The Secret Daughter

By BrittanyColeXx

56.4K 2K 109

3 weeks ago Tessa found out about the bet,but now she has found out she is pregnant,Fast forward 1 year Tessa... More

Chapter 1-
Chapter 2-
Chapter 3-
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5-
Chapter 7-
Chapter 8-
Chapter 9-
Chapter 10-
Chapter 11-
Chapter 12-
Chapter 13-
Chapter 14-
Chapter 15-
Chapter 16-
Chapter 17-
Chapter 18-
Chapter 19-
Chapter 20-
Chapter 21-
Chapter 22-
Chapter 23-
Chapter 24-

Chapter 6-

2.2K 81 2
By BrittanyColeXx

It's 9:30 on Tuesday morning and today is my day off,I work Mondays,wednesdays,thursdays and fridays,and then everyone has the weekend off.I am glad I have today off especially when My poor princess is sick,it breaks my heart to see her in pain.Trevor has already left for work,he was due in at 8:45.

I get out of bed and tie my hair up into a messy bun.I then walk next door and see MY Emery asleep ,I pick her up and place her on my hip and then walk out to the kitchen and place her in her high chair.I make her some breakfast,some lucky charms,Mine and her favourite,the way she mushes them all with her hands and gets them all round her face,It is the small moments like this that make my heart swell.

I grab my phone out and scroll through instagram,I think it time I unblock Hardin now he is back in my life.Maybe I will post a picture on there as well.

tessa.young My sweet angel xx                                                                       24 likes

                       Kimberly_Vance sent from heaven


I walk over to the door and open it and it is the delivery man,It is Emery's new stroller,it got delivered quick as I have amazon prime.I sign for the parcel and bring in the hallway.

I get all the pieces out of the box and lay them on the floor,Emery is eating so This can keep me occupied whilst she eats.


Who could it be now?!

I walk over to the door and get the biggest shock of my life.

Tessa-"How did you find out where I lived?"

Hardin-"Vance told me,I just wanted to come round and see if Emery was okay,she looked pretty worked up yesterday."

Tessa-"She is fine,she is just eating some lucky charms right now,uhh come in"


Hardin-"This is a nice apartment ba-tessa"

Tessa-"Thank you"

Why the fuck was I about to call her babe?What the hell is wrong with me?!

Hardin-"What's going on here?"I say pointing to her wood floor.

There a parts of something on the floor,surely that is dangerous.

Tessa-"It's Emery's new stroller,it's gonna be a pain to put together"

Hardin-"I can do it if you want,it's something to do after all?"

I want her to say yes,so badly,I want to spend time with the love of my life and my daughter.

Tessa-"I don't wanna take advantage of you Hardin"

Hardin-"Setting something up for Emery is not taking advantage of me"



Tessa-Do you want like a coffee or something?"

Hardin-"Oh sure,if it's not to much hassle"

I make my way over to the Coffee Machine,Emery is still eating her luck charms mushing them in her hands and getting them all over her high chair.

I brew the coffee in the Machine and sit at the table,feeding her some Mushy cereal with her pink plastic spoon.

Hardin-"Okay and the stroller is all done!"

I look over to my left and see the stroller,it is so much better than the last one,it is rose gold and has a hint of black in it,it is for my big little girl.

Tessa-"You did that really quick" I say whilst grabbing 2 coffee cups and pouring the piping hot coffee into them.It smells so good.

Hardin-"Yeah you just had to clip different parts into different places"

Tessa-"Well thank you,here's your coffee"

He takes the coffee cup and for a brief moment out hands touch,I felt a shock wave go straight through my body,I have not felt this way in ages.I quickly pull my hands away and go over to pick Emery up from her high Chair. Once I have picked her up ,I place her on her play mat.

Tessa-"I just have to go down the hall and get our mail,You okay to watch her for like 2 minutes?"

Hardin-"Uh yeah I think so,How hard could it be?"

I pick my keys up and place a kiss on Emery's head.

As soon as I go to leave Emery starts crying and pointing at me to pick her up,As much as I would love to take her with me ,I know Hardin would love to spend time with her getting to know his Daughter,bonding with her a way a father should. 

"Mommy will be back soon!" I say and with that I am making my way to the apartment door and going to collect our mail.


I am currently sitting on the sofa of Tessa's apartment,it is amazing,it has an amazing view and it has this amazing natural sunlight.


I look over to where the sound is coming from and Notice Emery on the floor crying ,she really wants her Mommy,maybe when she gets back we could take Emery to the park or to the coffee shop,I want to spend as much time with Tessa as I can,maybe I will move out here and we can rekindle our relationship just like old times.

I pick Emery up to attempt to stop her crying "Shhh Shhh its okay Daddy is here" It feels so weird to call my self Daddy to an actual baby,I have not been here for here for the majority of her life so I am gonna try my best to be the best Father I can to my little Angel.

I look down and See that Emery has not stopped crying.I don't know what to do,Maybe she is tired,I don't know what her nap times are,FUCK I SUCK AT PARENTING.I can't even tell what my own flesh and blood wants.


I turn my attention to the unlocking of the door,when it opens and It is not Tessa instead it is the jerk that took Tessa from me.

Trevor-"Babe,I just came to get my lunch I forgot it"

Trevor-"Oh Hardin,uhh where is Tess?"

Hardin-"Uhh she went to get the mail,she will be back soon"

Trevor-"What's wrong with Em?"

Hardin-"She want's Tessa"

Trevor-"Oh give her here,I can get her to stop"

I pull her away when he gets closer to me,I don't want him to touch MY Daughter!


Okay I got the mail,I can not go back and see my little princess.

I am walking down the hallway when I hear a loud commotion coming from mine and Trevor's apartment.WHAT THE FUCK IS HARDIN DOING TO MY DAUGHTER!

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