Unknown War

By Heyarandomstuffs

3.1K 138 36

In this book there is two kingdoms the star sanes and bad sanses. The ship kids hate the fact that they gave... More

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448 11 3
By Heyarandomstuffs

(Warning this is my AMV)

There are two sides of the land. The star sanes and the bad sanses. But both lands are different.

One side is the dawn side where the sun was bright and warm all day and at night it was still warm, there were only two seasons spring and summer.

The other side is the dusk side where the sun was covered up by dark clouds it was cold and silent, it was always cold and dark, it would be very rare to see the stars at night. The other two seasons were on this side. But fall was for most of the year and winter was only 3 months.

But on both sides there were powerful spirts. Everyone had a spirt. You were born with this spirit. They would help in times of need. . . But they made wars between the two sides VERY dangerous. They causes biomes to die and sometimes it caused the the border to stop for a a few days making the kids stay inside.

What starting the war you may ask.


The kings and the royal advisers hated each other.

The royal advisers on each side dream and nightmare hated each other to death. They were brothers but nightmare didn't see dream as a brother. When they were little when thier wasn't a border the village people bullied him on both sides but the dawn side did the most damage. His brother didn't believing him saying they are wonderful people and monster's and they would never do that to him. His boyfriend killer only believe him nightmare loves him do much, but he did it. After so many tries of telling dream he snapped. He traveled into the dark forest on the dusk side and ate one of its magical black apples. Luckily for him the kings of each side had a huge fight. They separated the sides and nightmare was happy as the new royal advisers and told his brother he's never turning back. Dream was devastated that nightmare are the dark apple and didn't notice they created the border until it was too late. Ink took him in and assigned him as his new royal adviser.

As for the kings they used to be lovers be they had an argument about the kingdoms. It was violent it ended with them splitting up and making a border to never see each other again.

Ink made dream his royal adviser and blue as his general.

Error the king if the dawn side made nightmare his royal adviser and killer his general.

It wasn't until 2 weeks after the border was made ink found out he was pregnant with twins.

He never told the other king he now had kids and never planned on it. He told dream and blue the other king would hurt him and was afraid he would hurt his two unborn children.

They believe his lie and agree they would keep them hidden away from him.

After they were bored the eldest looked alot like the other king. So it was difficult to explain who the father was to the village people. He lied to them telling dream and blue it was the right thing to do so the other king doesn't find out.

On the other side killer had a child with nightmare. Thier child kept to himself and was cold to everyone.

He'd often go into the woods to get away from the castle at age 7. It was nice to have time to himself. Everyday he would go further into the woods. One day he found the border. He was going to go through but once he tried it shocking him making him back up.

He started going every day admiring the lighter side.

But one day when he got there, there was a boy about or is his age it looked like. The boy was reading a book.

When he said something the boy on the other side started to glitch. His thoughts imminently went to the king.

Once the kid calmed down he looked over seeing the boy on the dusk side.

"Hi my name is crescent" the boy on the dusk side introduced sitting down close to the border.

"GrAdIeNT, mY NaME iS gRadIeNt" the boy on the dawn side said nervously still glitching.

Both boys were nervous knowing they weren't supposed to be there talk to each other.

"I'm 7 years old and usually come here often, what an you" crescent asked Gradient curiously.

"I'm also 7 and I came here for the quiet, living in the castle isn't exactly quiet" he answered whispering the last part.

"I also live in the castle my dad's work for the king and I usually hang out with the king, other kid in the castle and my room, and its always still so quiet" crescent said happily that he has some one else to talk to that wasn't around him most of the time.

And it was weird he was always so cold talking to strangers or people in general. Gradient just felt right to talk to.

"Oh I live in my castle as a prince along with my brothers, so it's not quiet its actually quite loud" Gradient explains"

"Your a prince, what do you do for fun if your a prince" crescent asked curiously.

"Well I'm the eldest so I will inherit the thrown so I dont have time for fun" Gradient frown looking at his book he had with him.

"Sorry for asking, what's that book" crescent said looking at the old book.

"Its a book filled with fairy tales, no wars, always a happy ending, perfect fake life" Gradient rambles.

"I wish I could see, there's no fairy tale books over here" crescent said with a frown.

"I have alot in my room I could just throw it over the border" Gradient smiles.

"But the castles are miles away from the forest" I complained.

"Obsidian~" Gradient called out.

Suddenly a black and purple spirt animal appeared.

"Would you go get me another book" Gradient asked.

The owl let out a who and started flying away.

"Your spirt animal is so rare and pretty" Crescent said watching it fly away.

"I have the only owl on my side, what's you spirt animal" Gradient asked Crescent.

"Oh, moonshine" Crescent said as a black and blue wolf appeared. (No not the liquor -_-)

"Aweee~, he or she is so cute" Gradient said in awe.

"Pft, I think a kid on my sides is better, he has a raven" Crescent said.

"I'm pretty sure when I was reading above spirt animals it said raven's are keepers of secrets" Gradient smiles.

"Well raven must be really good at keeping secrets" Crescent said leaned against a tree.

"What, it's the animal and the person but shouldn't you call them by there name" Gradient said curiously.

Crescent starts laughing.

"What's so funny, its rude not to say their name" Gradient said cross his arms.

"His name is raven and his spirit animal is a raven" crescent said recovering from him laughing.

"What that cant be a coincidence" Gradient pouted.

"Well his dad is the grim reaper basically, but I'm not sure above his other parent, his family got split up" Crescent said.

"Aww I feel bad for him" Gradient asked taking the book from his spirit animal.

The book he just got was red and very dusty. Gradient throws it over the border and crescent picks it up.

"I probably should get back before someone notices I'm gone" Gradient frown stand up.

"Let's meet here same time tommarow" Crescent said still looking at the book smiling.

"Sure, I'll try" Gradient waved running to the dawn sides castle.

Since that day they met everyday and walked along side the border chating about random things.

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