Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0...

By LisaP2000

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Jaemin is back from his hiatus and everything gets complicated. Because Jeno is really tempted to just grab h... More

Chapter 1: He is back
Chapter 2: Distant
Chapter 3: Cute
Chapter 4: I don't want to be alone tonight
Chapter 5: Do you hate me?
Chapter 6: Nightmares
Chapter 7: I told you
Chapter 8: Forgiveness
Chapter 9: Maybe forever isn't that bad
Chapter 10: A lot of staring
Chapter 11: Forgiven? - Forgiven.
Chapter 12: Complicated feelings
Chapter 13: What is happening?
Chapter 14: We are touching each other
Chapter 15: Heejin
Chapter 16: Loose control
Chapter 17: Trouble
Chapter 18: Dance with Me
Chapter 19: Get lost in the feelings
Chapter 20: Yesterday
Chapter 21: Zhong &Park
Chapter 22: Try to keep control
Chapter 23: Unexpected
Chapter 24: Heejinie
Chapter 25: He is slowly giving up
Chapter 26: Dance practice
Chapter 27: The day has come
Chapter 28: Black
Chapter 29: On
Chapter 30: Black
Chapter 31: Renjunie
Chapter 32: Renjun-ah
Chapter 33: Renjun-Hyung
Chapter 34: Beginning or end?
Chapter 35: Chain Reaction
Chapter 36: Rollercoaster
Chapter 37: Okay, let's tell Renjun
Chapter 38: A new but oblivious Mark
Chapter 39: A happy day for Chenle by Jisung
Chapter 40: First date
Chapter 41: Distance again
Chapter 42: Tickling
Chapter 43: The next step (?)
Chapter 44: Birthday present
Chapter 45: To have a crush
Chapter 46: Another one
Chapter 47: Jealousy
Chapter 48: To live with your best friend aka your crush
Chapter 49: The maknaes
Chapter 50: Mixed feelings
Chapter 51: Jisung's feelings
Chapter 52: Touch me
Chapter 53: Candle Light
Chapter 54: And now?
Chapter 55: Arguments and Drama
Chapter 56: The First....
Chapter 57: Dancer Jisung and Supporter Chenle
Chapter 59: A wake-up call
Chapter 60: Do you think I could be gay?
Chapter 61: Our families
Chapter 62: Hyung?
Chapter 63: The way we used to be
Chapter 64: I trust you and I want you
Chapter 65: My superhero, my soulmate
Chapter 66: Can I really still trust you?
Chapter 67: The first time I realized that I am in love with you

Chapter 58: Because I love you

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By LisaP2000

One week. One week was what Jeno needed to calm down.

Jaemin only needed the half of it.
But he was still too hurt to approach the older.

That was the reason, why Jeno made the first step and went to the younger to talk and to make up.

Jeno slowly walked closer to the door.
All he had to do was to knock.
So he took a deep breath and did just that.

When Jaemin opened the door, Jeno felt breathless.

Of course he had seen Jaemin the whole week. Living and working together, and even going to school together, making it hard not to.

But when he was again, so close, in front of the boy, he loved, he was just overwhelmed.

Jaemin looked beautiful.
Even with the bags under his eyes. And Jeno was wondering, if he had cried before he opened the door.

And if he did cry, if he cried because of Jeno.

Jeno didn't want anything else than to wipe Jaemin's tears away and stop being the reason for the younger's sadness.

Jaemin was in an equally trance.

He hadn't touched Jeno in a whole week, and even if he was still mad, he couldn't help himself but practically ran into Jeno's arms.

Jeno immediately catched him and held him close, not wanting to let go.

"We should talk", Jeno whispered in the younger's ears and Jaemin nodded.

"Yes, we should", he said but still didn't let go of Jeno.

"Let's go into your room", Jeno said but when Jaemin still didn't move, he slowly walked into the room with Jaemin in his arms.

He slowly sat down on the bed and somehow Jaemin ended up in his lap.

"Jaeminie", Jeno tried to reach to the other, who seemed to be in another world.

"I just missed you", Jaemin said and nuzzled Jeno's neck.

"I missed you too. But you should be mad at me.", Jeno scolded the other but in a soft voice.

That made Jaemin lean back, tears slowly gathering in his eyes.

"I am mad. But I don't want to be anymore. I just want to be in your arms again", Jaemin almost whined in the end.

"I know, baby. That is why I am here. To say sorry.", Jeno explained and carefully kissed the younger's cheek.

"If you say sorry, I have to say sorry too. I also made you angry. And that wasn't right of me.", Jaemin again hid his face in Jeno's neck.

"Hey, baby, can you do me the favour and look at me, when we have this conversation. I need you to look in my eyes and I need to see yours.", Jeno gently caressed Jaemin's hair.

Jaemin did what he was asked of but he didn't let Jeno talk.

"I let the kiss scene be edit out.", Jaemin admitted.

"You did what? Why?", Jeno was shocked but he didn't sound angry.

"Because I love you", Jaemin said in a whisper and leaned down to gently press his lips to Jeno's.

"And I want you to be happy."

"And I want you to be happy", Jeno argued but Jaemin only silenced him with a quick kiss.

