Boys Divisional School of Man...

By boybands77

3.2M 112K 247K

What the fuck is the purpose to a manners school? Not what I was expecting I'll tell you that. {Basically a B... More

Boys Divisional School of Manners
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Zustin Special
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 49: smut
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57 - Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 27

54K 1.6K 2.7K
By boybands77

I know, I know >.< I'm terrible at updates. Thank you for sticking with me:*

Harry's POV

Yesterday was the first Thursday night where Zayn wasn't there. And I must admit, it's like he was never here in the first place. The way Liam and Niall just cuddled up so easily on the couch, it was if it was only them, they didn't seem to be affected by Zayn's absence.

Around school I've seen Zayn, he seemed happier or something. I saw him once talking with a group of his classmates, he had a big smile on his face, one that would almost be mistaken for a laugh. Before, he had always been quick to get to Liam. I hope Justin is actually treating him right, poor lad seemed too passive to say anything if he was being treated poorly. But, Mr. Turner and his husband are there, so I've heard.

I have yet to hear Niall call Liam anything other than 'sir' so, I have no idea if they've discussed anything Louis had mentioned on Monday. Truth be told, I'm glad. I mean, Niall's a great guy, but to hear him call Liam 'daddy', my nose just crinkles.

Louis' in his room getting ready right now, he's already said he wanted me to wear, I don't mind him choosing my clothes for this stuff because I know I look good in anything. It's nice seeing his eyes light up when he sees me in the clothes he's chosen.

This is only my second gala, and the first one wasn't bad, I'm hoping for the same thing; show up, sit down, wait an hour, leave. Louis said he's expecting some friends from some snobby elite school tonight. He got a letter in the mail saying they'll be here. He seems excited, and he's even invited them to stay over tonight so he can take them touring tomorrow. Well, we'll take them touring; I'm getting dragged along. It doesn't matter to me though, Louis says they're not snobby, just good at what they do. Whatever.

Louis knocks at my door and he turns the knob and pushes the door open slightly and pokes his head through, probably to see if I'm dressed, which I am. Dressed in a black dress shirt with my jeans. It took Louis tons of begging and whining to get me in a button up, until I got tired of his bitching and just figured fuck it.

"Collar?" Louis smiles sympathetically. "It's a life saver you know. I mean, Zayn didn't seem to have the best of luck, but Justin is of course the headmaster's nephew." Louis shrugs his shoulders and he comes into my room with the black piece of new leather in his hand. I think that the collar was bought for me, or Louis' submissive more specifically. It's a shame it won't be put to use other than these galas once a week.

Louis then unbuckles the strap and holds it out in the palms of both his hands. What a degrading piece of material. Leather, wrapped around a human's neck, to show... ownership? Slavery to another person? It's inhumane.

"Haz, c'mon mate." Louis' eyebrows raise in a pleading manner and jostles his wrists to bring my attention back to what he was holding and what his intentions are.

I sigh heavily before I turn around, my back facing him, giving him the permission to put it on. I wait patiently as he loops it around the front of my neck and buckles it securely, not being too tight. I turn around and see him smile full with pride.

"I was thinking of getting you a different form of collar." He begins, walking away and to my bed where I had my uniform thrown askew, "I was doing my research and you can have necklaces. Do you wear necklaces?"

He distracts his hands by folding the sweater, then my pants, and grabs a hanger from the closet to put away my blazer properly.

"It's better than this thing." I groan and sit back on my bed, leaning against the headboard. It wasn't a thick collar. It fell to rest on my collar bones, and it wasn't any bigger than an inch. It wouldn't have been noticeable in weight either if I didn't feel I was in threat of being choked to death every minute I wear it.

"That's what I thought you'd say." The corner of Louis' slim lips tug into a small grin, "I'll look into it. Can't promise anything. Have to talk to Turner about it." Louis finished tidying up my clothes before he rocked back on his heels.

"Liam and Niall should be here anytime now."

"Will Zayn be there tonight?" images of him being ignored by Liam roll through my head and I can imagine how hurt Zayn'd be.

