Let me be the light to your d...

By notelesswriter

5.3K 119 23

I met Nathan, he seemed nice. I hung out with Nathan, he seemed nice. I talked to Nathan, he seemed nice. Ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
I think I owe you a little something

Chapter 11

258 6 2
By notelesswriter

We at the lighthouse for a while, just chatting and cracking jokes ever so often. I could really feel us getting closer, and it was refreshing. I never in a million years thought that Nathan Prescott could be this fun to hang out with. However, time flew by, and before we knew it the sun was about to set.

"Alright, let's get going." I watched Nathan as he stood up from the ground before walking towards the parking lot once again. "Am I supposed to-" "Yeah, you're supposed to follow me this time." Nathan interrupted before chuckling slightly. "I'm sorry." I giggled as well before hurrying towards the car, making it to the vehicle just a couple of seconds before he did. "I won!" Nathan just stopped dead in his tracks before looking at me, and then at the car, and then at me again. "We never said that it was a race, what are you even talking about?" He then began to laugh as he went around to the driver's side. We both jumped into the car and Nathan began to drive. I turned the radio on, singing along to the music as I shook my head to the beat of the music. I could feel Nathan's eyes on me from time to time, but he could just be checking the side mirror on my side.

I was about to exit the car because we'd pulled up in the parking lot of Blackwell when Nathan stopped me. "Stay here, I'll be back in a second. We'll be leaving straight away when I'm back." Before I was able to say anything he just closed the door and walked towards the school. I sighed and turned the volume of the music up, slightly swaying my head to the music again while singing. It's really weird how I know all of these songs, but at the same time, not really. The radio stations always play the best tracks over and over again until they're just annoying to listen to. I looked out at the parking lot, It was pretty empty, I guess a lot of people were out, driving. It's a Saturday evening after all. I leaned back in my seat and sighed, looking around in Nathan's car since I was bored. He didn't have much in it, it was weirdly clean... But I guess it's Nathan's favorable environment. I tilted my head slightly when I saw one of Kate's earrings on the seat. I unbuckled my seat belt before climbing back to grab it. She must've thrown a fit when Nathan was trying to help her get into the car yesterday. I sat down in my seat once again before putting her earring in my pocket. I should give this back to her when I see her again. I started to drum my fingers on the dashboard to the beat of the music as I banged my head to it. I was getting bored. Really bored. Where the fuck were Nathan-

"Missed me?" I looked towards the now open door, at Nathan, noticing that he brought a backpack. "Took you long enough, what's in the bag?" Nathan just shrugged before he got into the car and threw the backpack into the backseats. "So, where are we going?" Nathan just turned the engine on before driving out of the parking lot. "Well, it seems like you don't know me at all (Y/n)." I just widened my eyes at Nathan as he spoke, what was he talking about?

"Because if you did you'd know that I like to keep things like this a surprise." I let out a sigh of relief before laughing slightly. "Don't say stuff like that, you scared me!" Nathan just looked towards me in confusion as I continued to speak. "That's like, the thing a murderer would say before he takes his victim to an abandoned barn to torture and kill them." I felt my heart sink when Nathan just looked at the road, not saying a word. Did I hurt his feelings? I didn't mean it like that, I was just joking around. "Hey, I didn't say that you were like that, it was a joke. And besides, in the small amount of time I've spent with you I can tell that you're a good person Nathan, and I'm pretty good to read people if I may say so myself." I leaned back in my seat with a smug expression painted across my face.  I threw a glance towards Nathan for a second, feeling my heart skip a beat when he just stared at me with wide eyes for a second before looking back at the road again. He now had an expression of surprise and disbelief covering his face, which was sad. He was surprised that I thought he was a good person.

I continued to bob my head to the beat of the music as we pulled up to a parking lot. I looked around before glancing towards Nathan, confused. We were at the beach for some reason. He got out without saying a word, so I did the same. The air was cold, but not uncomfortably cold, it was refreshing and nice. I closed the door and looked at Nathan as he got the backpack out of the car before walking up to me. "What are we doing here?" I asked him, only for him to shrug with a barely visible smirk, he then made his way over to the sand. I let out a huge sigh before following him. Nathan opened the backpack and took a blanket out, laying it on the sand before looking up and smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Such a gentleman." I said before sitting down, turning towards the water. It was beautiful. I felt my hear jump in my chest when I saw the dolphins again, they were still playing in the water. They jumped up high in the air before completely turning around, diving into the water. The sun hadn't set completely either, so they still had a small amount of sunlight reflecting off of their wet skin. I smiled as I watched them, I truly wished I had my camera right now.

I felt my heart jump when a cold feeling was felt on my upper arm all of a sudden.

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