Twelve Dancing Princes

By glendasogo

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Being a crown princess, with a selection of princes vying for your hand? What's the catch? Well, for one, lov... More

Sunday: Crown Princess Jenny
Monday: Princess Anne and Sir Raphael Hevn
Tuesday: Prince Aloysius
Wednesday: Crown Prince Kevyn
Thursday: Prince Raul
Friday: Sir Timothy McKeagan
Sunday: Prince Ross
Monday: Sir Raphael
Tuesday: Prince Aloysius
Wednesday: Crown Prince Kevyn
Thursday: Sir Raul
Friday: Sir Timothy McKeagan
Saturday: Crown Prince Royce
Sunday: King Maximilian
Three months later: Raul
Four years later: Queen Jennifer

Saturday: Crown Prince Royce

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By glendasogo

Am I allowed to contact you everyday or only on Thursday?

Good morning, Raul.

I've missed you. Can I be your escort tonight?

Huh. Technically, you can. But give me one good reason why I should cross Prince Royce.

I'm not good with crowd. I'll be better with you by my side.

... Honestly, not my problem.

Ding! Another notification.

Don't worry, I talked to Royce.


Determined not to let him get to my head, I ditch my phone and start getting ready for the day. Beside me, Katya, my lady-in-waiting, already recites my schedule for the day.

"... Afternoon tea with Queen Donna of Orinh, and then Princess Anne and Sir Raphael's engagement ball."

"Cut my afternoon tea short. I need to meet Princess Valerie for my final dress fitting."

"Understood, Your Royal Highness."

There's a soft knock on my door. "Jenny, are you decent?"

Don't know why he prefers to pick me up here than to wait for me downstairs like any normal guests. But then again, we've gotten past formalities years ago. He and his little sister Paige spent most of their childhood here in my palace, running around and playing pretend with me, the stable boys Timmy and Bertie, and sometimes Sherry, our gang leader, whenever she's off bodyguard training. I know, though I don't know why the palace's so much emptier back then. It probably took time for the court to warm up to my uncle, seeing as he had a not-so-posh lifestyle before taking over the crown.

Wild. He was wild.

Anyway, our little gang grew distant over time, over responsibilities and title, until inevitably dispersed when Paige eloped with Bobby, her palace's baker, a year ago. But I guess some of us just hold on to the memories a bit tighter than the others.

"Morning, Royce. Come on in."

"Your Royal Highness Prince Royce, you're not supposed to be here!" Hands on hip, Katya scolds him in vain.

Royce doesn't even look sorry as he apologizes. "Please excuse me." Then he turns to me, his expression darkens. "Sherry said some assassins paid you a visit last night?"

Ugh. It's too early for this.

"Just another day in palace. Nothing she couldn't handle, trust me." I mean, it's a good thing he's familiar with my palace and the people in it. But sometimes I just wish he's not that close with the head of my personal bodyguards. I swear I can sense a scolding's underway ....

"How many times has it been? Have you talked to King Isaac?"

Oh, here we come. "Oh, trust me, he's already updated. Sherry might look like some tough secret agent, but on the inside she's still our mother hen."

"Will you accept some of my trained bodyguards, just in case? I don't doubt Sherry, but even she can be outnumbered."

I glare at him. "No, Royce."

"The least I can do is to ask Timmy to keep an eye on you."

"It's a matter of life and death, Royce! You can't bring any fit guys without proper training into this."

"I taught him some moves. He's a fast learner."

"Royce, no! Let Sherry handle it, okay?"

Royce fixes me a worried look, but decides to rest his case for the time being.

"I am done, Your Royal Highness." Rita, my hairstylist, says softly behind me.

"You are excused. Tya, would you be a dear and fetch me and my guest some tea?"

I wait until there's only the two us before saying, "I don't know we would be meeting your mother today."

Royce fixes his gaze on me, a pained expression in his face. "I know, I am truly sorry. I, too, only just found out this morning. I've been, uh, preoccupied with some things these days. For what it's worth, if I can help it, I wouldn't let the two of you meet. But what's done is done, so I can only hope you'll pay her words no mind, Jenny."

"You know I can't promise you that."

Royce hangs his head and sighs. "Prince Napoleon called me earlier today."

"So he said."

"I reckon you'd need some space after our afternoon tea, if not breaking up with me on the spot."


"So I thought ... at least I can be sure you're not alone with him escorting you."

I shake my head. "I don't understand, Royce ...."

