𝐀𝐋𝐋 π“πŽπŽ 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋 ― n...


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it was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well. [ original character ] [ pre & post daughter of artemis... More

all too well
↳ the son of poseidon
↳ kindness international
↳ the sirens
↳ polyphemus' cave
↳ the return of thalia
↳ artemis and apollo
↳ mount tamalpais
↳ the son of hades
↳ geryon's ranch
↳ kelli the cheerleader
↳ the battle of the labyrinth
↳ the battle of manhattan
↳ goodbye to a hero
↳ after the war
↳ the demigod files: percy jackson and the sword of hades
↳ magnus chase and the ship of the dead
↳ the trials of apollo: the burning maze
author's note

↳ mount olympus

819 26 26

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[ M O U N T   O L Y M P U S ]

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THE WORLD SEEMED to be crashing down around Natalia Flynn. Either that, or the world was perfectly stable and her mind was swirling with a multitude of thoughts. Everything from their encounter in the Underworld to Percy fighting Ares on the beach. She guessed it's the second option, because as soon as she stepped out of that taxi cab and looked up at the huge Empire State Building, she felt a sense of normalcy. A little ridiculous since this is where the Gods lived and they were everything but normal.

It was only her and Percy now. He had told her, Annabeth, and Grover to get back to Half-Blood Hill and tell Chiron about their quest. However, Natalia had argued that she would stick by his side while talking to the Gods. She didn't want him to do it alone. After some intimidation from her silver glare, Percy begrudgingly agreed.

Walking into the building was a little weird. They must have looked like homeless kids that lived on the streets of Manhattan. Natalia's now frizzy hair was pulled haphazardly back into a ponytail. Her clothes were ripped in some places. Dirt and grime streaked her face like war paint. And not to mention the dark bags under her eyes from not sleeping for twenty-four hours.

Percy stopped at the front desk. "Six hundredth floor."

The guard, too encaptured in his Harry Potter book (Natalia had to admit, he had good taste), took a moment to look up. "No such floor, kiddo."

"We kind of need to have a talk with Zeus," Natalia admitted. "It's urgent."

The guard gave her a vacant smile. "Sorry?"

"Zeus," she continued. "You know, Lord of the sky, king of the Gods? Ring a bell?"

He hesitated for a moment. Natalia wondered if she'd mistaken him for a regular mortal when he finally said, "No appointment, no audience, kiddo. Lord Zeus doesn't see anyone unannounced."

"I think we've got something that will change your mind."

Natalia glanced at Percy who responded with a small nod. He took off his backpack and unzipped the top, revealing Zeus' lightning bolt. The guard looked at it for a moment before his face went pale.

"That isn't . . ."

"Yes, it is," Percy countered. "You want me to take it out and-"

"No! No!" The guard scrambled out of his seat and grabbed a key card, handing it to Percy. "Insert this in the security slot. Make sure nobody else is in the elevator with you."

Natalia gave him a gracious smile before walking towards the elevator. Once they were inside, Percy entered the key into the slot. The card disappeared a new red button reading 600 appeared on the console. Without a moment of hesitation, Percy pressed it.

"Oh Gods," Natalia breathed out, the realization suddenly hitting her as they ascended. "We're really going to Mount Olympus. Oh, Gods."

(Natalia hadn't gone on that field trip during the winter solstice. Even though she was disappointed, her father had wanted her to come home for the week of Christmas.)

Percy raised an eyebrow at her. "You didn't have to come, Moon Moon."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "If you think you're going to face Zeus by yourself, Fish-Boy, you're wrong. I don't want to see you get turned into a cloud."

"Yeah, but what if you get turned into a cloud?"

Natalia shrugged. "Nah, my mother would never allow it. I'm her only daughter, and even Zeus has to respect that."

Ding. The doors finally slid open. Natalia stepped out, and her eyes instantly widened at the sight in front of her.

She was standing on a frightfully narrow stone walkway that was floating in midair. Down below was Manhattan, looking like it normally would from an airplane's height. Right in front of her was a white marble staircase wound up the spine of a cloud, leading farther into the sky. Natalia followed it until her brain was about to burst by what she saw. At the top of the clouds rose a decapitated peak of a mountain with its summit covered in snow. The mountainside held dozens of palaces with white-columned porticoes, gilded terraces, and bronze braziers glowing with fires. Roads that mortals would find impossible to drive on decorated the mountain. Gardens, blooming with olive trees and rosebushes, painted the peak as well. Natalia could also see an open-air market, an amphitheater much bigger than the one at Camp Half-Blood, a hippodrome, and a coliseum. She wondered if this is what Athens had looked when the Gods resided there.

