Bakugo x Depressed Reader (DI...

By random_writer_uwu

91K 2K 2.4K

(Y/N) is a girl wanting to achieve her dream of entering UA High and becoming a hero, but she comes to find o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thanksgiving special!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (unfinished)

Chapter 10

3.1K 69 56
By random_writer_uwu


We made it to the training ground and we were told we were gonna go a quirk evaluation test. Oh boy this was gonna be fun...


A hour later

After we took the quirk evaluation test I saw I came in 6th, not bad but I could do better. I look down the list to see whos last and see its the green haired boy. His name was Midoriya Izuku and Ochako looked really sad that her new friend was about to be expelled. The teacher spoke up saying her lied about it then a girl with long black hair apologized for not saying anything. Izuku went to the nurse and we went back to class. (Time skip brought to you by an Excited Toga)

After school had ended I was the first to leave. No one could know I had contact with villians, even if they treated me right. They would arrest them and I would be kicked from the school. As I walked down the hall Ochako ran up behind me screaming my name. "(L/N)! Wait up!" I stopped and turned around to face her. She held her knees and took some deep breaths. "Whats up Ochako?" She regained her composure and smiled "Me and the other class 1-A girls wanted to know if you're free this weekend, Yaoyorozu wanted to have a sleepover at her house so we could all get to know each other" I smiled at her and handed her a water bottle from my bag. "I'll check with my family to see what we're doing this weekend, I'll get back to you tomorrow" I waved bye and walked back to the empty street only to see Toga standing there waiting for me "(Y/N)! There you are! What took you so long?" I giggled as the warp gate showed up "I'll explain when we get back, because I gotta ask you all something" She nodded and we went through the warp gate. We walked into the bar and I said hello to everyone. I set my stuff down and pulled a bar stool out and sat in between Toga and Shigaraki. "Shigaraki I have a question" He looked up and turned to face me "Whats up (Y/N)?" "I was wondering if we we're doing something this weekend, the girls of 1-A invited me to a sleepover so I wanted to know if we were busy." He looked down at the papers in front of him and turned back to me "We're not busy this weekend you can go, but you can't tell them about us alright?" I nodded "I understand! I wasn't planning on it anyways." He gave me a smile and Toga dragged me up to her room and we talked about our days, but then when it came to my turn I went silent after beginning because I remember what happened during training. She put a hand on my shoulder and asked if I was okay "Y-Yeah i'm fine! Something just happened during training." She looked at me with a glare "Who hurt you? Do I have to get my suit on and hurt someone?" I laughed "No no! It's not that! While we were changing all the girls saw my back...And they asked about it but i started crying so they backed off. I stopped crying only after I saw your tie on my wrist." She had a look of concern and happiness "I'm glad the tie helped you (Y/N)! Good thing I gave you something right?" she giggled and Shigaraki called us down for dinner