Royce looks at me in the eyes and smiles sadly. "Just know that whatever it is mum's spouting, it has absolutely nothing to do with my behaviour toward you. Not now, not ever. It was never a decade-long plan, unlike our relationship. And ...."

I raise my hand to stop him. "I promise I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Okay?"
Royce is a bit cold and hard to read sometimes, but I at least know he is his own man. And if my uncle has taught me anything, it's that you don't define someone by their parentage.

Royce smiles, his face a bit brighter. "Let's go."


"...I'm sure you're aware that Primavara lacks in military as Orinh in resources. But, together, Orinh and Primavara will rip Magnemt of its dictatorial glory, and your and my son's marriage will seal the deal. What do you think, princess? Isn't it beneficial for both kingdoms?" Queen Donna sips her tea loudly. "It doesn't hurt that you're childhood sweethearts. I'd say it's destiny!"

"With all due respect, Queen Donna, there are other kingdoms that have been proposing alliances to me. I'll keep yours in mind, but I can't promise you anything."

"Nonsense! What better alliance than to strengten your kingdom? As the future queen, you must put your people first."

"Mum ...."

I smile diplomatically. "Past sentiments aside, I'd say Wondera and Magnemt will serve the same purpose to Primavara. And who knows? The Kingdom of Tomborne has been prospering lately. It doesn't hurt that my uncle dates one of the princes. Wouldn't you say it's destiny?"

Royce laughs under his breath. "Cheeky."

"I try." I whisper back, maintaining a neutral expression.

"Oh, but what kind of marriage could possibly be between two same sexes?" said the queen, unimpressed.

"I wouldn't go there if I were you." I hiss, blood a bit boiled. My uncle's orientation is a sensitive subject to me.

"But, it's true! Don't you read your bible, dear? It's—"

I stand. "I would not hear anyone disrespecting my uncle for who he is. If you can't at least do that on the ground of Primavara, you may leave."

Queen Donna holds my gaze. She looks like she has much to say. Oh, how I dare her.
Behind me, I could feel my entourage is on the move.

Reading into the situation, Royce stands and takes my hand. He faces his mother and says firmly, "Mum, drop it. Do you expect me to stand idly by if someone insults you?"

I let go of Royce's hand and turn around, done humouring her.

"No, no, wait! I apologize."

I smile curtly as I turn around. "Apology accepted."

Queen Donna sighs wistfully. "Princess, I see that you have such sensitive heart in you. Would you please listen to this old woman's only wish? Orinh has lost its princess in the most tragic way. But, with you, not all hopes are lost. For the sake of Paige, would you marry into our kingdom? With you ruling Orinh beside her brother, I'm sure you can bring Paige back. Princess, tell me, don't you want your poor best friend back?"

Guilt card now? Not a chance, woman.
I sighs regretfully. "I just think it's a hasty decision to marry into your kingdom only for the hope of bringing Paige back. Trust me, if it's up to me, I'd do anything to bring my best friend back. But, I'm afraid you are right—I have to put my people first."

"Now, let's not rush this. Princess, everybody has a prize. I'm sure there's something only Orinh can provide to meet yours. Just say the word, princess. Oh, and between you and me: Orinh has the softest silk in the world."

Royce stands, eyes ablaze. "Mother, that's quite enough!"

But I pat his hand and calmly answer, "I'm not sure I understand, Queen Donna. I believe I don't need such silk to be able to rule my kingdom, and so shouldn't you."

Katya interrupts me at the perfect time. "Your Royal Highness, Princess Valerie is here."

I stand, without breaking eye contact smile coldly at Queen Donna. "Well then. I'm afraid I must excuse myself. Queen Donna, Prince Royce, see you at the ball."


"Crown Princess Jennifer of Primavara, Duchess of Elska and Prince Napoleon of Magnemt, Duke of Praha."

Hand in Raul's arm, I let him lead me to the sea of applauses below. With his face remains expressionless, I can't help but wonder, will being in a constant spotlight intimidate him?

"Princess! Congratulation for your adopted sister." Of course the fastest to reach me among the crowd would be the court ladies. Oh how I miss Paige in times like this ....

"Thank you. My sister is one lucky gal." I shake Lady Naraya's hand, squeezing it just a bit too hard. Sorry not sorry.

"I'm sure her fiancé is a ... kind ... sir. Wait, why wouldn't your uncle bestow upon him any dukedom?"

