The Boy Next Door {Completed}

By xplrrsolby

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Sam moves next door to Colby... More

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By xplrrsolby


"Sam wake up" I groan and open my eyes "hey dinners done" I nod "ok I'll be down in a second" she nods with a smile and leaves. I sit up and stretch and then I notice that Colby isn't here anymore and I frown and grab my phone and text him

Sam: where'd you go :(

Colby🧀❤️: I'm sorry cutie something came up I had to leave

Sam: oh ok 😔

Colby🧀❤️: aw don't be sad

Sam: I have to go

I send the text and put my phone down and go downstairs to go eat dinner. I sit at the table with my plate across from my mom "hey are you ok? it seems like you've been crying" "oh yeah I'm ok" "ok tell me if anything's wrong, ok?" "Ok" I smile she smiles back and we eat.
I finish eating and I clean my plate and fork and put them in the drying rack "goodnight Sam" my mom called "night!" I called halfway up the stairs. I get back to my room and grab my phone

Colby🧀❤️: oh ok

Sam: I'm back!

Colby🧀❤️: what did you do

Sam: I went to eat dinner

Colby🧀❤️: oh ok, why do you look sad

I furrow my brows at that text and then I look up to see the curtains open again I giggle and I sit at the edge of the bed and I see Colby in his window and I shake my head with a small smile a giggle slipping past my lips

Sam: and you said you weren't a stalker

Colby🧀❤️: I'm not!

Sam: looking through my window is a bit stalker-ish

Colby🧀❤️: ok maybe a little, but I don't do it in a creepy way!

Sam: yeah ok

Colby🧀❤️: whatever at least I'm not staring at you like you are to me

I looked down at the text and I blush right away since I was staring at him through the window when he was typing

Colby🧀❤️: cutie :)

Colby🧀❤️: your blushing!

Sam: no I'm not!

I get up and I go to the closet and close it and change into grey shirts and grey shirt for bed since it's hot in my room I change and I walk out of the closet and close the door and go in the bathroom and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and I stop getting a notification


Devyn✨: do you guys wanna hang out sometime we haven't hung out in a while

Tara 😍: just us three

Devyn✨: yeah!

Sammyy: yes! When??

Devyn✨: this week ok?

Tara 😍: works for me

Sammyy: me too!

Devyn✨: yay! Goodnight guys!

Tara 😍: goodnight

Sammyy: goodnight

There's a scratch at my door and then I hear it creek open and I look over and charger runs in I giggle and I bend down and pick him up and I walk to the door closing it leaving a crack and then going to the bed and putting him on it and before I could sit my phone goes off again

Colby🧀❤️: are you hot??

Sam: yeah, why?

Colby🧀❤️: ok just asking

Sam: ok I'm gonna go to bed

Colby🧀❤️: but you pretty much just woke up from a nap :/

Sam: I know but I'm going back to bed

Colby🧀❤️: ok goodnight

Sam: goodnight

I put my phone on the charger and I get under the covers and charger comes over and lays by me. I grab the remote and turn on netflix quietly not really being tired. After hours I'm still not asleep not being tired so I grab my phone again and check the time 12:30 I sigh and text Colby

Sam: are you up?

Colby🧀❤️: yeah I can't sleep

Sam: I can't either

Colby🧀❤️: wanna come over?

Sam: sure but what if I fall asleep there

Colby🧀❤️: just bring your backpack and clothes then

Sam: ok I'll be there soon

Colby🧀❤️: ok :)

I get up from bed and I go to the closet and grab a change of clothes for tomorrow and I put it in my backpack and I slip on shoes along with a hoodie that goes to mid thigh. I turn off my tv and grab my phone and it's charger and backpack and I go downstairs and I text my mom where I'll be if I'm not here in the morning and then I leave the house and walk over to Colby's house I get to the door and text him

