Fat Girl - BTS FF

By tonibu76

152K 5.8K 2.3K

29 year old Y/N, goes on a series of failed blind dates. Her father is determined to marry her off asap. She... More

Chapter 1: Date with Namjoon
Chapter 2: My Best Friend Jimin
Chapter 3: Date with Yoongi
Chapter 4: Cheered Up
Chapter 5: Embarrassed
Chapter 6: Sunshine
Chapter 7: Profile
Chapter 8: The model relationship
Chapter 9: Plane Problems
Chapter 10: Welcome to Macau!
Chapter 11: Jin Again?
Chapter 12: Butterfly
Chapter 13: Confession
Chapter 14: Engagement Dinner
Chapter 15: Explain
Chapter 16: Wedding Day
Chapter 17: Burned
Chapter 18: Little Mochi
Chapter 19: Not Daddy's Girl
Chapter 20: "Judas Kiss" Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 21: Awful Truth
Chapter 22: Retail Therapy
Chapter 23: Yohan
Chapter 24: Serendipity
Chapter 25: Stabbed In The Back
Chapter 26: The Prayer
Chapter 27: Mistake
Chapter 28: Friends
Chapter 29: Smothering
Chapter 30: JungshOOk
Chapter 31: Arrest
Chapter 32: No More Time
Thank you!
Chapter 33: I want Ramyeon
Chapter 34: The Nurse
Chapter 36: Results
Chapter 37: Missing Baby Bump
Chapter 38: He's Stinky Butt
Chapter 39: Sold
Chapter 40: Tears
Chapter 41: Brightness and Goodness

Chapter 35: A Love Lost Forever

1.7K 74 59
By tonibu76


Dr Chu requested that I marry a couple tonight. I initially declined, but the doctor begged me. The doctor said he owed it to the man to help because he caused the man to be wrongly arrested. And once I heard the couple's story I said yes. He also told me about all of the things that the woman had suffered recently at the hands of her own family. Then she was hurt before her wedding today and they had to cancel. Their story had me all in my feelings. Now that I am a 'Man of the Lord' I felt compelled to help them. I saw groom rolling his bride in on a wheelchair and thought 'aw what a cute couple'.  When they got to the front of the chapel and I realized Y/N was the bride I couldn't breathe. I watched their cooing and PDA. I saw how he sat her on his lap. I saw the love in how he handled her as if she were the most precious thing he ever had the pleasure to hold. I heard his words... and her words. 

She was in love.... but not with me. 

I completely messed up.  That day Y/N showed up at my photo shoot... I was a huge jerk to her.


The photo shoot was going well. My makeup was being touched up when I heard my name being called.  When I saw Y/N smiling and waving at me, I got scared. I know she saw the displeasure on my face. I didn't want her to be here. I didn't want any of the Gucci people to see her. I was afraid of what people would say about a Gucci model with the chubby girlfriend... 



Someone rushed into the room and accidentally knocked her onto the floor. I hope she didn't get hurt. I was about to get up and run to her and help her off of the floor. I stopped myself. I felt bad that she fallen but I couldn't help her up. What would people say? I tried to pretend I didn't see her. I couldn't look at her. I wanted her to just go home or something, but no... Once she stood up, she came straight to me with food from that place I like. Why did she have to be so sweet?

Y/N: "I brought you some lunch." She smiles and hands me the bag of food.

Taehyung: "Oh... umm... OK." When I took the bag, I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. I winked at her while trying to make sure no one could see. My hope was that this bit of affection would placate her and she would leave.... But the stylist noticed. I quickly released her hand.

Stylist: "Taehyung, is this your assistant? I need an assistant that brings me lunch too. It's hard to get good help these days.... and blah blah blah." She blabbers on as she applies my eye makeup.

Taehyung: "No, she isn't my assistant." I saw Y/N smile hopefully. She expected me to say she was my girlfriend.... But I didn't.

Stylist: "Oh, she is one of your fans!" She says excitedly.

Taehyung: "Aw... um... yeah..." As soon as those words left my mouth, I wished I could take them back.  I can see Y/N's facial expression change...  from hope... to hurt... then to anger.  While she turned around to walk away, she stopped walking. I watched her shoulders drop as she heard the rest of the conversation.

