Drowning Angels

By double-xo

1.8K 126 94

She's his savior, his angel, his reason to go on. He's her reason to hold on, to fight, to love. They're both... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Teaser Trailer
1 - Im Not an Angel
3 - Smiling Angel
4 ~ Babe Baby
5 ~ Innocent Angel
6 ~ Killing the Moment
7 ~ Rainbow Unicorn Shit
8 ~ The Jealousy Game
Chapter 9 ~ One Week
Chapter 10 - 1 Week
Chapter 11 ~Pain
Chapter 12 ~ Left on the Curb
Chapter 13 ~ Act of Love

2 - The Angel From My Nightmare

171 11 20
By double-xo

Chapter 2 - The Angel From My Nightmare

The moon was shining bright above us and I looked at the time to see that it was 11 o'clock. I looked over at Jasmine who was skipping freely ahead of me.

She looked like a child, in a good way, like the happiness she was radiating was like one a child would, she looked like she had no care in the world and just being around her made me want to ignore all the stress and not care about anything either. So lost in thought and in her that I didn't even realize where we were going. I also didn't even question following her. I just knew I didn't want her to go.

"Hey love where exactly are we going," I questioned running a little to catch up to her

"A club of course," she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Well are we almost there?"

"If I would have known you'd be this irritating I would have left you miles ago," she said coming to a stop looking at me. I looked her up and down for what was probably the millionth time tonight. You couldn't really blame me though, because she was simply stunning.

"You know babes if you take a picture it'll last longer," she said snapping me out of my thoughts and I looked up to find her smirking

"Well maybe we should take the picture together," I said shrugging and she laughed. Her laugh was like one of those rich laughs like when a kid gets a candy or a present on Christmas. It was amazing and it sounded so care-free. As I snapped out of my thoughts for the millionth time I wondered why she was even laughing.

"What's so funny?" I questioned raising and eyebrow

"Darling this is just one night and one night only, our two sides don't even get along that well anyways,"

"Why don't we get along?"

"Okay seriously how much did you even drink Ryder?" she asked laughing again making me smile though still confused.

"Im not exactly sure do you want to explain though?"

"Nope I rather go clubbing," she said beaming making me laugh as she pulled on my arm tugging me with her, until we finally came to a stop in front of the club.

The red flashing light beamed the name of the club Vitrola. It looked familiar or it all felt familiar but I don't think I've been here before or if I have I don't really remember. I looked over at the line of people and groaned.

"Babes as much as I would love waiting in line with you I refuse to wait in this long ass line," she laughed looking at me again and shook her head walking to the bouncer. After a few seconds she and the bouncer were laughing and the way they both kept glancing my way made me a tad uncomfortable. They both had amusement on their faces and I groaned annoyed that I didn't know what was going on and finally walked up to them both.

"Jasmine are we going in or not?" the bouncer moved aside letting Jasmine in and as I took a step forward he quickly moved back in place. I glared at the bouncer and heard a laugh from behind him and saw amusement on his face as well.

"Well you obviously can't get in without paying, you're just not as hot as I am," she said and I looked down to see her laying on the ground propped up on her elbows in between the bouncers legs.

"Pay up rich boy," she said smirking and I laughed softly but either way pulled out my wallet.

"And be nice Scotty give Mark a Benji will ya," she said referring to a $100 bill. I rolled my eyes and slipped out a 100 handing it to him.

He smiled and I looked down to see jasmine smiling as well as if in approval and slipped out from underneath him and Mark stepped aside as he pocketed the money I handed him. I looked over at Jasmine and she took my hand again pulling me through the club.


Not Done was really tired of typing xD i kept delteing shit hope u like dit either way gorgeous. I love you XOXO-hottest bf ever v.v

it made me laugh XD i am so glad you explained what a benji was bc i had no idea XD - your smoking hot girlfriend who is hotter than her hot bf

Well I'm glad u liked it lol xD- the hotter person in this relationship

and you're right darling i am the hotter person in this relationship - Sneaky Fox of a gf


The smell of alcohol immediately took over my sense of smell. I looked around for the bar as Jasmine pulled me through the crowd.

The club was dark with flashing lights and there was liquid smoke seeping on the dance floor and finally Jasmine dragged me to the bar pulling me on a chair.

The bartender came over to us and leaned on the bar table

"How have you been babe?"

"Good, why don't you get me and my friend here a drink," she asked giving him a smile that would have any guy begging on his knees. For some reason though this guy didn't even seem fazed and shrugged

"And what would I get for serving a minor?" he asked smirking slightly

"How about a kiss?" she asked and glanced over at me and as I was starting to wonder if this will actually work he smiled nodding his head and pulled off from the table.

