Among the Stars ✔️ [Completed...

By KateEmily789

163K 11.1K 3.6K

*** Spoiler Alert - This is book three in the trilogy, so please do not read below until you have read Out o... More

Quick Question...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Author's Note

Chapter 49

2K 141 34
By KateEmily789

"It's Caroline," Sarah announces while glancing towards my phone ringing on the living room table. "You ready to tell her about Ed now?" She asks before thankfully reaching for my phone and handing it to me, so I don't have to feel like a beached whale attempting to wriggle out of the sand towards the safety of the ocean.

I shake my head while I grasp the phone. We've already had the conversation several times about whether to tell Caroline about Ed and Willow, and simply had to agree to disagree. The fact that Caroline has passed her due date, and is coiled like a spring with anxiety makes me adamant that she doesn't need to know until after her little girl is here safe and sound. "You better be calling me to tell us you're in labour!" I tease as soon as I answer the call.

"Piss off!" She groans. "Hun, I'm so bloody fed up!"

"I'm putting you on speaker." I tap the speaker button, and place the phone on the arm of the chair.

"You still pregnant?" Sarah chuckles devilishly.

"I've tried everything! Eating pineapple, drinking raspberry leaf tea, walking for miles... even had sex... and nothing!" Her voice is strangled in frustration.

"Too much information," Sarah laughs loudly. "Poor Jer!"

"She will come when she's-" I begin.

Caroline cuts me off. "If you're going to say when she's ready I'm going to bloody scream!"

I clear my throat to try and think of something supportive to say, but my mind draws a blank. "How did it go at the doctors?"

"I'm being induced in three days if she doesn't come naturally before." She sighs in defeat, clearly feeling as though there is no way her baby will come on her own accord.

"I know that sounds like a long time, but it'll fly by. I promise." I try to sound as confident as I can, knowing that she may need to be induced.

Unexpectedly, Caroline begins to laugh. Sarah and I stare at each other in shock. "Look at us! Me trying to get my baby out, and you trying to keep your babies in! Let's change the subject. Anything new going on with you guys?"

"No!" I practically shout before Sarah has chance to open her mouth. "Absolutely nothing. I'm working with Harrison this week, so Ben and Sarah have agreed to stay with me."

"Is Daniel still coming home every other day?" She asks swiftly, thankfully not picking up my avoidance of her question.

"He is supposed to be, but as I'm just working, I've convinced him to work another few days straight to get as much as he can out of the way while I'm feeling well. He's coming home in three days." I can't help but smile as I speak, remembering our conversation where Ben helped me to convince him to stay on for a little longer while everything was calm.

"Well, please make sure you take it easy, at least until Daniel is home." Caroline says seriously.

"I will... and you... go for a long walk." I grin. "Love you hun."

"Love you. Just ring if you need anything." Sarah speaks with her voice full of sincerity.

"I promise, I'll call as soon as anything changes. Love you both." Caroline then ends the call.

Awkwardly, I wriggle off the sofa, groaning and gasping as I move. Once I'm upright, I'm panting as though I have just climbed a mountain, much to Sarah's amusement. I scowl at her, which only seems to make her laugh more. "You're such a bitch!"

"Yep!" She grins, looking pleased with herself. "You sure you're up for work today?"

Reluctantly I nod. "It's the last day I'll need to go in. The whole campaign was tweaked yesterday, so today it should just be prepping it reading to roll out."

"I'm so happy that you've managed to see it through."

"Me too." I smile wholeheartedly. "Now, I better get ready to go in."

Before exiting the living room, I stop to admire the Christmas tree that somehow I managed to decorate. The gold and red baubles glisten in the early December sunlight making my heart soar. The fact that Daniel wants us to stay in London close to Doctor Isaac until the babies are here made me determined to decorate the house for Christmas earlier than usual. Smirking to myself as I trudge up the stairs, I imagine Daniel's reaction when he returns home to see our London home all ready for Christmas.

Once I'm in the car on my way to Harrison's offices, Ben repeatedly opens his mouth to start a conversation and then closes it again. "Everything OK?" I ask, knowing Ben all too well by now to understand when there is something on his mind.

"Yep...." he pauses. "Well..." Ben briefly looks towards me waiting for the lights to change.

Sensing this is about Sarah's gut feeling that Ben is about to propose, I desperately want him to open up. "You can talk to me, Ben. About anything."

"I'm thinking of proposing..." he let's out with a nervous laugh, " Sarah." Ben finishes swiftly like he needs to confirm who he wants to marry.

