Right Here (KTH)

By RiyaWritesRomance

4.2K 166 22

Jimin's twin sister ends up losing her virginity to his childhood best friend, Taehyung, at a end-of-the-year... More

Let Me Go
Break Your Heart Right Back
Say It
Thinkin' About You
Right Here
Slow Down
Power Trip
The Feeling
Fucked Up
The Last Time
True Love

Dancing with a Stranger

210 10 1
By RiyaWritesRomance

The Hoseok thing didn't change. I tried to talk to him again in Major Techniques with pretty much the same results. Maybe he had been interested, but wasn't anymore. I tried not to let it get to me, though. It wasn't like I'd really gotten to know the guy, just a bit of chit-chat and some common interests.

Still, it left me high and dry in the guy department and I was really hoping I could jump on someone's dick to erase the taste of my ex out of my mouth.

That'd just have to wait, I guess.

It was the weekend now, so that left a lot of time for me to try and figure out a new plan.

"Jimin," I whined as we sat in one of the on campus coffee shops for a late lunch. They had awesome sandwiches. "Why does no one love me?" I pouted.

He barely looked up from his phone. "I love you."

I rolled my eyes. "You're my brother."

He laughed at something on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I threw a napkin at his head.

He blocked it, knocking it back onto the table and looked up at me with a grin. "None of your business, that's who."

"Booty call number three?" I chuckled at my own joke.

"Ha ha ha," he rolled his eyes. But he was back to texting with a small smile in seconds.

"Jiiimin," I groaned again.

He turned off the screen on his phone and tucked it into his pocket. "Alright, you have my full attention. What?"

I pouted. "No one wants to help me get over my break up. I need help."

He put his hand on his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps the pig and three goats was too hefty a price to ask of all of your suitors. I thought you were worth more, dear sister."

I scrunched my nose and threw another napkin at him.

He laughed. "Look, I'm sorry Hoseok isn't into it anymore, but I guarantee it's for the best. There are like a million guys here. Just jump one of them and call it a day."

I looked around. That was true, but I just couldn't get over something unknown in my head. "I don't want just any guy," I said softly.

His expression softened and he pat my hand that lay outstretched on the table. "I know," he said.

My phone vibrated and he let me go so I could fish it out of my pocket.

Taehyung: Paint?

I rolled my eyes at his one worded text. "Why is it that ever other girl is probably snuggled up with her boyfriend while I'm eating lunch with my brother and then playing the part of a slave for his best friend?" I said, but when I looked up Jimin was grinning at his phone again and I could tell he hadn't heard a word I said.

Me: fine, I'll be there in an hour.

Taehyung: why so long?
Just come now.

I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but I refrained.

Me: I'm bleeding out my vagina and need a shower.

It wasn't a lie, but maybe an exaggeration. Even though I had just been complaining about being lonely, I needed a little time to pull myself together before dealing with Taehyung for a couple of hours. If the party taught me anything, it was that being sad and being around someone I disliked as much as Taehyung didn't mix. Even if we were getting along slightly better recently.

Taehyung: wow, thanks for sharing.
I have never wanted to unknow something so bad.

Me: Ha so an hour?

Taehyung: yeah, take ur time.

I smiled at my small triumph.

"Now whose texting a booty call, hmm?" Jimin said, drawing my attention away from my phone and back to him.

I rolled my eyes. "I just got done telling you there is no one."

"Then who were you texting?" he asked suspiciously.

"My slave driver, Kim Taehyung," I sighed, stuffing my phone back into my pocket.

"Hmm," he hummed thoughtfully. "Texting Taehyung and smiling, are you okay?"

I laughed. "Ask me again in like three hours. He wants me to help him paint tonight," I said as we got up from the table.

We walked outside and I wrapped arms around myself from the chill. The air had gotten colder quickly. It had been all shorts and tank tops for weeks and then suddenly it was leggings and hoodie weather. Still not cold enough for snow or anything, but enough to be a shock to my system.