"I would love to look at it more," Natalia choked out, her voice holding amazement. "But we got to keep going."

"Yeah," Percy replied, obviously still in a daze. "Let's go."

Olympus was beautiful. As Percy and Natalia climbed the marble staircase, more and more amazing things were shown to them. Some giggling wood Nymphs threw olives at them as they passed their garden. They were offered ambrosia-on-a-stick, a new shield, and a glitter-weave replica of the Golden Fleece — as seen on Hephaestus-TV — that was made from real gold. The Nine Muses tuned their instruments for a concert in the park while Satyrs, Naiads, and good-looking teenagers that must have been minor Gods and Goddesses gathered around to hear. Nobody seemed to be worried about the civil war that could have possibly destroyed their home. In fact, they seemed quite festive.

Several of them looked to watch them pass. Natalia could make out some whispers, such as Artemis' child, and I thought breaking her oath was a joke, but she ignored them and continued towards the huge palace at the top of the peak. She noticed that this was a reverse-copy of the palace they had been in at the Underworld. Unlike the black and bronze Hades decorated his with, this palace glittered white and silver. With a twinge of sadness, Natalia realized that Hades had probably built his palace to have his own Olympus underground since he wasn't welcome here. Despite her harsh feelings about the God, Natalia felt bad for him.

Percy and her stopped before the throne room.

She glanced over at him. "You ready?"

He nodded. "Together."

They stepped inside the room. Well, room wasn't really the right word for it. It was massive, and put Grand Central Station's size to shame. Huge columns rose to a domed cielings that showed gold constellations moving. An enormous fire, for the Goddess Hestia, crackled in the central hearth pit. Twelve thrones, one for each major God, was arranged in an inverted U like the twelve Cabins at Camp. Natalia noticed her mother's throne among them which was made of silver with a wolf skin lying across it. All of them were empty except two: Zeus' and Poseidon's.

Natalia urged herself forwards. She felt her legs trembling like they had suddenly turned to jelly. They were in giant human form, just like Hades had been. Even looking at them sent her body ablaze like she was about to burn into ashes. She immediately felt insignificant, like her life never even mattered.

Zeus sat on his throne of solid platinum. He wore a dark blue pinstriped suit and his beard looked like a storm cloud. His face was proud, handsome, and grim all at once. As Natalia got closer to him, the air crackled like electricity and smelled strongly of ozone.

Poseidon, on the other hand, was sitting in a deep-sea fisherman's chair that held his bronze trident in its holster. His skin was tan, his hair was black, and his eyes were sea-green, just like Percy. He wore a pair of leather sandals, khaki Bermuda shorts, and a Tommy Bahama shirt that was decorated with coconuts and parrots.

Neither of them spoke. However, there was a sort of tension in the air, like an argument had just finished.

Percy knelt at Poseidon's feet. "Father."

Natalia, on the other hand, knelt in front of Zeus. "Lord Zeus."

"Should you not address the master of this house first, boy?" Zeus asked. "Maybe you should take lessons from the daughter of Artemis. Stand, Natalia Flynn."

She stood up, staring up at the face of the king of the Gods. It was hard to ignore the burning sensation inside of her.

"Your mother has spoken very highly of you. I now see that you are as brave as she says you are."

Natalia offered a small smile. "Thank you, Lord Zeus. Is, uh . . . is Artemis around, by any chance?"

"I'm afraid not. She is out with her Hunters at the moment."

Natalia's mood deflated and she nodded sadly. Zeus then turned his attention to Percy and glowered down at him.

Poseidon noticed this. "Peace, brother. The boy defers to his father. This is only right."

"You still claim him then?" Zeus asked. "You claim this child whom you sired against our sacred oath?"

Natalia wanted to retort with You did the same thing with that girl Thalia, but for her own good, she kept her mouth shut.

"I have admitted my wrongdoing," Poseidon said, and Natalia flinched at his poorly chosen word. "Now I would hear him speak."

"I have spared him once already," Zeus grumbled. "Daring to fly through my domain . . . pah! I should have blasted him out of the sky for his impudence."

