Right or Wrong - Superhero AU

By Anxi0us_Trash

21.8K 950 522

Sander's city is the home to the hero's know as creativity, logic and morality... but there is no hero withou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

947 45 18
By Anxi0us_Trash

It had been a few day since Virgil and Roman talked and Virgil had spent most of those days silently in the company of the heroes who didn't seem to mind despite what Virgil had first thought, things had been going alright but ex- Villian still was reluctant about talking about his past however the hero's already have there guesses on what life was like for him thought they didn't say anything to Virgil on it.

At the moment the ex-villian and hero's were all sat in the front room with Logan and Roman reading (the slight of the princely hero reading caused Virgil to almost let out a small giggle, almost) whilst Patton was sat on the floor drawing on the coffee table and attempting to get Virgil to join him. In the end Virgil admitted defeat and began drawing with him however whilst Patton was drawing the cities skyline, Virgil was drawing different types of shadow creatures.

"What's that your drawing Virgil?" Asked Patton curiously as he didn't understand what the creature was ment to be, this caused Virgil to look up at the Hero with a tired looking expression

"It's my shadows, I like to draw them sometimes as it helps make them look more realistic and therefore easier to control" this caught the attention of Logan who looked up from his book at Virgil's answer "You can't always control your powers?"

Roman now decided to look up from the papers he was reading to look at Virgil with a confused expression on his face, Virgil let out a small sigh as he turned to face the hero's behind him "Not always, my powers can be unpredictable at the best of times... shadows don't have a solid form so meaning it takes a lot of will power for my powers to work in my favour"

After his explanation Virgil went back to drawing to show the others he didn't want to talk on this anymore, thankfully all the hero's made a noise of acceptance and went back to there previous tasks.

They had went back to the sinned from before only for it to be slightly more tense, they were soon saved from it when Logan's phone went off which caused the other two hero's to jump up whilst Virgil remained seating only slightly confused as to what was happening.

"What's going down?" Questioned Roman as he turned to put the paper down and face his friend, Logan looked down at his phone before stating "Deceit and Intrusive are robbing a bank down town, looks like a lack of a team mate isn't stopping them from committing there usual crimes"

Virgil was about to say something but was stopped when the heroes continued to have talk as if he weren't there "Patton do you mind staying back with Virgil whilst Roman and I take care of this?" Questioned Logan looking at the Hero who had returns to sitting back down

"Yeah of course you guys get ready to go I'll stay" with that confirmation the two remaining hero's ran to their rooms to change to their costumes and go out to stop Deceit and Intrusive.

Patton turned towards Virgil "don't worry about those two they will deal with Deceit and Intrusive, let's get back to drawing!" He exclaimed drawing which caused Virgil to smirk slightly before going back to his drawings.


Logic and Creativity made it down town as fast as they could to deal with the Villians expecting a fight like all the others they have had before except having both teams missing a member, however they were wrong.

"Where is he!?" Screamed Intrusive as he swung his Morningstar towards Creativetys head only to miss and have to jump when Creatity swung his sword as in return

"Why do you care!? Not like you ever treated him nicely anyways!" Although Anxiety had only been living with the hero's for a while they knew that something wasn't right with his relationship with the two Villians, it was easy to tell by the way he tensed slightly at the mention of there names.

"You know what your talking about! We have always treated him badly" yelled Deceit as he thought Logan in the form of a superhero with Pyrokinesis from Britain and attempted to burn Logic only to fail when he uses he telakinises to throw a sign up for a some coverage.

The heroes have thought against Deceit long enought to know he spoke in lies pretty much everytime they fight and they knew he was trying to deny the terrible treatment of his team mate even when the hero's could hear the way the Villians use to speak to Anxiety constantly.

The battle continued for awhile till an explosion went off in the back of the back startling the two hero's and giving the Villians time to put distance between them "Althought this has been fun we have to go, please pass this along to Anxiety for us" with that said Deceit threw an envelope in front of the two heroes before turning dropping a smoke bomb and disappearing.

With the two Villians now gone Logic reached down to grab the envelope with the name 'Anxiety' written on front and turning to head back home.


Hope you guys enjoy the new chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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