Sam: open the door

Colby🧀❤️: ok I'll be there soon

I turn my phone off and the door opens and it reveals a messy haired and shirtless Colby "c'mon" he smiles and moves letting me in and I walk in and follow him to his room and once we walk in and out my bag on the ground and take my shoes off and I look up and Colby's laying in his bed and there's a dog at the edge "ooo doggie!" I giggle and go up to the bed and pet it "aw cute" Colby cood and I giggled "c'mere Koki" Colby called patting beside him making her go to him "heyy" I whined crossing my arms and pouting making Colby laugh "c'mere" I giggled and I sit on the bed and Koki sits in my lap and I giggled and pet her "cute" Colby sits up reaches over grabbing the remote from the table and when he does he looks me in my eyes and smirks and I blush and push him away and grab the remote and toss it to him but he just lays there looking at the ceiling and I giggled and pick up Koki and bring her to his face and she licks him "gah!" He sits up and wipes his face and I giggle he shakes his head with a smile and grabs the remote and turns on netflix. I get up and I go to my bag and grab my phone charger and I take off my hoodie since I'm hot and I put my phone on the charger and sit back down in the bed and then I feel arms wrap around me from behind and I squeak making Colby laugh a bit and he puts his head in my neck and I giggled "w-what are you doing?" He doesn't say anything and nuzzles his head further and I giggle blushing deeply he sighs and I shiver at his breath against my neck "wh-wheres your bathroom" "that door" he points to a door in his room but puts his arm back around my waist holding me tightly "l-let me go I need t-to use the bathroom" I giggle he sighs and lets go of me and I got up and went to the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and he's just in boxers and I squeak not expecting him to be standing in just boxers he laughs a bit and he gets under the covers and I go over and hesitantly get under them as well and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him and plays with my hair and I close my eyes and lean into his touch enjoying the feeling then he takes his hand away and I frown and open my eyes "sorry cutie" I blush and he starts to play with my hair again and my eyes flutter closed again and lean into his touch smiling a bit. I soon yawn and turn so I'm facing him and he pulls me closer and continues to play with my hair making me really tired I yawn again and nuzzle my head in his chest and put a leg over him and he chuckles quietly and holds me tightly and I finally allow my self to fall asleep fully


I wake up but my eyes are still closed and I feel warmth so I cuddle into it and getting held tightly after and I smile and nuzzle my head in his neck and he gently rubs my back "morning cutie" I blushed and nuzzled my head further in his neck "c'mon get up" I whine "lets get dressed" I sigh and take my head out of his neck and look at him and he smiles at me and I smile back and sit up and rub my eyes with a small yawn and he coos quietly making me blush a bit. He gets up and goes to his closet and my eyes droop and I open them and rub my face and rest my head on the wall trying to keep my eyes open.
I feel something tickle my cheek and I open my eyes and see Colby and he's caressing my cheek "you fell back to sleep" he said and dropped his hand from my cheek and they ghost my lips slightly I sigh and rub my face and swing my legs over the bed and get up and go to my backpack and grab my outfit and go to the bathroom. I splash my face with water rubing it sighing and I come out of the bathroom after drying my face. I yawn and I grab my backpack along with my phone "you ready cutie?" I hum and we go downstairs and eat breakfast then walk to the bus stop.


We get on the bus and I sit on the inside and Colby sits next to me and I lean my head back my eyes falling closed and Colby wraps his arm around my waist and massages my hips with his thumb "why are you so tired cutie?" He whispered and I weakly opened my eyes and smile a bit shrugging "I dunno" I mumble and lean my head back my eyes falling closed. "Hey wake up" Colby says gently caressing my cheek and my eyes flutter open "c'mon cutie" I nod and we get up and leave the bus and start school


It's now lunch and I get my food and go to the table and place my tray down and sit and I push the tray back and lay my head in my arms still really tired "Sam are you ok?" Corey asks I look up "m' jus tired" I mumbled putting my head back down "Sammy why are you so tired?" Tara asks "I dunno" I mumbled and lifted my head up and rested my head on my hand "Sammy eat" Devyn said and pushed my tray to me I sighed and I grabbed a grape and ate it my head still resting on my hand. I finish eating and I get up and throw away whatever is left and I go back to the table and put my elbows on the table and rest my head in my hands trying to keep my eyes open "Sammy I'm gonna take you home, c'mon" Devyn said "mhm" I hum not knowing what she said and she giggled "c'mon Sammy" she got up I rubbed my face and stood up as well and I followed her to wherever we're going.
I got into her car and she got in after and started it and pulled out "Sammy when did you go to bed?" I shrugged "after I got home I took a nap and my mom woke me up maybe an hour later to eat and I did then I couldn't go to sleep and it was like 12:30 when I texted Colby since I was texting him before and he was up so I went to his house and then we watched netflix for a while and I went to sleep but I dunno when" I explained tiredly "hm well Colby wasn't tired, did he fall asleep before you?" "no" "did he wake up after you?" "no" "ok I'll just ask him when you went to sleep" I nodded and I closed my eyes fully.

"Sammy wake up" I whine a bit "Sammy get inside" I sigh and open my eyes and rub my face still really tired "c'mon let's get you inside" I nodded and unbuckled myself and I opened the door and hopped out and grabbed my bag and I went inside following Devyn. Devyn opened the door "oh why are you guys here?" My mom asked but I ignored her and went up to my room. I dropped my bag and walked to my bed and fell onto it falling asleep almost instantly.