"And risk destroying your own master bolt?" Poseidon questioned calmly. "Let us hear them out, brother."

"I shall listen," he decided. "Then I shall make up my mind whether or not to cast this boy down from Olympus."

"Perseus," Poseidon declared. "Look at me."

Percy looked up. He stared at Poseidon for a couple of moments.

"Address Lord Zeus, boy. Tell him your story."

Natalia and Percy took turns telling the two Gods everything that had happened on the quest. Once they were finished, Percy took out Zeus' lightning bolt from his backpack. It began sparking in his presence as Percy laid it at his feet.

It was silent. The only sound was the crackle of the fire in the hearth. Zeus opened his palm and the lightning bolt immediately flew into it. The metallic points sparked until it turned from a metal cylinder to a classic thunderbolt. Natalia could feel her hair sticking up from the static electricity.

"I sense the boy and the girl are telling the truth," Zeus finally muttered. "But that Ares would do such a thing . . . it is most unlike him.

"He is proud and impulsive," Poseidon argued. "It runs in the family."

"Lord?" Percy asked.

"Yes?" both of them responded.

"Ares didn't act alone. Someone else — something else — came up with the idea."

Percy then recounted his dreams and the feeling he had on the beach, one that he had described as a momentary breath of evil that stopped time and made Ares back off from killing him. Natalia felt fear creep up the back of her neck.

"In the dreams, the voice told me to bring the bolt to the Underworld. Ares hinted that he'd been having dreams, too. I think he was being used, just as I was, to start a war."

"You are accusing Hades, after all?" Zeus inquired.

"No. I mean, Lord Zeus, I've been in the presence of Hades. This feeling on the beach was different. It was the same thing I felt when I got close to that pit. That was the entrance to Tartarus, wasn't it? Something powerful and evil is stirring down there . . . something even older than the Gods."

Poseidon and Zeus looked at each other. They had a very quick, intense discussion in Ancient Greek. Natalia tried to make out what they were saying, but she could only make out one word: Father. That made her stomach bubble with nerves. Poseidon suddenly made some kind of suggestion, but Zeus cut him off. He tried to argue but Zeus held up his hand to stop him.

"We will speak of this no more," he announced. "I must go personally to purify this thunderbolt in the waters of Lemnos, to remove the human taint from its metal." He rose and looked down at Percy. "You have done me a service, boy. Few heroes could have accomplished as much."

"I had help, sir," Percy replied. "Natalia, Grover Underwood, and Annabeth Chase-"

"To show you my thanks, I shall spare your life. I do not trust you, Perseus Jackson. I do not like what your arrival means for the future of Olympus. But for the sake of peace in the family, I shall let you live."

"Um . . . thank you, sir."

"Do not presume to fly again. Do not let me find you here when I return. Otherwise you shall taste this bolt. And it shall be your last sensation."

He then turned to Natalia. "Natalia Flynn, your presence has stirred much up on Mount Olympus. It has caused many arguments within the family. You have proven to be a brave hero, but I also expect you to be gone when you come back." His eyes then crinkled slightly. "I will also make sure to let Artemis know you were here."

"Thank you, sir," she replied.

Thunder shook the palace. In a blinding flash of lightning, Zeus disappeared. Now, it was only Poseidon, Percy, and Natalia in the throne room. Natalia locked her hands behind her back and rocked back and forth on her feet, suddenly feeling very awkward. Standing there with Percy and Poseidon . . . it seemed like an invasion of privacy.

"Your uncle and your grandfather," Poseidon said to Percy and Natalia respectively, "has always had a flair for dramatic exits. I think he would've done well as the God of theater."

Uncomfortable silence passed through the three.

"Sir," Percy cut in. "What was in that pit?"

Poseidon regarded him. "Have you not guessed? I think Natalia has already figured it out."

She nodded. "Yes, Lord Poseidon. It was Kronos, the king of the Titans."

The name darkened the room, even if Olympus was so far away from Tartarus. Behind Natalia, the hearth fire dimmed. It didn't feel as warm as it once did.

Poseidon gripped his trident. "In the First War, Percy and Natalia, Zeus cut our father Kronos into a thousand pieces, just as Kronos had done to his own farther, Ouranos. Zeus cast Kronos' remains in the darkest pit of Tartarus. The Titan army was scattered, their mountain fortress on Etna destroyed, their monstrous allies driven to the farthest corners of the Earth. And yet Titans cannot die, any more than we Gods can. Whatever is left of Kronos is still alive in some hideous way, still conscious in his eternal pain, still hungering for power."