"Okay deal so what should I get you both?" I thought about the different drinks but as I was about to answer Jasmine pulled him to her by his tie, whispered something quickly in his ear and he nodded.

"Two of those right?" he asked looking to me and Jasmine nodded.

"Realize or remember anything yet?" She questioned as she tapped her nails on the bar table. I looked around and there was definitely something familiar but I couldn't remember, it was like if it was blocked or repressed. I shook my head and honestly I was starting to get frustrated that I couldn't remember.

"Don't worry babes it'll come to you eventually probably tonight," she said smiling and twirled around on the chair until finally the bartender returned.

"Here ya go," he said and passed us both our drinks flashing me a smile. I lifted the drink to my lips trying it and there was a quick burn in my throat. The taste was familiar and surprisingly really good.

"What's it called?"

"You'll remember eventually darling," I groaned annoyed that she wouldn't tell me but she only laughed and looked over at the bartender.

"Do I get my kiss?" he asked and for some reason I laughed probably at the fact that the only way he was able to get a kiss from a hot girl was by serving her a drink. I looked over at Jasmine waiting for her and motioned for her to get on with the kiss and she burst out laughing. "Oh darling he isn't kissing me, Tony here is gay, poor lad here has been staring at you the entire time boys really are oblivious aren't they," she said mumbling the last bit. I then looked over at Tony my mind full of surprise and Tony was flushing a deep red and maybe it was the drink but I nodded shrugging. It couldn't be that much different from kissing a girl right?


I wanna write Jasmines pov *-* am i allowed?

Sure baby cx

Second thoughts: too lazy v.v hahahaha girls kiss sloppier then guys e.e >.

Hahaha ik xD

Not me doe im a fab kisser

I don't doubt it but I'm better xD

only when ur kissing men

-.- i don't kiss men tho v.v

ehemm i wonder if i can get someone to change that

maybe u can darling lol xD


"Okay that's Fine," I said and Jasmine looked amused and bit down on her lip while tony looked surprised, but both happy nonetheless. He nodded and leaned over on the counter and I looked over at Jasmine once before turning to Tony and leaning in pressing my lips to his. He quickly put his hand on the back of my head pulling me forward making me knock over the drink and Jasmine giggle. He kissed me deeper and I felt Jasmine's hand along my back making me relax slightly and Tony quickly took that to kiss me harder. Finally after I suspect he couldn't breathe anymore he pulled away his cheeks flushed and passed me another shot without a word.

"Well that was unexpected honestly I expected you to back out because of your girlfriend and all," she said shrugging but I could see a small smile playing on her lips.

"Why would it be any different I've done it before,"

"I know that but still that girl's changed you whether you admit it or not,"

"Really how?" I questioned

"You're just more stiff, uptight did you even notice how tense you were kissing tony?"

"Am not," I argued rolling my eyes. She laughed putting her cup down and stood up pressing herself against me making me tense quickly.

"See?" she asked smirking looking up at me as she ran her fingers down my arms

"It's just cause I have a girlfriend," I said clenching my jaw

"Okay fine how about the way that she has you on a short leash, basically making you her bitch cause honestly darling the old Ryder Scott wouldn't be helping the little fake slutty cheerleaders with their campaigns would he? Nope he'd be out doing what he wants. She has sucked the life out of you dear if you swear you're happy and this is how you want to be a ryder robot doing anything and everything the bitch asks for then we'll go. I won't get you in trouble and you'll still have you're girlfriend tomorrow and get back to your repeating life okay," she smiled softly as if she hadn't said anything and looked at her nails examining them frowning slightly when she saw one had been chipped slightly. She then looked back up at me tapping her fingers on the counter, "Well im waiting darling,"

I sighed running my fingers through my hair and realized everything she had said was right. Anna was great kind of in a way that she took my mind off of everything for a little bit she's a small distraction but even I have to admit I know she likes Jace, her and I are just using each other for sex and simply for the fact everyone expected us to be together, so I guess we owed it to us and everyone else to try it out, but to be blunt it's boring and Jasmine's right I've changed and do whatever the hell Anna says for some unknown reason and this isn't who I want to be. I want to go back to Ryder Scott the old one the one Jasmine is reminding me of the one that was actually happy with life or well somewhat happy, she's right im basically just doing routine Ryder Robot.

"Im right aren't I?" she said looking up at me. I nodded and she smirked proudly, "Yeah figured," she said and before I knew it without much of a choice I was being dragged through the crowd.