"He had, which Raphael kindly rejected, as he wants to focus on being a doctor." I can see Raul's eyes on me as I said my last word a bit bitterly.

"A doctor! How ... marvelous."


He pulls me to the side. "You okay?"

I plaster my best diplomatic smile. Of course I'm dead jealous! But he's my brother-in-law now, so might as well abuse my way to play pretend. Lol. "Why wouldn't I? More importantly, you okay? I've to make my rounds but you're welcome to enjoy the party."

"Okay." And just like that, he lets go of me and disappears into the crowd. I immediately regret not making him stay. Oh, well ... crown princess' life's not for anybody I guess.

"Jenny!" A petite girl raises her glass to me. "To Anne and Raphael!"

I stop the nearest waitress and get my own glass of champagne. "To Anne and Raphael! Enjoy the party, Kitty."

"I will. But first, where the hell is Dante? Ugh, those ladies just can't get enough of my fiancé. Can't they see his engagement ring? We should've bought bigger diamonds."

I chuckle. Classic Katherine.

She rants and rants until her glass is empty and Dante appears on her side. "Hey, beautiful." He kisses her temple softly before looking at me. "Hey Jenny. Where's Nap?"

The guy in question appears before I can answer, breath shaking and eyes ... red? Huh, has he been crying? Beads of sweats decorating his pale face, making it difficult to tell tears from sweats. "You're here," says him, still gasping for air but looks fairly relieved.

I blink, lost for better words. "I am."

Looking at the state Raul's in, Dante practically yells. "Whoa, man, what the hell?"

"Ew, Nap, you stink!" Kitty pushes him away playfully.

But he only has his eyes on me. "Royce's getting to my head, seriously. I only let you leave my sight for a second and you're gone! And I can't find you anywhere and I just thought that maybe ... maybe ... never mind." He sighs, then stands a little straighter and continues, "Never mind that all, you're here and you're ... fine." For the first time since we arrived as my sister's party, he properly looks at me in my ivory dress.

"I'm ashamed for you, man. Is that all you've got?" Dante facepalms himself.

I ignore the former playboy and ask, "But why did you leave me if you're so worried?"

He grimaces. "I wanted to fetch you some drinks, okay. Some hors d'oeuvres, too, maybe."

"Raul ...."

He raises his hand to stop me. "Yes, I know they walk around. Yes, I've been to a party like this. God, I'm a mess." Raul buries his head in his hands.

"The conversation's gone from awkward to lowkey confusing. The things you do to guys, Jenny ...." Dante chuckles to himself. "And on that note, we're leaving!" Dante waves hastily, pulling a confused Kitty with him.

"I feel like there's something you didn't tell me." I say after making sure they're out of earshot.

Raul eyes me wistfully. "Princess ...."

But before he could finish his sentence, he's quickly drowned by another squealing.

"Jenny!" Lady Olivia makes her way to us, Prince Cassius—Al's second eldest brother and her lover—in tow. "Congratulation! A new member of Paisley. You must be happy!"

"Yes, thank you, though I think it's a bit overdue." I chuckle as I return her hug.

"No way, how many years has it been? Raphael must be practically family by now. Hey, have you seen ...." Her chatters fade into background as something Cassius says to Raul distracts me.

"Fancy seeing you here! Hey, sorry about Al. Still on with the silent treatment?"

Raul laughs dotingly. "Nah, he'd cheered up a bit."

"Real charmer, you!"

The Hamthor ladies find their way to us, followed by Al and some of his brothers and cousins, and finally, Her Royal Highness July, Crown Princess of Magnemt, Duchess of Privi suo jure—their mother. Just like that, it turns into a family reunion.

"Nap, you rascal! I barely scored one from six attempts to win Jenny and all you have to do is make a Heaven profile, type some cheesy pick-up lines, and you get to escort the princess for the night? What the hell? Explain yourself, you sneaky bastard!"

Raul chuckles, returning the duchess's big hug. "Hello to you too, Aunt July."

"No hard feeling, darling." The duchess winks to me behind his back.

"Hello, Jenny. You look beautiful! And not just because you're wearing Val's." Cassius chuckles. "I'm so, so sorry I have to cut my attendance short today. I have a big case tomorrow morning."

While Valerie built her own clothing line, Cassius landed a job as a lawyer. How envious.
"Of course, don't let me stop you. Will Olivia be leaving with you? You know you can always stay the night, Liv."

"Yeah, we can after-party in Jenny's room!" Alice cheers before turning to me with puppy eyes. "Pretty please, Jenny?"