Stylist: "She is a cute little fan too. I bet you would go out with her if she were more of the type you need on your arm... you know... a little taller and slimmer."

Taehyung: "Yeah, I would. If only...  I bet she would be a great girl..." I say sadly. Right then. I knew I made the worst mistake of my life.

She walked out the door and never looked back.

After the photo shoot I called her over and over. I called her all night. She kept sending me to voicemail... I tried to apologize. I texted her so much that she blocked my number.  Since I couldn't call her, I sent flowers to her job 5 times. I would wait for her to get off of work so I could talk to her. She wouldn't listen. I know she did not take the flowers because I saw other people take them home each time. I brought gifts to her house.... candy, teddy bears, cards, gift baskets, even a pair of earrings. She refused them all.... except for the candy.  I knew she wanted the candy. I thought I was softening her heart, but I saw her throw them in the trash. One day, I finally knocked on her door with Yeontan in my arms. When she opened the door, her eyes landed on the dog. Her face softened. 

Taehyung: "Please Y/N. Listen to me. Give me a chance to explain." I begged. She grabbed Yeontan from me and started petting and loving on him.

Y/N: "You have 2 minutes." She said, looking directly in my eyes with a scowl.... two seconds later she smiled down at Yeontan who was licking her face. They really missed each other.

Yeontan is so lucky... He gets to lick her face. And I can't.

Taehyung: "May I come in?"

Y/N: "No. 1 minute and 45 seconds."

Taehyung: "I miss you. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I want you at my side but I was embarrassed because you're chubby. Will you please come back to me? I love you Y/N. You are the most amazing woman I have ever dated. I will show everyone who my woman is from now on! Please accept my apology and let's start over." I pleaded.

She smiled at Yeontan. She loved on him and gave him a kiss on top of his head before handing him back to me.

Y/N: "Aww. I miss you Yeontan. It's too bad this is the last time I will ever see you." She smiled and petted him one last time.

She looked at me with pure disappointment on her face.... Her eyes glossy.... She was about to cry... 

I did this to her.  I broke her heart. 

Y/N: "No Taehyung. Never talk to me again." She said while tears start to fall. She walked back inside her house and closed the door. 

I just stood there for a while before I walked away. I couldn't move. I could hear her on the other side of the door crying... sobbing. I am so sorry I hurt you, Y/N.

***end of flashback***

Taehyung: "Hello Y/N."

I saw her body react to seeing me. She froze.  

Y/N: "Why are you here? She whispers with an unreadable expression, while pressing herself into her man's chest for some security.

Taehyung: "I-I was called on to perform a wedding last minute.  I am a minister now." I barely get the words out loud enough for them to hear.

Y/N: "Huh?" She looks at me with her brows furrowed in confusion.

Taehyung: "I am a serious man of the lord."  I state a matter of factly.

Y/N: "How?"

Taehyung: "Due to my old shallow ways, I lost the most wonderful woman. I reevaluated my life, left modeling, and now...  I am a man of true depth. I volunteer here at the hospital to be emotional support to patients and their families." I say with sadness in my tone.  Her eyes widen at the realization that SHE is the woman I am speaking of.

Jimin: "It's true Lovely. While you were in surgery, he prayed for you and helped me cope while you were in surgery." He says, then holds her face gently. He turns her face toward him and pecks her on the lips.

Taehyung: "That is amazing. I didn't know I was praying for Y/N. I am so happy I was able to do something nice to pay you back for treating you wrong.... This is awkward. Please let me marry you guys quickly." 

I immediately start the vows.

Taehyung: "Jimin, do you take Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Jimin: "I do."

Taehyung: "Y/N, do you take Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Y/N: "Yes, I do."

Taehyung: "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I immediately left the chapel. I couldn't watch him kiss the bride. I performed a very simple ceremony. It took all of 3 minutes. If it would have lasted a minute longer, I may have burst into tears. If I cannot be hers, I am glad to see that she has someone who cares for her as much as he does. I remember how much he cried that night. I can see how he looked at her. He loves her more than I ever did, and she is happy. This is a bittersweet moment for me. 