"Well, it's mandatory. But he is with Justin, so it wouldn't surprise me if a few rules were bent here and there. However, I don't see him as a rule breaker." Louis walks around to the other side of the large bed and he plunks himself down opposite me. "You've seen him around, yeah? He looks so much happier. It's only been a few days. I want to chat with Justin for a bit, one on one, make sure everything's okay and going good."

I quirk a brow, "Isn't that Liam's job to do the checkup thing?"

Louis shrugs, his white button up shirt rolled up to just below his elbows moving along with his biceps, "Zayn's been a good friend of mine for a while now. There's nothing wrong with wanting to check up on him."

The chime of the doorbell echoes through the house and Louis was quick to spring from the bed, "C'mon. You'll get to meet my friends Mitch and Azam, I think you'll like them."

More stuck up boys, from a stuck up school, who think they're better than everyone here. That's all I need is for Louis to see two men happy together to get this fucked up picture in his head that we'll be like that someday.


Narrator's POV

Zayn was slowly getting used to Justin's ways. He was still apprehensive about everything he did, but now he didn't need to be told twice when Justin says 'It's up to you'. Zayn wanted Justin to pick out his clothes for the gala, but Justin was letting him choose for himself. So he opted for what he regularly wore with Liam.

He slipped into one of Liam's black tees that he had packed into a bag of his, before he was scrummaging through to find his jeans; the ones that didn't have a hole in the knee. Zayn was standing beside the bed as his hands raked through the bag, with no luck, he dumped the contents out on Justin's bed that he now shared. All articles of clothing falling out, and there he found his jeans, rolled up the way Liam had always packed his pants. A smile rushed across Zayn's lips at the sight, he picked the pants up by the waistband to hold them up. As he did something had fallen out and onto the bed. Zayn quirked a brow as he realized exactly what had fell onto the dark sheets of Justin's bed. There lay the pair of furry black triangles with small silver clips to attached to the ends; his puppy ears.

Zayn's heart flickered in joy. Liam had thought about him. Liam was looking out for him. Zayn's whole chest felt light and airy as he thought about what this could mean about Liam and how it could mean his old Liam was back.

He carefully clipped them into his dark hair, the colours blending perfectly. Zayn tilted his head back and forth to make sure they're on right.

He flinched greatly, almost a jump, when he heard a loud huff coming from the other side of the room. Justin walked into the bedroom, fresh out of the shower, and his hair was down with the tips stuck together in droplets of water.

"You have a puppy kink?" Justin asks, his tone suggesting greatly that he already knew where this conversation is heading.

Zayn's lips part innocently, his headspace already heading to submissive; the moment his ears were put on to be exact.

"I guess I do," Zayn shrugs, "It makes me feel comfortable."

"As in, comfortable within yourself? Or as in Liam has made that a comfort zone for you?" Justin took steps closer to Zayn. The two grown closer together over the last few days and Justin feeling able to pull Zayn by his hips and bring him flush against his body. A part of Justin being apprehensive of taking advantage of Zayn's submissive state, but the greater part of him not caring and wanting to take what is his; not matter how temporary.

Justin snaked his hands to the back of Zayn, where his hands rested on Zayn's ass. Just rested, no squeezes, or pinches, but it was used as leverage to pull Zayn closer to him.

Zayn's hands remained by his sides; not exactly knowing what was happening as Justin seemed to be upset with him but was now pressing their bodies together.

"Liam was the one who introduced the pet-play to me, yes." Zayn answered as he stared up into Justin's eyes, the slight height difference becoming apparent as Justin seemed to tower over Zayn.

"Take them off." Justin spoke softly in a low tone, his right hand lifted up to caress the side of Zayn's cheek. Zayn being freshly shaven as he had been taught to be.

"W-What?" Zayn's eyebrows knitted in confusion, his heart skipping a beat at the husky tone of Justin's voice.

"Take them off." Justin reiterated. "My goal is to teach you things about yourself that you never knew. Not go from what Liam or others have instilled in you. If you truly have a pet-play kink I will come across it. But for now, I want to see just how you are naturally. Take them off."

Zayn had carefully and slowly unclipped the ears from his hair and held them in the palm of his hands. Zayn's hands were brought between the two, Justin's hands still keeping them close but giving room for Zayn to look down to the furry triangles in his hands. Justin remained silent for a moment to give Zayn the space to think.

