Marigolds For You (manxman) [...

By GiavieHanee

371 11 0

Once a happy person turned timid and reclusive, a 27 year old Tyler Benington tried to live a normal life aft... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note

Chapter 5

23 1 0
By GiavieHanee

Tyler's POV

I was feeling nervous. I kept pacing at the front door. There were a lot of thoughts passed in my head. What if she doesn't remember me? What if she doesn't even want to go near me anymore? It had been a month since last I saw Maya. I can't help but feel anxious. I heard the sound of a car and I rushed outside the door. It was them. They had arrived. My mother followed behind me to go outside.

I stood nervously at the grand staircases in front of the entrance porch. Kyle slipped out from the driver seat and flashed me a grin before opening the back seat. And there she was. Her big blue eyes gaze at me. A huge smile crept on to my face. She ran towards me and I crouched down while opening my arms.


She screamed before slamming into me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her tiny body. I hugged her gently and I could feel my tears fall down on my cheeks. I miss her so much that it hurts. She also cried in my embrace. I stroked her hair ever so softly, afraid that she would break.

"I'm here, Maya." I whispered at her, coaxing her.

Kyle walked slowly towards us and I lifted my head up to meet his gaze. It wasn't intense and burning like before but full with warmth and softness. I smiled at him. I lifted Maya on my arms and stood up while she still hugged my neck and buried her head on my shoulder. Suddenly Kyle pulled his right hand from behind him and gave me something. It was a flower. Marigold. My favourite. He then gave me a soft smile. My heart started to pound hard.

"For you," he said softly.

I felt my cheeks hot. I slowly reached out my free hand to take the flower from him. I gave him a shy smile. After he had kissed me that night when he had saved me, I began to have strong feelings towards him. I haven't felt like this after a long time ago.

"Thank you." I thank him shyly. I tried to avoid his gaze because I couldn't take it anymore. If I stared any longer into his eyes, my knees would buckle and that would imply me going down along with Maya on my hold.

"Come on in, Kyle." My mother invited him. I don't know how long she had been there and observing everything but surely I'm not going to hear the end of this. Even if I managed to turn into a beet, she would still tease me.

"Okay Mrs Benington. But, my workers will come here in a few minutes. Just a heads up." Kyle replied. My mother just nodded her head.

"I'll tell Jacob about it later." She said before going inside the house. Kyle gestured to me to go first and I hesitated for a while before he placed his hand on my back and pushed me gently, to walk together side by side with him. The touch sent shivers down my spine. I walked into the house and went to the backyard. I put Maya down on the ground before clasped her tiny hand with mine. 

We walked around the yard while Kyle and my mother went to the other house. I played around with Maya and it was good to hear her giggles again. I miss her giggles so much. I don't want to be separated from her ever again, but I know the harsh reality. She wasn't mine. But, if I get to see her every time Kyle brings her, then I am more than happy.

Twenty minutes later, Kyle's workers came and brought a lot of stuff. They started the renovations right away. After playing around with Maya for awhile, both of us joined my mother who was sitting on the gazebo while supervising the workers. Suddenly Maya tugged my hands gently. I looked towards her before crouching down to her level.

"Tyler, I'm hungry." She whined. I gave her a smile.

"How about we go to the kitchen and make something?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her again. She thought for a while before speaking.

"Pancakes!" She said enthusiastically. I let out a chuckle and nodded my head. I stood up and held out my hand. She clasped it with her tiny one. My mother just smiled at us.

I brought her inside to the kitchen and sat her on top of the counter. I opened the top drawers of the cabinet to look for the ingredients. I grabbed a carton of eggs, butter, and milk from the fridge. I also took out bowls, measuring cups and a whisk.

We managed to make a mess in the kitchen. Only our giggles were heard from the kitchen. I don't know how and what had happened but Maya managed to get all the flour on her instead of in the bowl. Her face was covered with flour and I let out a laugh. She pouted her lips towards me, sulking. Seeing her sulking, I decided to coat my palm with the flour before smearing it on my left cheek. Then it was her turn to let out a loud laughter. I smiled hearing her laughter.

