By Anakinkwhorehouse

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You are a new knight of ren, the most ruthless knight of any generation , named "bloodhound" officially, and... More



370 16 60
By Anakinkwhorehouse

Trigger warning | Mentions of animal abuse.

The dark thunderous beat sent a calming wave of energy into your body as you wake through the statues of known legendary Sith Lords. This was thier hidden citadel after all. For eons, you looked for this wretched place only to find it barren and haunted by the ghosts of its sinful past. The air was cold and crisp, the scenery resembled Malachor. You could feel the calm before the storm trialing goosebumps as it sent waves of worry and anxiety clashing into you. Confusion settled in your mind, why did he pick such a time to unveil himself. What was even more baffling was how you had just realised that never in 50 years gave you had the chance to fight the emperor but if anakin could overthrow him.


Then you could try to, there was moment where every muscle in your body began twisting to return to the howler and set a course for somewhere far far away with Kylo but the truth was, there was no place where you'd be safe from the clutches of the emperors darkness. The roads of the thunder grew louder with every step you took that pulled you closer to the throne room of your vision. You silently walked into the room, watching every corner like hawk. Eagle vision avoiding every struck of lightning. A hushed inaudible voice turned to chant, eyes snapping behind from where you came. With every bolt, you saw a large crowd seated, chanting words in Sith. "Tave Amzi Uud Tapti'", the words continued to surround the air, defeating the growls of the storm.

"The time has come"

Heart racing with speed of light as the voices grew louder awakening something in you. Something that had been dormant for years, pure darkness. Your sclera shot red, forming in agony, the rattling of a cage within laid physically marks on your skin, ripping muscle and tissue. "Long have I waited", you snapped your head at voice behind you. Far veside the throne, the rusty bones of mere clone, not powerful enough to hold such power growing wrinkly. His skin sagged as a result of overbearing force. The machine seemed to be the only thing keeping his deterioration from picking up its pace of eating his body. You only gazed at his features as it sent frightening chills down your spine. Doubt brewing in your mind. "For the first Sith to arrive and honour me with her presence", he spoke in groggy voice that disgusted you to an unspeakable level. "My intention was never to hurt you, my queen. Only to have you flourish in your true element, be with your true origin".

Your katanas still remained enclosed by your white knuckled fingers. The light within them still awaiting to be called upon. "You know nothing of my true element", you hissed with a venom, so powerful you could burn skin off.

"Don't I?", his thin frail lips formed the ugliest of smug expression. "Tell me, when you destroyed a planet, unleashing a gift upon us. Where was your light?", he titled his head. You shook your head in incredulity. Your mind was slowly defying you and allowing his manupilations to change you. It was all his tricks, you repeated, ceaselessly in the back of your mind. Digging your nails into your palms while the rubber of the grip, let burn marks. You heard the sound of explosions and fighter jets crashing when all your worry turned towards the figt above, you let your walls weaken thus letting the rotten soul of a bastard exploit your emotions. "You were the darkness before light, the mother of all evil. The Pandora's box",you truend shad face him once more. "The throne awaits, My queen", he turned his head at the stone chair from your vision in canto bight.

"End this war and let fear spread and power consume every cell of your body", he spoke before attention drifted another familiar presence. His scent ever present as if he was standing near but it must've been one of palpatines tricks, once again ignoring how much your heart ached for the raven haired man to support you. Alas you were alone with the man who proves all your arguments to be invalid. "I give my life to you, Empress", the sound of your last name was all too strange and far too long since you've heard it.

"The ritual begins!", he announces to the chanting crowd that raise their voice at his chants, praising you. "She will stroke me down and pledge herself as the sith", you heard squeaking of his machin as the man drew closer to your arms length. "She will draw her weapon", you twisted the blade on your wrist. "She will come to me", you took hesitated steps all of which where not long strides but forced tight movements. "She will take her revenge", the anticipation of the crowd growing louder. "And with a stroke of her weapon", you closed the distance between the both of you. His features sharpened, every curve of his dying body more visible and disgusting to your vision.

"The sith are reborn", your breath hitched at the words, remembering the revan. "THE JEDI ARE DEAD!", you felt terryfing power when you came tk close proximity to him, just like yours it was unstable, forcefully shoved into a weak vessel.

But there it was again, without a doubt. No illusions, true emotions flowing through your bodies. Ben called out to you, the whisper of his voice was music to your ears. You could almost see him as if you were watching life through his eyes. Every kiss, every smile he offered, every chill that his touch brought flashed before your eyes while the emperor continued to encourage you to lace your katanas with his blood. The connection now stonger than every, tears caused a sudden twitch in your eye, tears clogging your vision.