Zayn had never been so willing to give up something that brought him comfort. He held onto whatever it was with so much desperation it was almost pitiful. This had Zayn wondering if it was the fact he wasn't as attached to Liam as he thought, or whether it was Justin himself that had Zayn handing over the play-puppy ears into Justin's possession.

Justin held the both the clip-ons in his right hand before he broke away from Zayn's proximity and moved towards the dresser where he put them on top of the dark wood gently.

"You know Zayn," Justin paused at his position for a moment and he turned his head in Zayn's direction, slowly gravitating closer to the timid man who is feeling exposed and vulnerable. "I am capable of showing you a whole new side of yourself. You are capable of being happy, and relaxed; at the same time. I've noticed how tense you are all the time, I'm going to try and show you just how relaxing things can be. BDSM thing. But I need something from you too." With every word Justin moved their bodies closer together; and Zayn letting him do so.

Zayn remained voiceless, for fear he'd ruin a moment of such tenderness that he so desperately needed.

Justin brought his hand up to the side of Zayn's face, his fingers behind Zayn's ear while his thumb remained brushing the smooth skin of Zayn's jaw and cheek. "I need you to have faith in me." Justin's breath fanned across Zayn's face due to their proximity, "Trust is too much to ask for. But I need you to believe me when I say I'll do everything I possibly can to earn your trust. You should know... I'm a pretty determined guy." The corner of Justin's lips tugged into a small smile.

Zayn felt his throat close in on his airway, he felt the trim of his eyes begin to sting as tears began to well. Yet he did not utter a single sound, he just look straight into Justin's promising eyes and nodded his head.

It didn't take much for Justin to lean forward slightly to connect their lips in a soft and gentle kiss. It was merely a kiss of reassurance that Zayn can have faith in Justin.

Justin pulls away almost as quick as he leant in, "Let me get dressed, then we ca-" Justin was already three feet away from Zayn but it gave him the chance to see exactly what Zayn was wearing, "Is that a shirt of Liam's?"

"Y-Yes," Zayn was in a state of shock from the kiss, and it had him feeling light and airy as if he had never been kissed before. And to be fair, he had never been kissed before with what felt like so much passion. A simple peck, a matter of seconds, and it had Zayn feeling something that he knew he realized never came when he kissed past partners.

Justin didn't even wait for Zayn's reply as he was already shuffling through the many shirts he had tucked away in the closet. He already knew which one he was going to choose for Zayn to wear, and so he pulled out his slim fitting deep purple v-neck.

He turned around to face Zayn and tossed the shirt at his chest, his intentions of Zayn grasping onto the material failed miserably as Zayn only flinched and he let the shirt fall to the floor, "Damn sweet cheeks, thought you'd be able to catch."

Zayn collected himself enough to lean down and pick up the shirt that had fallen, he looked down at it in his hands. He mumbled a thanks and changed shirts, the purple seeming to fit his figure a little more precisely.

Justin whistled in appreciation of how good Zayn looked wearing his shirt, "Damn Zee, lookin' good." Justin nodded his head approvingly, a grin crossing his features.

Zayn blushes lightly and looked down as he tugged on the hem a bit, the v-neck dipping just low enough to reveal the tips of some of his chest tattoos.

Justin held out his hand, "Come on now, we shouldn't be late." And a smile was written in full across his face.

Zayn couldn't find the fight in himself to argue or disagree with Justin's actions, so he latched his hand into Justin's and let himself feel warm at the touch of Justin. The smile on Zayn's thin lips was real and it felt like it had been the first time in a while.

"Let's go now, I'm dying to get to know the people from Zamora." Justin led Zayn down the stairs where his uncles were waiting so they could get to the gala together.


Liam had a tight grip on his baby boy's hand. Niall tried keeping with Liam's fast pace as they strode into the gala hall and made their way to the back wall where large booths line the walls. With a little run in every fifth step Niall managed to keep up.

Harry and Louis walked less aggressively as they followed behind the two. Harry tugging on the collar, which was already on its loosest link. He ran his fingers through his ever growing hair and he sighed in frustration as he knew that the collar wasn't coming off any time within the next hour.

