Iron To Arrows

By Nyxie_Lorn

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Niki Beyer has been the responsibility and, overall, world of Tony Stark since she was but 6 years old. Now a... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1: The Godfather
Chapter 2: Memories in Moscow
Chapter 3: Buisness and Pleasure
Chapter 4: Billionare
Chapter 5: City Abroad
Chapter 6: Flashes
Chapter 7: Cabana
Chapter 8: Reassigned
Chapter 9: Fish Out of Water
Chapter 10: The Pairing
Chapter 11: Shot Glasses and Chardonay
Chapter 12: Gamblers
Chapter 13: Recovery 101
Chapter 14: The Revival
Chapter 15: Warden
Chapter 16: Save Me
Chapter 17: Toxic
Chapter 18: Black Hearts
Chapter 19: Shielded
Chapter 20: The Crime
Chapter 21: Entrapment
Chapter 22: Danger Zone
Chapter 24: Victimized
Chapter 25: Night Changes
Chapter 26: Time
Chapter 27: Escape
Chapter 28: Self Recovery
Chapter 29: Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 30: New York Lights
Chapter 31: Skin and Skylines

Chapter 23: Shelter In The Storm

58 1 0
By Nyxie_Lorn

"You sick twisted bastard!" I cursed at the both of them. Ward succeeded in dragging me back to our room where Garrett already had things packed up and ready too go. Based on the bruises and bloody, I took it that he encountered some soft of resistance or blockade himself. Did Ollie come to Garret before he got to me? Was Clark here him? Was Chloe, nearby, watching us all? Maybe it was SHIELD aiding in reinforcements or perhaps Oliver was trying to be a one-man show? That was highly unlikely; well not particularly unlikely as much as it was just plain stupid.
I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Garrett and Ward passed on the opportunity to knock me completely unconscious; again. After all, that would make it the most easy to travel but they didn't. Amongst all the commotion the two of them simply bound my wrists in electric cuffs; the ideal kind that shocked you immediately, when provoked, by any motion. I bucked and wailed my way from our room and too the car. That didn't last long however, they gagged me with a tight cloth in my jaws. I had no choice but to be silent after that. The silence didn't stop the pain though, the fury, the image of Oliver slumping over in my mind.
I didn't know for how long we had drive or, precisely, where. They blindfolded me before we even left the hotel parking lot. Wherever we were, the property contained a large, dingy, wear-house. For what it lacked for in exterior impressions it made up fluidly with its interior systems. It was a whole damn facility. Something like an military base but not as finely constructed. Not all the supplies in here were new but it was the magnitude that caught me off guard all together. They'd been planning this thing for a very longtime.
My voice went a little hoarse as I had been drug into a random side room with Ward and Garrett. It was cold, completely concrete and had a crumbled up mattress in the corner that was perched on an old wire frame. The whole aesthetic of the room read psych ward. I pondered over the idea that maybe this was what the facility had been used for, sometime in the past. I never understood how people discovered this abandoned institutions or were able to, openly, take claim to the property. It was surreal and just freakin creepy.
"Shut up!" Garret cried, his face full of obvious frustration.
"You killed him!" I directed my anger, specifically, at Garrett this time because he was the only one to acknowledge me. It was Ward that put the bullet in him however. Oh how I wanted nothing more than to see them both die.
"Stop it Niki!" Ward scolded as I charged towards Garrett and shook him by the collar. Ward claimed a firm hold on my wrist, simultaneously, jerking me around to face him.
"That's enough." He ordered again as my face swung around to meet his.
"You shot him!" I hollered out aggressively before punching him square in the jawline. The hit was enough to get him to release my arm. He shook his head twice before smiling at me in surprise.
"Huh, I'll admit. I didn't think you had that in you." I hated his devious smile. Had it in me? I'd joke out every last breathe from his lungs right now if he'd let me. My only chance to escape this hell whole just died because of these two lunatics. I'd had enough of their antics and games.
"I'd murder you right now you son of a b-."
"Oh sit down!" Garrett called out again as grasped ahold of my forearm and flung me onto the moldy bed.
"I told you this plan would backfire." His gazed sifted over to Ward who's expression changed from amusement to blankness.