I get off the bus and I walk to Sam's house. Once I get there I knock on the door and his mom answers it "oh hello" "hi, is Sam here?" "Ah yes he's in his room" she lets me in I thank her and I go up to his room. I open the door and close it behind me and I look up and he's sleeping I smile at how cute he looks and I put my bag down and take my shoes off and I walk up to him and I notice he still has his shoes on and I laugh a little and I take them off and I pull the covers on him and he curls into a ball and cuddles into them I smile and coo quietly and I get in besides him and pull him into me and play with his hair and he snuggles into me putting an arm and leg over me making my heart flutter I hold him tightly and smile.

Sam stirs and I look away from the tv and down at him and his eyes flutter open and I smile as his eyes meet mine and he smiles back a blush creeping into his face "hi cutie" he blushed more and puts his head in my chest hiding his face "hi" he mumbles I chuckled a bit and I bring my hand to his head and scratch it gently and he leans into the touch "your cute" he giggles a bit "th-thanks" I smile and move my arm back to his waist and hold him tightly pulling him closer he giggles and wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly as well and I smile at how cute he is. We were still holding each other when my phone started ringing and I sighed and answered it my arm still around Sam "hello?" "Hi Colby!" "Hey ness" "where are you?" "Uh why?" "Well I'm in your driveway in my car your parents said you never came home" "oh well I'm not home" "obviously so where are you" she giggled a bit "at a friends" "who" "you don't really need to know" "Colby tell me!" She yells and I pull the phone away at how loud she was "Colby!" She yells angrily "what" I say annoyed "you better not be at that blondies house!" "Why not?" "You better not be!" "What if I am?" "You better not be!" "Ok then I'm not" "I'm coming!" She yells angrily and hangs up Sam giggles "what's funny?" "Your in troubleee" he teases giggling I chuckle "I guess so" he giggles and rests his head on my chest and I rub his back

"Sam!" His mom calls and he whines "go" I say and release him he sighs and sits up stretching and rubbing his eyes "Sam!" "I'm coming!" He yells back and I chuckle he crawls over me getting off the bed and he stretches once more his back cracking and he leaves closing the door and I watch netflix waiting for him


I go downstairs hopping off the last step "yeah mom?" I call and walk over to her seeing she's at the door "some girl is here for you" I furrow my brows and I look out the door and seeing some girl that looks familiar but I don't know her name "uh hi?" I say as my mom walks away "hi is Colby here?" "Um who are you?" I tilt my head confused "oh Vanessa his girlfriend" she says girlfriend so it sticks out "ohh ok" "so is he here" "no" I lie knowing he doesn't want to see her "your lying!" I furrow my brows "he's not here" she scoffs "um did you go to his house" "of course I did!" "Um ok just call him" I shrug "I did!" "Then what did he say?" "That he's at a friends" "well he's not here maybe a different friends, Jake maybe" I shrug she huffs and crosses her arms "he's here!" She yells "no he's not" she groans "fine!" She throws her hands in the air "can I use your bathroom first?" "Uh I guess" she nods and I let her in and I show her the one downstairs "here" I say and open the door "thank you" I nod and she goes in and I pull out my phone

Sam: she's here

Colby🧀❤️: Vanessa?

Sam: yeah

Colby🧀❤️: where is she

Sam: bathroom

Colby🧀❤️: was she going to leave before she asked

Sam: yeah why

Colby🧀❤️: ok she doesn't believe you and might start looking around

Sam: what!

