Revealed [[KNJ]] 18+ ✔️

By IMSugaWonho

305K 20.5K 8.2K

**READ UNDERCOVER FIRST** Hana can't seem to catch a break. She finally thought her life was starting to get... More

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4.7K 355 107
By IMSugaWonho

Hana could barely stand without help and she leaned on the wall waiting for the corridor to be clear of Yugyeom's men. She took a painful breath as he looked at her and he nodded, supporting her around the waist.

"As long as we don't trip any alarms, we should be ok,"

"This is dangerous," Hana said, "It would have been safer to wait for everyone to sleep,"

"Not with Yugyeom. He rarely sleeps and if he does, he is a light sleeper," He looked around the corners and carried on walking, "The security is bigger at night because Yugyeom thinks he is going to be attacked when it's dark,"

"Why are you following him?" Hana asked and winced in pain.

"Are you ok? I'd ask if you needed to rest but it isn't safe to,"

"I'm ok. Just in a lot of pain and I'm worried about-"

"Don't worry about your pregnancy, ok? You can do that when we are miles away from this place,"

Hana nodded, "Ok,"

"It's not much further to my car,"

"You didn't answer my question,"

He sighed, "I didn't have a choice. None of us had the choice. Yugyeom has something against us all. I didn't know you were the girlfriend of a mob boss until I saw him carrying you in. Hana, I'm sorry for what has happened,"

"It's not your fault Yugyeom is a psycho," Hana said and they reached the door, "Wait,"


"These doors are alarmed," She said, "There is a trip wire at the top,"

"Shit. What do we do now? My car isn't that far from this exit,"

"We have to run as fast as we can,"

"Run? Have you seen the state of yourself?"

"Gee. Thanks. You really know how to make it up to a girl,"

"I'm rescuing you aren't I?

Hana rolled her eyes, "How far are you parked?"

"At least 50 metres,"

"Then let's hope my body doesn't give out before we get there,"

"Or get shot,"

"Do you have a gun on you?"

"Well, yeah,"

"I'm probably a better shot than you. I'll take the gun as you help me to the car. I'll try to shoot as many people as I can," Hana said, holding her hand out for the gun, "We don't have that much time, Mark,"

"Fuck. Ok," He said pulling this gun from his jacket pocket, "Just don't accidentally shoot me, ok?"

Hana took the safety off the gun and let out a long shaky breath, "Keys ready? Then let's go,"

Mark nodded and shoved the door open. The alarm sounded out like an animal shrilling in pain. It felt like it was stabbing Hana's eardrums and Mark managed to half-carry, half-drag Hana way from the building.

Behind them, people were yelling and shortly after, bullets shot past them, bouncing off the tarmac.

"Shoot them!" Mark hissed. Hana looked over her shoulder and swung her arm around. She pulled the trigger dropping the first guy she saw. A few more rounds and her body threatened to give up.

"Almost there," Mark said. There was another gunshot and Mark cried out in pain as a bullet hit his back, "Fuck!"

As Mark dropped to the floor he dragged Hana down after him. She yelped in pain as she landed on her side.

"Jesus!" Mark hissed out, "God, this hurts so much,"

"Come on. Get up. The car is right there!" Hana whimpered as she forced herself to stand. She grabbed the top of Mark's arm and helped him to his feet, "Lets go!"

"No. Just go without me,"

"Don't play the fucking hero you prick. Get on your feet,"

Mark presses his lips together and nodded. They both struggled to the car. As Mark sped away from the building, bullets his the car.

"Fuck me in the god damn asshole!" Mark exclaimed.

"I dare you to say that to Jimin," Hana said closing her eyes, "Head towards the city centre. I'll direct you from there,"

"I know where he lives," Mark said, changing the gear with a shaky hand, "It's burning so much. I didn't know how bad it was to get shot,"

"You'll be fine."

"You've been shot?!"

Hana sighed, "I was a cop, Mark. Then I got on the wrong side of Namjoon's ex-friend,"

"I feel sick,"

"Push through it," Hana mumbled and her head dropped as she passed out.

"Hana?" Mark said glancing at Hana, "Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit!"

Namjoon gripped his gun tightly in his hand as an alarm went off signalling someone had broken through the front gates. He had told Jungkook to take the girls to the safe room and get back quickly.

Yoongi opened the door and they walked outside, watching the car swerving towards them. Namjoon lifted his hand to stop them from shooting and the car slid forward and crashed into the wall.

The drivers door was shoved open and a man fell out groaning in pain.

"Hana...she's in the car,"

Namjoon's eyes went wide and he ran towards the car. Hana was slumped over in her seat and he yanked the door open, pressing his fingers to her neck.

"Get the doctors here!" He yelled, "Hana? Wake up. Baby, I need you to open your eyes!"

Hana groaned, ","

"Broken bones? Bullet wounds or any-"

"You're talking too loudly," Hana said opening an eye, "You look like shit,"

"Coming from you," He said, "I need to get you inside. Can you walk?"


Namjoon carefully helped her from the car and even though he wanted to hug her tightly, he didn't want to hurt her even more.

"Mark needs help," Hana said, "He was shot,"

"Jin. He needs to go to the medical room as well. I want our guys to get here now. We need the extra hands and guns,"

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