My eyes water as I think to myself. 'It was an honor to marry you. I hope you have a happy life. Goodbye Y/N.'



I can't believe it! I am married to JIMIN!!! 

Jimin carried me over the threshold of his house. He was careful not to bump my hurt ankle on the doorway. He closes the door with his foot. Immediately pressing his lips on mine aggressively. He just holds me up right there for a few minutes attached to my lips. I know he was getting tired, but he kept on holding me up. I broke the kiss.

Y/N: "I can feel your arms are shaking. Please put me down on the couch." I pull my face away from him.

Jimin: "No I'm not tired." He tried to kiss me again, but I pull my face away again.

Y/N: "What if you drop me on my hurt ankle?"

Jimin: "True. You're right" He admits then places me gently onto the couch. He hovers over me and looks me up and down like he's ready for dinner, but I make him sit back up.

Y/N: "You smell stinky." I say as I hold my nose.

Jimin: "Well dang. There goes my ego.... " He sighs. 

Y/N: "Sorry, but only people who truly love you will tell you those things." I giggle. He sniffs me and scrunches his face.

Jimin: "Well you are smelly too. You know what that means?" He smirks.

Y/N: "Let's take a bath.......... together!" I cheese.

Jimin: "YES YES YES!" He hollers. He got some extra energy because he picked me up and runs to the bathroom with me over his shoulder... Hollering and smacking my butt several times... Ouch!

When we get to the bathroom. He realizes... my ankle. Things just aren't going to happen in the bathroom. So... what we end up doing is really cleaning ourselves. Romantic... right? 

We both dry off and no longer stink. Jimin places me on a blanket on the living room floor and lights some coconut scented candles all around it. With the room slightly aglow with the candles, Jimin joins me on the blanket. Nude, we sit facing each other. My hurt ankle is supported by a pillow. He grabs my hands and slips his fingers between mine. He looks at me with a bright smile which makes me reciprocate.

Jimin: "Wifey. I love you."

Y/N: "Husbandy... I love you too."

Jimin: "Husbandy???" He laughs and I shrug.

Still holding hands, we both lean forward to meet in the middle for a kiss. I can feel him smile against my lips. This makes me feel happy. I do the same.

Jimin: "I don't feel close enough to my Lovely Wife." He helps me sit on his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist.

Y/N: "Is this better?"

Jimin: "Yes Lovely." He nods his head and adjusts the pillows to hold my ankle up.

Y/N: "The wedding went by so fast. We never got to say actual vows." I frown.

Jimin: "I know. Would you like us to say some now?" He holds me around my waist with one arm and uses the other to rub up and down my bare back.

Y/N: "Mmmhmm. I would." I take a deep breath before starting.

Y/N: "Jimin. I love you so much. I didn't realize it, but I have loved you since forever. I want to keep on loving you until forever. You have been by my side from the beginning. You have supported me during hard times. There is no one more loyal than you. I vow to support you and be loyal to you through hard times. I value your love and treasure you with all of my heart. Loving you is a pleasure. You make me want to respect you just because you are you. I want to give you everything that you have given to me. I pray that I can make your life as happy as I feel at this moment. This is be most beautiful moment in life." I say all of this while cupping his face. Then I give him a lingering kiss. He pulls back and takes my hands in his. He stares at me with watery eyes.

Jimin: "My Lovely Y/N... my little short stuff... I feel like this is a dream. Mrs. Park, you are the love of my life. You are the only woman for me. You are my everything... my light. I only began to live after I met you. Thank you for accepting my love. Thank you for giving your love. You make me want to be better. I will always remind you that you are beautiful. I promise to never leave you. I promise to take care of you. When we are old and gray, you will still be the sexiest woman in my world. If you are 99 pounds or 299 pounds, I will cherish every inch and treat your body as if it were my own. I vow to protect you and keep you safe. You are my soulmate. I love you Park Y/N." He said. sounding like he would break into tears at any second.

He did cry. He rested his head on my shoulder and kissed it softly. I could feel the wetness from his tears. Seeing him cry made me cry. We sat there hugging and rocking back and forth in each other's arms for hours, before our bodies melded into one flesh. 


Here are some random Jimin pictures.

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