A Billionaires And Friends Fi...

By lizzie7802

376 31 0

Elizabeth gets a job as his assistant. His wife cheats on him with the neighbor he comes in work angry and so... More

The job interview
The familair face
The dinner
A day with Tim
The night with Tim
Jason protecting me
Tim was right all along
The awkward ride
The guest bedroom
Jason being stubborn
A fight that I cant control
Not caring
Another fight
The guy
Jason not stopping
The end
2nd book

The confrontation

24 2 0
By lizzie7802

I get up feeling weak, tired, my heart aching, and my head pounding I yell "GO AWAY I WANNA BE LEFT ALONE"! Jason breaks the door off its hinges and walks in "oh my god Miss Maple what's wrong you ok"? Jason says concerned. I laugh crazily like I'm crazy and say "yeah I'm ok it's not like my friend left me again and I've been in my apartment for what four five days so I'm good". Jason walks over to me and asks "listen to me do you wanna stay at my house for a few days till you are back on track"?

I shrug my shoulders and asks "what's the point all I do is get hurt"? Jason grabs my hand and says "if Tim doesn't see that your worth it or any guy for that matter doesn't see it then he's not for you". I look at him and ask "what makes you different and how do I know your not gonna hurt me"?

He looks at me kindly and says "because ever since I saw you I knew I found someone I could rely on not only that but Lily misses you". I walk to the wall to hold myself up and asks "give me one good reason why I should go with you"? He looks at me while walking to me and says "your special I can see it". I feel my heart flutter I then get even more weak and says "I don't feel so good".

Jason says "come on I'll take you to my house and I'll have my security guards grab your things alright". I nod and says "my head hurts". I get dizzy my legs get weak I fall but Jason grabs me and says "woah it's ok I got you". I look at his soft green eyes and says "don't hurt...me". I then close my eyes and passes out.


I grab her from falling I hold her close to my chest I say "woah it's ok I got you". All of a sudden she looks at me like she's going to cry then I hear her say "don't hurt...me". I open my mouth to say that I won't but she closes her eyes so I smile at her sweetly I pick her up bridal style and walks out with her.

My security guards come to me and asks "sir do we get her stuff"? I nod while carrying her I put her in my black suv I close her door I get on the other side I get in I look at her I say to myself in my head "she must've not gotten much sleep". I grab her hand I pick her up and lays her on me I put her face in my neck I put one hand on her back and my other hand on her thigh.

She then moves to get more comfortable and she nuzzles in my neck I chuckle a little and kisses her forehead. My security guards come out and puts her things in my vehicle they get in and drive to my house. Once we got there I opened my door I put her arm around my neck and her other arm behind my back so I could pick her up.

Once I picked her up bridal style I got out. The guards grabbed her things while I was walking to the door I opened it up I carried her into my bedroom I layed her down and covered her up. I took her arm off my neck and placed it on top of the blanket. I smile at her I turn away I go to change when I hear "no don't". I turn back around and asks "what"?

She doesn't say anything so I shrug I go into my walk in closet I change into nothing but sweatpants I come back out and sees her tossing and turning in bed then I hear her scream I rush over to her and says "hey hey hey shhhh it's ok calm down". She stops moving then I see her cry for no reason I huff I walk over to the side of the bed I get into bed I cover myself up I turn to face her.

I grab her waist I pull her close to me I put her head on my bare chest and I hum to her so she calms down. She then snuggles into me I look down at her and I smile I put my hand on her cheek and strides it I put a strand of hair behind her ear. I ask myself "why would someone hurt her she's kind hearted and pure"? I snap out of thought when I see her lift up her head and look at me.


I feel my hair being messed with I don't open my eyes he then finishes humming I open my eyes and sees I'm laying on his bare chest my heart flutters again. I slowly lift up my head and he looks down at me, I don't say anything neither does he we just lay there staring at each other.

I think to myself of how handsome he is, how he smells good, and how his warmth is surrounding me I stop daydreaming when I see Tim in my head and how his warmth surrounded me as well. I then sit up and say awkwardly "um sorry". I look at him I see a confused expression on his face he then asks "for what"?

I uncover myself I get out of bed "Elizabeth wait please stop". I hear Jason say sadly. I open the bedroom door and sees a black marble floor with red and golden wallpaper I walk out and sees a golden railing. All of sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder I hear "Elizabeth please don't go".

I turn around and sees his eyes tearing up I say "I wasn't leaving I was just-". I stop and thinks of a excuse "wanting fresh air alone for a few minutes that's all". Jason says "well if you want to leave let me know because I'll tell my guards to put your stuff in the back". I nod I look away and goes down the stairs hurriedly I open the front door I see a unexpected face.

I let go of the door, the door opens the rest of the way on its own. I back up and says confused "tim"? His eyes tear up with him gritting his teeth and says "a few days ago I left you, so you need that many days to get over someone". I say "no listen to me Jason brought me here today when he found me in my apartment I was in that apartment for about five days because of you".

He looks at Jason and asks "does she know why I left"? Jason comes down the stairs he walks over to me while looking at Tim and says "no she doesn't". I see Tim clenching his fists together I look away I look at Jason and asks "what does he mean jason"? Jason doesn't look at me and says "I told tim to leave or I tell you about his past".