Time skip to Friday afternoon


School had just ended and all the girls walked to the gates with me. The girl with frog like features spoke up "So Momo, how are we gonna get there?" Momo looked at the frog and replied with a smile "Oh! I was gonna pick you all up at a meeting spot so it would be easier to pick you all up" I looked at Momo "Where should we meet and what time?" She took out her phone "How about at the Starlight Cat Cafe at 5 o'clock?" Everyone nodded and we went our separate way. After they all left I started to make my way to the street until Bakugo had stopped me "Oi! Hydration! What were you all planning?" ...Did he just call me hydration? "Huh? Oh! Bakugo! All the girls are having a sleepover at Momo's house tonight so we were planning where to meet up" I gave him a smile. He tch'd and replied "Well the nasty fucking grape and dunce face are gonna try to sneak in to see you all." I gave him a smirk "Oh? Where's Bakugo and what have you done to him? The Bakugo I know doesn't care about anyone~" He looked embarrassed and quickly got mad "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU GUYS! BUT THE NASTY GRAPE IS BEING A PERV! SO I'M ONLY WARNING YOU!" I laughed and lightly hit his shoulder "I'm only teasing you Bakugo, thank you for telling me!" I smiled and waved goodbye to Bakugo. After he had finally left I made it to the street and Dabi was waiting for me along with a warp gate. We walked it and I hugged everyone. Togo ran up to my room with me and helped me pack clothes and other things. I read the time at it was 4:50, me and Toga went downstairs and I told Kurogiri where he needed to open a warpgate. He opened one up and Toga followed me through. I had him put a warp gate in an alley in between the cafe and another building so no one would see the gate. Since no one knew Toga was in the league yet she walked with me to the cafe and we walked in and got some drinks and played with the cats. 10 minutes later all the girls had arrived and saw me inside with Toga. Ochako walked up to me and hugged me "(Y/N)! You we're early weren't you?" I hugged her back and giggled "Yup! I thought I would get a drink and play with cats with my sister before we would leave." Toga waved to the group of girls and said bye to me. We waited outside the cafe when suddenly a limousine pulled up in front of the cafe and Momo walked out. Needless to say, all our jaws opened wide open as Momo motioned for us to get inside. We all got in and started talking about how rich and cool Momo was, then I remembered Bakugo's warning "Oh! Guys! I have a warning!" They all looked confused but looked at me with concern "Mineta and Denki are gonna follow us to your house to see us doing stuff. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to pull a prank on them. What do you say?" All the girls looked shocked but agreded, for the rest of the car ride we came up with a plan. Hagakure and Tsu would hide by the gates and signal us when the boys would come through. Then Ochako, Momo, and I would be in group 1 making and filling water balloons at then. Momo would make them, I would fill them, then Ochako would make them float above them then release when there is a ton of them. Mina would slowly follow behind them and slowly melt their clothes for when we attack. Before we drop the balloons Jiro will use a sonic blast to make them fall, then we drop them on them. We made the plan then as soon as we got there we got in position. Hagakure and Tsu waited by the gates but were surprised to see almost all the boys there. The only ones not there were Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shoji, Koda, Ojiro, and Aoyama. She ran through and warned us all there was more than just Denki and Mineta. We all quickly picked up our pace until we were ready. They still didn't notice us so we were good to go. All the boys had the backs of their clothes melted off besides their boxers, then Jiro sent the wave followed by Ochako dropping the balloons. The boys fell and were now soaked. They all screamed as we ambushed them and trapped them. I turned to Bakugo "I thought you said only Denki and Mineta were coming Bakugo?" Both the boys and girls were surprised. Bakugo spoke up "I did because at the time these damn extras were contemplating on going or not! I only came to prevent the fucking grape from doing something!" Denki then yelled "Bakugo! You told her we were coming?!" He started being dramatic and acting hurt "I thought you were my friend man!" Bakugo tch'd and walked up to me "Did you really have to get me wet though!? I was the one who warned your ass!" I started laughing "Well if you would of told me you were coming it wouldn't of happened!" All the girls were staring at me and Bakugo. The Mina yelled "Oh my god! Bakugo! You care for (Y/N)! I ship it!" Bakugo and me looked at each other and blushed. "M-Mina! What the heck! I-It's not like that!" I was a stuttering and embarrassed mess while Izuku was trying to calm him down. "You chewed up wad of gum! I would never like someone like her! She's weak!" I stopped stuttering. The blush on my face quickly disappeared as I stood up. The girls looked at Bakugo shocked and Ochako ran to me and hugged me. I didn't hug her back but tears fell from my eyes without me realizing "Is...Is that what you really think of me Bakugo..?" I carefully made Ochako stop hugging me and I turned to face him, now the entire class saw the tears rolling down my face. I didn't even care if they saw I just needed to know if he meant it "Did you mean it Bakugo..? Do you really think i'm weak..?" His expression softened and he looked genuinely worried and upset. The girls were behind me trying to comfort me but I kept walking toward Bakugo until he was right in front of me. I looked up at him. "I-I..." "Answer me Bakugo, did you mean it or not!?" My anger took over, the boys were surprised by my outburst. I was known as the quiet type not the kind of person to have outbursts. He looked down at me "Everyone around me is weak, I'm the strongest person here" More tears fell from my eyes, but I could tell he knew he fucked up. Because the next moment he covered his mouth, I walked away from him at started walking to Momo's house "Sorry Momo but I'm gonna go home early. I apologize for ruining everything..." Before they could say anything I had already walked away