"I'll see ya," Jimin waved to me, heading toward his house while I headed back to the dorm.

By the time I made it to the frat house it was already getting dark, and clouds were covering the sky. I knocked on the door and Taehyung answered.

"Finally," he scoffed and let me inside.

"Sorry," I said absentmindedly. I set down my bag and walked straight toward the art. I spotted Eunha and Jimin in the living room, books and papers spread out. "Oh, hey. I didn't know you were here," I said, smiling.

Eunha and Jimin both looked up surprised. "Oh, hey. We're just studying," Jimin said, looking back down at the paper in front of him.

Eunha looked over at him and smiled and then back at me and waved.

Taehyung came up behind me and pushed me toward the art. "Lose the jacket. It's just gonna get paint on it," he said.

I scoffed, "You're so rude."

"You're the one who made me wait over an hour to get started. You know I'm crazy busy," he said, pulling his own hoodie over his head. He had a white t-shirt on underneath.

I took my jacket off and set it on the counter. Some business books were sitting there, so I assumed he was doing other work while waiting for me. "It's the weekend relax," I said.

He rolled his eyes. There was already some soft music playing, probably Jimin and Eunha's choice for studying.

Taehyung got the paint ready and then we got started, same repeated pattern as usual.

"So what's the vision for this thing, anyway?" I asked as I eyed the piece. I could see it, but so far it just seemed like a bunch of random hand prints one over the other and didn't make any sense to me.

"It's abstract, so it's a lot more about how you feel than depicting one coherent image," he explained. "It's about how I feel as the artist, and about whoever is looking at it feels while looking at it."

I hummed thoughtfully. "I feel bored looking at it. What does that mean?"

He laughed. "It's not done, and you're not really a viewer. You're just my paint brush right now."

I scoffed, and prepared to bite back, but stopped. Eunha and Jimin's quiet voices and laughter caught my attention suddenly. I looked over and smiled at how they looked together. "They're so cute," I said absentmindedly.

"It's been a long time since Jimin's had an actual girlfriend," Taehyung said quietly, but plenty loud for me to hear.

"Yeah, lord knows his last one was a fucking monster. He deserves to be happy," I sighed. I wished I could say the same for myself. I tried not to let myself feel that little twinge of sadness, though.

Taehyung pressed into me to smear a paint bubble like he had before. "She was a real bitch, huh?" He pulled back and dipped my hand again.

"She must've given some great head," I said even quieter.

He laughed, maybe a little too loudly because I saw Jimin glance our way. I couldn't help but smile.

"If it wasn't for you, they'd probably still be together," Taehyung sighed after he calmed down.

I briefly remembered the weekend trip I'd taken here to see Jimin two years ago. He'd been dating this girl for three months and she was demanding and demeaning. She hadn't realized I was his sister until it was too late and I'd ripped her a new one. Obviously, Jimin chose to end it on the spot, and she threw a raging bitch-fit. I'm not sure what the aftermath looked like, but she was no where to be seen now, so that was good.

"What ever happened to that girl you were dating around then?" I asked curiously. When I'd come up, Taehyung was pretty easy to ignore because he'd been wrapped up in some other girl.

"Who?" he said, racking his memory. "Oh, you mean Mina? She was just a fuck buddy," he chuckled. "She decided she wanted something more serious and ran off with another dude."

"Oh, sorry," I said. I wasn't sure if it was a sensitive subject. Then again, I wasn't sure anything was a sensitive subject with Taehyung.

"Nah, I'm the one who told her to get with him," he said. "Kind of like a wing-man fuck buddy."

"God, you're so weird," I laughed a little. "I would never want to watch someone I was sleeping with run off with someone else."

"It's just different when there's no feelings in it," he said. He leaned into me again.

"Yeah, I guess I've just never fucked someone I didn't have feelings for," I said with complete honesty, even though I hadn't intended to. Something about Taehyung always made me take my guard down, even when I was fighting hard to keep it up. I had a mild inner panic attack when I realized what that confession might sound like, but luckily he didn't make much of it, even if he was thinking about it.

