I Was Abducted

By sammyhansen21

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Jackson Peter discovered the boogeyman is a real person at 8 years old. He was abducted. He was missing for n... More

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Nadia
Chapter 3 Jackson
Chapter 4 Nadia
Chapter 5 Jackson
Chapter 6 Nadia
Chapter 7 Jackson
Chapter 8 Nadia
Chapter 9 Jackson
Chapter 10 Nadia
Chapter 11 Jackson
Chapter 12 Nadia
Chapter 14 Jackson
Chapter 15 Jackson
Chapter 16 Nadia
Chapter 17 Jackson
Chapter 18 Jackson
Chapter 19 Nadia
Chapter 20 Jackson
Chapter 21 Nadia
Chapter 22 Jackson
Chapter 23 Jackson
Chapter 24 Jackson
Chapter 25 Nadia
Chapter 26 Jackson
Chapter 27 Nadia
Chapter 28 Jackson
Chapter 29 Nadia
Chapter 30 Jackson
Chapter 31 Nadia
Chapter 32 Jackson
Chapter 33 Nadia
Chapter 34 Jackson
Chapter 35 Jackson
Chapter 36 Nadia
Chapter 37 Jackson
Chapter 38 Nadia
Chapter 39 Jackson
Chapter 40 Nadia
Chapter 41 Jackson

Chapter 13 Nadia

226 13 0
By sammyhansen21

"I'll clean it for you," Henry whispers and slides out from under me. I wanted to tell him no and just to lay with me, but I bit my tongue and let him leave.

After a moment he returns with a first-aid kit and a water bottle. As soon as he hands me the water bottle I down it as if it's a race. That water is cold and refreshing. After I screw the lid on and toss it to the side.

He kneels down in front of me and opens the box. He pulls out alcohol swabs and gauze. Henry pushes up my shorts on both legs so, my wounds are easy to get to. "Why so many?" He mutters to himself in hurt.

"This might sting a little," he warns and looks to my face for an okay. I nod a little and he gently dabs the alcohol pad on to my thigh. I hiss in pain and he immediately stops. "S-sorry," he stutters. I've never heard him stutter before.

"It's okay," I nod at him to continue. I bite down on my lip to sustain the pain. "Why are you doing this for me?" I ask out of pure curiosity. He never talks to me and suddenly he's here for me?

"What do you mean?" He asks stupidly. He knows what I mean. You couldn't give a shit about me and suddenly you give a fuck? I bite my tongue because he's been showing me so much kindness.

"I mean before you wouldn't say anything to me, now you're acting as you care." His soft brown eyes stare at me intensely before he gives me a warm smile.

"Of course I care, Nadia," he admits shyly and returns cleaning my cuts. I feel like I'm in an alternate universe. What did I do to deserve him to be so kind?

"Why all of the sudden?" I ask furrowing my brows. His gaze returns to me with a weak smile.

"I've always cared. At first, it was hard to get used to you when you and your mom moved in. I felt like I should despise you and my new mom because my mom was all alone." Henry pulls out a new cotton swab because the other one is cover in my blood.

"I'm sorry," I whisper feeling like everything was my fault. He looks back at me and chuckles a little and I just stare at his handsome face.

"It's not your fault my mother was a whore," he laughs and continues dapping my cut flesh.

"We got that in common," I admit and he stops all movement for a second. "My mom cheated on my dad with Richard. When my dad confronted her about it she gave him divorce papers." Nothing could express how bad I felt for dad. The love of his life ripped his heart out. Dad was willing to forgive mom. Maybe she wanted him to find out so, she didn't have to tell him herself.

"My mom cheated on my dad with a lot of guys. My dad had enough and divorced her. A couple of months later he married your mom," Henry tells me and starts cleaning the other thigh.

"If you think your mom's a whore why did you despise me?" I ask curiously. The truth is I hated mom's whole family when I found out she had cheated. I hated Richard off the bat and his kids including little Will when he was born. But I hated Will less because that kid cracks me up sometimes.

"I don't despise you or, your mom Jennifer. When they first got married I felt conflicted because I didn't want mom to be alone, but my dad did deserve happiness. And after all my mom was the one who fucked up," he says sighs. His hand lightly grabs onto my thigh causing me to relax more.

"When you first started to spend the nights here I would pay close attention to you. I thought you were a funny and smart girl, not to mention beautiful like your mother," he admits smiling and red dances on my cheeks. "I couldn't despise you if I wanted to. Or your mother. She was strong and mine wasn't. She's the closest thing I have to a mother figure," he says focused on cleaning my thigh.

"My mom has always treated me like shit. She doesn't care about my well being. I don't know how you see good in her," I say harshly and honestly. "I've always felt like the black sheep in the family. Like a burden," I whisper the last part. But Henry heard.

His head snaps up to meet my red and baggy eyes fast. "Don't ever say that Nadia," he growls, catching me off guard. I nod a promise I can't keep. "Your not a burden, don't let anyone tell you that," he frowns at me then goes back to my thigh.

"If you always cared, why didn't you show it till now?" I ask changing the subject.

"I was in Kim's room asking where she heard that you were getting another ride when I heard you yelling downstairs. Then I saw how hurt you looked and it broke my heart," my heart swells a little by his words and I can't stop the smile that twists on my lips.

"I had to do something to make you feel better, but I didn't know what to do. But you wanted to be alone," he tells me and begins to wrap my leg in gauze. "Don't do this again Nadia," he says with fear in his eyes.

I nod a false response because I can't help it. I've done it for what feels like forever. I wouldn't go swimming without shorts to cover them. Nobody knew, but now Henry does.

After both legs are covered Henry stands and walks to the door. My heartbeat speeds up. "D-don't go," I stuttered out.

His head turns to me. "I wasn't leaving," he informs me and turns the light off. Relief washes over me as he closes the door and walks back over to me. He sticks his strong hand out for me to grab and as soon as I do he pulls me up and over to the bed.

He laid down first then I did soon after. My body curled up next to him. I was tiny compared to him. He's a strong muscular man and I'm petite and not as strong.

This is the first time Henry actually felt like a brother to me. Someone who's there for me when nobody else is. Henry felt like my strong soldier ready to slay any demon that tried to sneak its way into my dreams.

Maybe I miss judged him. He's a soft guy with a heart of gold, that likes to invite ladies over on the weekend. Not some slimy asshole.
The next morning Henry changed my gauze and cleaned my thighs after my shower. He went back to his room to change and so did I. I changed into a yellow plaid skirt with a black long sleeve. My eyes were still puffy, but there was no helping that. My hair was left wavy and I wore black converse.

"Are you going to apologize?" Mom growls as I enter the kitchen. I laugh internally and grab a banana. Apologize? No way in hell.

My eyes dart to a fresh looking Henry at the table eating pancakes. "Do you want some?" He asks sweetly.

"No," I giggle and sit next to him at the table. Things felt good, besides the stinging on my thighs. Mom seemed surprised by us, but I chose to ignore her.
The rest of the week ran like this. Me pretending Jackson doesn't exist. Hanging out with Henry in mine or, his room. He's been a great brother.

It's now Saturday. The day of the party I've been dreading since the day I agreed to go. God have mercy on my soul.

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