Back to You

By cheercclu15

140K 3.2K 314

This is a Law & Order SVU fanfic and it starts at the end of season 15, picking up where it left off. Has 3 y... More

Back to You
Untitled Part 49
Untitled Part 50
Untitled Part 51
Ch. 53
Ch. 54


1.3K 40 5
By cheercclu15

Elliot woke up with Olivia nestled tightly in his arms, he could feel their son kicking in her belly under his hand. He was strong and they were so close to meeting him he just couldn't wait for that day to come. Whenever it was, he wanted an easy delivery and a happy and healthy, Mommy and baby.

"Well little man," Elliot cooed softly, moving down the bed and resting both of his hands on Olivia's belly. "It's your Daddy...Your Mommy and I are going to set up your room today so it's all ready for when you get here." He propped himself on his elbow and rested his head against it, "We're letting your older brother Dickie pick out your name...I know, scary right?" He chuckled softly and rubbed his hand around her belly, loving every kick of a leg or arm he felt, "No, your brother will find you a good name. To be honest, he never really liked his nick name, he got used to it, but he knows how important picking out a name is." He left a couple soft kisses against her belly, enjoying the closeness he always felt to Olivia and their son when he was talking to him. "I can't wait to see be able to hold you in my arms. You're such a blessing...I love you little one and I'll talk to you soon." He left one more kiss against her belly before pulling the blanket back over her and resting back down next to her.

"I love when you talk to him," Olivia said softly, her voice still raspy with sleep.

"I love talking to him," he replied just as quietly, turning to face her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "I feel closer to him when I can talk to him, feeling him kick against my hands...those are the best moments."

She ran her fingers through his hair, "I can't wait to see you with him."

"I can't wait to see you with him," Elliot murmured, kissing her lips softly. "The first time you get to hold your child is like nothing in this world."

"Noah and I have a bond that's nothing I've ever felt for another person, but sometimes I feel that we were both robbed out of the great start we should have had," she confessed softly.

He kissed the top of her head and held her close, "The two of you have a bond that some parents never have with their kids...he knows you're his."

She tilted her head back and kissed him, "I love you for always doing that for me...getting me out of my head." She kissed him again and stoked his cheek, "Can you go get Noah and bring him in here? I miss him."

"Of course," Eliot replied softly, kissing her forehead before rolling out of bed to go get their son.

Noah was still sleeping peacefully when Elliot went to get him but he knew that Olivia needed this, she needed her son. Elliot scooped him up in his arms gently, thankful that Noah was a heavy sleeper. He kissed his forehead softly and padded back to the bedroom.

Elliot settled Noah on the bed and Olivia cuddled him close to her, laying down on her side and pulling the blankets around them.

"Thank you," she said softly, leaning over to him so she could capture his lips as he climbed in next to them. He kissed her forehead an laid down next to them. She ran her fingers through Noah's hair, kissing him softly on his cheeks and forehead, just taking him in. His little nose, his brown hair sticking out in every direction, his eye lids fluttering...he was hers and she was his, in every sense of the word. "I love this little boy, more than anything I ever thought possible."

"That's being a're a great mother," he said softly, pushing his fingers through her hair.

Olivia nuzzled her nose against Noah's cheek, "He's just so amazing...I don't want him to feel like I'm abandoning him when the baby gets here."

"Honey," he spoke softly, reaching over to her and resting his hand on her hip, giving it a gentle squeeze. "He'll never feel like he's being abandoned...he's got more love than anyone. We'll find a balance with him and the baby, he won't be left out...he's our son, he will always have our love."

"I love you so much little man," she said softly, stroking her finger down Noah's cheek. "I love you so, so much."

Elliot rubbed Noah's back, kissing the top of his head, "We both love you...more than anything."

Olivia left another kiss against Noah's forehead and looked up to Elliot, "I love you."

"I love you too," he murmured, kissing her softly.

After the family woke up and got moving, they ate breakfast together and got ready for the day. The baby's furniture came in yesterday and since they were taking their baby moon vacation this weekend and they had the shower Sunday, Olivia had wanted to get it done as soon as possible, which made that day today.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Olivia asked Elliot as he opened the box for the crib. She was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed Indian style and Noah was sitting in her lap, chewing on one of his teethers.