Colby🧀❤️: yeahh well I'm hiding

Sam: ok

I sigh and I turn off my phone and put it in my pocket and go to the kitchen and grab a water. As I'm taking a drink I hear the bathroom door creek open slowly I furrow my brows and I look around the corner to see Vanessa walking upstairs quietly and I sigh and walk over and shes at the top and turns the opposite way of my room so I go up and go in my room closing it quietly and go to the closet and I find Colby and I giggled "geez you suck at hiding" he laughs "is she gone?" "No she's snooping" "and you didn't stop her?" I giggled "I wanted to see if she'd find you" "your mean" I giggled again "here I have a much better hiding spot" he nods and gets up and follows me I get to my bed and I lift it up "go" I giggle he nods and lays down and I close it and it doesn't look like he's there and you can't look underneath since there's no way of doing that. I go to the door and open it to see Vanessa about to open the door "y'know he's not even here you don't need to look everywhere" "but your lying!" "Even if I were why don't you want him here?" She groans "exactly, you should trust your own boyfriend, y'know Colby wouldn't cheat if anything it would be you plus why would he cheat on you with me?" I say calmly she huffs and pushes past me "you know I could call the cops your just snooping I never allowed you to go anywhere but the bathroom" she ignores me and goes to the closet "like I said he isn't here" I say leaning against the wall by the closet door "shut up, brat" she snaps I giggle a bit "why don't you trust your boyfriend?" "I don't want him to cheat" she says and walks in the bathroom "he's loyal and your overreacting" "well maybe because I don't want him to make the same mistake as me!" She yells from the bathroom I furrow my brows "mistake?" I question she gasps "I-i I have to go" she says and runs out of the room and I go to the bed and lift it up still very confused of what happened. Colby comes out and I put the bed back down "what did she mean?" I ask and sit on the bed "honestly I have no idea" he says and sits on the bed I nod "why are you hiding from her?" "I don't want to be with her right now she's really clingy right now and I don't really like it" I nod and lay down curling into a ball and then Colby's phone rings again and he answers it and put it on speaker "C-colby?" "Are you crying?" Colby asks confused "wh-where are you?" she says ignoring the question "like I said a friends" "wh-why won't you t-tell me who?" Colby sighs "if you must know Jake's, I didn't tell you because he doesn't want you here, as always" "o-h ok" "now why are you crying?" "I-i miss y-you" "oh" he says quietly "c-can we pl-please hang o-out tommorow" "sure" Colby sighs "th-thank you" she says then hangs up I sigh and pull the covers over me cuddling into them getting lost in thought about what she meant
by 'mistake'

"Sam?" Colby questions but I ignore him, what if Vanessa cheated on Colby and she's scared that he'll find out or do the same to her with me I don't want to be the reason their relationship fails wha- "Sam! Sam why are you crying?" I furrow my brows and bring my hand to my face and I feel the tears I sit up and wipe them and sigh more falling "oh Sam" Colby says gently and pulls me into a hug and I sigh deeply and wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my head in his chest. "Why were you crying?" I shrug and pull away from him "I just got to deep in my thoughts I guess" I say quietly "cutie?" He says gently and I giggled sadly making him smile a bit "are you ok?" He asks cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears "yeah I'm ok" he smiles and I see him glance at my lips and back up to my eyes and I panic as he leans in then there's rapid scratch at the door and I giggle and get up really relieved that he didn't kiss me I wanted to but I just couldn't. I open the door and charger ran in and I giggled and closed the door leaving a crack and got back on the bed with charger in my hands deciding to pretend I didn't notice him about to kiss me "S-sam?" He asks nervousness laced in his voice "yeah?" I look at him and smile and he smiles back "gah!" I giggle as charger licks my face and I move my head and push him back and wipe my face "gross" colby laughs at me and I glare at him playfully he laughs and ruffles my hair and plays the show that's
been paused.


I almost kissed Sam I dont know why I just started from lean in but I'm glad he didn't notice and that we didn't even though I really want to but I know we shouldn't. Right now we're cuddling and watching a show talking at times. There's a knock on the door and it opens before Sam could say anything and he shoots his head up towards the door and his mom is there and she has a soft smile on her face "what's up?" Sam asks a blush creeping on his face and I chuckle a bit and rub his back "I wanted to know if Colby is staying for dinner" she says and looks at me "oh no I'll be going home" "ok" she smiles and leaves closing the door and Sam looks at me and frowns a bit "aw cutie" I coo and caress his cheek "why can't you stay?" I smile a bit "I can't I should get going" he frowns more "cutie" I trail off he sighs "I'm sorry I haven't been home yet" he nods slowly and I smile sadly and sit up "your leaving now?" Sam asks sitting up I nod and he wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around us waist tightly "ok off" he sighs and moves and I get up and I go to my shoes and put them on. I grab my backpack and look at Sam and he's frowning "oh cutie" I sigh "c'mere" I put my bag down he nods and gets up and walks to me and I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his around me and I pull him closer holding him tight. We stand there just hugging for awhile "Sam!" His mom calls and he hugs me tighter "oh" I sigh sadly and rub his back and we pull away and I put my hands on his hips and he blushes "Sam!" His mom calls again and he giggles a bit and I smile "c'mon" he nods and he goes to the door and I grab my bag and we walk downstairs "bye" I say and walk to the door and I hear Sam sigh behind me and I frown a bit and I turn around and face him and he hugs me again and I chuckle he's so cute "bye Colby" he mumbles "bye cutie" I whisper and he whines a bit and I laugh and we pull away "bye" I ruffle his hair and he giggles and I walk to he door and leave.

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