Marigolds For You (manxman) [...

By GiavieHanee

371 11 0

Once a happy person turned timid and reclusive, a 27 year old Tyler Benington tried to live a normal life aft... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note

Chapter 8

22 1 0
By GiavieHanee

Kyle's POV

I kept tossing and turning in my sleep. Maya was already in deep sleep next to me. I couldn't fall asleep thinking Tyler was only a few doors down from me. Even though I just wished him goodnight an hour ago, I already missed him. I sat up after contemplating hard and decided to just go see him.

I got out of the bed slowly, not wanting to wake Maya up and went out of the room. I closed the door quietly after looking left and right. I make my way to his room before knocking on it. I heard soft footsteps making its way towards the door before the door opened and he stood with wide eyes in front of me. I gave him a smile.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.

"I missed you." I answered simply. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Can we just hangout and talk for awhile?" I asked. He took a moment to think about it before moving aside to let me in.

I gave him a smile and walked into his room. He closed the door behind him before walking towards his bed. He sat on his bed and patted the space next to him. I walked towards him and sat next to him. I grabbed one of his hands and caressed it gently. I looked into his subtle gray eyes and was captivated by it.

"I love your captivating gray eyes so much." I blurted out. I lean in closer slowly. His cheeks blushed with scarlet.

"I love how scarlet your cheeks would get." I leaned in again.

"I love how pink your lips are and how soft they felt." Our faces were inches apart. I felt his hot breath hitting my face.

"Most importantly, I love you Tyler. Everything about you." I kissed his lips and he kissed me back.

Our lips danced ever so gracefully. I pulled him into my lap before cupping his face and deepened the kiss. I nibbled his lower lips a little and he gasped, giving me the chance to slip my tongue. Our tongues clashed with each other for a while. I can't get enough of his taste.

He wrapped his hands around my nape and pushed his fingers into my hair before tilting his head, deepening the kiss. I groaned against his mouth. I moved his legs to wrap around my waist before I stood up with him in my arms.

I laid him on the bed before I pulled away and kneeling in between his legs. I took off my shirt and I heard his breath hitched. I went back to kissing him and slipped one of my hands inside his shirt. His body shuddered at my touch. My hand grazed his left nipple and he bucked his hip while moaning against my mouth. His moan sent shivers down my spine.

I caressed his nipple gently and he let out a string of whimpers and moans. I lifted his shirt up and out of him. When I was looking at his body, he immediately covered it with his pillow and I frowned. I knew why and I saw it, but it doesn't faze me a bit. I leaned down closer and removed the pillow.

"Don't cover yourself, Ty." I spoke gently to him.

"My body is not attractive, Kyle." I shook my head.

"You are more beautiful than you think you are, Ty." I reassured him before taking his lips into mine. Our tongue clashed furiously against each other.

After awhile, I pulled away to trail kisses on his jaw and neck. I sucked and licked his neck and he moaned softly. I love the way he moaned. It somehow drove me toward the edge. I trailed my mouth down his chest and kissed each little scars he had on his torso. Full with tender and love. I dragged my lips towards his nipple and nipped it. His back arched into me. I licked and sucked on it and his moans became deeper. I moved to the next nipple and did the same.

"Kyle..." He moaned out my name and it was beautiful. I went back up and kissed his lips. I pulled away and glanced into his eyes.

"Do you trust me?" I asked him. His eyes were clouded with needs and lusts. He nodded his head and I kissed his lips gently.

After that I sat on my heels and removed his pajama bottom. He was left only with his boxer and I traced my eyes all over his figure. His body has a very feminine body shape in which if you look at him from behind, you would think he was a girl. Then, my eyes caught on a medium sized red scar below his waistline. I brushed my thumb on it and it felt rough under my touch. He noticed where my thumb was grazing.

"He pressed a hot cloth iron when I forgot to cook him dinner because I took a nap." He explained while giving me a sad look.