"Liam, mate, where's the fire?" Louis groaned as they all approached one of the larger booths. Liam slid in and Niall followed until they scooted around to the curve of the bench and Liam put his hand onto Niall's thigh the moment they settled. Louis slid in to be seated beside Liam, and Harry following suit but beside Niall.

Liam ignoring the snide from Louis as he just sighed and rubbed a hand across his face. "Lou, you mentioned your friends are coming tonight? Which ones?"

Louis chewed on the inside of his cheek, cursing himself for mentioning it in the car ride. "Uh, Mitch and-"

Louis was cut off by a loud groan from Liam as he rolled his head back, "How fun."

Harry was intrigued into the conversation for the fact Liam was clearly unpleased with this Mitch guy, not exactly excited to be in his presence. Nonetheless, Harry remained quiet and listened intently.

"Don't be like that. They're going to change the way these schools are run!" Louis gushed, "Perhaps even pave the way for the modern BDSM."

"What needs to change?" Liam countered, his eyebrows shot up as he spoke, "They're lazy that's what they are. Can't discipline. Can't obey the rules. Disgraceful." Liam shakes his head.

"What?!" Louis exasperates, "Is that really how you see them? So what, they do things differently than us, isn't one of the biggest rules in the entire BDSM community not to shame others on their pleasures? Li, mate, maybe you could see the positives to this if your head came out of your ass every once in a while." Louis defended his friends.

Liam only shook his head and gripped Niall's thigh tighter.

"D-Daddy." Niall squirmed under the touch, his hand falling on top of Liam's as he was not used to the roughness and intensity that Liam was showcasing. He was used to the cuddles and giggles they shared for the past few nights as Liam was trying to get him more comfortable with the situation of the newly introduced kink. The first thing Liam had focused on was getting Niall comfortable and confident with the new title he would call Liam. Liam made Niall repeat the word to him until it seemed he got bored of it and he was used to it. Then Liam upped the ante and began tickling the blonde little boy, and Niall had started asking Liam to stop while in his fit of giggles. But Liam wouldn't stop. Liam continued tickling Niall's sides until there was a splutter of the words 'please stop, Daddy, please stop', and only then did the older boy stop as he was hovering over the little boy who was panting for air and looking up into Liam's eyes with vulnerability in all senses of the word. Liam had smiled and bent down to place a kiss on his little Niall's forehead and praising him as he said a 'good boy. Daddy's proud of his good boy'. Which had the vanilla white skin of Niall's skin glow into a ruby red.

"Sorry, baby." Liam was quick to remove his grip and rub his hand up and down Niall's thigh. Liam leant over to place a kiss to the side of Niall's temple where he had a few pieces of hair brushed down as he had left his hair down, and un-styled. Niall hummed contentedly and nuzzled his head into the crook of Liam's neck, his headspace already falling younger and younger with every touch of Liam's fingertips across his thigh. "They just make me a little tense."

Niall's nerves had calmed down a bit, then he quirked a brow, "How so?"

Liam sighed and ran his left hand over his face, "They just... do things differently." Liam chewed over his words carefully.

"I'm a lefty, I do things differently. Do I make you tense?" Niall didn't like that Liam seems so judgy over people that Louis seems to like.

Liam rolled his eyes and pursed his lips, "Of course not baby. They jus-"

"No," Niall cut him off, "I'll make my own opinions of them. Seeing as two people I trust have different views." Niall finished with a huff, his eyes hinting with sorry, but he knew what needed to be said.

Liam was taken aback at the audacity, but he felt a small sliver of pride grow at the sight of Niall standing up for himself. His lips curved into a smile and he leant forward to kiss Niall's lips quickly that the latter barely had time to close his eyes.

"Hello boys," the familiar voice of Mr. Reid greeted as he approached the table with Mr. Turner tagging along beside him.

Mr. Turner had a collar fitted around his neck, although he was still professional looking with his suit on. His hand were intertwined together in front of him, his right shoulder tucked right in behind Mr. Reid's left.

Mr. Reid had on a black suit that was very similar to that of his partner, the only difference being he wore a tie while his partner wore a collar.

"Hey," Louis was the first to greet, "How are you?"

Mr. Reid nodded his head once, "We're good, a little nervous if I'm being honest; although there isn't anything to be nervous about. How are you?"