"Oh, um, of course—"

"I knew ivory is your colour! I mean I know I saw you in fitting room earlier but under ballroom lights, you're ... majestic."

"You're too kind, Val—"

"Jenny. You look stunning." Prince Dionisius, Dominic's twin brother, grabs my shoulders in warm, energetic way. He's the only brother working in Magnemt's council that still talks casually to me. Prince Cornelius (the eldest, Cassius' twin brother), Prince Vincentius (the third eldest, Valerie's twin brother), and Al's cousins all only speak to me when necessary.

"Dion. I'm flattered—"

"So, darling, in spirit of your sister's engagement, how far away is Nap—or Al? Are we talking about years? Months??" The duchess gasps. "Weeks???"

"Aunt Jules, no." Raul whines in the background, can't even see him with this many Hamthors around.

"Don't gang up on her, you guys." Al puts his arm around me protectively, using his privilege as the baby of the family to his advantage and gives me back my personal space. "Stand in line, one at a time!"

"Now you're asking for it."

"You cheeky brat!"

"Hold him!"

Welp, they end up ganging up on Al instead.

"Hungry yet?" Raul pulls me to the side for the second time tonight.

"Please don't leave my side anymore if that's what you're asking."

Oh, cute! He's blushing.

"I don't usually eat at events like this." He starts to open his mouth, but I cut him first. "I've already eaten in fitting room, you worrywart."

He looks at me longingly. "I would hug you right now but I stink."

I hug him instead, rendering him speechless for words. Silence. I can work with that, as I feel any other thing fades into background.

"To quote Dion, you look stunning." I can hear him say behind me.

"How original."

"And beautiful, what Cass said."


"But, most precisely ... you look radiant."

I let go of myself and look at him. "Do you find this whole thing overwhelming?"

He shrugs. "Can't say that I do."

"Exhausting? Frustrating? Wasting time?"


Huh? "You said you're not good with crowd .... I just thought that maybe ...."

My heart stops as he says his next words, "I couldn't care less, J."

Slowly but painfully, I nod, plastering my best smile. "Understood." Not his problem. Of course.

He looks confused, but a slow song breaks into our little bubble, as the ballroom lights begin to dim.

Raul sighs and offers his hand. "Dance with me?"

I take his hand, still in daze. Why did I let it hurt me so much? I've only met him two days ago! But this whole time, it's like an emotional roller coaster, and I'm not even complaining. Oh, Raul, what have you done to me?

Katya appears beside me just before the song dies down, a glass of champagne in her hand. "Princess, it's time for your speech."

"Of course." I reluctantly let go of Raul.

He gives me an encouraging nod. "Go on. I'll be around."

I make my way to the dais and clink my glass. The crowd falls into hush-hush.

"Anne always said when you found the one, you'd know. In all the years I grew up looking up to her, finding Raphael is the one I envy her the most. They were a match made in Heaven—literally," I stop to let the laughter dies down, "And living up to his name, Raphael has been nothing less than an angel, to us and to Anne specially. This engagement has been long overdue, but I guess like all the best things, it takes time." I raise my glass, as the guests follow suit. On the corner of my eyes, I spot Anne wiping her tears as Raphael pulls her close. "To finding love, as my dear sister and new brother have amazingly done. On behalf of King Isaac, Princess Anne and Sir Raphael, I propose a—"

"You forgot to mention me." The voice of a teenage boy interrupts my speech, drawing gasps from the crowd.

The security team is closing in, but at that time, I make the stupidest decision of my life as I inquire, "And you are?"

When in fact, I should've known. With curly red hair, green eyes, lean figure and pale skin, he sickeningly reminds me of ... "Crown Prince Brandon Paisley of Primavara. Your little cuz, princess."

I don't even have time to react before a shout pierces through the ballroom, as the chandelier above me falls in dangerously fast pace.

People run to every direction, my bodyguards' held back by the utter chaos, and as I run as fast as I can I realize: I couldn't make it even if I fly.

The first sharp crystals graze my open arms and I brace my heart to give up when a strong hand suddenly grabs my arm and spins me away from the falling chandelier.

Lying on my back, I look up to see Raul's face above me, his left side drenched in blood. Behind us, the rest of the crystals make a deafening sound as they get in contact with the hard marble floor, raining us with pieces and shards.

"I got you." As the last pieces stop moving, he exhales in relief before falling unconscious on top of me.

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