He was here, he was truly here. The boh from your vision, your destiny. All your life you searched for a purpose, meaning to your life and there he was, taking your souls and sewing it together. You were finally complete, whether you died here and today, it didn't matter but this feeling, this is what you've been longing for and living for. He gave it to you and marked your heart as his and you marked his as yours. True paradise. His features turned soft as you saw each others eyes through the force

He gave you curt nod, the gentleness in his actions almost  everything went out of your focus, you too offered a him a non suspecting nod. You could hear his light footsteps behind you as you raised Wraith above your head and slipping it slowly behind your back to deliver a swift and aggressive strike. "Do it! Make the sacrifice!", Palpatine commanded. You had become so lost in him as you recognised the little boy taking notes under tree shade of chandrilla. You discovered a home, you've look for so long and found in him. For a moment the universe and its problems go out of focus, time halts and hearts connect.

The emperors smile and words of praise quickly turned to a frown when the skywalker came to view. He outstretched his hand as you let wraith fall from your grasp but before it could crash into the ground, it lunged onto the hands of the raven haired man who ignited a red saber whole throwing you a blue one. He stood directly beside you, you locked eyes with him for moment and everything evaporated, like everything could even the world could die out as long as you had one another. The emperor snapped his head back and forth at you and Ben, who only stared into your eyes, apologising for everything in that moment. You gifted him a small smile before turning your katanas towards the sith. He chuckled darkly while your katanas bathed in the light of bright white.

"Stand together, die together", Palpatine moved away, allowing the praetorian guards to come in Ben's way while clones of the knights towards me. Your back collided with him but at the thought of the knights behind him, you raised your head a over your shoudlers and gave him a nod which he returned. In an blink of an eyes you both switched places. You both shrugged at the same time, signaling for them to give it their best.

You parted ways from Ben and lunged yourself at the guard, kylo fought off the frightened clones. You returned the blaster shot at the guard who fired his gun and deflects the others with saber while you sent your katana thrusting into the closest attacker. You snatched the opportunity to use the falling guards chest as a spring to assist you in leaping across. You lastly pulled out your katana from his abdomen.

Your head grazed the praetorians helmet, he watched you in astonishment which blinded his next moves and caused him to choke with his blows allowing you to plunge the saber through his chest from behind. You expertly rotated your katana and cut a blaster shot in half. "Wraith", you outstretched your hand at the katana on Kylo's hand while pulled the saber on yours. Twisting the grip as the katana lunged itself at you, the end of the hilt connected with the other, froming a dual blade. Ben joined his red saber with the blue one. The crystals on his saber reacted violently with another, qyikcly bursting out a golden flame instaed of the red and blue. He finally had control and balance on both the dark and light. His saber had declared him a balanced force user, a grey jedi.

You smirked under your ragged breathing befire moving to unleash hell upon the remaining guard while silently praying that the first order was now in your friend's control. Palpatines eyes were trained on your swordsmanship, watching with great interest as if you were Anakin.

Vicrul was the first one to fall, then followed Ap'lek, Trudgen and lastly Ushar. Strange, Kuruk was nowhere in sight but no one knew him better than you. Your eyes sharply watched the chanting audience until a small flciker of reflective light from scope hit the corners of your eyes. Kuruk was quick to hide it but was too late. You exgened your arm and pulled him out of the crowds and into the deep trench where lighting bolts fought against the jagged surface. You snapped your head at the last praetorian guard and jerked your head for him to make a move yet he waited, patiently for a slip up. He shouldve known better, you were slip up in combat. You plunged your katanas into the ground, a sudden growl caused fhe earth beneath to rumble. The guard lost his footing and Ben didn't waste a moment before gliding in and thrusting the saber in the guards right eye.

You turned your attention towards the emperor while Kylo took his glance by your side holding out the weapons in a battle stance but you were caught off guard when Palpatine pushed you up in to the air all the while pulling a part of your force and Ben's into his. Ben's saber went tumbling far behind him. You groaned as he pulled your bodies closer.

"The life force of your bond", he watched his fingers that decayed at the simple touch of the force he procured from the both of you. You struggled under his grip, baffled as to why you, a goddess couldnt brewak away from a weak siths grasp but sokm you realised the emperor was torturing Ben more than you which meddled with the energy of your force. His burnt fingers had retrieved their skin rapidly, "A dyad in the force, a power like life itself.
Unseen for generations—", your bodies began trembling, teeth clanking with one another, a small chill over came your battle ridden bodies. "—and now the power of two restores the ome true Emperor", he gritted his teeth.

