
By Amore_381

17.1K 447 14

Imprisonment, “I think I was sent here for a reason, to help Jake.” Sara White knows everything that’s going... More

Twilight is not supposed to be real; Jacob black is a fictional character!
And secondly I might have a penis you never know.
I think I forgot to mention how scared I am of thunder storms
how dare he do that to me, come on Leah, let's go for a little joy ride
I'm laughing because you're stupid
Sometimes I wish I was a vampire.
What's vampire sex like?
Why are you even here?
I killed my brother, Nick.
It's my fault
How the fuck did that happen?
Didn't you know? I don't share my food with no one
why did you come through Jake's window?"
You're really special, you know that
We are going to do the Frick Frack before that.
but you know what you didn't ruin
Who the fuck does this guy think he is?
Why you being a cockblock?
So us three went on an adventure, well not really I couldn't walk that far
it took me all my inner strength not to fan girl right now.
he doesn't wear clothes, which I do not mind one bit.
I've heard better music from a 4 month old
How you guys are talking is like I'm being handed to them gift wrapped and all
That's when you have to promise to kill me
I don't think you realize how many fictional boyfriends I have
I hope you're taking me to a cliff, so I can push you off
I heard him lift the toilet seat, followed by a trickle.
So Edward, do you deny keeping a human knowing of our existence

the key to a prison that I didn't even know I was in

582 17 0
By Amore_381

“Alice, can you do me a favour?”

“Anything, Sara” She promised

“Can I borrow some money and can you call me a cab?”

“I knew you were going to leave, sooner or later” she sighed, but she did what I said, which I am grateful for.

Rosalie took the baby down stairs, Alice, Jasper and I followed.

We all gathered around Nessie, she was the sweetest little angel I have ever seen, no wonder Jacob imprints on her, all I want to do now is hold her in my arms and never let her go.

“Do you want to hold her, Sara?” Rosalie suddenly said, then she popped her in my arms, i looked down at her and she looked up at me with her bright brown eyes, this child didn’t look like a new born baby, she looked like a few weeks old, guess that are her vampire genes.

 I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs, this couldn’t be happening now, once he looks at her it’s all over.

I could feel his gaze on the back of my head, the baby was secured in my arms, he came around the front of the couch to look at the baby with a hatred expression on his face, and he looked at me first then her. I could see in his eyes soften as their eyes met, I couldn’t handle him. Not at the moment.

I passed the baby towards Rosalie; Jacob still stared at her, like she was the only one worth looking at in this room, like he could finally breathe now that she is here.

I raced out the door, I knew this was going to happen, why did I set myself up for this?

“The taxi is here” Jasper said, handing me my bag “be careful”

“Thanks Jasper” and I ran towards the taxi, disappearing form this place, from Jake.

(Jacobs POV)

Bella’s Dead

It killed her.

All I saw was red when I raced down the stairs.

“Do you want to hold her, Sara” I heard blondie say; good now she will be much easier to kill.

I slowed my paced and didn’t take my eyes off the back of her head, scared she would pass it back, I rounded the couch only to be hit by a ton of bricks, when I saw Sara it was like she was the key to a prison that I didn’t even know I was in, her holding that baby, opened my eyes to see clearly, that I want to build a life with this glorious creature, I froze as I tried to wrap my head around it, how is this possible, I should of felt this way when I first laid eyes on her at the beach.

A car door slam, snapped me out of my epiphany.

“Sara?” I called, Jasper and Alice met me instead, by the look on their faces Sara was the one who got in that car, I didn’t need to read minds to know that.

“Where did she go?” I growled, I had just found her and now she is gone.

“It was time” Jasper stated, but I was already out the door following the car to god knows where.


Sara POV

I didn’t know if anyone was looking for me, maybe Jacob might, knowing fully well I had nowhere to go, I didn’t want to risk him finding me, I got the taxi to drop me off at the closest bus station, hopefully he’d think I’d stay in the cab.

It had gotten dark pretty quickly in forks, the air had a slight chill to it, I clutched on to my parka tightly, I sat on the bus seat patiently, it should be here in another 15 mins, hopefully that was enough time before anyone found me, that if they were looking for me.

I loud crash sounded behind me, and I was suddenly frozen, I hadn’t realised there was a group of guys hanging out in front of the liquor store, just my fucking luck. 

Hopefully, they won’t even notice me, flashes of scenes I’ve read of Bella flashed before my eyes, I don’t know if it was a warning or something, but then they said something to me.

“Oh, miss you look a bit lonely there” there footsteps got louder and louder until they were clearly in my vision there was five of them, which was four to many for me to take on by myself.

“Hey there” a tall guy, with a dirty beard said, he would have been a couple of years older than me.

I just nodded at them.

“You’re hot” one ‘complimented’ which actually made me shudder on the inside.

“You got a boyfriend?” another one added.

“Yes, I do” I quickly said “I’m going to meet him right now”

You’d think they would get the hint to go away? Sadly not, harassment at their finest, my gut was telling me they weren’t up for playful banter tho.

“Really?” The tall one said “If I was your boyfriend I would never let you out of my sight” he went to stroke my face, which I pushed away.

“Don’t touch me” I growled as I stood up defensively.

“We have a feisty one here” the boys laughed “what are you going to do to me if I do touch you?”

My sarcastic comment got stuck in my throat, I felt some one grab me from behind, and covered my mouth with his hand .

“I know what the problem here is” one of the other guys said “she’s wearing to much clothes”

I have never wriggled so much in my life, while he was distracted by my sudden outburst, I bit his hand hard “ouch, why you little-” then elbowed him in the gut.

I tried to make a run for it, but there was another four guys blocking my way, so I did the next best thing, I screamed.

“Shut up bitch” One of them yelled as the yanked my hair, while one pulled off my coat and pushed me down. I tried to get up but something stopped me a cold sharp object was pressed against my temple, and I knew this was it, I was going to died tonight, the tears that I were holding in poured out of my eyes.

It’s like I was on the beach again, when I first came to La Push.

While two guys held me down I could hear a cutting sound, and realised they were cutting my jeans, “Please” I begged “stop this”

“Why babe, I thought you were having fun?” one snarled, he grabbed my face and pushed my cheeks together.

So I did the most un-lady like this to do, spat in his face.

“You slut” he said, he hand flew towards my face, but I didn’t feel impact.

“You guys should really leave before I break your heads in” said my saviour, I just started to cry, tears of joy, I don’t know what this meant, but I didn’t care he is here.

The tall one laughed, before he said anything Jake punched him in the face, cracking noised echoed.

They all stood there, there one by one they started retreating they didn’t even see if the tall one was still alive.

Full sobs came from my chest, my vision was blurred but I could feel Jake pick me up.

“What are you doing here?” I asked between the sobs, wasn’t he supposed to be with Bella and the baby.

“Sara, you scared the absolute crap out of me” Jacob said “what the hell am I going to do with you?”

I didn’t understand what he was saying “I’m going to be leaving Jake; I can’t stay here any longer”

“We can talk about this when I get you home” he said the four letter word I dreaded, I didn’t care all I wanted to do was go to bed in his arms.


It happend, Finally! 

i'll explained how it did in the next chapter! 

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