The CEO's Wife

By Saaraaaxy

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CEO's wife? Check. Up on the carrier ladder? Check. Married to a hunk? Check. Is he a hopeless romantic? ... More

Prologue - Before the storm
Chapter 1 - Honeymoon
Chapter 2 - Durban
Chapter 3 - Whitsundays
Chapter 4 - We are what?
Chapter 5 - Well aren't you happy?
Chapter 6 - Painful memories
Chapter 7 - Deep rooted hatred
Chapter 8 - Finishing touches
Chapter 9 - I worry, mon amour
Chapter 10 - Protector
Chapter 11 - The next big step
Chapter 12 - Communication
Chapter 14 - We are pregnant!
Chapter 15- New territory
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Magoa
Chapter 18 - Nagging thoughts
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Brothers
Chapter 21 - I know it's hard ...
Chapter 22 - Taking one for the team
Chapter 23 - Surprise after surprise
Chapter 24 - Last night together
Chapter 25 - The other woman
Chapter 26 - Butterflies
Chapter 27 - Gender reveal

Chapter 13 - The three of us

440 18 1
By Saaraaaxy

Sara's POV

Upon the relieving news that I was indeed healthy - Anne-Marie wasn't informed of my pregnancy because Michael didn't want that - our suitcases were quickly packed and carried to an already waiting car.

If this mansion, or chateau, was a master, then it was in one thing: mamaging sudden turns and twists with the most elegant and cool demeanor I had ever witnessed. Mishaps were treated as of they were just an additional detail, a drastic change of plan was met with a calm, stern force that was named Anne-Marie.

Within an hour of us claiming we were ready to depart, everything had been organized without a word or complaint. We even had enough time to grab a snack before we were sent outside.

As I scrambled to gather my little trinkets, I worryingly reminded my husband of his meetings. "We can't make it on time for the lunch meeting and we missed out on the board meeting on Friday! And if we don't hurry now we won't be able to meet Mr Forster-"

"No stressing", Michael immediately interrupted, lifting his hand in a motion for me to stop, in his hand his most priced possession: his work stuff. "It's not good for the baby."

I huffed, but couldn't hold back the smile.

"Besides, rescheduling isn't the worst thing that I can do", he added with a wink, but I caught the evil undertone in his voice.

How many companies has he destroyed during his work life? How many companies have faced the wrath of Michael de Beaumont - and had not survived it? I shuddered at just the mere thought and forced myself to not think of that.

Hand on my back, he guided me and the baby safely to the car, through the terminal and finally our seat. First class. Because he wanted to make sure we were away from the others. And comfortable. And save.

I still couldn't believe it. I'm pregnant. With our first child. Our baby in my belly! There is a cute baby in my belly! A little us, made with love and we both couldn't already wait to hold our baby in our arms!

I caught myself smiling and placing my hand on my stomach - and Michael's proud smile and tear-filled eyes met my sight. He squeezed my hand tightly, the toothy smile never leaving his lips.

Michael waited until I sat down, then put our stuff away and sat down as well. The first thing he did was place his hands on my stomach. "How are you feeling? Thirsty? Hungry? Do you need anything?"

I shook my head softly. "Fine, so far", I patted his hand that held my stomach, butterflies dancing around in my stomach. This feeling of love was so new, so exiting, it felt as if I had just started dating Michael all over again. Shaky legs. Uncertain words. Shy smiles. It felt as if we were the only people on this world. Us and our baby. "I'm a bit tired, honestly."

Upon my words, the billionaires shoulders softened and his whole body relaxed. "Good; then sleep. You have some time to do so."

"And what about you, bebo?"

"I'll look after you two and organize a few things here and thefe", Michael promised with a heartfelt smile.

As he stroke my hand and my stomach, something in my heart and stomach set off, a feeling I could not yet place; but mostly I felt happy. Ecstatic. Like the world was a perfect place, just for a split second. As if everything will be alright.

It reminded me of our talks when I was still bound to the wheelchair, when Michael had whispered "I love you" "I'm here for you" "We'll manage this" to me during the nights I couldn't sleep. Of hope. It reminded me of the day when the thought of wanting a baby had first manifested firmly in my head. And now it was happening. I was growing a baby. Our baby. I was pregnant with our baby! No matter how many times I repeated it to myself, I still was shell-shocked by the news, but the smile I bore only grew wider.

"I already feel safe", I whispered, my throat closing up with emotions.

"I can't wait until you start showing", Michael admitted with flushed cheeks and that shy smile that always stole my heart, his hand never stopping at stroking my belly. "You'll be the loveliest with a big belly!"

"I'll be a whale", I protested, laughing. I stifled a yawn.

"Nonsense! You are carrying my baby", Michael almost harshly protested, then pressed me softly into the seat and waved at a near by stewardess, asking for a blanket. "If anything, you are a perfect mama and wife."

I had to laugh at his love-struck voice and eyes. "You, out of all of us, my mother, my father, your father, your brother, myself included, your aunts and uncles, have the worst baby fever!"

Michael ignored it with a, dare I say proud, smile and took the blanket from the woman's hands, tucking me in without another word. He hummed happily, pressed the blanket tightly so it wouldn't slip, pressed a kiss onto my forehead and whispered "sleep" at me, staring directly into my eyes with undeniable pride. He brushed my cheeks with shining eyes.