"Everything was going fine until you struck up that deal." Was his snarky reply after taking a moment to look at me, emotionless.
Garrett let out an amused sigh, "She takes a swing at you and you're still defending that little whore?"
Anger swelled up inside my lungs as my chest began heaving in an out.
Ward shook his head in annoyance. I could tell he, most likely, wanted to snap at Garrett but Grant wasn't the Alpha dog in charge here, Garret was.
"The mission of this job, was to get the most out of that deal with Lang. He was willing to shell out more if she was in the trade. So I upped the ante." Garrets eyes grew darker and colder as he fixed them onto Wards brown ones.
"Now he's dead because of your little girlfriend here." His next glare and gesture was towards me. I felt my own demonic gaze fixating on him as I pictured the hundred ways I could end his miserable exist. A long and poisonous dagger to the heart was most appealing. By watching the life drain out of his clouded jade eyes, I could be sure he was dead.
"It's time you either get rid of her or start finding a, useful, reason for keeping her around here because I won't have any more time lost. We almost got caught once, I wont let it happen again!"
I opened my mouth, due to the sweltering heat that was rising from my esophagus.
"He ain't dead!" Garret spoke harshly while glaring at me. He knew I'd make some sort of reply after being separated from my, one chance, at executing Ward.
My face fell blank and I could hear my heart quicken by a few beats.
"With luck," Garret started by smiling at me, then toward, and concluded with meeting my gaze once again, "We'll get some sort leverage now that we have the infamous Green Arrow in our grasps."
I gave him a dark sneer which only made him smile at me deeper.
"How much do you think should be the bounty Ward? For the billionaire Oliver Queen, huh? A delightful surprise that was to discover."
"Do you really think it's wise to sell him off?" I heard Ward mutter underneath his breathe.
"I, honestly, don't care what the hell you with Queen. That's not why we came here. That wasn't part of the job, now was it. The money was. Now that we have that we can move forward with the plan."
Ward nodded a time or two before looking at me again, stone faced, and then at the floor. Garrett let out a sound of disgust.
"Still soft-heart after all these years."
Ward seemed like he wanted to rebut but Garrett continued speaking over him,
"Did you learn nothing! From everything that I've taught over these years? I suggest you get your priorities in check here son. I think it's obvious what needs be done here."
Wards gaze went up from the ground and at Garret inquisitively. I could feel Garretts eyes widen a bit as he meandered on his innocent tone of voice but his words were full of lies and venom. I don't understand how someone could fall victim to this level of manipulation. Ward was so much smarter than that!
Garrett grew a chesire cat smile he looked between Grant and I.
"Oh, don't tell me you didn't notice how your little play-toy here reacted when Queen arrived?" He played of his innocence towards Ward with a phony empathetic smile. He then turned to me and gave a devilish grin as he stroked a few of his course fingers underneath my chin and jawline.
"I think we all know that something lies a bit deeper, now don't we? Why else would she have been fighting so hard?"
He whipped around to face Ward again, making me miss my opportunity at hocking a big one straight in his eye.
Ward obscure expression had now turned into a cold and dark one. There went my last chance at getting Ward onto my side. I wouldn't be able to pin them against each other now; not with Olivers life in play.
"It's your decision Son." Was the last coating of manure that Garrett left over Wards mind. Ward stood their pondering, quietly, for a moment or two and just when I thought I'd get some redemption back from him, his pale face and dark eyes fell dark against. This time it appeared that everything, inside of him went black.
"Get in there." Was an order from one of the guards that rang through my ears as he jerked off the old, clumpy, bed and into the blank and bright hallway. He dragged me down a few doorways before reaching his desired one. He yanked open the metal door and pushed me inside the brightly lite, white room.
In the middle of that room was a rusty chair and bound to that chair, was Oliver Queen.
"Ollie!" I tried to control all the emotions flooding my mind by restricting the tone of desperation in my voice. However, my body didn't comply as equally. I rushed from the doorway and nearly threw myself to the stone floor in front of the chair where was tied. His head hung low but I could feel he was breathing.
"Oliver." I called out to him again as I lifted up his head with my hands.
He groaned slightly and appeared to mumble a few things to himself before lifting up his head and acknowledging my presence. He looked around the room, a bit dreary and surprised, before glancing at me.