"I know. But this is what felt right. I should have talked with you first. I know, if I had told you, you would have been fine with it. But I did it behind your back and that was not right. And this is what I am sorry for.", Jaemin sighed. "I think I would go crazy just thinking about you kissing someone else; no matter what the reason would be. Are you still mad?", Jaemin gently put Jeno's hair behind his ear.

"I stopped being angry some time ago. I was just still so uncomfortable with the thought of you-, you know. That's why I couldn't talk to you. But I forgave you pretty quickly.", Jeno admitted too.

"Why?", Jaemin asked this time.

And Jeno answered calmly "Because I love you."

They both laughed softly and pressed their foreheads together.

"We still need to talk about this some more though. We have to understand each other completely to not make the same mistakes.", Jeno reminded and Jaemin agreed. "I know."

"But first, let me just hold you for a while." And with these words being said, Jeno layed down, pulling Jaemin with him.

They fell asleep for an hour.

Jeno slowly opened his eyes and looked down at Jaemin in his arms.
He immediately started to smile and pecked Jaemin's head.

That made Jaemin move, who sighed as if he also just woke up, and look up.

They smiled at each other and pecked their lips, when Jeno needed to break the calm atmosphere.

"Should we talk now?", he asked unsure but Jaemin nodded.

"Yes, let's talk", he said and gave Jeno a final peck before they sat up to look at each other better.

"So, shoud I start?", asked Jeno.

"If you want to", answered Jaemin.

"I am sorry.", Jeno started. "I want you to know that. I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me.

I- I just got so mad at the thought of you kissing someone else, work related or not, that I completely missed the fact that a dream came true for you.

I am still not very happy about the fact that you kissed someone, without me knowing about it, but I can also understand your reasons. I should have reacted differently, when you told me. Because actually I am really really proud of you. I hope you know that. I am so happy for you that your dream came true and I also will prove that to you in the future.

All I am asking for is that you will be honest with me, always. Sure, some surprises can be kept as a secret for a while. But this surprises shouldn't include you being intimate with someone else.", Jeno finished.

"I forgive you.", Jaemin answered.

"And I also want to tell you that I am sorry.", now it was Jaemin's turn to explain himself. "Because I am. I am sorry. And I hope that you can forgive me too.

I just- I just didn't think about the fact that it could hurt you so much. Because I saw it completely professionally. For me it was just work. Also my dream, of course. But since I was not in love with her, I thought it wouldn't matter so much. And I thought since you acted yourself, you also would understand it.

But god, I was so wrong.
When I am imagining you kissing someone else, even if it would be just acting too, I become crazy. I don't want to imagine it. And that I am only imagining it but you really had to go through this.... I am so sorry.

And that you didn't understand it, even though you know the acting world, is also not your fault. Of course, you still can be mad about it. Because I didn't tell you but I should have.

I actually wanted to tell you the moment I got casted but I was too afraid that it would bring bad luck.
So I thought telling you, when everything was official, would be better.
But I was wrong.

And in the future I won't keep secrets like this from you anymore. Nothing like this behind your back anymore. We are in a relationship. And we should be honest. I love you."

"I forgive you.", Jeno answered, so Jaemin knew that he really did. "And I love you too."

"Maybe we shouldn't have argued like this. Maybe if we would have talked from the beginning, instead of ignoring each other.... Wouldn't it have been better?", Jeno asked after a short while of silence.

"No. It was good like this. The argument should have been like this.", Jaemin answered honestly.

Jeno raised a questioningly eyebrow to this.

So Jaemin explained. "It was not an argument, that threatened our relationship. So maybe it wasn't even that bad to have it."

"How come?", Jeno was confused.

"Because, my lovely Jeno-ah, we needed the time to calm down. To understand each other better. To forgive each other.

Sure, the week without you was torture. But we were too angry to talk sensible about it. So, if we would have talked about it in the beginning, maybe we would have just argued more and more so that we would argue even still now."

Jeno nodded in understanding.

"And this argument was not an argument, that was a danger for our relationship. It didn't drive us apart from each other. Maybe for a week but it was only a week. Not bringing us apart for a lifetime. We were still together. We are still together.", Jaemin explained further.

"It didn't brought us apart. It did the whole difference: It brought us closer. It made our relationship stronger.

Sometimes couples need arguments. If we are not talking about the things, which are bothering us, we would definetely fall apart one day.
Because if we are keeping everything to ourselves, we would explode at some point.

Of course I hope we won't have such a big argument in the future.

But this one was good for me.
Because like this, I could miss you.

We are around each other most of the time. Since we work, live and go to school together.
And in times like this, I realize how important you really are to me.

Because maybe we are together all the time but I don't want to have it any other way.
Because only one day without you was making me miss you.
I need you in my life. So be aware of the fact, Jeno-ah, that I will never ever let you go again."

Jaemin kissed Jeno after his speech, who eagerly kissed him back.

"I understand what you mean and I think you are right.", Jeno answered out of breath, when they finally stopped kissing.

"And don't you dare thinking that I would be able to let you go again. You are mine. And I will do everything to let this statement be true for the rest of our lives. I love you, Jaeminie, with all my heart.", Jeno kissed Jaemin this time.

"I love you too", Jaemin said inbetween kisses.

And in times like this, they realized, all they needed was them.

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