He brought foward his shaky fingers while squeezing the life force out of you. Ben was youe stronghold as well as your weakness. An excruciating ache in your body, breaking bones and sudden tug of your heart left you fearing the thought of it bursting out of your rib cage with its the sharp needle like prodding at the area. Ben groaned, fightignt he man whereas you let him take it away just wanting the pain in his body to stop. Instead of fighting back, you used your force to comfort him. He spared me a glance of his golden eyes that lost thier shimmer, a sense od hopelessness washed over him, wearing evident on his pleading features, he was looking to you. His saviour. His missing piece.

You turned your head at the sith that grew powerful with each pull of your force. Your eyes turned pitch black, you began to divert the energy flow from him to you. You were already too powerful and now with new ones residing in your body, your powers would unstable and catastrophic but if it saved the world, there was no way in hell you'd let that rotten tomato ruin the galaxy, you've watched grow for eons. Shock wore his face while smug wore yours. You extended your arms to your side, grunting and growling as every nerve threatened to burst. His skin was deteriorating at a fast pace. "Let", you concentrated on weakening him further. "Him", your body was aching and the energy surge between the two off you stopped, he fell limp on his chair, paralysed. "Go", you brought your palms together, releasing a concentrated field of force electricity directly at him. He cried in pain, the crooked voice of his screams earned gasp from the audience, who disappeared one by one.

"You can never kill the sith", he said with great struggle. The emperor tossed the struggling and weakened biens of Ben into the trench. His force gone as if it never existed, you could feel your body tiring out as your heart felt as if it had been carved out and destroyed,but before you could destroy it, your soul gave in, your knees crashed onto the ground, your head followed right after. Your moment of weakness had given palpatine, a narrow indie of escape which he eagerly took, fleeing without his cloned body. You couldn't stop him, you just wanted rest and once you closed your eyes, you found the comfort of a silent darkness that seduced you back in canto night bight. Death.

Ben Solo

The words of his father looped in his mind.

"Come home", and he was home, he was with you.

His palm crashed with the ground, creating whirlpools of dust surrounding. The pain in his body was immeasurable, he groaned turning his body. Unsure of your whereabouts until he sensed the force in you, slowly fading. In a sheer panic, he snapped his head at your lifeless body only to find you on deaths door, breathing shallow with no attempt to deepen it, he had felt you give up for the first time in your life. He scurried on all fours, crawling and tumbling to you despite his broken bones like they had instantly mean nothing when he saw your cold figure. He could not have been more wrong when he considered the ache in his body to be the worst, the pain in his chest was so much more than that of a couple broken ribs. He pulled your forearm, picking your head up delicately in the process. Laying you on his lap, he looked at his surroundings, begging for them to provide him with some answer. His tests trickled down from his chin and onto your cold pale skin. He used his hands to softly tuck the rogue strands of hair behind your ear while caressing your ice skin. His eyes drifted away everytime it fell on you. He couldn't bring himself to look at you even though you felt at peace for once. He pulled you against his chest and hugged you for himself for a moment. He'd just found you, really found you with no expectations for himself, not caring for what he faced and giving anything he needed to give.

He wasted his life and he knew that now. But anyone who could have shown him the way forward, helped be Ben again was gone, luke. His parents and now you. He couldn't make himself believe it, you were the strongest person he knew.

Once he did, gaze into your face longer, he knew what he had to do. He placed his warm hand on your abdomen and calmed his erratic breathes, focusing on the force surrounding him. He smirked softly when images of your smile came to his mind. He could feel himself become weaker and tired but he couldn't care less for himself. Your fading presence was the most terryfing thing he has felt. He got weaker when he sensed something else consume his energy but it must've been your powers consuming more than it should but despite his goreng pale skin, he continued to transfer his force into yours. He didn't care for himself as long as you were safe.


You heard a distant prayer of your name. "Bloodhound, please. Help me", you heard her again, you doppelganger. Your eyes shot wide while you charged the lonely, dark and ever expanding hallways. Searching every corner of the house.

You spotted her under the grip of a man in mental, her breathing was shaky and her body trembled beneath his tight grip. Anger boiled into your skin. A bright light engulfed your body, raising you few feet above ground. Your doppelganger had gratitude in her teary eyes. You merely gave her a nod of assurance that you would always protect her. "Hi, honey", you tilted your head, smiling at her. The attacker loosened his grip as he watched you. You snapped your head at him, eyes narrowing and jaw tensing you. You gave Ghost a quick glance before your eyes turned to a bright glow. "Run", you spoke, letting out an animalistic growl. You rapidly grabbed the man's neck squeezing so tight the metal surrounding his neck, crumbled. Choking him the same as you did. He clocked his head at her and conjured up the audacity to speak in your prensece and at his state. "I will always find you! We are always connected", he yelled to her. Her body shuddered with every word that left his distorted voice.