I cursed Frank in my heart for making Tyler go through literal hell being married to him. I leaned down closer and kissed all over the scar full of love. I wasn't disgusted by it, not even a bit. He didn't deserve to be treated like that. He deserves the world and only love. I promised to make up for everything that the bastard couldn't even do. I promised to only fill his life with happiness.

I kissed and licked it before moving along his waistline and he moaned. I moved up and captured his lips with mine. I slipped my hand into his boxer and he gasped against my mouth. Throughout the entire night he moaned and whimpered in my ears and I never got tired of it and probably never will.


Both of us panting hard and sweating. He laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arm around me. I pulled him closer towards me and embraced him. I kissed his temples and he looked up at me. His face was flushed with scarlet after our 'activity'. I caressed his cheek with my right hand gently. I had fallen in love with him even more.

"Sleep. You must be tired." I said to him softly.

He nodded his head hesitantly before shutting his eyes. I stroked his back softly, lulling him to sleep. A few moments later, I felt his breath even out and I knew he had fallen asleep. I pulled the cover over us and pulled him closer before closing my eyes.

When I woke up, it was almost dawn. There were few rays of sunrise shone in the room. I looked at the digital clock at the nightstand. It was 6.30am. I felt warm and when I looked down, Tyler was still on my chest and I felt a smile crept on my face. I felt happy that I woke up with the person I love in the morning. I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed it. He shifted a little bit before his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning." I said with a groggy voice and he flinched before he looked up and met with my gaze. His face blushed with scarlet, assuming what we did last night finally came to him.

"G-Good m-morning." He stuttered. He tried to pull himself away, but I hugged him even tighter.

"Let's be like this for awhile. It's still early, baby." I whined and he shyly nodded his head before returning to lay on my chest.

"How's your back? Is it hurting?" I asked and I felt him tense. He shook his head slowly.

"Good. I was afraid I was being too harsh with you last night." He didn't respond. I lifted his face with my hand and his face was beet red. It made me want to tease him more.

"I was also afraid I couldn't hold myself back last night because you were so sexy." My left hand that was on his back slid down his spine and landed on his naked butt. He flinched before biting his lower lips.

In a swift movement, I pushed him back to the bed and I was on top of him. I kissed his lips briefly before trailing my lips on his jaw and down to his neck. I kissed his neck a few times before I moved towards his nipples. He let out his moans and I was addicted to it. What a good way to start my morning.

After we showered together, which took me thirty minutes long to persuade him with a promise of not doing anything but shower before he finally gave up, we went down to have breakfast. We stopped by my room to wake Maya up but she wasn't there.

We went to the dining room and were surprised that she was already eating her breakfast with Tyler's mom. Mrs Benington, however, has a huge grin on her face when we walk into the dining hall together. She was sipping her cup of tea while eyeing the both of us. Suddenly I felt like I was in my walk of shame.

"Good morning, lovebirds." She teased. I just gave her a smile while Tyler glared at her with his flushed face.

"Morning, Mrs Benington." I greeted her. I took a seat next to Maya after I kissed the top of her head.

"Morning, mom." Tyler said with a quiet voice. He took a seat next to his mom, across from me.

His mom kept on smirking at him and wiggled her eyebrows. Tyler just gave her death glares and mouthed 'mom' and then 'stop it'. His mom responded with 'what' and then 'I didn't say anything' while shrugging her shoulders. I shook my head at these two, mother and son actions.

I grabbed two portions of omelette, a few pieces of bacon and two pieces of hash brown before stuffing my face because I was super hungry. Must have been all of my energy depleted after last night and this morning.

Suddenly, the house phone rang. Their housemaid, Celine, picked it up.

"Madam, it's for you. It's Jacob." Celine said and Mrs Benington stood from her seat with a frowned on her face and went to receive the phone.

"Yes, Jacob? Oh really? Let her in." Her voice sounded shocked and her eyes widened. She hung up the phone before walking back towards the table. Both of me and Tyler looked at her curiously.

"Kyle, your mother is here." She spoke calmly. My eyes widened and Tyler's too.

