By Anakinkwhorehouse

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You are a new knight of ren, the most ruthless knight of any generation , named "bloodhound" officially, and... More



401 15 18
By Anakinkwhorehouse

Exegol was a dark, barren, and rocky planet with desert flats. Its dry conditions, combined with the rubbing of dust particles in its atmosphere, created enormous static discharges that appeared as lightning strikes from the planet surface. The desolate world was covered with enormous fissures that reached deep into its crust. These were excavated by Sith loyalists who were attempting to reach a vergence they believed to lie beneath the surface.

You set the howler on auto pilot and made your way to the briefing room and directed the droids to patch up multiple transmissions. "Who the hell is this?", a man spoke with his arms crossed over on his chest, his dark eyes were unlike Kylo's, it was majestic in a sense of it. His dark curlers sat messily upon his head, rouge hairs falling over his bushy brows.

"General Dameron", I nodded. He stood even more confused than before, bringing his curios eyes closer to study the woman before him. "My name is Pandora 'Bl-", you stopped mid sentence, parting and sealing your lips while simultaneously your clammy palms followed the rhythm of clenching and unclenching when the knights appeared before you, as did Kross and Rey along with Phasma and Hux "-Pandora 'Bloodhound' Ren", you smiled.

"Acting general", he corrected you. "I'm well aware of that name, Hellhound", he cocked a brow. You were taken aback by his. No one had ever called you that except-.

"How do you know that name?", you blinked profusely. Feeling the air around you turn heavy, there's certain doubt that swims beneath your strong disguise, this could be in some way, a peculiar coincidence or something else entirely but nevertheless Poe's words fell useless on the floor as his mind tried grasp on what words he could use to mask his abrupt reveal. He sighed heavily, resting an eblow over an arm as he rubbed his brows at how to unveil the news to you. Vicrul looked nervously, avoiding your gaze.

"We contacted your knight, Vicrul through Kronix when he was in the interrogation chambers. He knew everything about you from long time", he spoke softly. "He's also the man who convinced Hux to become the mole, a very big needle to the orders defenses", he finished. You didnt spare the two men a glance. The words that you would prefer to hear from Vicrul or Hux left you still, in a state of incredulity which you wore evident on your features. Small gasps and incoherent mumbles left your lips, images of every moment they had the time to tell you the truth, came running to your head. You eyes sent everything out of focus as you got lost in thought. Vicrul's devotion to the dark side, maybe doubtful but a direct turn towards, who were once deemed enemies seemed far stretched but you've seen much more unbelievable forces at work such as when you first heard of Darth Nihilius, the sith with the ability to feed off of force welders powers to make himself stronger but his achilles heel? If he had gone without feeding on the force, his body weaken. Moral of the story, don't try to overachieve not overstep the boundaries of what one could bear. Your trace was broken by the another man's voice echoing into your head, much deeper than that of damerons. You snapped your head to the miniature hologram of his body.

His dark skin was glowing under the unnecessarily bright sun. You watched them glisten in awe, wishing your skin could be as flawless as his but I'm the end you're skin was yours. "General Finn", you sighed, forcing a smile. "I see, your jedi training has gone smoothly", your eyes fell on the saver at his side. "Tell me, do you prefer the blue over the green that you have", a small tug at your lips, formed the smallest of smirks.

"How did yo-"

"I am the goddess of the force, I sometimes know more than I have to", you added. "Anyways, to the reason why I sent this transmission. The plan", you squinted your eyes at the both of them. They nodded to one another before gesturing other resistance pilots to join in. "Right, you maybe thinking that exegol is your primary target but that is farthest from the truth. Your true target is on the outer rims in the desolated land of Malachor V, my home for the longest time. A famous sith temple, I believe that the emperor has plans on resurrecting an old weapon that is capable of destroying rims. It is the starkiller but a million times more powerful. Our main course of action would be to allow the emperor to believe that we only know of his plans on exegol. I have already sent Rey and Kross over to find a weakness before the weapon is launched. Note, that you cannot be caught and you CANNOT interfere on land if you are not a force user. Or you could be the downfall of the galaxy, the land reacts to bodies with lower rates of midichlorians and when it reacts, its not a pretty sight", you eyed the nervous rebel fighters, swallowing thickly.