"It's not for everyone," he said simply.

I didn't respond, still calming my panicked heart from moments earlier. The rest of our session was mostly quiet besides a few bits of directions and such here and there, and the sound of Jimin and Eunha quietly conversing amongst themselves. It was actually a pretty relaxing way to spend a few hours, if I was being honest. But it wasn't like I'd openly admit that to anyone.

The pitter-patter of rain started halfway through and then there were a few cracks of thunder and flashing of lightning here and there. It only got worrisome when two of the other brothers came in drenched and the whooshing of the rain outside sounded somewhat like a rushing river.

"It's raining pretty hard out there," JImin said as he looked out the window. Taehyung and I had finished and Eunha and Jimin finished about the same time, so we were planning to walk back together. I heard the thunder roll and knew he was right. He turned to Eunha. "Maybe you shouldn't go just yet." He turned to look at me. "You too."

I rolled my eyes. "It's just some rain, Jimin," I said, but then a loud clap of thunder sounded after a particularly visible flash of light.

"It does seem to be raining pretty hard," Eunha said slightly nervous. "I guess staying a little longer wouldn't hurt."

"Why don't you guys just stay the night," Taehyung said sarcastically. I was about to scoff and punch him for being an idiot when Jimin perked up.

"Actually, yeah, you probably should," he said, rather brightly. "Both of you." He gave me a glance, but his eyes fell back on Eunha.

I rolled my eyes. "Cause we would both just die if we had to go running through the rain," I said sarcastically, but Eunha and Jimin were too in their own little bubble of awkwardly smiling at each other to notice.

I guess I was going to stay the night. If I left then Eunha would probably leave too and Jimin would be mad at me for cock-blocking him. Besides, Eunha looked like she wanted to stay, even if her good girl mind was telling her to go.

I turned to Taehyung. "Hey, lemme sleep in your bed," I said.

He scoffed, "No way, just go home."

"If I go home, she's coming with me," I said quietly.

He looked over at them and then back at me and made an annoyed noise. "Then sleep on the couch."

I looked at him incredulously. "You want me to sleep on the couch in a frat house?"

He smiled slightly, but rolled his eyes. "No one is going to touch you, princess."

I glared at the nickname. "Fine, I'll just ask Hoseok or Jungkook or something."

Before I could turn away he grabbed my wrist. "Wait. Fine. God, you're so annoying. Just sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

I raised my eyebrow at him, ready to question his sudden change of heart, but he'd already let me go and was focusing back on his books. I knew Hoseok wouldn't have said yes anyway, or even opened the door for me and really wasn't looking forward to cuddling up to Jungkook with his long ass legs and arms anyway.

"So what's for dinner," I asked when I focused back on Jimin and Eunha. I was going to let them sleep together, so I figured I was going to allow myself to hardcore third wheel until that point. It wasn't like I was going to spend my evening with Taehyung.

"We have frozen pizza," Jimin said, heading toward the fridge.

"That sounds good," Eunha said. She seemed even happier than she had while they were studying.

"Should we watch a movie or something?" I asked from the counter, chin in palm. Watching them was cute, but I needed something to do other than watch the coo over each other all night. That was going to get real obnoxious real fast.

"Sure. You wanna pick? We have a huge shelf of old ones over there and Yoongi has Netflix that we use on the TV," Jimin said as he took the pizzas out of the fridge and prepared the oven.

Ha. If Eunha wasn't here he would've never let me pick. I didn't complain, though. If he was going to let me pick then that was a win for me.

I got up and looked through the shelf. Someone had some decent horror movie taste, at least. I plucked two out and prepared the TV for the first one.

"So what are we watching?" Eunha said, coming around to take a look at what I was doing.

I grinned. "Do you like horror movies?"

She frowned. "I hate them."

I laughed. "Well, you can cuddle with Jimin afterwards," I said.