"What had happened here?" A voice caught our attention. 

Both of us turned to look at the kitchen door. Kyle was standing there with hands on his waist. He walked in slowly before stopping in front of me and Maya. His eyebrows raised.

"Well?" He asked again with playful hints in his voice. 

He faked an angry glare at Maya. I suppressed the urge to laugh. Maya's lips tremble and her eyes glisten with tears. My heart tugged at the sight. I immediately coat my hand with flour before smearing it on Kyle's face. Kyle was stunned by my action. But it did make Maya laugh again. And I join her, letting out my laugh at Kyle's face with flour.

"Oh it's on." Kyle said before grabbing a handful of flour and had his target lock on me. 

I avoided his reach and ran around the kitchen before he managed to grab my waist from behind and pulled me closer to him. I felt my back hit his chest and my heart started to pound hard at our close proximity.

"Gotcha." He whispered next to my ear and my body shuddered at his husky voice. 

I turned my head to the side and our gaze interlocked. I could hear my heart pounding against my chest. His green eyes were soft and warm. While I was staring into his eyes, more like captivated by it, I saw his hand moving from the corner of my eyes. His hand was covered with flour and I began to panic. I shook my head when I realized what he was trying to do. But, there was no point in stopping him when his half covered with flour face was showing a playful smirk.

He smeared his hand on both of my cheeks before moving up on my forehead. My whole face was covered with flour. I could hear Maya giggling away, watching us. Kyle let out a chuckle and a proud smirk plastered on his face.

"Now you look beautiful." He teased. I pursed my lips at him before smearing his face with my hand that had leftover flour, to make us even. He suppressed the urge to smile.

"Now you are even more handsome." I bite back. I squirmed my body out of his hold and went to Maya's side.

"Enough messing around. Maya said she was hungry." I said before he tried to get back at me. I resumed what I was doing before all the mess.

"Can I help with anything?" He offered. I felt his presence at my back, towering over me rather close.

"Um. Y-you can m-make the wet b-batter." I stuttered. 

He nodded his head and proceeded to crack eggs before adding milk and melted butter. After the pancake batter was ready, I heated a non stick pan and poured a ladle of the batter in it. After a few minutes, I flipped the pancakes. Kyle just stands next to me, watching me cooking the pancakes. I must admit I felt nervous being stared at by him.

After the first pancake was done, I repeated the process and filled the plate with a mountain of pancakes. I picked up the plate full of pancakes and placed it on the dining table. I went to the fridge and took out maple syrup and honey. I placed the condiments on the table. 

Kyle picked Maya up on his arms and walked towards the table. I took a seat across from them and placed a few pancakes on Maya's plate. I handed the plate to Kyle and he placed it in front of Maya. He then reaches for honey and squeezes a good amount on Maya's plate.

I also help Kyle to fill his place before giving it to him. I filled my plate and grabbed the maple syrup. Maple syrup and pancakes were my favourite combinations. Maya shoved a big piece of pancake on her fork into her tiny mouth. Kyle shook his head while I just gave her a smile.

I took a bite from my plate and the taste of fluffy pancake with the sweetness of maple syrup engulfed my mouth. Kyle also took a bite from his and his eyes widened.

"This is good." He praised and I just gave him a soft smile. 

Our faces were still covered in flour. We don't even bother to clean our faces. It makes us giggle when we look at each other's faces. Celine came into the kitchen and placed a tray of drinks. Two mugs of warm coffee and a glass of milk.

"Thank you, Celine." I said to her and she just gave me a soft smile.

"You're welcome, Tyler." She replied. I grabbed a cup and placed it in front of Kyle before grabbing a glass of milk for Maya. Then I took the last cup and took a sip of the warm coffee.

After we finished eating, I cleaned up the kitchen from all the mess. Celine kept on telling me to leave it and she will clean it later but I felt guilty so I kept on insisting to clean my own mess. Of course, I have some helpers.

Both Maya and Kyle helped me. Mostly Kyle helped because both of us didn't let Maya do anything. So she just sat on top of the counter and watched both of us cleaning. My shoulders kept on brushing with Kyle and it sent shivers up my body. My breath kept on hitching in my throat every time we were close to each other or when our skins accidentally touched each other.

