Kadic Academy Kids

By furnacewithwings

6.4K 385 1

Tovah Pressman is the new girl at Kadic Academy. What will happen when she comes to school to her cousin Jere... More

New girl
Remember what?
The Journal
It's only a fracture
Truth or Dare
A Normal Day
Kiss and camp
The Great Outdoors
Double date
Fainting Spell
Love sick
Long Weekend
A Fine mess
The Lock In
Sleep over!
Odd's undersea costume
Aelitas diving costume
Blast to the past
Dance Fever part 1
Tovah costume and regular outfit
Dance Fever part 2
Fall Break
Another Romeo And Juliet

And They Were Roommates

64 8 0
By furnacewithwings

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Ninth Grade student

"Not hungry?" Odd asked looking over at Aelita who laid her head on the table, "no, not really, you can take my tray if you want it." She said. "You both look like zombies," Yumi pointed out. "Well, I haven't been getting much sleep as of late," I said, "and I would usually just go sleep in Jeremy's room," I paused to yawn. "But he's been staying in his room," I looked over at Aelita, "when they said my roommate was great, I thought that meant a 'quiet sleeper,'" I laid my head on the table. "Well, it's not my fault I have nightmares!" Aelita said sitting up and looking over at me. "I never said it was, I just said I was tired!" I snapped. "Geez, for being such a nice girl, you can be a real pain," I rolled my eyes. Jeremy walked over and sat down, "what's up guys?" I look up at Jeremy and pull my bag off the back of my chair. "I'm really glad it's Saturday! Maybe I can get some sleep!" I said as I headed up to my room. I was so annoyed. I bumped into William, things had been weird since the second lock-in, we...well it was interesting. "Hi," I said putting my hands in the pockets and looking over his shoulder. "What's up?" I asked. "Not much," he shrugged. "You ready for the audition?" He asked. "Yeah, totally, it'll be a blast," I nodded. "Anyway, I'm gonna go try and score a nap," I said heading up to my room. But Aelita had gotten to our room before me and was on her computer. "I thought- what are you doing?" I asked. "Mixing," she said turning to look at me. Both of us had been on each other's last nerve all day, lack of sleep, and all that. "Really?" I asked, "didn't I tell you I was going to take a nap? Why can't you do this in the computer lab or Jeremy's room?" Aelita slammed her fist on the keyboard and then put her hand on her forehead, "you know, when they said I was getting roommate I thought it was going to be a lot more fun," I got the sense that both of us weren't used to sharing, we both were only children after all. "What did you expect? We'd gossip and paint our nails every night?" I asked, "you always have a comeback for everything," she rolled her eyes. "Why don't you just get a new roommate?" I asked sarcastically, "maybe I will," she stood up and walked out. "You don't-" but then suddenly Aelita was gone. She wasn't actually serious, was she? I sat down on my bed and dialed Odd, "hey Odd,"

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

"You two can't stay mad at each other," I said as we walked down the road to presto burger, "you hungry? I'll buy you a burger," I patted her on the back, "I'm a vegetarian," she said looking over at me, "since when?" I asked. "Since...forever? You've never noticed?" She asked. "Rosa always gives me a special plate," she looked over at me, "so fries and a shake sounds good then?" she didn't say anything but looked down at her boots as we walked, "Something else bothering you?" she shook her head, "No, I just...I got a letter from my father this morning and...he wants me to not do the play and to quit art," she said as we sat down on a bench, "that's awful, what're you gonna do?" I asked. "Ignore it," she shrugged. "Ignore it?" I asked. "That doesn't sound like the best idea, you should talk to them and maybe they'll understand," I suggested. "No, my dad definitely won't. Even though his new wife is so..." she ran her hands through her hair. "So how are you and Jeremy actually related? I know you're cousins, but how?" "Oh our dads are brothers, but he got the fun dad and I got the strict one," she said pulling her knee under her chin. "So you're an only child?" She nodded and looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah, but you knew that, I'd like to have a brother or sister, but it seems as though I'm not good at sharing," she shrugged. I patted her shoulder and we both stood up, "presto burger?" I asked as we walked down the street. "I'm gonna go, I'm not feeling well," she said standing up. I watched as she walked away, a hollow feeling in my stomach.