She seemed nervous again, glancing at the two DVDs I had picked out and then going back into the kitchen.

She was going to be a screamer for sure.

I went back into the kitchen and there was still a few minutes until the pizzas were done.

Jimin was leaning against the counter and our eyes met. A moment of silent communication and then he was looking back at Eunha. "Hey, Eunha, how opposed are you to, um, smoking?" Jimin asked.

We both looked toward her.

"Oh," she looked between us. "I've, umm, I dunno. I've never smoked a cigarette before," she said.

"Oh, honey," I tried to stifle my laugh. "He means weed."

Jimin was biting his cheek to keep himself from smiling.

"Oh," she said again, turning pink. "I've never done that either," she mumbled.

"Well, do you want to try? Or do you care if we do, at least," he asked.

She looked at him and bit her lip. "Okay, sure."

He grinned widely and I did a mini cheer. "Alright, I'll be right back," he said, going upstairs.

"I'm not going to get, like, weird am I?" she said, pressing herself close to me and attempting to whisper.

I smoothed her hair and gave her a half hug with one arm. "You will be just fine, I promise. Only take one hit, cause you're a newbie."

She nodded, a little more comforted with my advice.

I could see Taehyung smiling slightly from where he sat, writing notes and staring into his book.

We took out the pizzas when the timer sounded and Jimin came down the stairs with his stuff.

"Since you haven't smoked before you should probably only take one hit," he was saying to Eunha.

I laughed. "I already told her that."

"Oh," he nodded and loaded up his pipe. "The most you're going to want to do is eat and drink a lot. Maybe sleep. It just helps me relax," he said and she nodded.

She relaxed even more with his reassurances. She had it bad, for sure.

"You want some, Tae?" he asked.

Taehyung looked up briefly. "After this. Just save me a little."

Jimin nodded and continued his work. I went ahead and fished out a pizza cutter from one of the drawers and divided the pieces evenly.

Jimin lit the pipe and took a hit then passed it to me. I did the same, taking a long drag. Taehyung looked up from his notes, maybe from the smell hitting his nostrils. He half smiled at me and I could help but smile back for the some. I blew the smoke in his direction. He pretended to suck it in and blow it out.

The interaction didn't go unnoticed by Jimin. "So is this whole painting thing making you guys friends again or what? Cause I'm getting mixed signals here."

"No," Taehyung said quickly.

"I still hate him," I said at the same time.

Jimin looked between us, tongue in his cheek as he grinned, obviously not believing a word we were saying. "Uh huh," he muttered and then laughed.

I passed the pipe to Eunha. "Put your finger here, and then light it up and suck. Then, move your finger," I instructed. She did as I said, coughing as she exhaled.

"Good girl," Jimin said, tongue slightly poking out of his mouth as he took the pipe back and sucked on it, still lit from Eunha.

I got us plates and put pizza on mine and Eunha did the same. I grabbed two water bottles from the cabinet and passed her one. We made our way into the living room where the movie was set up.

"Oh man," she said from where she sat. "I already feel weird."

I laughed. "You'll be fine."

From the kitchen, I heard a little cough and then Jimin saying, "You know you want to."

"Fuck you," Taehyung cursed softly. "You're such a dick." A book closed and then the flicking of a lighter. "Unlike you, I'm not going to fail outta college."

A thump, one hitting the other, and then laughter between them. Jimin came around the corner, grinning.

"So what are we watching?" he asked, then looked at the screen. "Insidious? Again? Really?"

I cackled. "You said I could pick. You know it's my comfort movie. And look," I showed him the DVD for the second one, "we can have a marathon."

He rolled his eyes, but sat down on the couch next to Eunha, plate of pizza in hand.

I saw Taehyung and exit the kitchen, probably putting his things away and Jimin's stuff, then he came back down and joined us just as the intro commercials were finishing. The only spot left was right next to me, so he sat there.

He snorted, "Insidious?"

"That's what I said," Jimin grinned.