"He's healing," Percy realized. "He's coming back."

Poseidon shook his head. "From time to time, over the eons, Kronos has stirred. He enters men's nightmares and breathes evil thoughts. He wakens restless monsters from the depths. But to suggest he could rise from the pit is another thing."

"That's what he intends, father. That's what he said."

The God went silent for a long time before speaking again. "Lord Zeus has closed discussion on this matter. He will not allow talk of Kronos. You have completed your quest, child. That is all you need to do."


Natalia elbowed Percy harshly. He let out a gasp of pain and turned to her with a hurt expression. She merely shook her head. It wouldn't do any good if he tried to argue with Poseidon.

"As . . . as you wish, father."

Poseidon smiled lightly at his son. "Obedience does not come naturally to you, does it?"

"No . . . sir."

"I must take some blame for that, I suppose. The sea does not like to be restrained." He then winked over at Natalia. "It's good that you have friends like her to keep you in line."

Natalia's cheeks flushed a light red. Poseidon then rose to his full height and grabbed hold of his trident. He shimmered and became the size of a regular man, standing directly in front of the two Demigods.

"You must go, children. But first, know that your mother has returned, Percy."

Natalia smiled widely.

Percy stared up at him, stunned. "My mother?"

"You will find her at home. Hades sent her when you recovered his helm. Even the Lord of death pays his debts."

"Do you . . . would you . . ."

Natalia sighed. She knew Percy was hoping that Poseidon would come with him, but he could not. It was the harsh truth of being a God: they couldn't live like mortals.

Poseidon looked a little sad. "When you return home, Percy, you must make an important choice. You will find a package waiting in your room."

"A package?"

"You will understand when you see it. No one can choose your path, Percy. You must decide." Percy nodded, and Poseidon continued. "Your mother is a queen among women. I had not met such a mortal woman in a thousand years. Still . . . I am sorry you were born, child. I have brought you a hero's fate, and a hero's fate is never happy. It is never anything but tragic."

"I don't mind, father."

"Not yet, perhaps. Not yet. But it was an unforgivable mistake on my part." He then turned his attention to Natalia. "And Natalia Flynn, I could say the same for you. I'm not sure how your father managed to win Artemis' heart, but it was strong enough to make her break her oath. Your life will not be easy, child. I sense that you will face a lot of hardships."

Natalia felt like an arrow pierced through her heart. "I-I understand, Lord Poseidon." She bowed. "Thank you for listening. I must return home."

"Me too." Percy bowed awkwardly. "I-I won't bother you again."

They walked maybe five steps when Poseidon called Percy's name.

"Perseus." Percy stopped and turned. "You did well, Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the sea God."

"Natalia." She turned as well. "Zeus acknowledged that you were brave. I also see it. There's a sort of fire in your eyes . . . yes, the same look that Artemis has. Remember your lineage. You truly are the daughter of the Goddess of the hunt."

She offered him a small smile before turning back around and walking out of Olympus. Conversations stopped all around them. The Muses paused their concert. People, Satyrs, and Naiads turned towards the two Demigods and knelt as they walked past.

Finally, in a trance, they entered the elevator and pressed the button to go back to the lobby. Neither of them spoke until they were completely out of the Empire State Building.

Natalia let out a breath. "So . . . that happened."

"Y-Yeah, I guess it did," Percy stammered.

She looked over at him. "I have to get back to Camp Half-Blood. You sure you'll be all right getting back to your mom's apartment on your own?"

"I think so," he responded. "How will you get home?"

Natalia smiled and pointed to the sky, where a white figure descended and landed directly in front of them. She immediately began petting the feathers of Guido the Pegasus. Mortals passed by him like he wasn't even there.

"I asked Annabeth to send him here." Natalia then turned and gave Percy a hug. "I'll see you soon, Percy. All right? Annabeth, Grover, and I will be waiting for you."

She felt him nod and he pulled away. As Natalia got on top of Guido, Percy got in a yellow taxi cab. Both of their drivers took off in their respective directions. And even though they were being separated for now, both of them knew one thing: they were in for one hell of a life-long friendship.


percy originally goes to mount olympus alone in tlt, but natalia's got his back

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