"Wait now where are we going?" I asked curiously trusting her to not lose me in this fucked up crowd

"Now," she said and turned to me wrapping her arms around my neck, "We dance," she smiled and quickly pressed her body against mine closing any space left between us grinding herself on me. I mentally cursed in my head and finally pulled myself together grabbing her waist grinding back on her, dancing to the music along with everyone else in the crowd.

We're all tight together, all of us pressed against each other as if we were one, all doing the same thing, yet all for different reasons. Some for fun, some for sex, some hopeless, some are empty; some are just looking for an escape, all different yet all the same. I'm not entirely sure what my honest reason was for all the partying and I don't know hers either, but I intend on finding out, getting to know her, I can tell she's different, everyone probably knows that, I'm positive she's not easy but it sure as hell doesn't mean I won't try.

I quickly came out of my thoughts as she move herself down my body sliding herself down on me. I smirked looking down at her as she innocently looked up at me making her way back up making sure to rub her body against mine as she did. When she finally stood back up looking at me she hooked her finger on my collar pulling me close and as I thought she was about to kiss me she kissed up to my ear and nibbled slightly as my hands went down to her hips.

I felt her breath on my ear and she pushed herself against me making me bite my lip to prevent from moaning. It strangely felt as if it was just us two, the music was fading, and the people around us followed with the fading music. We stayed like this for a bit until she finally spoke, "I have an idea might help bring back your memory as well," she said as she ran her fingers down my arms. I nodded and before I knew it I was being pulled through the crowd, and then I was being dragged upstairs to the third floor.

"Why so many stairs?" I asked looking up at her wondering how she was able to do all this in high ass fucking stilettos.

"Darling it's just been two flights of stairs," she replied knowingly as she continued dragging my upstairs. We walked down the hallway and there was tons of room most with the doors shut closed and all the way at the end of the hall were two big double doors.

"So I'm guessing we're walking to the end?" I questioned looking around and It all looked so familiar it frustrated me that I couldn't remember.

"And you're right. Is you're memory from that night returning then?"

"Nope I'm just always right," I replied smirking and I saw her rolls her eyes laughing softly, "Sure you are scotty,"

"So what's in these rooms?" I questioned looking at the many doors surrounding us

"Open one and find out," she said shrugging and I'm not sure if maybe the alcohol was clouding my judgment but I nodded and let go of her hand and quickly pushed a door open.

"Scott I was joking," she said giggling and pulled me back but the door as already pushed open and my eyes widened immediately. The two people inside the room quickly turned their heads to us and I saw as Jasmine quickly pulled the door closed.

"Aw Jas I was enjoying it," I complained laughing and she laughed along rolling her eyes.

"You were enjoying watching someone else get a lap dance?" she said laughing still dragging me with her, as I tried to not trip over my 2 feet.

"Well yeah I want one to," I said looking back and then over at Jasmine smirking subconsciously running my eyes over her body. Imagining her body pressed down against mine pushing herself against me, running my hands along her waist along to her-

"Shall I give you one then?" she said snapping me out of my thoughts quickly snapping my eyes back up to look at her. I tried registering what she was saying but my mind was clearly blocked with the mental images running through my mind so I wasn't exactly sure I heard her correctly.

"Are you serious?" I asked questioningly and my thoughts of if she would actually do it quickly faded as she wrapped her arms around my neck smirking and nodded before pulling me into an open room.

"Sit," she simply stated motioning to the chair and I quickly sat down looking up at her.

"Okay so I do have rules," she said looking at me smiling innocently as if none of this was even going on.


"Yes first no talking," she said and I rolled my eyes I'm not really fond of rules so this wasn't exactly my strong point.

"Okay what other rules?"

"No touching me whatsoever unless I say so," she said smirking and I was about to object but then realized that what the fuck I'm getting a free lap dance from one of the hottest girls I've ever seen so may as well try keeping a few rules so I nodded agreeing and she smiles turning around walking a few steps away from me and with the tight, short black dress she had on her ass alone was enough to know there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to keep her rules.

"Remember the rules," she said as she bent down starting to unstrap her heels, "on second thought I'll keep these on," and I saw a quick smirk play on her lips since she already did what she wanted to. You see as she bent down her dress easily lifted right above her ass showing off black and nude underwear anyways back to Jas she slowly ran her fingers up along her legs purposely leaning over. She ran her fingers along on her neck through her hair before slowly teasingly pulling down the zipper on the side letting the black dress fall down pooling around her. She slowly stepped out of it and my eyes quickly ran up and down her body. She was definitely an Angel in Disguise.

She looked absolutely gorgeous simple as that.

