took the crown off his head, the ring off his hand, and took off the cloak he donned. Baba put a new robe on Harry's back and a new crown, a lighter one, on his head. He is then handed the Sceptre with the cross and the orb and exits the altar as everyone sings the Ula national anthem.


As soon as that is over, I find myself heading up to Harry's state room. I knocked on the door lightly allowing myself entrance. I find Harry standing in front of the small cabinet at the foot of his bed sans crown or robe. His hair fell flat sagging to his shoulders being dragged down from the three crowns that were placed on his head throughout the ceremony. He had a cup of water placed in his hand.

"Hey," I said when I walked in. He turned to me with his eyebrows raised. "Happy it's over?"

"Yes," he chuckled holding out an arm for me to walk into. He kissed my forehead gently and exhausted a heavy sigh. "Now we have the ball. There's no dinner for this ball. I called up some dinner when I got here. I assumed you would be here, so I got you some, too."

"Always the gentleman," I smiled kissing his cheek. "You did great today, Harry."

"Did I?" he asked chuckling. "I felt like my stomach was in my mouth the whole time."

"You looked so confident and then it dwindled."

"Yeah," he said letting out nervous chuckles.

"You're still nervous," I said running my hand through his hair. "You don't need to be. Just be the best you the country needs."

"I love you Em," He said for what seems like the millionth time today.

"I love you, H."

Our dinner came and we both ate talking about anything but the coronation that just happened. Harry seemed shy at dinner just like he did this morning. I think it's because the day isn't quite over so he's still nervous. There wasn't much else that I could think of for him to be nervous about.

We went to the ball, and it was like any other ball we went to. I had changed into a gold dress. It wasn't as poofy as the last two have been. I wanted elegant, but beautiful. This is what Trish and her daughters did for me. Zayn once again made the gorgeous jewelry for me and it is even more stunning that the last time.

"Congratulations baby," Anne said walking up to Harry and kissing his cheek. "You are going to be wonderful."

"Thanks mum," he said kissing her cheeks. "Thanks for crying the whole time."

"Shush you," she said smacking his arm. "My baby boy is all grown up. I'll see you two later."

"Enispay." Gemma nodded.

"Is that Penis in pig latin?" Harry asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yep," she giggled. "Oodgay ucklay."

"Thanks Gems," he said before turning to me. "Want to get some fresh air with me? It's a bit warm in here. I think the heat was cranked up."

"Sure," I giggled walking out of the ballroom with him.

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