After we had finished cleaning up, I took out a clean kitchen towel and wet it with water before I wring it. Then I went closer towards Maya and started to clean her face gently. She kept on scrunching her face and that made me chuckle. She was so adorable. 

While I was wiping her face, I felt a close presence behind me. Then, a pair of arms placed on the counter, trapping me in between those arms. My heart starts to pound hard. Maya started to giggle.

"Daddy's face is dirty." She said in between her giggles. I let out my own chuckle.

"Perhaps after Tyler is done wiping Maya's face, he should wipe mine." Kyle teased and I stopped my chuckle. 

His voice was right next to my ear. It sent shivers throughout my body. I felt my face burning hot. Maya's head nodded at the idea. Both of these father and daughter will be the death of me.

After Maya's face was cleaned, I handed the wet towel to Kyle without even turning back to face him.

"No. I want you to wipe my face, like how you had done it with Maya." He whined. 

I hesitate for a moment before turning around to face him. I was still trapped in between his arms, unable to escape from the situation. He leaned his face down closer to mine. His gaze was staring right into my eyes. 

I can feel myself melted under his gaze. I slowly lifted my hand that was holding on the towel and started wiping his face gently. I swallow a huge lump in my throat when his eyes never leave my face. There was also a playful smirk stuck on his face. He seems to be enjoying himself.

"All done." I said before I tried to get out of his entrapment. 

I can't let myself turn even more red under his gaze. But he refused to remove his arms. In a swift movement, his right hand grabbed the towel while his left hand grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. My breath hitched at the sudden close proximity.

I looked up at his face before he moved his right hand with a towel in place and started wiping my face. I can feel my heart beating hard inside my chest. I stood frozen in my position, unable to move even if I wanted to. I could hear Maya giggling at the back. That same strong feelings for Kyle from the night he had kissed me, grew even stronger. I realized at that moment, I had fallen hopelessly in love with him.

Even after he had wiped my face, we stayed like that for a moment, staring right into each other's gaze. His green eyes were full of warmth and I was being sucked into his eyes, lost in those warmth that had engulfed me. How can he affect me this much? 

A sound of someone clearing their throat snapped both of us from our eye contacts. I quickly pulled myself away from his hold and took a few steps away from him. I turned to look at the person who just cleared their throat. It was my mother. Great. Now I won't hear the end of her teases.

"Maya dear, why don't we go out and look at beautiful fish in the pond?" She asked her before walking closer to Maya. Maya nodded her head eagerly. My mother lifted her up from the countertop before clasping her hand with Maya's tiny one. 

She even gave me a quick smirk and wiggled her eyebrows before she walked away, leaving me and Kyle. I could feel my face reddened. I never felt so embarrassed. My mother had walked in on us doing... Well.. To think about it, we haven't actually done anything.

"Maybe I should go and join them." I said, trying to excuse myself. He grabbed my wrist, prompted me to stop on my tracks. He walked towards me, closing in on our gap and I can feel his body warmth radiating against my back. I took a deep breath to calm my nervous self.

"Turn around, please." He spoke softly. 

His voice was so soft, I felt like I had melted to the ground. I hesitated for a moment before turning my body around to face him. I lifted up my face and glanced at his face. He was contemplating on something.

"Can I ask something, Ty?" I nodded my head.

"What is it?" I asked and my heart was pounding hard, anticipating his questions. Please don't let it be that I couldn't see Maya anymore. It will break my heart for sure. He took a deep breath and avoided my gaze.

"Um. I would like to.. Uh.. Ask you out on a date." He spoke and I froze in my stance. My eyes widened with shock. I didn't expect that question from him.

"What?" Was all I could say. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I want to ask you out on a date. On Saturday night. If you are free of course." He asked again and this time it was clear as a day. 

I was rendered speechless. He had his eyebrows raised, anticipating my answers. I want to say yes. Of course I would love to go out on a date with him! But those words stuck in my throat and my mouth was moving but no words came out.