"While in exegol, you will provide fire power against the Tie fighters where as I will battle the emperor and hopefully kill him before the weapon has any prints of his crocked fingers on the dusty surface. Hopefully, we don't have to fight off anymore strom troopers as the captain and the general are in the process of capturing the base. If not, lets pray it does not come to that. If anyone wants to back out, do so now and here", you scanned the frightened soldiers, even sensing the uneasiness settle into your knights but no one did move back or stand down. You smiled at their bravery, "Thank you for your sacrifice, everyone and may the force be with you", I winked before shutting all the transmissions except the ones connected directly to the knights and Kross. You sighed, heavily, placing your hand on the table, dropping your head in worry and fear.

"What about Ben?", Rey asked in a thick accent.

"I don't know but rest assured I'll do my very best to bring him back", you rubbed the nape of your neck. "Kross, thank you for picking her up and following through with the plan", he nodded in response before steeping away from the transmission, they went offline.

"When were you going to tell us?", Kuruk turned his attenton to Vicrul. You watched him hesitate, calculate his words before it left his lips.

"It's okay, Vicrul. I know you had the best intentions at heart. To be completely honest, there was not a day where I didn't want to tell all about my visions, even in Nar Shadda. Its painful to hide it from people you call family because that what you think at the moment is right in order to keep them safe. I am not hurt Vicrul, but I would be lying if I told I wasn't caught off guard. Nevertheless, what has happened has happened, there's no changing that but what we can promise one another to always be transparent with one another. Always and forever", you pursued your lips, awaiting their answers. Nods of agreement were passed around and Vicrul looked at you with grateful eyes to which you gave a curt nod. "How long till you guys reach the location?", you circled around the table, the hologram moved to fit your eyes view of the six men.

"Not long", Kuruk rubbed his cupids bows in deep thought, you gazed at him to speak up. Eyes reminding him of the full transperency. "If the weapon is truly relaunched-"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Besides its nothing my powers can't handle", you gave a reassuring smile hiding the true sorrow that raged within you. The weapon was created to be unstoppable, shutting it down would take every cell of your body, which would mean your end.

The knights bid you goodbye, allowing you a moment to breathe. You released a breathe, you actually didn't know you were holding with that broke out a ear piercing sob. You couldn't fail them, not the knights, the jedis, not hux, phasma especially Kylo. The pain of seeing them one last time without being able to tell them what would come to be once the weapon is launched. There was one part, you left out, in order to destroy the weapon it must first be lauched. How could you truly tell them? The people you've grown to love and protect. You gathered the mess that was the invisible pieces of your soul, shattering with every quiver of your cries. You slowly steadied yourselves with the held of the table and made your way back to the main bridge. Plopping on the seat you attached the headset and gained manual control of the ship beforing moving to imitate the hyperdrive.

"Engaging in 3",you sighed heavily, resting your head on the seat behind while keeping your eyes away from the view of the stars. "2", you blew air through your mouth, cheeks inflating. "1",you clenched your eyes as the light pierced your eyes. You never were a fan of such bright illuminensce. "Jump successful",the A.I powered down after those words. The nav computer began lagging and glitching until a tiny spark that caused you to jolt away, destroyed the system. Even the air of exegol destroyed anything it touched. The lights in the howler flickered, ceaselessly but it did not stop you from landing before a thin strip of entrance that led to the Palpatine. You unleashed katanas and tightened your grip on the handle, spinning all the while the tightening of your fingers left blood to turn scarce in your palms. The nerves on your hands were now visible. There was sudden thumping of your heart, a part too afraid to face destiny but there was another that would stop at nothing to end the story. With deep breathes you entered the room, the thunders matched your footsteps.

Knights of Pandora

"Did you know her real name is Carla?", Ushar spoke in excitement while slipping his fingers into the glove. The knights rolled their eyes at his question.

"Ushar, if I rolled my eyes any longer, I would crash the ship", Kuruk spat with a agitated tone. "And what the hell is someone like her doing in dantooine?", Kuruk switched off a few buttons.

"Farming?", Trudgen answered, earning a chuckle from Vicrul who had been determined to get rise. Out of Ushar since they departed from the Order. Ushar gorlwed in response, shooting a death glare at Vicrul, who continued to fake a laughter at Trudgens words but Ushar was not about to let Vicruls agitating taunting ruin his moment of meeting her.

"I guess we are about to find", Kuruk pushed the gears to reach the surface faster. "Cardo, Ap'lek get your candy arses here. I need you guys to man the guns", Kuruk turned his head over his shoulders. The two hurried to the main bridge and slid quickly onto their chairs, tightening their the belts that strapped them to the chair. "Trudgen, Ushar and Vicrul", Kuruk spoke again. "I'm going to get you guys as close as I can", he licked his lips with his eyes trained on the flying blasters.