Louis smiled in understanding of why they're nervous, "We're good. Have the Zamora people arrived yet?"

Mr. Reid clapped his hands together and rubbing his palms across each other distractedly. "They're here. Going through some practical rules in the main lobby. Should be in any minute. You've been keeping in touch with Mitch?"

Louis' smile brightened as Mr. Reid remembered his friend, "Yeah, and Azam. They've been looking forward to coming down for a while now."

"Good," Mr. Reid nodded. "Well if you'll excuse us, there's some matters we have to deal with. I hope all is well with Mitch and Adam, pass along my best wishes." And he began striding to where there seemed to be a group of people crowding.

Harry who had been sitting quietly up until now, furrowed his eyebrows and looked to Louis, "They come all the way here for two hours?"

"Uh, well they normally stay overnight at a hotel the school pays for. I was thinking of asking Mitch and Azam to stay over at our place tonight, though." Louis shrugs.

Harry gritted his teeth, great, he thought.

"Whatsup muhfuckers!" A booming voice sounded from where they were five feet away from the table. "I knew I'd find your asses over here."

All four boys turned their focus over to where a young woman was was walking towards them, black glasses framing her eyes beautifully as her hair was slicked back into a ponytail at the back of her head.

Louis was the first break out into a smile and he scooted out of his seat to embrace her in a hug, "How are ya, Mitch?"

Mitch had her arms wrapped around Louis' waist lightly and she pulled back to look over her shoulder where a tall and slim young man was stood silently.

"I'm good. Fucking bus ride was a nightmare. I can only handle so much of those bratty little shits." She had a noticeable American accent.

The young man had stepped forward, his black collar showing nicely with his crisp white shirt. He rested his knuckles on the top of the table as he smiled to the three sitting, "Hi, my name's Azam. Haven't met you two yet." He pointed to Niall and Harry.

Niall was the first to speak up, despite Liam's voice echoing in his head, "Nice to meet you Aze- Asa- uh," Niall's cheeks flushed as he realized he wasn't pronouncing the name correctly.

Mitch laughed loudly and slapped her hand on Azam's shoulder, "Damn, at least buy the guy some dinner before you give him a tongue twister like that."

"Yeah whatever," Azam rolled his eyes and grinned, "At least he gave it a go, unlike some people who just gave up the moment they saw the spelling."

Mitch shrugged, "Fair enough. Credits to... What's your name?" She looked over to Niall who was still flushed with embarrassment.


"Gold star to Niall for trying to pronounce that." Mitch smiled, her eyes flickering over to the man beside Niall, "Liam. How are you?"

Liam clenched his jaw once before smiling, "We're good."

"Good," she nodded her head and turned back to face Louis, "I've missed you ugh. It was a long summer." Her thumbs had went to her black blouse straps, pulling up the material as it had started to slip down her chest.

A glimmer of light showcased a silver band around her middle, Louis gasped dramatically and pulled her hand into his own. "You did not!" He exasperates, quickly looking over Azam's hand where his suspicions were confirmed as he saw Azam's finger adorned with a similar silver band. "You did not!" He repeats himself, looking into Mitch's brown eyes.

Mitch had merely laughed and retreaded her hand from Louis' grip and shoved at Louis' chest playfully. She rolled her eyes and moved to sit beside Niall in the booth, Azam soon followed her lead and scooted in right beside her.

Louis was baffled at the situation and remains standing, "I want an answer! Because if there's some wedding I'm hoping my invitation was just lost in the mail."

Azam laughed, "No wedding." And his hand went to fall on top of Mitch's knee for a moment where her wine red pencil skirt had come up a smidge as she sat.

Louis tucked himself in beside Azam, leaning forward on the table a little so he could look to the newly introduced partnership.

"Well will someone please tell me." Louis scoffed, looking between Mitch and Azam.

Niall was leaning upon Liam's shoulder, while still tuning into the trio's conversation. His brain was working really hard to keep Liam's words in mind, as well as Louis', though it was made difficult when he saw how polite and courteous the couple seemed. Niall had found them amusing, they don't take much seriously it seemed.

"Adam, why don't you explain." Mitch suggested, her arm wrapping around the back of the man who towered over her when standing, yet remained a reasonable size difference as they sat.