I rolled my eyes and gently pushed him. "You guys are just haters. You said I could pick, this is what you get."

Taehyung shrugged and put his hands behind his head, relaxing back into the couch. "I remember the first time we watched this, you were hidden behind a pillow the whole time."

I thought about to that. It was before there was ever anything between Taehyung and I beside friendship. Me, him, and Jimin all sat on the couch and watched it late at night. I had barricaded myself with a blanket and two pillows. Then, right as one of the tensest moments Taehyung screamed at the top of his lungs making both Jimin and I jump, then we proceeded to beat him up. He's always been that type of person, and never scared of a silly movie.

"And now it lulls me to sleep like a baby," I sighed. "I wish I could be that scared again."

Eunha already had her arms crossed in front of her.

"It's not that bad," Jimin said comfortingly. He put his arm around her shoulder and she seemed to relax at that.

By the time the first movie was over, Eunha was pressed into Jimin's side so hard she was almost on his lap, pillow in front of her and her legs curled up. He didn't seem to mind, though, still sitting relaxed, but arm wrapped around her a little more tightly than when it started.

Taehyung had moved to the floor and I took his spot, laying my head on the arm of the couch, legs curled up so that my feet wouldn't touch Eunha.

"So the next one," Taehyung was saying, springing up and messing the with DVD player.

"I'll be right back," Jimin was saying, peeling Eunha off of him and going up to his room.

Thunder and lightning and the pitter-patter of rain still sounded outside.

He came back with his pipe again, reloaded, and took a hit. He handed it off to Taehyung. "You want more," Jimin asked to Eunha who shook her head no. He sat back down next to her. She actually seemed pretty relaxed still, even though she'd be curled into a little fear ball only moments before.

Taehyung held the pipe out toward me when he was done.

"No, I'm good," I said. I was still relaxed and my eyes were kind of heavy anyway. I knew if I smoked more I'd pass out for sure.

"Don't be a pussy," he grinned, challenging.

"You know, I resent that. Pussies can take quite the beating. If we're talking weak, I'm thinking more along the lines of ball sacks," I said, sitting up.

He rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "Fine. Don't be a sad saggy ball sack and just take a hit."

I bit back a laughter and took the pipe from him. He relented once I'd taken a big hit and puffed out a large cloud of smoke. I passed it to Jimin and him and Taehyung passed it back and forth before Taehyung was putting it away again and then the second movie was starting.

I knew the second hit was going to end me, but I was a sucker for peer pressure. We couldn't have been a third of the way through before I felt my eyes heavy from my spot on the couch. It wasn't even a matter of fighting it or not, because without realizing it, I was already out.

There was a weird dream I had. It was pitch black, but Taehyung was carrying me. That couldn't be right, though. There was no way Taehyung could carrying me, and even if he could why would he be doing that. So definitely a dream.

He laid me somewhere soft, pretty comfortable, but it wasn't as warm as his arms had been and I didn't want to be in the dark and cold all by myself. "Wait," I mumbled, grabbing onto him before he could fully disappear.

"What?" he asked, confused.

I was scared he was going to disappear, but this was a dream after all. If I wanted him to stay, he would.

"I don't want to be alone," I said softly and pulled him toward me.

The way he fell into me and perfectly fit into my arms as I wrapped myself around him had my consciousness fading back into black in seconds.

"Whatever," he muttered, pulling the covers up over us and throwing an arm over me.

Comfortable. More comfortable than usual. My first thought was Jin, but he wasn't big enough. Jin's shoulders were broader. Besides, Jin had cheated on me and we broke up, my mind slowly remembered. Then it was probably just Jimin, but that didn't seem quite right either. Jimin was smaller and a light sleeper so anytime I tried to sleep cuddle him he would wake up and hit me in the face until I turned the other direction. This person was holding me just as tight as I was holding them. They felt familiar, though. Comfortable.

He stirred only slightly as I nuzzled my head further into his neck. His hand slid down my back to my ass, taking a handful and pulling me even closer, if that was possible. Definitely not Jimin.

