Right Here (KTH)

By RiyaWritesRomance

3.8K 163 20

Jimin's twin sister ends up losing her virginity to his childhood best friend, Taehyung, at a end-of-the-year... More

Let Me Go
Break Your Heart Right Back
Say It
Thinkin' About You
Dancing with a Stranger
Slow Down
Power Trip
The Feeling
Fucked Up
The Last Time
True Love

Right Here

200 12 2
By RiyaWritesRomance

It felt weird to be on semi-friendly terms with Taehyung, especially with what had happened that night at the frat house. We weren't arguing, at least not in a serious manner. He actually made me laugh instead of just annoyed.

I was still counting the painting sessions down, though. One more, he had said in a text, and we should be completed with his vision. Then, I wouldn't owe Kim Taehyung anything and could go on my merry way with my life.

It's was just a couple of days later and I just got out of World Religions and Jungkook walked beside me down the hall.

"Did you get the A for the photos?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Still have to wait for my turn in the dark room. I have time scheduled this afternoon and then I'm meeting Joon to help him record a demo track."

"Joon, huh?" I grinned.

He rolled his eyes, but smiled. "You think Lisa and Sowon are right?"

I shrugged. "I don't know what you expect to happen if you don't express your interest. Even if he screams like a little girl and politely declines like my brother, I think its better to know than to always wonder."

Jungkook laughed at the memory. "You're never going to let him or I live that down, are you?"

"No," I said smugly. "Although, I haven't even brought it up to him yet. I'm waiting for the prime sibling black mail situation."

"Ah, makes sense."

We exited the building, but Jungkook stopped before we reached the entrance.

"Oh, yeah," he turned to me, grinning widely once again.

"What?" I asked.

He licked his lips. "There's another party at the frat soon. I figured Jimin probably didn't tell you, so I'm inviting you myself. Lisa is gonna come and she said she's gonna make it her goal to get Joon there, so I need all the support I can get."

I shrugged. What was another frat party in the grand scheme of things? "Sure, I'll be there."

"Good," he smiled. "There's a surprise too."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

He shrugged, but the wide grin never left his face. "You'll just have to come and see."

I nodded to him and we parted ways. I probably should have wondered about what Jungkook had planned, but I didn't think much on it. We were friends and friends helped friends out. Still, the last favor he'd asked me for had me making soft-core porn with his lesbian best friend in the frat house backyard while my brothers best friend watched as I thought about how he'd taken my virginity and made me cum. That wasn't all Jungkook's fault, but it had a lot to do with him and his 'fun' ideas.

Sowon had Eunha in an iron grip when I walked into the dorm room we shared.

"Help," Eunha whined from where Sowon held her down.

"Letting you start dating was the worst idea I ever had," Sowon pouted. "We are best friends. Where have you been?"

"You're always gone with Yoongi. I don't know why you're being like this. Also, we're not dating," Eunha huffed.

I laughed. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"She's smothering me," Eunha whined, finally breaking free from Sowon and moving across the room. "Jimin just needs a lot of help in math and between that and my own studying, I have a lot less time."

Sowon pouted. "But you slept over there."

"And nothing happened. I told you that," she said. "We just talked and slept."

Sowon crossed her arms, looking thoroughly unconvinced and pouty.

"Why aren't you hanging with Yoongi as much?" I asked, setting my bag down and taking the heavy book out of my bag and putting it under my bed. "Not that I'm complaining, but it was two weeks of hardly being able to catch you free and now you're just... here."

Sowon tried to say something, but stopped and sighed. All her fake anger melted away.

"What happened?" Eunha said, coming closer again and sitting next to Sowon.

"Nothing," she shook her head. "Everything is the same, but maybe that's the problem." She said the last part quieter than the rest of it.

"You guys should talk," Eunha said, rubbing her back. "Communication is important."

Sowon nodded. "You're right. I shouldn't just avoid him because I'm a little unhappy with how things are going."

We both smiled at her reassuringly.

I sat down on my bed, starting to get comfortable when my phone vibrated. I picked it up.

"Are you serious?" I scoffed.

"What?" They both turned toward me at the same time.

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing, Tae just wants to paint. Why does it seem like he has a sixth sense for when I'm about to enjoy myself, only to beckon me to him. I guess it's the last time, though. I should just do it."