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy Ninth Grade Student

"Aelita, you can't get a new roommate, it would ruin the whole dynamic," Jeremy said as we sat in his room. "You two just need to kiss and make up," I said, "what even triggered this whole fight, Princess?" I asked sitting next to her. "Well, it's a lot of things, not just one, I keep her up at night with my nightmares and I get annoyed when she plays music and..." she shrugged. "I just miss the first days when we were roommates, it was all easier. I'm gonna go to the library, I need some peace,"
Aelita left and Jeremy and I sat on his bed and looked at his computer, "what is that?" I asked pointing at his computer, "it's a program, it's nearly ready! Aelita and I have been working on a sector we just found," I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, "new sector?" I asked. "It's kind of like an ocean sector, Aelita and I have been programming you guys some scuba gear so you can deep dive and explore,"

Aelita Stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

"What- what's going on," I asked waking up and looking around, I looked over at Tovah who was passed out, my hands were tied up with ropes. The place we were was cold and dark, "Tovah...Tovah, wake up!" I whispered, my legs weren't tied up so I nudged her with my foot. "What? What's happening?" She asked coming to. "Where are we?" She sat up and struggled with the bounds of her hands. We looked at the shadow of a man who marched towards us stoically, "Aelita..." he said looking at Tovah, "what?" Tovah asked looking over at me. "I-" he held his hand out and electrocuted her, "Tovah!" I gasped "I'm Aelita, she's not!" I said looking over at Tovah. Tovah's phone began to vibrate and the man pulled it out and crushed it.
"Oh..." I groaned, I hoped that someone would come soon.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Tenth Grade student

We stood outside the storage center where Aelita and Tovah were being held, Odd, and I were going to come to the rescue. "Are you sure this is where Jeremy said?" I nodded looking over at Ulrich. "Yeah, he said so," we went into the storage center and walked down the halls, and heard screaming. "That sounds like it," we snuck into the storage unit and the man who was torturing them wasn't paying attention, "Tovah," I whispered trying to scoop her into my arms but she freaked out and looked up at me. "Odd," she said looking relieved, "you look awful," I said quietly. "Yeah, he totally fried me..." she said, "you don't have to carry me," I set her down and she bent over in pain. "Ouch, maybe I'll lean on you,"
"We have to go!" Aelita and Ulrich said at the same time, "okay!" I said helping Tovah rush out of the storage place.

Yumi Ishiyama Kadic Academy Tenth grade student

"There you are! Finally, what took you so long?" Yumi asked. "We have to rescue these two damsels," Ulrich said. "Well anyway, it's time to take the plunge, do you think you can make it, space girl?" Odd asked, she put her thumbs up and nodded. "I'll feel better after a good workout," she smiled. "Well anyway the activated tower is in the new sector," he smiled. "New sector?" I asked. "The ocean sector!" Jeremy smiled. "Ocean? We can swim on lyoko?"

We got in the scanners and were virtualized on a small island, "Woah," Odd said looking at his suit, "cool Jeremy, this gear is awesome!" He smiled.
"Well, you need to dive in, run your hands over the various spots on your suits to activate your diving helmet, then jump in."
I ran my hand over the lotus flower on my belt and we dove in, we swam down deep and it seemed clear. "All clear here Jeremy," Aelita said, I looked over at Aelita's gear and she had scaled up the side of her suit resembling a mermaid the rest of her suit was tight and pink, Ulrich had a yellow checkered suit, Odd had a catfish on his chest, his suit was electric purple and he had cat ears on his helmet, Tovah's suit was sleek and blue and teal with an asteroid on the chest, mine was black and white with lotus blossoms peppered across it. I wondered what our gear for fighting would be like considering fan throwing wouldn't be the same, a shark looking monster started flying towards us and I pulled out my fans and they worked just like they did on Lyoko. "This works perfectly Jeremy! Tovah, take Aelita to the tower,"
Tovah grabbed Aelita by the hand and activated her zero-gravity belt making it easier to tread water, "this way," Tovah said, she pulled out her blaster and shot a puffed fish monster, "got it!" She said and looked over at the tower, "here," she said kicking Aelita into the tower.
"Tower deactivated,"

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Ninth Grade student

I walked with Odd on the way back from French Class, suddenly Aelita ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "Hey!" She said smiling, "why are you hugging me?" I asked patting her back. "Because, you're my best friend, and roommate," she said. "I made you this," she said holding out a handmade bracelet. "For me?" I asked taking the bracelet. "Yeah, friendship bracelets," she smiled. "I'll see you upstairs," I smiled.
I looked over at Odd, "so, I guess she's not getting a new roommate after all," I smiled. "Guess not," he said. I looked down and laced our fingers together, "what're you doing?" He asked. "What?" I asked blushing. "That," he said looking down at our hands. "Is it bad?" I asked. "No, it's...I like it,"
"I do too," I said and then gave his hand a light squeeze, "I'll see you tomorrow," "you too,"

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