"Of course he would love to go out on a date with you, Kyle!" My mother's voice was heard from outside the kitchen. My eyes widened before my face felt hot. She was eavesdropping!

"Mom!" I shouted back, annoyed. 

Sweet Jesus, could she stop teasing me? Gosh. I move my gaze at somewhere else, unable to look into his eyes. I am one hundred percent sure I had turned into a ripe tomato. I felt his hand move from my wrist to my fingers. He caressed it gently and it sent shivers in me.

"Well?" He asked again. I looked up at his face. I took a deep breath, ignoring the tingling sensation on my fingers.

"Yes. I would love to go out on a date with you." I said shyly and a wide grin grew on his face. 

He lifted his hand that was holding mine close to his mouth and placed a soft kiss at the back of my hand. I stared at his action and felt my heart flutter. There was no doubt. I really had fallen for him. I'm sure of it.


The night before our first date, I couldn't sleep. I kept turning and tossing on my bed and my heart was pounding so hard. I sat on my bed before getting out of it. I opened my room door and went down the stairs to the kitchen. Perhaps a glass of warm milk would help. When I arrived in the kitchen, I grabbed the milk carton and poured in a mug. I place the mug in the microwave for thirty seconds.

"Couldn't sleep?" A voice spoke from the kitchen door. I looked towards the direction and my mother was leaning against the door frame before trudging to sit down on the stool at the kitchen counter. I took out the warm milk from the microwave and sat across from my mother.

"I felt nervous for tomorrow, Mom." I said truthfully. My hands were holding the mug tightly. A million thoughts passing in my mind about what could happen tomorrow.

I can't keep any secrets from her. When I came out to her and dad, she didn't say anything, instead she gave me a hug. She said that it doesn't matter what I was as long as I was happy. My father did feel a little disappointed at first but he didn't push me to change or whatever. He just wanted the best for me. Both of them accept that I was gay and that was all I could ask for.

My mother stood up before taking a seat next to me. She grabbed my hands and caressed them softly. She stared into my gray eyes with hers. I have gotten my gray eyes from her. Her gray eyes were warm and soft as ever.

"It is natural to feel nervous, Ty. But I'm sure everything will go smoothly tomorrow." She reassured me.

"What if he hates me and didn't want to meet me after tomorrow?" I was scared about that. 

If he hates me after tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to meet Maya again. I fought the urge to cry at that thought. My head hung low in front of her. She cupped my face with her hands to lift it and facing her.

"He will love you, Ty. If he doesn't, then that is his loss." She coaxed.

"But I have fallen in love with him, Mom." I muttered. She gave a big smile at me. She pulled me into her embrace.

"Then, I'm sure he loves you too. Trust your mother's instincts for once." She said and I let out a chuckle. I wrapped my arms around her petite frame. I nodded my head. She pulled away and stroked my hair.

"I'm going to help you pick out your outfits tomorrow. Or we could go shopping before that." She mumbles.

"Mom." I whined.

"What? I just wanted you to look good on your first date after a long time." She said. I gave a smile before shaking my head.

"I want you to move on from everything, Ty. You deserve to be happy after what you've been through." She said while cupping my face with her right hand. 

Her eyes glisten with tears. I let out a shaky breath, trying not to remember my past where it should have been, in the past.

"I'm sorry, Ty. I'm so sorry I didn't know about it. I should have reached out to you faster, no matter what, when I realized something was wrong but I didn't and that killed me." She apologized and her tears fell from her cheeks. My eyes were filled with tears too before it fell. I shook my head at her.

"It's not your fault, Mom. And also dad's. He just hid everything very well. That's why you guys couldn't find me and I don't blame you guys." I said. I never put any, not even an ounce of blame at my parents. The only person to blame for everything was Frank. He shouldn't have done what he did if he said he loves me.

My mother pulled me in another warm hug and I returned her hug. She sniffled on my shoulder before whispering.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She said, softly. I nodded my head before I replied.

"I'd love that." She pulled away and gave me a smile.

"Drink your warm milk and let's go to bed." I nodded my head and drank my milk before putting the mug in the sink and went upstairs with my hand clasping with my mother. Both of us slept in my bed, in each other's warm embrace.