Had I slept with someone? Hoseok maybe. I tried to remember the night before without opening my eyes. I'd been helping Taehyung with his painting and then it was raining. We watched a movie and got high. I... fell asleep on the couch.

But I was probably in a bed from the feel of it. Went to bed with someone, but who? I faintly remembered my dream from the last night. It was a dream, right?

My eyes shot open and I pulled back. He made a sleepy annoyed face in front of me and tried to pull me back into him by his hand on my ass.

Fucking Kim Taehyung.

"Hey," I said, hitting him against the chest several times. "Hey, what the fuck Taehyung?"

He groaned and pulled back at me hitting him, eyes briefly opening before they shut again and he made a noise of annoyance before turning around with his back to face me.

I sat up. "Uhh, helllo? What the fuck are you doing here? You said I could sleep in your bed, not that you were going to grope me in my sleep." I shook him without relenting.

He pushed my hands off of him and turned on his back, looking up at me with sleepy lids. "You told me you didn't want to be alone and then death griped me. Besides, I was high. What was I supposed to do?"

So the dream was not a dream and I'd actually said that to the real Taehyung. Huh. I tried to stop the oncoming heat washing up over my face, but it was no use.

He didn't seem to notice, though, eyes drooping still.

"I'm leaving," I said quickly, throwing my feet over the edge of the bed. Even if I had said that, I was still pretty pissed he complied. The fact that he felt like we were cool enough with each other to sleep next to me was beyond me. Even if he had been the perfect cuddle buddy.

He grabbed my wrist before I could stand up.

"Wait," he mumbled. "You wanna paint?" He yawned.

I gave him a dirty look. "You grope my ass all night and now you want a favor?"

"It's not a favor. You owe me," he said, finally opening his eyes to look up at me. "I'll make you breakfast." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. If he thought I was going to let bygones be bygones for some Eggo's or something, he had another thing coming.

"Isn't it better to do it now to get it over with as quickly as possible?" he added when I looked like I was going to say no again.

I sighed. That was something that couldn't be denied. "Fine," I said.

He let me go and sat up for himself, stretching.

Thirty minutes later he sat an egg sandwich down in front of me.

"I can't believe I let you grab my ass for an egg sandwich," I pouted before biting into it. It was actually really, really good, though.

"Girls have done more for less," he said simply as he sat next to me with his own. "Actually-"

I pointed my finger at him. "Don't finish that sentence."

He chuckled. We ate in silence.

Eunha came down when I was almost finished. Surprisingly, she looked very un-disheveled.

"Hey, guys," she smiled brightly, getting a cup down from the cabinet and getting some water. She drank it quickly and then put the cup in the sink. "I'm gonna head out. I'll see you later, (y/n)."

I stared at her questioningly. "What's the rush? Is Jimin even awake?"

She shook her head. "No, but he seems like he needs the rest. I'm an early riser. I'll just talk to him later." She smiled and then was out the door.

I waved her at before she was gone.

Taehyung looked just as surprised as I was. "I don't think they had sex," he said.

I nodded in agreement. "I don't think so either. Weird."

We finished eating and got started painting. About an hour later Jimin came down, running his hands through his messy hair and rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning," I said to him.

"Hey, have you guys seen Eunha?" he asked when he noticed us.

Taehyung paused and turned his head toward Jimin. "She left over an hour ago, dude."

Jimin's expression turned puzzled. "Oh," he said. "I'll just call her." He turned and opened the fridge.

"How was it? Last night, I mean?" I asked curiously.

He sighed, "I don't want to talk about it."

Taehyung and I stopped and exchanged looks at that.

He noticed us and sighed again. "Nothing happened. It's complicated," he said. He didn't wait for either of us before he exited the kitchen and went back upstairs.

"Told you," Taehyung muttered under his breath as we focused back on his canvas.

We finished up twenty minutes later and actually said goodbye to each other before I left to go back to my dorm.


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