"Not for long", you chimed in, using your free hand to open the mask on his face. You taken aback by the man that stood behind it. "It's you", you muttered, stepping back. Your small slip up allowed him to evade your wrath by jumping from a close window. The ground sloped, sending you into a dark alley, raining heavily. You could only hear a small sob of a woman coming from near a dumpster. You cautiously approached her with alert and ready hands, you turned slightly to get good look at what she was holding. She had been holding a litter of kittens, dead and unmoving with cuts and bruises all over their tiny bodies. She used her dark wings to shelter their bodies from the cruel rain.

For a moment, you thought you'd be sick when one kitten had both its eyes missing. Your knees turned weak while your eyes conmmanded you to gouge themselves out, find any way to cleanse themselves. You understood that this planet was non other than earth, the planet that crawled with more Sinners than a star system. You held back a sob of your own as you crouched to comfort who was in a unique armour of her own. "Why do mortals do this?", she asked. Her voice was exactly as yours, that was one when you realised that it was another you in a diffrent dimension. You didn't dare scare her away in this moment, only pulled her in for a hud, cradling her head on your chest as he soaked your armour of her tears. You extended your hand to the kitten as they laid on a tiny cardboard, stiff. Flashbacks of Ben's eyes and you on his lap shot before your eyes.

You focused on the sight before you and moved your hand from kitten to kitten while stroking the woman's hair. The kittens mewled and cried out for their mother. The woman moved away in shock as she heard the little whimpers of the cats. A dark orb roamed around your head calling you to it. You shot up and began to follow it. "Wait!", she outstretched her arm. You stopped dead in your track, the orb continued to constantly block your vision."I'm desdemona", she smiled, weakly.

"Pandora", you nodded at her before disappearing into the dark orb that turned into a pitch black portal.


You immediately gripped the Hand that applied pressure on your stomach, the familiar thick fingers exuding warmth back into your cold skin. You shot up to put a face on the man that held you. His features were as God like as ever, his lips were bleeding, corners of his eyes were bruised while he suffered a small abrasion on his high cheekbone.

You grazed his cheek softly, drinking in his sight as he did the same. The small eyes you saw were alone, now burned with light of a thousand sun's. You stared into his each others eyes as if it were the first time, he waited for you to understand what happened. You could tell it would be okay for him if you would've just left him behind now. Got on without your life without a backward glance at him. That as what you should do. Instead you smiled and whispered with happiness, "Ben!". He did everything in his power to help yo, protect you and give you the whole word, show you the stars all because you needed him and that's how much he love you.

Galaxies lit up around you, not dropping your gaze from his eyes. He was so confused, he didn't want to do now only stare at you, mesmerised. You have seen anyone stare at you with such care, passion and need. You didn't hesitate before moving to crash against his lips, cupping his cheek. Despite his cut, he forced you closer as you were to fade away like illusion if he didn't bask in the entirety of the moment. Kylo had always kissed you with lust and desire but Ben. He had poured his soul into the kiss, the hand on the nape of your neck was delicate but tight. He was all you needed and you were all he needed.

You pulled away lightly to watch his reaction, expecting a sort of panic but the corners of his lips tugged, you blinked profusely at the sight before you. This was the first time ever he had seen him smile and it was absolutely breathtaking. You breathed out a shaky exhale at his smile. Your thumb brushed his dimples, memorising the way it curved to form his smile, you studied his eye as the corners crinkled, it was the most adorable thing you had every witnessed. It was believed that Kylo Ren never smiled neither did Ben Solo.

You were the first person he revealed his smile to, no smirk, no domiance behind only gratitude and love.

His skin turned cold under your touch, your eyes danced from his features but his smile did not drop, that was when you fully understood that you didn't just black out, YOU DIED.

Just as you healed in kef bit, he did the same instead he sacrificed what little force he had within to bring you back to life. He had no regrets, worry coated your features, only his smile kept you from breaking into a sob.

And with that last graceful smile, Ben Solo crashed on to the ground, you quickly slipped your hand under his back, slowljng the harsh fall as you held his hand. You shook his head, trying to wake him up but he did not move.

Ben solo died, giving his life to you, for you. This was not destiny you had envisioned yet here you were, a great part of you gone. You were lost, unable to think nor understand.

How will you save him?

How will you revive your destiny?

No ones ever really gone

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