"So you come here often?" He sarcastically replied.
"Ollie." I exhaled, a rush of relief and an amused expression forming on my face. He took a large inhale and exhale, wincing deeply, in between each action.
"You're bleeding." I rhetorically stated, noticing the deep crimson stain that had formed on the lower half of his suit. Based on the location of the blood, he took the bullet somewhere in the rib cage. I prayed it hadn't struck in vital organs. The blood was pooling pretty fast and I was concerned about the repercussions that would bring in the future.
"No, no." His weakness reminded me of the many times he was dazed from pure intoxication. I really wished it had been one of those time right now. His alcohol addiction didn't look too bad, being compared with the current scenario.
"That stains always been there." He finished his witty remark with another wincing smile as he attempted to adjust and straight his posture from within the seat.
"This is ridiculous." I exhaled anxiously as I undid the ropes around his arms, chest and legs; at least this way he could stand up. Though I doubt that would do anything for him. He was bound in the same cuffs that I was in earlier so it's best he didn't move around to much, otherwise more pain would be setting in.
"Thanks." His tone was genuine but no matter what I said or did he wasn't meeting my eyes. I couldn't describe the anxiety I felt building inside of. I didn't know it was from frustration, fear or something else but it felt like I was about to erupt from the inside out.
"Oliver what happened? How did you find me? How did even get here?" The questions rattled out of my mouth faster than I could even process them. I was frazzled and disheartened. A feeling of desperation kept rushing over me and I didn't really know why.
"Is Clark with you? Is Chloe alright? Does SHIELD know your here? Answer me!"
I slapped my thighs impatiently as he expression remained up readable.
"Everyones fine, from what I know."
"What's that supposed to mean? Did you come here by yourself? Is SHIELD with you?"
"Your 'SHIELD' team went rogue on us?"
"What?" My head began to ache from all the confusion I felt.
"SHIELD didn't send help?"
"Then how did you find me?"
"Watchtower, who else?" His tone made it appear as if he was a bit insulted, "You really think that Chloe would sit around and let you die?"
My face fell solemn for a moment. Chloe was always there for me. Through anything and everything I could always rely on her. Remorse came over me as I thought of the neglect I placed on our friendship.
"Why didn't SHIELD help you?" I redirected my thoughts to the conversation at hand here. There's no way Coulson would ignore this.
"They didn't feel it was the right time to ambush them. So they backed out."
Now the truth hit the surface. Coulson had been managing things the whole time but Ollie thought he could do it better. Wasn't unlike him to experience difficultly with relinquishing control. He's used to being the leader.
"So you just came in right, half cocked and guns a blazing?" I shook my head at the iron door keeping my irritated expression out of his sight.
"More like arrows flying but yeah, I wasn't going to wait around for people to decide when it was a good time to come after you. The risks were to high."
I felt something as he spoke. Something radiating off him maybe just mixes of thought and feeling. Relief and regret. Frustration and sincerity.
"Thank you." I replied genuinely hoping he make, and hold, eye contact with me. I leaned in a bit further towards him,
"But now both of us are trapped in here dipstick." I gave a shrug and matter of fact smile at the end of my statement.
He chuckled lightly and attempted to stand up from his chair but that failed.
He winced. As did I.
"Yeah that's not gonna happen." He added, lightheartedly, but in obvious pain.
I scrunched up my face slightly as I shook my head. Instead he sat down on the floor beside me, and for the first time in this whole conversation; he looked at me.
"Nice dress." His tone was casual as he gave me a slight nod but I detected something else in his eyes. Why was I feeling that I missed them?
Some of my anxiety relinquished when his gave, finally, met mine. Why was I feeling such desperation?
"Are you alright?" I notice his tome was more serious now. I felt his eyes drifting over my body; pausing, briefly, on the bruises that lined my legs. I drug my calf's back behind me as I shifted my weight up on to one side. I nodded as my response and sealed it with a light smile.
"Niki." His tone reflected more concern and I was the one that broke eye contact. I wouldn't break down in front of him. It wasn't even fear that I really felt this hold time, at least, not fear of them.
"I'm alright." I reassured to the ground before looking up at him again.