"Lisa was right. You sound like you guys are fucking," Sowon teased.

I narrowed my eyes. "No. We aren't even friends. Jungkook even said he was fucking someone else."

"You did spend the night in his bed," Eunha bite her lip, smiling.

Sowon ohh'd in response.

I glared at Eunha. "You of all people should believe me when I say, absolutely nothing happened."

Eunha held up her hands in defense.

Sowon tilted her head, looking unconvinced. "Ya'll are both liars," she said. I'd have to thank Lisa for planting that thought in her brain.

"Oh, Jimin invited me to a party they are having in a couple days too," Eunha piped up as I got out of bed and put my shoes back on.

"Jungkook told me already," I said, smiling. "Don't tell my brother I'm coming."

She nodded.

"I'll be there since I have to talk to Yoongi anyway," Sowon sighed.

I left them as they continued to talk about their relationship issues.

How was I supposed to have the energy to figure out everyone else's love life if I couldn't even get a handle on my own? I tried to perk myself up so I didn't seem so depressed when I got to the frat house. The last thing I needed from Taehyung was another attempt at a pep-talk or whatever it was that he was trying to say to me at that last party.

"Faster than I expected," Taehyung said. He'd answered the door still in his boxers.

"What the fuck, Tae?" I covered my face as I made my way inside.

He laughed. "I'll be right back."

I heard him bound up the stairs and I uncovered my face. I made my way into the kitchen, setting down my bag and then opening up the fridge. They had to have some sort of pop, and I needed something more than water to drink if I was going to make it through the impromptu paint session.

I heard footsteps approaching as I looked. "Hey, did you ever get more of your precious Dr. Pepper or-?" I stopped talking as I peaked around the door, seeing Not Taehyung, but Hoseok.

"Oh," He was the first to speak, surprise in his tone. "Didn't know you were coming over."

I licked my lips nervously and nodded. "Yeah, gotta help Taehyung with his art thing that I messed with."

He grinned. "Oh yeah. I heard about that," but his friendliness turned back into awkwardness quickly. "Well, I've got a class, so I'll see you." He waved.

I waved back and he turned around and walked out the door. He didn't have anything with him and had been wearing slippers, so I highly doubted he actually had a class. Ouch. Did I suddenly have a sign hanging around my neck that read "Hot Mess. Don't Fuck With This." because that's exactly what it felt like.

Taehyung was back in a second. "Hey," he said, smiling. "Ready?"

I nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."

We moved over in front of his canvas. It was nearly all covered in paint now, but he insisted it wasn't done, so I assumed his artist eye was seeing something that I was not.

"Was someone else down here," he asked as he prepared everything.

"Yeah," I said. "Hoseok was here for two seconds, and then ran away like I had the plague."

He snorted. "The plague?"

"Seriously, I don't know what his problem is. Do you think Jimin said something to him?" I asked seriously.

He paused and looked up at me, then shook his head and went back to working. "I have no idea."

I crossed my arms and waited for him to finish.

When everything was set up and the music was turned on, he came behind me and got into the same position I was so familiar with: hand on my back and other on my wrist, guiding my hand. I only just now thought of myself as a human paint brush.

"You know," he started in his concentrated far-off voice. "There's a party here this weekend and Hoseok will be there this time. Maybe if he gets drunk enough he'll talk to you."

I rolled my eyes, although remembered he couldn't see that a second later. "If he won't talk to me sober, I don't see the point. I don't care. I don't want to talk to him or about him anyway," I said, irritated. "Besides, weren't you the one who said I shouldn't get with him?"

I felt him shake his head. "I said you could do whatever you wanted."

I sighed. "Still seems like you're a little too invested in my sex life."

He chuckled softly. "You just seem a bit down about the whole thing."

"What about you? Whose Kim Taehyung fucking these days?" I said, attempting to turn the tables. Why'd he want to give me advise on Hoseok, anyway?

"No one," he said simply.

"That's not true," I said, turning to look at him.

He gave me a glance and I turned back around and he continued painting.

"No one important," he said again. "Nothing more than one night stands for a while. You're probably the only girl that's woken up in my bed in almost a year."