"Copy that", Vicrul answered. The three men readied their masks and jumped on the ramp while wiggling their arms, warming themselves up. Trudgen stood my the ramps panel awaiting the correct time to open it.

"Wait for it, wait for it", Kuruk muttered, loud enough for the rest of the men to hear it. Vicrul patted Ushars shoulder while he took deep breaths. The ship jerked as the bottom hit the grassy lands on dantooine, the same beauty the order into a battlefield. Innocent lives turned to nothing but useless skin on the yellow land. "Now!", he yelled. Trudge punched the button on the panel, immediately opening the ramp which dragged soil and bumped over bodies as it fell flat.

A/N | Finisher by Vo Williams, that's all kids. Enjoy

"Showtime", Trudgen nodded before they both performed a moonsualt on the metal floor to land safely on to the grassy molasses. The troopers turned their weapons at the men but the blaster shots hung in the air, unmoved while the men outstretched their hands. They looked at one another, baffling expressions behind the mask.

"How the hell do we have so much power?!", Ushar yelled as more troopers sang a battle cry simultaneously shooting at the three figures. Vicrul chuckled to himself and shook his head.

"Pandora, you motherfucker", he looked at the knights. After a while they too understand the reasoning behind the new surge of power.

"Tsk Tsk, now now calm your structured tits", Ushar spoke through. "Not infront of the kids", Ushar pointed at the stormtroopers who stood with tilted helmets.

"Im so sorry honey",Vicrul spat sarcastically.

But their silence was quickly interrupted by the thudding sounds of strom troopers falling on the muddied soil. Ushar caught the woman in black and white, pulling back a troopers helmet and jamming her dagger so deep, she didn't bother pull it out as the blood spattered across her face. Ushar jerked his at the knights to launch an attack. Trudge pulled his weapon behind his head before throwing at the approaching, a clean slice on three troopers, one after another dead before they could even make a move. He used new powers to call. Back his weapon on to his hand. Trudgen disappeared from his state in small zap and appeared behind another trooper. He prodded the troopers helmetz the trooper flinched in shock but before he could attack trudgen silenced him and traveled to the locations of other troopers who searched for him in panic with sharp eyes.

"I call death troopers", Vicrul yelled to the mem, who groaned at the missed opportunity for some challenge which Vicrul stole away. The large man in dakr trooper armour, stood tall like an immovable wall, that was no problem for Vicrul because lucky for the trooper Vicrul was problem solver. He ducked the first hit from the troopers cleaver, using speed to his advantage. He used his scythe, hooking it around the hamstrings of the trooper, he hauled them forward. The trooper fell on his rear, helmet clashing with the floor. "Honestly, It's like you're not even trying", Vicrul raised his weapon to deliver the last but the trooper blocked it swiftly with his cleaver. Vicrul gritted his teeth, using all his power to drove his scythe down on him. "Come on, powers don't fail me", he placed his fingers on top of the polished cleaver, releasing a shock unto it. The wave shot into the death trooper, sending him to a seizure state. Vicrul hummed in satisfaction, gazing upon his gloved hand. Another death trooper came in his way, Vicrul smirked.

Ushar fought side by side the woman. "What the fuck are you doing here?", the woman tilted her head at Ushar.

"Literally was going to ask you the same?", he swung his war club high and waited with his arms folded over his chest. The troopers stooped eyeing the weaponless Knight. The club came crashing down on those troopers, Ushar banged the ground, chasing it to rumble and crack just as you did back in the ship. The men lost their footing, giving the woman enough time to throw her daggers at them and Ushar to rush the troopers with his destructive weapon. The buzzard shoot through many troopers, providing cover and diverting blaster shots away from the knights on the field to the ship. Cardo released mini grenades while Ap'lek fired the railgun.

Once every trooper was either decapitated, dismantled, broken, turned to rubble and etc. The woman sighed in relief but was stuck with one question in her mind, she pulled down the cover from her head, revealing her raven black hair. Kuruk landed the ship, she walked before the ramp and knights followed to stand in an uniformed pattern.

Kuruk spoke as he walked down the ramp. "Bazine Netal, you need to come with us", he watched Bazines confused state turn into a hungry one and with one malicious smirk, she nodded.

Next stop, some unlikely allies in helmets.

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