"Did they hurt you?" His face was calm but serious at the same time. Slightly anxious and pleading as well. He leaned in a bit towards me when he asked the question. He wasn't asking generally.
"No. No." I shook my head a few times before looking back up into his warm eyes. I saw a flash of something familiar fly over them but it was gone before I could identify it.
"I'm alright." I gave a small smile and tried to swallow any other emotion inside of me. Praying it would vanish and that I could remain here grounded, firm, and confident but his eyes autumn changing eyes, have spent far too much time gazing into my grey. He could read me like a book. If I allowed it. And at this moment in time I felt my walls slipping away from me.
"Come here." He nodded his head to the side a bit, gesturing for me to sit closer to me. My old grimness and suspicions flooded back inside me, for just a moment, but they were flushed out by a deeper wave of emotion. One I couldn't really describe yet.
I maneuvered my body directly next to his, being sure to sit on the opposite side of his wound. I allowed my body too lean back into his chest as looped his chain arms over and around me. My cheek laid cautiously against his chest as he pulled me in deeper. I let out a shaky sigh as my body made contact with his. Everything in me, tense at first. Defense the only thing it has come to know, not just from my time with Ward and Garrett but from familiarity with Oliver as well.
I felt my eyes swell with tears of resistance as the desire to cave in swelled over me. My lungs shook with anxiety, my back still arcing away from his full touch and exposure.
Stubbornness caused me to bite my lip and maintain the distance between us but it was broken through a small flush. As his lips brushed their way through my hair and planted on my temple. I felt myself caving into to everything around me.
"I'm promise, I'm going to get you out here."
My body immediately relaxed against his as the words trailed through my mind. I pressed myself closer to him as a tear streamed down my cheek and a smile emerged onto my lips.
He kissed my temple twice more before tightening his hold on me as I nuzzles my face deeper into his shoulder.
"I've missed this." His voice was low but I felt him smile as I brought myself closer to him. A wider smile formed on my lips, "And you happen to find the most opportune time to bring it up." I looked up slightly to see what kind of reaction my sarcastic response would bring. I smiled brightly as he chuckled.
"Well in my defense, you have been kind of pissed off at me this whole time."
I looked away to hide a guilty smile.
"Don't deny it." I could feel him smiling down at me sheepishly.
"Oh I'm not. I've good reason for being pissed off at you. You've acted like a jerk-face this whole time."
He chuckled at my rebuttal and tilted his head from side to side, "Well that's better than some of the other things you've called me."
"Yeah, those were justified as well."
I could feel his smile get a brighter at my bluntness. The grin seemed to hold on his face for a moment, until he leaned in closer towards my ear.
"So where does this leave us now?" I detected some suggestiveness in his voice as a playful smile emerged on his lips. I bit my bottom lip, lightly, holding back my own grin.
"I don't know." I tried to force an indifferent tone when I replied but I knew he'd be able to read past it. Before the conversation could continue, clamoring came from across the room and the large metal door sprung open.
Ward appeared in the doorway with an all too serious expression.
"Get up." He ordered sternly and I could only assume he was referring to me. I looked back at Oliver before rising to my bare feet and making my way towards him. Two guards came in and surrounded Oliver as I exited the room. Two more were standing in the hallway. I glanced at them and then back inside the room at Ollie.
"Chain her." Ward commanded abruptly while making eye contact with Oliver.
"You-." Oliver began to call out as he stood up from his place but the guards detained him from moving. My eyes widened as two guards gripped ahold of my upper arms.
"No!" I shouted as they began dragging me away from the room and up the hallway way.
"Don't you dare touch her!"
I heard Olivers voice cry out as the metal clanged shut, anxiety was rising within me. I desperately search Wards expression for some kind of clue or incentive but he just appeared distant. Not alive. A wave of terror washed over me and I could tell my, already, porcelain skin was turning sheet white. As his dark brown eyes swept over me I saw something inside him that I'd never seen before. A time of darkness no one could measure or explain. I knew in that moment the Grant Ward I had known was gone forever all that was left in his eyes was or thing. Evil. Vengeance.
Please Comment your opinions if you're enjoying this story! I appreciate the feedback. Be sure to like and vote as well!
Nyxie 🖤🥀

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