I ask "why"? Jason still doesn't look at me "because I like you". He says frightened but somewhat calmly. I look back at Tim and asks "what is he talking about when he says your past"? I look back down at his hands I see his fists tightening and his knuckles going white I walk up to Tim but Jason grabs my wrist and says "don't you'll get hurt".

I pull away I walk up to Tim and says "please look at me". He doesn't and continues to look at Jason. Once I was in front of him I slowly grab his clenched fist and says "Tim please look at me". He finally looks at me, I look at his eyes and says "calm down". He says "no he's trying to take you from me". I look down at the ground and says "tell me your past".

Tim pulls his hand away and explains "when my parents were in trouble I went to go save them well when I got there they were dead I was devastated then I got shot in the leg and guys started piling in they told me to make a choice I leave everyone and start new or I continue to stay and they kill everyone I care about, when they said you and I couldn't do anything so I took the deal and left".

I get confused I look back up at him and says "but you told me when you went back for me I was gone which had to be 4 years later because I stayed there for four so when did you come back". He says "well I went back, but when I got there I had a surprise for me and since they couldn't find you they had me do another deal I join their business and help them and I get you back because they said that's were you will most likely work so I took it and here we are".

I don't say anything Jason says "tell her what you did". I back up away from him, Tim sees that I am so he quickly grabs my wrist and says "please don't leave me I love you". I say "tell me what Jason wants me to know". Tim says "huh fine I killed Jason's sister and father because they were threatening to kill you and it was recently that's why I had to leave".

I feel sad, angry, and overall disappointed Tim asks "what's wrong"? I look at him unbelievably and says "you kept this from me then you left me because you killed his family making me feel the same way when you left the first time and my nightmares that I had are back because of you and now you coming back to tell me this shit it's just overall bullshit".

I pull away from him angrily I walk back to Jason Tim stands there I look at his eyes I can see hes heartbroken, in pain, hasn't slept in days, weak, and most of all sad. I look away from him he says "Lizzie please don't stay here". I open my mouth to say something but Jason cuts me off by saying "she's safer here with me than with you".

Tim says "Jason just remember your not so innocent yourself you fuck all your assistants until you had enough of them, then you fire them transfer them or do whatever to them and right now your gonna do the same things with her I just hope she will forgive me so she doesn't have to deal with that". He looks at me one more time and leaves he slams the door which makes me jump.

Jason sees I'm scared he turns to me and asks "you ok"? I hug him not knowing what to do he hugs me back I say "please don't leave me to". He says "I'm not going to I just want you to be safe and out of harms way". I nod and says "I'm sorry". He looks at me confused and asks "for what"?

I look up at him and says "for leaving". He stares at me with a frown and asks "why you leaving"? I say "because you are just using me and if that's the case then I can't be here". He says clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth "Tim has gotten into your head and know you gonna listen to someone that killed my family over someone that was giving you the truth and you know what yeah I was having affairs but guess what did Tim tell you that they were people that wanted to have sex with me they didn't want anything else and it was their wish to be out somewhere else and some of them wanted more so I fired them I wasn't using them nor am I using you so believe who you want but just remember it's your choice".

He's turns away and walk up the stairs I get overwhelmed with mixed emotions I open the door and slams it I walk from his house to the driveway to the sidewalk I don't know where I am so I look to the side back and forth. I pick the left and I walk leaving his house.

20 minutes later I turn a corner and down a dark sidewalk with no lights then I hear "heeeeeey baby want a fun time"? I look up and sees a man with a bottle of whiskey, with a torn shirt, torn blue jeans, with sneakers that has holes in them. I look up at his face I see red hair with brownish red eyes I get overcome with fear and ignores him.

The guy shouts "hey I'm talking to you, you little bitch"! I continue to walk faster I walk thinking about Jason until someone pushes me on the ground then I feel weight on top of me, I then hear a raspy voice saying "I'm gonna teach you a lesson about ignoring people". I cry and yells "NO"! Then I feel him taking his pants off I try to get out from under him until he grabs my arms and puts them over my head he starts to undo my shorts with his free hand I scream and yells "NO GET OFF ME"!

He laughs greedily and asks "and if I dont"? I automatically hear behind the man "then you will be sorry".


I walk up the stairs feeling that I'm about to cry and scared of losing her I go into my bedroom as I close the door I hear a slam I see her walking out the door I think to myself "should I go after her so she's safe or should I leave her be so she can figure out things"? I make my decision I grab a shirt I put it on I put on shoes and goes out of the room and outside I see her leaving the driveway I run to where she was then I see her take a left I go behind her and walks behind her quietly.

I continue to follow her until someone grabs me and says "hi". I turn around and sees a girl all dressed up like a stripper then I see a stripper bar I say to myself "oh shit she walked to far". I get pulled out my thoughts when I hear "so want a fun time to play with me"? I say "no thanks". I turn around and quickly walks around the corner I see her on the ground I get pissed and run to them I hear "and if I dont"? I say "then you will be sorry".

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