I didn't really know what to say to that. At least he was getting some, but meaningless sex wasn't necessarily the best thing either. I guess it was more than I was getting, though.

The silence dragged on.

"You're not a lesbian now, are you?" he asked.

"What the fuck, Taehyung," I said, feeling incredulous, but somehow I was laughing too.

I felt him snicker in my ear. "I dunno. You and Lisa," he paused, thinking about his words. "I don't know. I was just thinking about it."

I thought about Lisa's words: Taehyung had a boner after watching us together. But that was pretty typical.

"God, you're such a guy," I laughed. "No, I'm not a lesbian. Weren't we just talking about Hoseok?"

He shrugged, then pressed my hand against the canvas. "Just was curious."

"If I was," I started nonchalantly. Words pouring from my mouth the second they came into my head. "I probably wouldn't have cum so hard when we-" I cut myself off abruptly, senses ony hearing myself speak moments too late.

"Hmm, yeah," I felt the heat of his smirk as he hummed those words. "You're right."

I was suddenly very aware of the small movement his thumb made against my back. I tried to calm my racing heart. It probably wasn't even intentional on his part. Whether it was embarrassment or a sudden onslaught of excitement, I wasn't sure.

"So, where is everyone?" I asked, suddenly aware that no one had come down or interrupted us this entire time so far, which was unusual in the frat house.

"There was a frat thing," he said, then went on to elaborate. "Not just us, but like all frats. Everyone went to that but Hoseok and I. I don't know what he was doing, but I wanted to finish this."

Which meant we were all alone.

He moved his hand to my hip, pressing forward into me as he used my hand to smooth a smudge as he did from time to time. Feeling all of him in my state of mind was not good, shooting heat through my inside, but he never lingered so it was okay. Except this time he was. I could see him out of the corner of my eye bite his lip as he scanned his eyes over the canvas thoroughly, still positioning my hand to rub over some spot.

"What do you think about this?" he said softly, right next to my ear. He used my hand to point to the spot he was talking about.

"I dunno," I said in the same soft tone. "It's your artwork. I'm just the tool."

He made a small noise of amusement. He rubbed my finger against it to smooth out and then pulled back.

I sighed in relief.

He released me completely. "Okay, wash your hands. Just a bit more."

I complied.

It was only an hour later when he paused and then pulled back a little further than normal. His eyes were scanning the painting when I peaked back at what he was doing.

"Yeah," he nodded, tongue prodding his cheek in thought. "Yeah, okay. I think this is it. I think we're done."

I sighed. "Finally."

He let me go and I went over to the sink to wash my hands for the hundredth time. I pulled some hand lotion out from my back and applied it before heading back over to the painting station where Taehyung still stood with his hands on his hips looking over the piece.

I would be lying if I said he didn't look handsome like that. He was much more mature looking than when we first got together. His jawline was more defined and his babyfat had all disappeared and been replaced with a bit of muscle.

"Come here," he motioned for me to stand beside him.

I did as he said and he motioned toward the piece we'd just finished.

"What does it say to you?" he asked.

I tilted my head, concentrating on it hard, trying to figure out what I felt. "Chaotic," I said finally. He looked at me and I continued without sparing him a thought. "Like this half feels like an ice bucket being poured over my head and the other half almost feels like a warm blanket, but its more like a raging fire. Neither sensation is that pleasant, but when faced against each other they're bare able. But in turn, it's chaotic."

I looked at him and he nodded, impressed. "You're pretty good at bull shitting."

I snorted. "Don't ask me if you don't want to hear what I have to say."

He stuck his tongue out and I rolled my eyes.

"So this is it? We're all done," I said.

He nodded. "All done."

I looked around at all the plates and other things lying around. "You want me to help cleaning up or are you good?" I asked.

"No, it's fine," he said.

"Okay," I said, going to pick up my bag, but stopped short.

"Hey, (y/n)," he said, bringing my attention back to him.

I gave him a look to go on.

"I umm..." he bit his lip.

What could he possibly say to me? My mind raced with a million things as he tried to find the words.

He chuckled softly and then sighed. "I told Hoseok you have herpes," he said. "That's why he doesn't want to talk to you."

I would have paused if I hadn't already been standing completely still. The words hardly processed. There were a million things I had thought he might say, but this was not a single one of them.