"It's a symbol of our unity, I suppose. Kind of showing we have a relationship outside of the school's code, and outside of BDSM." Azam shrugged his shoulders, turning his head to Mitch to see if he had spoken clearly to get the real vague point across.

Mitch leaned down to press a kiss to Azam's upper arm, right beneath the cut of the shirt sleeve. His arm erupted in tiny goosebumps at the gentleness Mitch was showing, something that was normally rare.

Louis cooed, his mind instantly wishing he had someone that he could express his love for. There is Harry, but Harry's not interested Louis has seem to given up on trying. He wasn't going to waste energy on a lost cause. And if Harry was only going through this school to please his mum, then Louis would respect that. Louis' made plenty of friends throughout his years at this school, he's already figured odds are he'll find a more willing submissive next year. If need be, he can retake third year.

"So Louis," Mitch started, and she nodded her head to the other side of the table where Harry sat quietly, being intrigued by the room and the people in it. "How is he?"

Louis just gave her a look almost saying, 'don't even go there'. He was quick to change the subject to what Mitch and Azam's plans were for the weekend.

"Well, the hotel's booked. The bus back to Zamora doesn't leave until Sunday at noon." She shrugs her shoulders, "Just had plans to chill in the room I guess."

"Not on my watch." Louis 'tsk'ed, "You're staying at my house tonight, Harry and I will take you out for a bit of touristy stuff tomorrow."

"Seriously?" Both Mitch and Azam exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah, seriously." Louis smiled, "You guys aren't from around here, and I doubt you get much free time during school. I'd love to take you guys around."

"Your guest rooms better have some fucking King beds, because there ain't no way I'm giving up a hotel bed to go and sleep in a twin size bed." Mitch cocked her eyebrow, and the piercing at the end of her brow was glimmering as she looked to Louis.

He just laughed, "Of course they do."

"Good, then we won't have a problem." Mitch leaned back against the cushioned booth in a satisfactory smirk.

As Harry was watching out in the crowded room, he noticed the familiar face of Zayn peak through bodies. Harry had a hard time keeping track of where he was going, or where he was currently, but he did know that he was with Justin. One moment holding hands, the other they're not. But as Harry caught sight of them once more, Justin was holding Zayn's face between his hands, telling him something sincerely as Justin had leaned down to press a firm kiss to Zayn's lips. Harry watched and bit his lip to refrain from saying anything to the group at the table. Zayn nodded his head, and brought his hands up to cover Justin's while they were still on his face. It might have been a ways away, but Harry caught the undeniable smile that had graced Justin's lips.

Harry saw them coming towards the table, he just turned his head down to watch his fingers intertwine with each other again and again as they were on the table. Harry didn't want to get caught in knowing that the two men were making their way over to the table.

As they approached, there was no connection between the two, they weren't holding hands, there wasn't an arm around a waist; they were just walking beside each other.

Harry looked up to face them as they got to the table, all smiles for their greetings.

Harry looked to his right to see Liam's face that was contorted and it looks like his jaw was clenched as his eyes narrowed into little slits. Niall say up straighter from where he was on Liam's shoulder, and he sat up but kept Liam's arm wrapped around him.

The two caught the attention of the whole table but no one had spoken up yet.

That is, until Liam cleared his throat, "Did you see the puppy ears I left you?" He addressed Zayn.

Zayn could feel his heart in his throat at the look of anger on Liam's features, but he pulled himself together to smile, "Yes, thank you."

Liam pursed his lips, "So why aren't you wearing them?" Liam paid no attention to Justin, who was slowly inching closer to Zayn as the moments progressed.

Louis was baffled at the venom Liam was holding, he never thought Liam would become this hostile.

Mitch and Azam stared blankly between the two in an argument as they tried to put together pieces of two different puzzles.

Niall's head was down out of awkwardness, he knew Zayn never really sat with Liam like how he was now. He knew that Liam hadn't shown too much love for Zayn, but Liam sure was acting like Justin had stole the other half of his heart.

"Because I said so." Justin finished for Zayn as his hand slipped securely around Zayn's slim waist.


This is only part one, the next chapter will be a continuation.

Good luck to everyone who has written, or is still writing exams XD <3

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