When morning came, my mother was super excited, even more so than me. She brought me to the shopping mall and helped me pick out my clothes. I followed her around the mall. She even brought me to the salon to get a haircut.

My thick curly brownish copper hair, that I inherited from my father, was already at my neck almost touching my shoulder and the hairstylist cut it short. I looked in the mirror and was actually satisfied with it. He would say that the haircut complimented my facial features. He cut at the back short but kept long curls on the top part. My mother nodded in agreement.

We arrived home in the evening and I rushed to my room to get ready. I wore a button up light blue shirt and tucked it in my tight slack pants. I paired it with shiny black dress shoes after putting on socks. Lastly, I put on a fitted black blazer which hugged my body shape perfectly.

After spraying a bit of cologne on me, I checked my appearances on a big mirror in my walked-in closet. I let out a shaky breath, feeling a bit nervous. My hands were sweaty and I kept wiping it with my pants. I walked out of my closet before sitting at the edge of my bed, trying to calm my nerves down.

A knock was heard on my door before my mother's head popped into my room. She went into my room with a huge grin on her face. She looked at me from top to bottom, studying my appearances.

"You looked so handsome, honey!" She squealed. She jumped up and down in place before clapping her hands.

"Thank you, mom." I said while giving her a nervous smile.

"Oh and your date is here already. I came up here to get you." She said and I felt my stomach churning from feeling nervous. 

She held out her hand for me to clasp it. I hesitated for a moment before taking her hand and stood up. She brushed my blazer while smiling happily. Then she clasped my hand again and pulled me out from my room and downstairs.

Kyle was waiting at the front door in front of the staircases. His back was against us. Even with his back against us, he was already looking dashingly handsome. He had also worn a suit and his hands were in his pockets.

When he heard our footsteps on the stairs, he turned around and our gaze met. He looked stunned and his eyes were wide open. When I was in front of him, he looked at me from top to bottom. I felt self conscious at that time, afraid he doesn't like my appearances. Before his eyes met my gaze again, a soft smile crept on his face.

"You look stunning." He said after he managed to compose himself. I felt myself blush at his compliment and I gave him a shy smile.

"You look handsome yourself." I compliment him and it was true. He was so handsome and I could smell his cologne. It smelt so good and I was intoxicated by the smell. After a moment of standing in silence, my mother broke it.

"Right. Have fun you two! Don't be home too early!" She said before she gave me a little push towards Kyle. I gave a glare at my mother and felt my face reddened. Kyle let out a chuckle at her words. She just shrugged her shoulders.

Kyle held out his hand and I slowly placed mine on his and he grasped it gently. I walked with him side by side towards his car. He opened the passenger side and I slipped in after thanking him. He closed the door gently and went to the driver side. He turned on the engine and drove off from my house compound.

I kept on fumbling my fingers, feeling nervous. We sat in a very comfortable silence with only the sound of radio accompanying us. I was looking out of the window and watching as the scenery passed us as we were heading to the restaurant. 

I felt a warm palm on my hands and I looked down. His free hand was on mine, caressing it gently. I looked at him while he had his eyes on the road. He was really handsome. He glanced at me briefly and our gaze met for a short while before he glanced back into the road in front.

He pulled my left hand and entwined it with his before lifting it up and kissed the back of my hand. My breath hitched in my throat. His lips were warm. My heart flutters at his action. After that, he placed our entwined hands on his lap, refusing to let my hand go.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at the restaurant. He parked his car before turning it off, letting go off my hand and slipped out of the car to open the car door on my side. I got out of the car and closed the car door. I looked at the big sign with the restaurant's name on it next to the building.

La Casa Del Amor

He clasped my hand in his again before pulling me towards the entrance of the restaurant. The restaurant was big and surrounded by trees. I've heard about this restaurant before. It was a renowned Michelin star restaurant.

Kyle pushed the door and went inside with me following behind. The interior was remarkable. The tables were all in white tablecloths and decorated with silverware and wine glasses. The walls were in bricks, giving that vintage Spanish restaurant vibes that I once visited with my parents in Spain. The sound of soft instrumental music serenaded throughout the restaurant. There were a few customers already dine into their food.