I stood up from my seat and made my way to the front door. Tyler was following behind me. I opened the front door and my mom's car park right next to mine. She got out of her car before walking slowly towards the entrance.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her when she stood in front of me.

"I need to speak with you. Both of you." She said and I gave her a suspicious look.

"Please. I don't mean any harm, Kyle." I felt a hand on my arm and I looked to the side. Tyler was looking at me while giving me a smile.

"It's okay, Kyle." He said and I nodded my head hesitantly.

"Please come in, Mrs Parker." He said softly while making a way. My mom gave him a smile and walked inside.

We sat in the living room with me and Tyler sitting on the two seater sofa, Mrs Benington sat next to my mom across from us. Celine had served us all tea and I asked her to bring Maya to the backyard for awhile. She nodded and clasped her hand with Maya's tiny ones. After both of them were out of our sight, my mom opened her mouth.

"I came here to apologize. Especially to you, Tyler. I'm so sorry for what I've said and done to you. I didn't kno-" I cut her in her words.

"Even if you didn't know about it, it doesn't give you the right to judge him blindly like that. You trusted Amanda's words more than his when it was he who experienced it." I hissed.

Tyler's hand was on my arm, trying to calm me down. She fumbled with her fingers, looking guilty. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Mrs. Parker, it's okay."

"No, Tyler. It is not okay." I retorted. I looked into his gray eyes.

"When I found you in that park yesterday, you were having a panic attack. I tried to call you by your name even when I was in front of you, you didn't respond to my voice. Do you know how scared I was at that time?" I continued.

When I found him in that state, I tried shaking his body gently and I called his name a lot of times but he didn't snap out of his attack. When I hugged him, that was my last resort and I thanked God his attack stopped after that.

The sound of a soft sob made us look at my mom. She was crying and Tyler's mom comforted her. She had her hands covering her face while she cried.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I have done. Diandra, I'm so sorry. I've wronged your son and I even slapped him. I am so sorry." She said and hung her head low in front Mrs Benington. Mrs Benington stunned for a while before she continued to comfort her.

"It's okay, Gina. I think Tyler had already forgave you." Mrs Benington glanced at her son for a brief moment and Tyler nodded his head. How can he be this forgiving towards someone who had wronged him to the point that he had a panic attack. Tyler stood from his seat and made his way towards my mom before kneeling in front of her.

"Mrs Parker, I already forgave you and I don't blame you nor Amanda entirely for that matter because both of you didn't know the full story. Please stop crying." He said softly.

My mom lifted her head from her hands and looked at Tyler's face. Tyler gave her a warm smile and I could see my mom smile too. Somehow that particular scene warms my heart. I really want my mom to like him. Maybe it took her the hard way but I'm glad everything had settled and finally things started to fall into place nicely.


2 years later...

"Have you got everything you need?" Tyler asked Maya. She nodded her head vigorously.

"Yes dad. I even got my lunch box." She answered, annoyed.

"Just making sure, honey. Eat your breakfast first." He ordered. Maya sat down and stuffed her face with pancakes with a river of honey, her favourites.

"Now remember, Maya. This is your first day of school. Be nice to all the kids okay." I voiced out. She just nodded her head before continuing finishing her breakfast.

I took a sip of my coffee and watched as two of my important people enjoyed their breakfast. It had been two years of me and Tyler being together. I proposed to him early last year when I finished renovating his backyard in front of our family.


"Where are you taking us?" My mom whined.

"You'll see." I answered shortly. I was holding Tyler's and Maya's hands while Mrs Benington held my mom's.

"You are in for a shock." Mrs Benington shouted excitedly. I smiled at Mrs Benington.

"Now I'm even more curious. You were basically chasing us out of the house for a whole day." Tyler complained. Both me and Mrs Benington asked the three of them to go somewhere other than being at home for the surprise tonight.

"And you won't regret it." I replied. He snorted. Maya giggled.

We stopped on our tracks and placed them right in front of the other house.

"Are you guys ready?" All of them said 'yes' in unison.