"You-" I said. My mind was still racing to put everything together.

"I was pissed off and I meant what I said about you being too good for him, so I just said it one day and he must have taken me seriously. I'm sorry-" but he didn't get to finish his apology.

I was storming toward him. I wasn't even sure what I was going to do until I did it.

I picked up one of the plates, smearing my hand in it and then slapping him with my paint covered hand. It glided against his cheek with an odd ease.

"The fuck," he was saying, but then I was smearing it against his face and he pulled at my hips to push me away.

Then, he reached down and grabbed his own glob of paint, lobbing it at me. That made me go for another color, smearing it against his shirt as we scuffled onto the floor.

"You fucking asshole," I heard myself say as I squirmed to loosen his grip on me, causing me to smear more paint against his face and neck.

"You started it," he was saying back, holding me back with one hand and attacking me with paint with the other.

I got a hand in his hair and he grit his teeth. He attempted to pin me against the floor, but I had an iron grip on his hair, now slathered with green paint, so he ran a purple hand down my front, against my shirt and grazing my boob, but I couldn't pay it any mind. I was too busy fighting back against him.

He managed to get his hair out of my hands and sat up, but I sprang up after him. He was quicker, though. He grabbed me at my hips and pulled me down into his lap, securing me still with one arm and then grabbed my face with his other hand and forced me to look at him.

"Stop," he said instantly. It came out as more of a growl. He was covered in paint and I could feel that I was too. We were both breathing harder. He looked like he was going to say more, but then we were just breathing hard and staring at each other.

I don't know who sprang forward first, but our lips crashed together in a sloppy, aggressive kiss. I could feel the paint on both our faces gliding together and our saliva mixing as our tongues fought each other for dominance. He was winning, but I wouldn't admit that, not now.

My arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling our bodies impossibly close while his fingers dug into my hips, holding me down into his lap.

I moaned into his mouth as I felt something poking at me from below. It made him even harder.

My mind was fuzzy, there was nothing but Taehyung's tongue, his lips, his hands. His cock too. It felt so good to feel him getting harder and harder under me.

I wanted more.

I felt myself grind down into him , eliciting a groan from him as he guided me hips to do it again and again until we were practically dry-humping each other.

It was at this moment, myself getting impossibly wet and him coming closer and closer to full mast at the contact between us, that my mind decided to wake up.

Bad. Wrong. Stop. Taehyung.

The thoughts may not have been totally coherent, but they still made enough sense to snap me out of it. I was covered in paint dry humping Taehyung in the middle of my brother's frat house. Fuck.

I pulled back and he looked surprised at the loss of contact. This gave me a chance to jump out of his lap. I didn't bother to say anything or look at him, or even think one more time. I dashed for my bag and then ran out the door.

I didn't stop until I was standing at the door to my dorm.

I wanted to barge in, but then I thought about Sowon or anyone else being in there. Fuck. I hoped they weren't. I did a silent prayer, even though I wasn't religious. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

"Holy shit," Lisa said. Both her and Sowon were sitting on Sowon's bed. I assumed talking before, but now they were both staring at me. "I knew he was into some weird paint fetish shit," she laughed.

Sowon was laughing too.

"Shut up," was all I managed to say as I made my way to the bathroom, shutting the door rather hard. I took one look at myself and groaned. I was a straight up mess. Not just inside, but outside too.

I peeled off my paint covered clothes, wondering if they would even be wearable after this. I got into the door and washed my hair four times before I was sure all the paint was out.

I also took the time to masturbate, releasing the pressure built up below. I hadn't remembered the last time I had been this wet. It was all because of Taehyung too. Fuck, I must have been cursed.

When I came out of the shower, both girls were looking at me expectantly again.

"So you weren't fucking Taehyung, but now you are?" Lisa asked skeptically.

I closed my eyes and let myself fall on my bed. "It's so complicated I don't even know where to begin."

"Maybe the beginning," Sowon added, tone as if she was just being helpful, but it annoyed me.

I covered my face with my pillow for a minute before looking over at them both with a pout. "Okay, but if you guys tell anyone, I'll fucking kill you both, okay?"

Their eyes widened, but they nodded and smiled huge.

"It all started at this stupid high school party," I began.

Ah my Heartu💜

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