Stalker | Yoongi

By namgialaxy

22.2K 730 100

"You're like a drug y/n, because I'm addicted to you." [EDITING] More

1. Her
2. Weird feelings
3. Unknown number
4. The texts
5. In the office
6. Car ride
7. Stuck in the elevator
8. Attacked
10. Old friend
11. Back to work
12. Yoongi's place

9. The hospital

964 50 8
By namgialaxy




"What's her condition now?"

"She suffered from a mild concussion, got hit on the head with a metal pipe and had lost some blood. All of the injuries have been treated."

"She should be waking up pretty soon."

Your eyes fluttered open, exposing you to the bright lights that illuminated the room. The sound of a beeping noise and people speaking woke you up. After your eyes had finally adjusted to the lights, you looked around the room. You looked to your side and saw a male figure holding your hand with his head resting on your lap.

He's sleeping..

Your hand movements seemed to have woken the tired male. He slowly looked up as his eyes met yours, immediately lighting up.

"Y/n your awake!!" The corners of his mouth rose.


"You're okay now! You're safe, no one can hurt you here." Yoongi reassured you as you looked into his eyes.

The doctors in the room heard you talking and turned to look your way.

"Hello y/n, I'm doctor Seokjin and this doctor Namjoon. Do you remember what happened?" He asked you, holding his clipboard in his hand as him and the other doctor sat down next to the bed.

"Yes, I do..." You squeezed Yoongi's hand as you watched those moments rewind in front of you like a projector.

"Alright, no signs of amnesia or any memory loss." Namjoon said to Seokjin as he wrote on the clipboard.

"Some police officers have also come in for questioning. They'll be here in a few minutes." You nodded.

The two doctors left the room, leaving you and Yoongi alone in the room. "I just wish I was there before he hit you.." Yoongi mumbled to himself.



"I-I have one question though, Yoongi.."

"What is it?"

"How did you know where I was?"

Yoongi POV

I was caught off guard when she asked me that question.

What do I say?

What do I say?

"I was driving home and I heard someone scream and it sounded like your voice, so I checked it out."

"Oh...gosh I'm dumb! Obviously someone must have heard me scream and it was you."

"You're not dumb y/n, don't say that." I smiled at her.

My poor baby. First she gets attacked by a bastard and now she thinks she's dumb. However, our conversation was interrupted when three police officers walked in.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

"Hello miss, we're here for some questioning and statements, are you okay with that?"
You nodded.

"Do you recall what was happening before you were attacked?" One of the officers asked.

"I was walking home from work and I noticed a strange man was following me."

"Right. This strange man has been arrested and is actually the wanted man who has been on the news recently, so you don't need to worry about seeing him again."

You felt relieved after hearing that, since you feared if he ran off before the authorities arrived.

"We'll be leaving now, thank you for cooperating." The officers walked out.

"Are you feeling better?" Yoongi asked you.

"I guess so, I still feel a little weak though."

"You should sleep and rest y/n. I'll be right here with you, okay?" You nodded and shut your eyes once again, falling into a deep slumber.

Yoongi POV

I have to so say, I am quite surprised. Her friend hadn't come yet, unless she didn't know that y/n was in hospital. In a way I loved it, because she was all mine like this. Just me and my future wife alone in the room. I also felt tired, so I fell asleep as I leaned my head on y/n's lap again. 



I was in my office doing some work when y/n knocked and came in. She looked  absolutely breath taking as usual.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, but she came and straddled me on the chair instead.

"Hey yoongs." She whispered in my ear.


"I need you~" She started to grind against my crotch and it felt so good.

I held her face with my hand and connected our lips together. I slid my hand down into her skirt, causing her to open her mouth and moan. I used this moment to stick my tongue into her mouth. Y/n kept moaning and it turned me on so bad. I carried her and threw her on the couch that was in my office. She looked at me hungrily. I smirked and hovered over her as I slid my hand under her skirt, pleasuring her . She moaned and pulled me closer.

"You like that?

I looked into y/n's eyes and licked my lips.

She leaned her face towards my ear and whispered, "You're dreaming wake up."


I immediately shot up as my eyes opened. Gosh, another dirty dream. I'm really turned on right now but she's in hospital, so I'll have to wait. Damn.

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