"I gathered it would be to Sarah!" I chuckle softly. "I think that's a wonderful idea Ben, you two are made for each other."

"You think she will say yes?" He asks with genuine doubt. The way his face crumples makes my insides ache for him.

"She loves you! Of course she will say yes!" I grin widely.

"But she always said she agrees with Caroline and Jeremy about not wanting to get married, especially with her parents separating." Ben taps the steering wheel with an anxious rhythm.

"That was before you." I answer simply, knowing and loving the fact that everything has changed for Sarah since she met Ben.

"Well, I need your help if I'm going to ask her. I don't know what type of ring..."

I cut him off. "I know the exact style of ring she will love."

"Thank God!" He exclaims in relief. "Let me know when you would have some time to help."

I glance at my watch. "There is no time like the present."

We beam at each other. "Thank you, Lizzie."

"Today is about to become very expensive for you!" I smirk before picking up the phone to call Daniel's agent Chris to arrange a last minute appointment for us, and then Harrison to let him know I'll be in to finish the campaign tomorrow morning.

We enter Tiffany, nodding to the well groomed doorman, who clearly thinks we are together by the smile he greets us with. Ben leads me over to the lift and presses the button with a trembling hand.

Once we step out onto the floor where the vast array of engagement rings dazzle unashamedly, a woman around the same age as me, but with fiery red hair walks over to greet us. "Mrs Weston?" She asks politely, reaching out her hand. I shake it without hesitation with a nod. "My name is Ruth, and I would be delighted to assist you today. An appointment has been arranged for you."

"Please call me Lizzie. This is my very good friend Ben who is about to propose to my best friend." I gesture to Ben and the two shake hands. Ben wears a false smile that looks almost painful.

"Congratulations-" Ruth begins.

"I haven't asked yet." Ben mumbles with embarrassment.

Ruth smiles knowingly, probably seeing this behaviour a thousand times before. "Do you have any idea what style the lucky lady would like, or would you like me to show you a variety of styles?"

Ben looks at me with panic in his eyes before glancing over at the enormous choice before him.

I decide to save him from his anguish. "Emerald cut on a platinum band."

"Perfect. Follow me."

While Ruth arranges a number of emerald cut rings with a variety of prices, my phone begins to ring.

"Guess where I am?" I answer the phone excitedly to Daniel.

"Don't say the hospital because I might have a heart attack." Daniel responds urgently.

"I'm in Tiffany!" I exclaim loudly.

"Why are you there? I thought you would be at work today." He sounds completely confused.

"I was, but Ben is going to propose to Sarah!" I squeak a little too loudly. "So, I'm not going in today as I want to help Ben choose the perfect ring!"

"Holy shit! That's amazing news! I'm so fucking pleased for them!" Daniel sounds completely elated. "Pass me over to him."

"Ben." I say before handing my phone to him. "It's Daniel." I watch Ben pace up and down the room, but he smiles at whatever Daniel is saying to him.

"Lizzie, I have a selection for you and Ben to look through." Ruth says softly while I gesture to Ben that she is ready. "Would you like to sit down?"

"Yes, please." I say while rubbing my aching lower back.

Ruth leads us over to a table as Ben passes the phone back to me. I sit down cautiously. "Hey, babe."

"I will call you later, make that tight shit spend some money." He laughs loudly. "If you see anything you like for you, please just buy it."

"I will speak to you later. I love you." I avoid the idea of how much money Daniel would have me spend in here.

"You never change! I love you too."

Once I have placed the phone away, we spend the next hour choosing the perfect ring. Ben pays while the stunning ring is placed in the traditional Tiffany box.

"Thank you for today." Ben reaches across to squeeze my hand.

"You're very welcome. It's the least I could do after all you do for me." I place my other hand on top and squeeze too.

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head slightly, clearly perplexed.

"You're no longer paid to protect me, yet here you are looking out for me instead of working today."

"I look out for you because you're my friend, Daniel is my friend, and because I want to!" He looks pointedly at me with a deep frown. "I guess despite the fact that you were such a bitch the day we met, I've grown to be rather fond of you!"

"Well I'm rather fond of you too, and I couldn't be happier that you are going to marry my best friend."

- hey guys!

So sorry for the delay on this chapter, things have been a little crazy. I hope you think it was worth the wait, and that you enjoyed Lizzie helping Ben.

Are you pleased Ben is going to propose?

Is Lizzie right not to tell Caroline about Ed?

Thank you so much for your continued support, it means the world! Love, T x -

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