"If you just want to read the instructions...this shouldn't take too long," he replied, taking off the plastic wrap and laying out the pieces. "After we get this done and the glider we're pretty much done, the dressers just need the drawers put in."

"Sounds good to me," Olivia said, opening the sheet and reading through some of the first steps.

Elliot listened to her and did as she said, bolting one side to the other until they had a fully standing crib.

"Uh, I think we have a problem," Elliot chuckled, holding up an extra screw between his fingers.

Olivia laughed and looked back over the directions, "Well... we did everything right, maybe it's just an extra? Is this what happened to Eli's?"

"No, there was a piece of wood missing from his," Elliot chuckled, scrubbing his hands down his face.

Olivia's eyes went wide, "What should we do?"

"Test it out I guess," he suggested with a shrug.

"Well I'm not getting in there," she said with an arched brow.

Elliot rolled his eyes, "I was thinking that our sixteen month old could do the job just fine."

"What if it breaks?" She asked worried, looking between her son and the crib.

"You honestly think that I'm going to let something happen to him?" He asked slightly offended, his hands on his hips.

"Of course not...I'm sorry," Olivia said softly, looking up at him and watching his body language soften.

"C'mere little man," he cooed, kissing her forehead and scooping Noah up. He settled him in the crib, his hands under his arm pits, ready to pull him back against him if something happened. "Can you jump for me big boy?"

"Dada jump," Noah giggled as he bent his knees and bounced with his Dad's help.

"How's it going?" Elliot asked her from over his shoulder.

"It looks sturdy," Olivia replied, pushing herself off of the ground and looking around the crib. "Oh, I found where the screw goes," she exclaimed, finding a small hole on the corner of the frame.

He pulled it out of his pocket, keeping one hand on Noah even though he was fairly confident he was safe, and handed the screw over to her, "Just twist that in there and we're all set."

Olivia screwed it in tight, "We did good."

"He likes it," Elliot chuckled as Noah grabbed onto the side of the crib and bounced against the mattress.

"You're so silly," Olivia smiled, taking Noah's hands and holding them in hers. "You ready to get out, little man."

Noah just giggled and shook his head, "In Mama."

She chuckled, "Mama can't fit in there, honey."

"Mama in," he whined, pulling on her hands.

"I'm too big," she said softly, running her fingers through his hair. "Do you want to come jump on Mama's bed?"

"Mama's bed," Noah grinned and nodded his head. "Dada come?" He asked as Olivia picked him up and settled him on her hip.

"Yeah, buddy...I'm comin," Elliot smiled, kissing Noah's cheek. "He'll tire himself out and we can finish up the baby's room."

"Sounds good," she smiled, turning to him. "I love you."

"I love you too," he murmured, kissing her lips softly.

No doubt, that after twenty minutes of jumping and rough housing on the bed, Noah had cuddled up against Olivia and passed out.

"Are you excited for our weekend away?" Elliot asked, running his fingers through her hair.

"I am," she smiled, looking up at him from his chest. "Almost two days to ourselves will be nice, but I'll miss him."

He nodded in understanding, "It's just two days, it will go so quick and it will be the last time for a while before we get some alone time again."

"That's very true," she nodded against his chest.

"Let's go finish the room so we can just relax the rest of the night," he said, sliding off the bed and scooping Noah into his arms.

"I'm coming," Olivia sighed, pushing herself up. "Aside from barely being able to move and breathe, this pregnancy thing isn't too bad," she chuckled, following Elliot down the hall.

He smiled, kissing Noah's forehead and laying him in his crib before turning to her, "I appreciate all you're going through for our son."

It never failed, he always knew what to say. She took his face in her hands, stroking her thumb across his cheek, "How many times do I tell you that you can't make me cry?"

"I know, but it wasn't supposed to," he said with a soft smile, swiping his thumb under her eye and getting a couple of the tear drops that were starting down her cheeks. He kissed her lips, pushing her hair from her face, "I'm sorry, baby."

She shook her head, "No, it's me...stupid hormones."

He gave a little chuckle, kissing her again, "I love you so much and don't think that for a second that I'm not grateful for everything you have to endure for our son."