Her black and nude lacy bra matching her panties and with her stilettos she walked towards me running her fingers along my chest to my shoulders and my need to touch her intensified with every second. When she was finally standing behind me her fingers ran down my chest as her lips brushed along my neck. She started kissing up along my jaw turning my head to her and I placed my arm around her neck pulling her closer but was slapped away.

"The rules Scott," she said smirking pulling back and I sighed rolling my eyes annoyed putting my hand through my hair. Hate these fucking rules, I never follow rules and it looks like she's actually fucking serious about me not touching her.

She laughed softly looking at me, "You alright there darling?"

"Just peachy," I replied and she smiled sweetly as she sat down on my lap putting her legs on either side of me and my need to touch her returned harder than it ever had before. And as if she read my mind-"if you touch we're done," she whispered sweetly into my ear nibbling slightly and my hands quickly went down to the legs of the chair gripping them tightly.

"There you go darling," she said giggling and started moving herself down along me grinding onto me and again subconsciously I moved my head closer attempting to kiss or basically anything at this point but she moved herself back laughing and pushed herself down harder onto me and a groan quickly escaped me.

"No Touching Scotty," she said and quickly got back to her slow torturous movements grinding her self down onto me slowly. I shut my eyes gripping the chair of the legs harder trying to keep the desire to touch her from surfacing. Half my mind was telling me to beg her to let me but I never beg never will beg so I listened to the other side which was telling me to just endure and enjoy her slow torturous movements and I wasn't sure what I liked more because as she picked up the pace I was sure I was going to break the leg off of that chair.

Her lips were on my neck; her hot breath fanning my neck and her body was as close as it could be without touching me more than it should.

I finally figured I didn't really give a shit anymore and prayed to whatever was out there she wouldn't stop this if I did what I had in mind.

My hand quickly wrapped around her neck pulling me to kiss her roughly she laughed softly but kissed back despite what I thought she kissed back just as hard still grinding herself onto me. I pushed myself up to her but she just lifted herself off me slightly giggling obviously enjoying this kissing me deeper.

Just as if all my problems were becoming meaningless as if they were all fading away my phone rang. I had never hated technology more I swear. I thought she was going to pull away but all she did was push her tongue deeper in wrapping it with mine and pulled out my phone from my pocket showing it to me without breaking the kiss.


Well shit.

She looked at me smirking before answering the call handing it to me. What was she thinking? I don't know.

"Ryder, babe, where are you," Anna's voice said and I looked at Jas and she just shrugged twirling her fingers in her hair.

"I'm with a friend?" I said uncertainly not really sure what Jas and I were but I looked back at her and she didn't seem to mind instead she just smiled sweetly and started moving herself down on me again putting her lips back on my neck running her tongue along it.

"Oh okay which friend?"

"Just a friend,"

"Is it a boy?" she asked questioningly

I heard Jas giggle quietly running her tongue up to my ear biting it slightly, "How's that leash?" she questioned softly and then pushed herself onto me making me bite my lip to not moan into the phone.

"No it's a girl,"

"Oh, do I know her?"

"No she's an old friend" I said and Jas grinded herself along me faster sucking on my neck breathing out on it running her fingers into my hair tugging it and I knew I had to end this quickly...by this I mean the phone call of course.

"Oh okay well have fun," she said stiffly

"I will babe just stay at Jace's Ill get you tomorrow okay,"

"Okay babe," she said and I quickly hung up running my hand along Jas' waist pulling her back to me to kiss her. She smiled kissing back briefly before running her tongue along my neck, "You know it's amusing that you were talking to her normally while doing this," she mumbled running her tongue down biting my neck

"Yea but...I don't even know," I said sighing and Jasmine pulled back running both her hands through my hair looking at me.

I raised my head to meet her eyes running my thumbs in circles on her waist. Her hair fell perfectly behind her right above her waist. Her big brown eyes showed joy, danger, seduction, and care-free, but if you looked deeper you can see it was just a cover for the pain she was hiding. The pain, fear, guilt, and sadly I doubt many people noticed since most were just enchanted with what she gave them. I don't know why but I didn't just want to be another guy that ended up forgotten or something. I wanted her, wanted her to be alright, to be truly happy and I didn't even know why. I ran my fingers into her hair and cupped her face pulling her to kiss me and I knew for sure all the alcohol was out of my system and the high from the drugs had left as well. I was high on her if that's possible she was like the angel from my nightmare. I kissed her softly and I knew that she was definitely the best drug I ever had.

She ran her fingers deeper into my hair kissing back a little harder and to be honest I had no idea what it was about her but I was addicted and it was since the start since I saw her in the back not really caring that she was the most sexiest girl in the room.