It didn't take me long to do so. Knowing that it was the pregnancy that made me this tired was a relief. Mum had told me many years ago that she was always extremely tired during both pregnancies. She had alao never really suffered with any morning sickness, but heartburn was something daily in her last trimesters. Was it strange that I was somewhat excited I might experience this as well? Was it justified to be so curious and happy? I mean, I am growing a baby after all.

I dreamed of nothing and everything, of so many pictures that made no sense, of so many pictures that were lovely and warm. Of us holding a baby, of me being at work, of cooking, of children's laughter, of evenings with laughter, the sound of glass touching as we drank along our dinner, our quick movements as we moved to the melody of a classic tune - but what was new, were the vividness of these pictures. Never had I dreamed more colourful than now.

As my eyes fluttered open, I spotted my husband bent over his laptop with a deep concentrated frown. His fingers danced across the keyboard, his eyes darted over the screen as he pressed his hand against his mouth in deep thoughts. His already bright blue eyes were lit up by the screen and from the way he was acting, I guessed he was immersed in his work. I felt myself smile the longer I stared - too handsome for his own good. And I still could not believe he was mind, I mean wowza was this fella handsome ... I might still be dreaming this everything, 1 year and 3 months maybe, but goddamn is this dream worth it! Nobody dare to pinch me!

I scanned my treasure. If we were to have a boy, would he be as dashing and smart as his father? Would our daughters be as strong-willed, smart and confident as their father? So many things popped up in my head, from the way he greeted every person he met to the way he was particular about how I folded his underwear, I hoped our children would all inherit their father's attitudes and characteristics.

I watched him for a while before I moved my legs slightly, searching for a window of opportunity when his frown softened slightly. That was his resting frown, meaning currently he was debating on what task he should tackle next. My golden opportunity.

Immediately Michael's head shot up and his frown turned soft, until it bore a smile and laughter lines around his eyes. He lowered his hand and wrapped it around his chin. "Hello mama. Had a good rest?"

Immediately my heart pitter-pattered. "A perfect one. What are you doing, papa?"

Michael closed the laptop with a grin. "I love the sound of that! I was responding to some emails and thinking about everything." He leaned forward and reached for my hands. "Which room will be the baby's, how we want to decorate it, when we will tell the others. Then I read articles about mothers, pregnancy and post-pregnancy problems women experience-"

"Wait, how long did I sleep?", I could not believe my ears.

"Five hours, 25 minutes", Michael replied sharply on the dot. "In half an hour we are landing."

I leaned back and hummed surprised. "About telling our parents."

"Have you already come to a conclusion?", Michael mustered surprised, his hand lingering over his laptop.

"I kind of want to tell them." I smiled. "The more I think about it, the more I am for it. Just our little circle, until we are in the clear."

Michael let it go through his head. Nodded. "Your parents first. Then Leon and Rebecca. Then my parents", he ultimately decided.

"Why your parents last?", I asked surprised.

"As much as I've come to accept my father and his wife, I will never trust them completely", Michael's smile was painful, so much so I reached out for him. "But they should consider themselves blessed that I even want to tell them we are expecting."

"Are you completely sure? Like a hundred percent sure?"

"Yes. I went through that idea over and over again, and I'm fine with it", Michael kissed my hand. "To me, it's much more important we tell Marthe, Victor and Jacques before them. They raised me. As well as Marie and Gerard."

"Fine", I smiled, my lips shaking. "Oh I can tell I will cry when we announce it to them!"

"I might too", Michael laughed, then his expression grew more serious. "I opened a savings account for the baby. I'll deposit some money every month so they have enough for college one day."

"Oh Michael! Then I naturally want to join in too!"

"I already suspected that and made arrangements", Michael shot me a wink.

"Tell me honey. You probably also ordered a lot of stuff already and have a plan, don't you?"

Michael shifted in his seat. "I shouldn't because it's the mother who should be the most comfortable and have a plan for the baby-"


"Buuuut", Michael opened his laptop and flipped his screen around. "Look at those onesies! I had to buy them! They are too cute to leave behind my god!"

I had to laugh as he sequealed, but agreed with every single choice he had ordered.

As the plane was landing, we were 30 articles deep in finding out which bottle was the best, only to be torn out our zone by the laughing stewardess. So many things you could and need to buy for a baby, my god! I did not know that babies needed that much stuff! I mean I knew about the most obvious things ... you really never stop learning, huh.

We debated on cribs, car seats, how we could make our house baby proof and baby friendly, so much so I didn't even notice when we pulled up to our house. We sat in the car for another half an hour, now talking about swaddling blankets.

"No Victor this time", Michael mumbled, the first off baby topic of today, undoing his seatbelt and staring at the front door.

"Now I'm sad, I hoped he would pass over a kingdom to us", I sighed, then giggled as Michael's dead-panned face met mine. "Come on, let us go inside and research some more baby stuff!"

"Gladly! By the way I'm still for the bottle that was recommended by mamabear2467. Date night tonight?"

"I just cannot justify that price. And only if you cook us your lasagna! I'm craving your cooking as if I hadn't eaten for years!"

"Theeen I'm off the store later on. Wanna tag along?"

"A chance to escape the bed and move? And you need to ask? Not even satan could hold me back!" I jumped out the car gleefully. "Let's chill for today and tomorrow we'll tell our family, ok?"

"Hey-", Michael shouted after me as I got out the car. His face went from astonished, to bewildered and ultimately frantic. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THE SUITCASES SARA!! The baby-!"

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