"You're so amazing," she murmured, pulling him back to her and taking his lips with hers while his hands found their way to her belly, rubbing soft circles. "We appreciate you and love much."

"I love you," Elliot smiled kissing her and then crouching down, leaving a kiss against her belly, "And I love you."

"C'mon, let's go finish his room," Olivia smiled, taking his hand in hers, making their way back to the unfinished bedroom. "First, let's move the furniture to where it needs to go and then we can start putting up some of the picture frames and all the little stuff we got."

"Just tell me where you want everything," he chuckled, starting with one of the dressers and watching her point to the far wall.

They went through this until every piece of furniture was moved to where looked best, the light coming through the large window and was casting a beautiful yellow shade against the cream carpet.

Olivia was sitting in the glider, using her belly to fold each tiny little onesie and sleeper they had gotten over the past couple of months, making sure they had been washed and then stacking them on the foot rest.

"I forgot how small new born clothing is," Elliot thought out loud, folding a tiny pair of white socks.

"I never had stuff this small for Noah...I can't believe they start out this tiny," she added, folding a fleece sweat shirt and adding it to the piles.

He gave her thigh a gentle squeeze, finishing the rest of the socks in his pile, "What drawer do you want these in?"

"The taller one, second drawer from the top," she replied, looking up at him with a soft smile. "It's so crazy to actually be in his room," Olivia added, watching Elliot as he put the socks away, her hand rubbing the complete roundness of her belly.

"Just two more weeks and he'll be here...sleeping in here," he added softly, sitting back down on the edge of the foot rest and settling his hands next to hers on her bump. "He'll finally be here."

"I know," she breathed out, her voice full of emotions and she moved her hand to rest against his, comfort instantly soothing some of her fears. "It feels real now."

Elliot bent forward, pushing her bangs from her eyes and kissing her lips softly, "He's real and he's ours."

"He's ours," Olivia repeated with a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said softly, kissing her once more before taking her hands and helping her up from the chair. "I think the room looks great."

"It's beautiful," she agreed, wrapping her arms around his middle and admiring the room.

The window seat had been fitting with fabric from a set of matching grey zig zag striped drapes. Since there were no actually baby photos to fill the frames with yet, Olivia had taken some of the sonograms and used those as place fillers. There was a lamp on the end table that had a baby blue lamp shade and silver base which brought some more color into the room. The changing station on top of the dresser was completely stocked and ready for use. The baby monitor set up looking down at the completed crib with sheets and comforter set that had grey and pale blue throughout.

Jax had just come in and was sniffing everything before coming and sitting next to Olivia's legs, "Our security seems think it's all set."

Elliot chuckled and rubbed the dogs head. "Did you pack for our little get away yet?" He asked, kissing her temple.

"Not yet, we should probably do that," she replied, giving the room one more look over before they made their way back to their bedroom. "You know what I just remembered...I haven't packed a hospital bag yet either."

"We could do that now too," he said, coming out of the closet with a couple of medium sized duffle bags. "What do you need help with?"

"Well," she started, looking through the list on her phone of things she had written down a few days ago, "I need a few pair of pajamas and sweat outfits."

He went to her drawer grabbed a couple sets of pajamas with matching long sleeves and pants, "These good?"

"Perfect and I have those other black pair of sweats hanging in the closet," she told him and he went and grabbed them, packing them in the bag. "Make sure you grab yourself some comfy stuff to lounge in while we're there."

"I got it covered," he smiled, adding some sweats and T-shirts to the bag, including their very special NYPD shirt. "What else?"

"The nursing bras, they're in with my other ones," she told him and he went to her drawer. "They have a big circle in the middle that's Velcro so you don't have to take off the whole thing to breastfeed."

"Got it," he answered, coming back with the items and packing them away.

"We both need toiletries but we can just add those after this weekend since it will already be packed," she said and he nodded in a agreement. "We need some stuff for the baby...a couple onesies, sleepers, socks, hats, a swaddle, bibs, an outfit to come home in...I don't want to forget anything."

"We won't, I'll just go grab some stuff and you check off the list as we pack it...okay?" Elliot soothed her with a soft smile and she nodded. "I'll be right back," he said, kissing her softly.

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