"Okay. You can open your blindfold now." I said. Tyler and my mom took off their blindfolds while I helped with Maya's.

All three of them gasped. Their eyes widened at the sight in front of them. Mrs Benington and I had our proud smirk on. All the hard work for nearly ten months and a half, we finally finished renovating the landscape around the other house.

"Oh my God. This is so beautiful." Tyler gasped.

He walked slowly towards the compound. I designed it in Japanese modern style with bonsai trees all around and also a Japanese water fountain along with a stone path. I covered every dirt with black and white stone, as if you were going to an Japanese onsen or hot spring. There were also Japanese stone lamps lighting the way.

For the deck, I had connected it to the pool and there was a bamboo roof I built from the house double glass doors stretched out all the way from the front and to the end of the pool. I placed a few pool chairs under the roof to complete the look.

I took them around the compound, even the house little backyard. They gasped again when they saw a huge circular fire pit with seating. The ground around the fire pit was filled with gravel. Not far from the fire pit, I had built a small Japanese style house with sliding paper doors that could fit 3 to 4 people. Around the small house, I planted Tyler's favourite flowers, marigold and pink tulips. He smiled widely at the sight of those flowers.

The grand total cost of this renovation was 1.5 million dollars. The only roadblock was ordering a bunch of large bonsai trees because there's not a lot of bonsai suppliers in the US, authentic ones anyway. So I had to contact Japanese suppliers for it and thank God they were able to ship 10 bonsai trees within 3 months.

Sounds impossible right? But they were very diligent people. They even sent one of their representatives to explain how to take care of the bonsai so that it can last for thousands of years. I even managed to strike a deal with them. If some of my clients wanted to order some bonsai trees, I would contact them first hand. They were really happy about it.

"This is so amazing, Kyle!" My mom yelled out excitedly. I just gave her a smile. There was another surprise for all of us this evening including Mrs Benington. She didn't even know about this one.

When Tyler had his back against me, I took out a small black box from my pocket. I kneeled on my one knee behind him and I heard loud gasping which I would assume was from my mom and Mrs Benington. When Tyler heard them gasped, he turned around before his eyes landed on me kneeling in front of him. His eyes widened and he covered his mouth.

"Tyler Benington, a year ago the thought of me falling in love with someone else after my wife passed didn't cross my mind. That is until I met you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me after Sara and Maya. It didn't take me long to know that I want to be right next to you forever. We may not be each other's first, but we can be each other's last. And with that, can I have your hand in marriage, Tyler?" After I finished saying everything, I opened the black box and there was a platinum ring encircled by rose gold lines at both ends. There was a diamond in the middle. A beautiful ring for a beautiful person.

Tyler's eyes were glistening with tears and seconds later it fell across his cheeks. I heard a few sniffles at the back and I know both of our mothers were crying too. Tyler nodded his head slowly before saying those three magical words.

"Yes. I do." I got up on my feet and he slammed his body into mine. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. I took the ring out of the box and slipped it into his right ring finger. After that I cupped his chin and kissed his lips. Our spectators clapped their hands and some of them even squealed.

"Yay! I have a new daddy!" Maya spoke and all of us burst into laughter.

We had a really nice backyard wedding at the Benington mansion 5 months later. Only close friends and relatives came. Both me and Maya moved in with the Beningtons and we lived at the house in the backyard.

We invited my mom but she said she couldn't sell the house that has a lot of memories of her and dad. But she was welcome to stay anytime she wants. As for me, we hung a photo of Sara in the house along with our wedding and family photos. Tyler insisted since she was part of the family too and perhaps the very reason that tied both me and Tyler together. He meant the part when I saved his life when I saw Sara's face on his.

(End of flashback)

"We're gonna get going now, babe." Tyler's voice snapped me from my thoughts. I nodded my head before smiling at him. He kissed my lips before going out of the house.

"Drive safely, baby." I said and he gave me a smile before nodding his head. I looked at them both walking with hands clasping and I smiled at the sight. I continued to read my emails from my iPad while sipping my coffee. After finishing my breakfast, I went to work.


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