Bakugo POV

"Sorry Momo but I'm gonna go home early. I apologize for ruining everything..." She walked off before I could apologize. Damn it! Ochako ran up to me "Huh? What do you want pink cheeks?" Out of nowhere she slapped my face as some tears fell from her eyes "YOU JERK! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHATS SHES BEEN THROUGH AND YOU DARE CALL HER WEAK!?" Ow...That actually kinda hurt but I deserved it, I was kind of an asshole. Tsu ran over and pulled her back while Shitty hair walked up to me and grabbed my shoulder. "That wasn't very manly bro. Why would you even say that to her?" I tch'd and walked away from everyone "Because it's true, all of y'all are weak!" I just walked away, I didn't want to be there anymore.


I got all of my stuff and called Toga "T-Toga? Could you get a warp gate near the Yaoyorozu mansion..?" My voice was scratchy from all the crying " "Why? I thought you were staying the night? Did something happen?" More tears fell from my eyes "I-I just wanna go home..." "She was silent for a moment then said "Alright I'll come get you but you have to wait outside for 15 minutes to make sure it's not suspicious." I flitched "I-I can wait...I'll see you soon..." She hung up and I grabbed my stuff. I walked back outside to still see the group but now the girls were yelling at the boys "H-Hey! Stop it! It's okay! I'm fine! No need to fight about this, it was just an ambush gone wrong..." The boys saw I had my stuff and looked sad, the girls looked at me with concern. Ochako hugged me "I slapped Bakugo for you, he already left" A few tears fell from eyes, she slapped him? the most angry kid in school? ...For me? I hugged her back then Izuku approached us. Izuku rubbed my back in attempts to calm me down and took my stuff. "Here, I'll hold it for you until someone comes to get you..." I looked up at him and his expression saddened when it met mine. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair was a mess, and I was shaking. I gave him a hug and thanked him. I sat on the ground with Ochako and Izuku while the girls stood behind us to make sure the boys were still keeping their distance. The boys kept trying to come closer to apologize but Ochako's once smeet smile was replaced by an angry glare, so they apologized from a distance. After 15 minutes I saw Toga running up the driveway looking really worried "(Y/N)! Are you okay!? What happened!?" The class looked at the distressed Toga now on the ground sitting in front of me holding my face "I-I'm fine...I just wanna go home..." Her worried look remained as she put me on her back, she may be small but she can sure carry a lot of weight. She took my stuff from Izuku and looked over at Ochako "I'm sorry to ask this but what happened? She's never this distressed about something..." Ochako explained the situation and gave me one last pat on the back before Toga walked us down the driveway and down the street to the warp gate. As soon as I got back everyone saw me on Toga's back and immediately freaked out. They were all asking if i was okay or hurt. She yelled at them to be quiet and just give me some space for the night. They all were so worried about me...I didn't deserve it...Only the strong deserve to be worried about...Not the weak like me...Toga took me up to her room and laid me down on the bed and tucked me in. "I'm gonna get you some water okay? I'll be right back" And like that she was gone. A few minutes later she came back with water and left again. I think she knew deep down I just needed to be alone for a bit.

Dabi POV

Toga had come down and sat down at the bar. Shigaraki spoke up with a worried tone"So can you tell us what happened and why she came back on your back?" Toga looked down at the bar counter as she spoke, but she had explained what happened. As she kept going a rage filled my mind, why would her classmate of all people call her weak!? I wasn't told much about her past from Shigaraki but all I know is her parents abandoned her in a warehouse for him to kill her, and that her parents hit her. But that was it. It took so much self restraint for me not to run up there and stay with her but I thought she would probably want to be alone. Shigaraki looked at me and spoke up "Can you see if shes asleep? We still need to talk about...The plan." I sighed and walked upstairs and peeked in Togas room. Yup she has passed out. I walked back downstairs and told Shigaraki she was asleep "Alright, we need to talk about the plan to infiltrate U.A. and get their schedules so we can plan an attack..."

A/N: OoO Dabi be crushing~
Lmao hope you enjoyed

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