"Kyle! Bienvenidos! Welcome!" A voice greeted Kyle. A man walked towards us with a wide smile before opening his arms to hug Kyle. Kyle returned his hug with his free hand and kept his right hand clasped with mine, refusing to let it go.

"Hello Gabriel." He greeted him back. The man, Gabriel pulled back before he looked at me.

"And this must be your date for tonight?" He said with a smirk on his face. Kyle just let out a chuckle before nodding his head.

"Welcome to La Casa Del Amor. I'm Gabriel Martinez, the owner." He said while holding out his hand for a handshake and I clasped it with mine.

"Thank you. I'm Tyler Benington." I introduced myself. His eyes widened when he heard my name.

"Are you, by chance, the son of Hugh and Diandra Benington?" It was my turn to widen my eyes before nodding my head.

"Yes. They are my parents. How do you know them?" I asked.

"Well, the whole town knows who they are." He let out a chuckle before continuing, "And they always come to my restaurant for a romantic evening." He smiled before it dropped from his face.

"I'm sorry to hear about your father, by the way. He was a good man." I nodded my head and gave him a smile.

"Thank you. Yes he was." I didn't know they were always coming here for a date.

My father was always trying to impress my mother. He would always say that my mother was even more precious than Princess Diana and that he was lucky to have married my mother. My mother always makes my father's heart flutter. I would make a disgusted face when I was younger at how cheesy my father would be but deep down I was envious of them. 

They really love each other so much and I used to hope that I would find someone who will love me like how my father would love my mother. My smile grew wider at the thought that he loves my mother until his last breath. I felt my hand being caressed and it snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at Kyle and he gave me a soft smile and I returned it with mine.

"Come. Let me show you to your table." We followed his steps to a table next to the window. Kyle let go of my hand before pulling the chair for me to sit. After I sat, he sat on his chair across from me. Gabriel hands out menus to us before excusing himself to give us time to choose our orders.

"This restaurant is really beautiful." I praised while looking around. Kyle nodded his head.

"How did you know this place anyway? Do you always have dates here?" I teased. He shook his head.

"This is my first time going here actually. So that means you are the first person I brought here." He said nonchalantly. I blushed at his words.

I wandered my gaze somewhere else, trying to avoid his playful ones before my eyes caught on one of the pictures on the wall. A smile crept on my face and my heart fluttered. It was a picture of my father and my mother sitting on a table while gazing into each other's eyes. Both of them were holding hands and smiling too. It warms my heart. Kyle followed the direction of my gaze before speaking.

"They looked really happy and in love still." I nodded my head in agreement.

"They were and still are." I said before I felt a warm hand on my cheek. I looked towards Kyle and his face was sullen. Then I realized my tears had fallen on my cheeks. He wiped my tears away before giving me a soft smile. I let out a shaky breath and shook my head softly.

"How did you meet Gabriel anyway?" I asked, trying to change the atmosphere. He pulled his hand away from my cheek and grasped my hand into his. He caressed it softly and it sent tingles down my spine.

"He was one of my clients before. I did landscaping in his backyard a few years back. He always invited me to his restaurant but I said I would go if and when I had a special person to go with." He stared into my eyes. I felt myself melted into his green gaze. I felt my cheeks blushed.

"So, are you ready to order?" I was about to ask for a few more minutes before Kyle answered for us.

"Can we have what Mr. and Mrs. Benington always orders every time they come here?" I looked at Kyle with a wide eyes before looking at Gabriel's face. Gabriel gave us a smile before nodding his head.

"Good choice." He said before taking the menus away from us. I looked at Kyle.

"You don't have to." I muttered. He gave me a soft smile and caressed my fingers.

"I want to." He simply said and my heart fluttered.

After that we had a few small talks before Gabriel came and poured us wine. He also served us our food. The food was very delicious from appetizers until desserts. Kyle and I left the restaurant, happy and content. I would definitely come again, perhaps bringing my mother with me. She would love that.


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