She pulled back and gave me a small smile running her hand on my jaw before getting up of me and pulling her clothes back on then walking out as I followed her closing the door behind us.

"Where are we going?" I asked debating on whether I should just grab her hand or not finally deciding to take it I took her hand in mine walking with her.

She looked down at our hands and then back up at me, "Well to be honest I'm pretty fucking tired my noggin is definitely worn out," she said laughing softly.

"Okay so where should we go darling?" I asked looking at her as we walked back down, "Home?" I questioned and she shook her head quickly, "We can head to my house if you want to love," I suggested looking at her

"Already trying to get me to go home with you darling?"

"Well I did promise you could sleep in my bed did I not?" I said walking outside and saw a small smile playing on her lips as she blushed lightly but enough that I could see.

"Okay your house it is babes," she said quietly and I nodded.

"Okay let me call the driver," I smiled pulling out my phone quickly calling Joey giving him the instructions as I held onto Jas' hand looking at her as she viewed the whole city. She could really look beautiful doing just about anything. When I finished we waited for a little bit until finally the driver pulled up in the car and I opened the door for her to get in and watched as she stepped in then got in myself closing the door sitting with her. She leaned into me and for some reason I quickly kissed the top of her head wrapping my arm around her.

I heard her laugh softly and we stayed like this basically the entire drive until finally he pulled up at the house and with this England cold ass weather I helped her out of the car and she leaned into me closely im assuming to just keep warm and I quickly led her inside thanking Joey for the late ride since it was 3am.

"Nice house," she stated simply looking around.

"Thanks," I said smiling im used to getting a big response seeing as how my parents work for a big company my house is more like a manor, big with tons of empty rooms and if it wasn't for my friends living here it would be lonely too. Luckily I know she comes from this type of lifestyle as well she's just from the opposite side of the city.

"So did you want your own room?" I questioned uncertainly.

"I thought I was getting your bed?"

I laughed softly rubbing my hand down along her arm leading her upstairs to third floor to my room.

"What no tour?" she questioned.

"it's 3 a.m. love and the tour will take like an hour or so if I were to do every room," I said pulling her into my room.

"Your just eager to get me in bed," She said tutting making me laugh quietly as she looked around my room I ran my hand on the back of my neck as she examined my room from my music to colors of the wall.

"I like it," she said smiling and pulled off her dress again making my eyes go wide. Well fuck with a body like hers it's pretty damn hard to not get hard every time she strips down. She smirked and got into my bed laying down in the middle stretching herself out making me laugh again and to be honest this has to be the most I've ever laughed.

I pulled off my shirt and then my jeans and I could feel her eyes on me running her eyes along me and I saw her bite her lip softly and let me tell you I'm very fucking great full I have the same effect on her she has on me.

"Well scooch over," I said standing next to the bed

"Make me," she said giggling. I rolled my eyes playfully and laid myself down on the bed lifting her up letting her once I was in and half her body was on mine. I saw her cheeks slightly blush and I wrapped an arm around her hesitantly wondering if she would move away smiling when she didn't.

"Goodnight Scotty," she said quietly

"Night Jasmine," I replied running my fingers along her arms closing my eyes to a smile playing on my angels lips.


So I'm Sorry this is very fucking late but you know busy with life and people v.v anyways yeah I hoped you enjoyed and laughed and more xD

Song: Jake Miller- Dazed And COnfused

Got me feeling like,
Look, girl you got me faded
Like I downed the whole bottle
Yeah, you walked in the room
Looking like a Victoria's Secret model
Throw your number in my iPhone
And then let me take you home
I swear I think I fell in love
Either that or my drink's too strong

Took a walk on the clouds, fell asleep on the moon
And I'm not coming down, now that I'm with you
If we ever wake up, don't know what I would do
Are we really in love
Or dazed and confused
Got me feeling like, yeah

You taking selfies with your girls
And dancing with your ass out
The way you drop it down low
I swear you got me bout to pass out
Feeling tipsy, every time you kiss me
Girl you got me high, yeah this love we got is trippy
But it's all good, we just dazed and confused
Wake up in the morning, what the hell do we do?

Alright, here's how it's going down
You, me and your home girl
Can get a little freaky in my hotel
Just don't let me catch you being sneaky with your phone girl
That's a quick way to get dismissed
Now I hope we on the same page
But that's what I love about college chicks
I keep getting older and they stay the same age
Now turn around and let me get a peek
Good lord, that's a miracle
But don't get too geek, feel them sheets
That's not boyfriend material
She got a body like mhm,
And a face like ehh
I got one head saying mm-mm
And the other one saying yeah!

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