Radiance | Keiji Akaashi (Hai...

By neko-chanuwuu

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"With a star before my eyes, all there is left for me to do is to 'play as I have always done' and deliver. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

158 6 40
By neko-chanuwuu

Today was the last day of the week-long training camp. First thing in the morning, we did some few practices matches with other schools.

In the end, Fukurodani still had the most wins in the whole training camp which I was happy about since our team became a lot more stronger thanks to the training camp given to us this year.

To end this one particular event, our coaches bought as barbeque to be shared with friends and rivals alike. It was a fun experience honestly, but that didn't mean that the chaos was gone.

And Bokuto, being his favorite food was meat, he literally stole meat from the other teams' grills. And he was really embarrassing us. Who knew our captain would be this annoying and stupid?

And people who were small eaters were made to eat more by the big eaters, namely Daichi, Bokuto, and Kuroo asking Tsukishima and Kenma to eat some more.

Kuroo even got Kenma's switch so he could just eat. Really, what a nice pain-in-the-ass senpai.

If he ever become my senpai in the same school, I'll literally kick him for no apparent reason. That's how frustrated I am.

I saw that Katsumi was having fun with the other girl managers from other schools. They were chatting and they would occasionally laugh at what the others have said.

Unconsciously, I didn't know that I was staring right into Katsumi as she laughed. Her eyes were closed which made small wrinkles around her eyes, her mouth moving as she laughed, and at how she clutched onto her stomach.

It was one of the most wonderful sights I ever saw. She looked beautiful, like always. I was taken back into reality when she suddenly made eye contact with me which I instantly averted.

My heart thumped in so much nervousness and embarrassment as my cheeks warmed up, avoiding my gaze from her as I shoved food into my mouth. I just hoped she didn't notice me staring.

And Bokuto got really attached to Hinata, and Hinata was also the same to Bokuto. The two have been talking really loud and excitedly about things like, "Wabam!" or "Kaboosh!" or "Gwaahh!". I didn't really know the difference between those, don't ask me.

Also while eating, Kageyama who was eating at high speed suddenly choke on his food. Being a good person which I am, I offered him a cup of water which he drank furiously.

He thanked me and then suddenly out of nowhere began asking about me about setting tips and other stuff related to tossing. I taught him all what I knew based on experience.

I wanted to say that he was even a better setter than me, but I decided just to keep my mouth shut.

While I gave him advice in tossing, Kageyama's eyes were focused on only me and they were also sparkling. If I had Bokuto's personality, I would probably make him my disciple or something.

He was a nice kid, I'll give him that. It was actually nice that he was listening intently to my every word.

Komi and Konoha were also trying to talk to the beautiful manager in Karasuno, but unfortunately they let themselves be intimidated by a bald guy, a mohawk guy, and a guy that looks like a child. Shame, really.

The little barbeque with everyone lasted the whole afternoon. Everybody seemed to enjoy and have fun at this, including me.

I even got to talk to guys I never talked to before, we had very fun conversations. I could see that everybody got a good time.

This was one good and fun training camp, and I was glad I attended it. It was filled with lots of good guys.

We washed the dishes and utensils used in the barbeque and cleaned the whole place where we ate. And after that, everybody was saying goodbye to each other.

It was almost sunset when Karasuno said their goodbyes before heading back home to Miyagi.

And the other teams, which was us, followed soon right after. Everybody in Fukurodani packed their things and loaded them inside the school van that would drive us back to school.

"Yo, Akaashi!" Bokuto called out to me as he walked towards me. I was putting my stuff at the back of the van then. I turned my body to face him.

Bokuto hooked his strong and buff arm around my neck as he had a huge smirk on his face.

He slowly lean his face closer to my ear and put his hand against the corner of his lips as he whispered, "I heard you and Katsumi were together last night. How did it go? Did you tell her?"

"I didn't have the chance to tell her. I was interrupted by Konoha-san and Yukie-san who were worried, looking for us." I answered him as I removed his arm from my shoulders as I loaded another person's bag which was on the ground.

"Eh?! What?! Why?!" Bokuto exclaimed while wailing at the same time. "I don't know either, Bokuto-san. They just came while I was talking."

"Those bastards!" Bokuto gritted his teeth as he closed his fist tightly, his knuckles shaking and turning white.

I sighed as I put a hand on his shoulder, "It can't be helped, Bokuto-san. I'll tell her next time."

And with that, I started walking away to assist the others at carrying their stuff inside the van when Bokuto put his arm again around my shoulders which stopped me on my tracks.

"Nope, nope! Not next time, this time. You gotta tell her this time." Bokuto said to me. "Tell her when we got to school."

"But Bokuto-san, it's already late when we arrive at school. Plus, we'll all go home together. There's no way I could tell her with the others around." I told him.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about being surrounded by us." he smirked as he wiggled his boomerang-shaped eyebrows at me. "I'll take care of the others."

"Wait, what?" I asked him. But he just smirked at me as he shrugged his shoulders as he ran towards Konoha to say something to him.

I sighed as I facepalmed. "I think I know where this is going..." I said inside my mind.

Once we were all set, the whole team got into the van to finally head home. I sat next to the window as I rested my elbow on its edge and my face on my palm, staring at the fast-moving vehicles passing my side of the van.

Bokuto was seated next to me, he was holding his flip phone as he was texting someone. He looked really focus, serious, and determined at the text he was about to send to who knows who.

Katsumi was seated few seats away from us and she was chatting with Suzumeda who were seatmates. Their chatter and laughter were one of the sounds that filled the van.

It only took few minutes for our van to arrive at our school, Fukurodani.

We all got out of the van, carrying our stuff as our coach said a few words of inspiration before we all went home our own houses. And with that, everybody was already set walking back to their houses.

Katsumi groaned as she stretched her arms, "Ah! I feel so tired. I wanna head home already." She was wearing what she was wearing last night.

"Uh... me and the others have plans to go to karaoke tonight!" Bokuto suddenly announced out of nowhere, his hand up in the air.

"Wait, we do?" Konoha asked him, clearly confused.

Bokuto suddenly nudged Konoha's side strongly using his elbow which earned a painful groan from the matcha boy.

The guy was now kneeling down on the ground, shaking as he clutched to his side where Bokuto hurt him.

"O-oh, yeah. We do. Stupid Konoha, how could you forget?" Komi said nervously, he was probably scared what Bokuto might do to him if he didn't tag along.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Sarukui said, riding along perfectly with whatever Bokuto was planning.

All the boys followed Bokuto to the opposite direction where the path home lies, leaving me with the three managers.

"Kaori-chan and I found a café nearby which was really cute and we decided that we want to check it immediately, so..." Yukie trailed off as she quickly grabbed Suzumeda's wrist as they both fled away without another word said.

When Katsumi wasn't looking at them, the two managers both gave me a smirk and thumbs-up.

"So they were the people Bokuto-san was texting to during the van ride." I deadpanned inside of my mind. I just sighed at this weird antics of theirs.

"I hope you don't have plans too." Katsumi turned to me, hands on her hips as she nodded at me.

"Like you, I am very exhausted and I would like to go home immediately." I answered.

Katsumi's face lit up as she brought her arms up in the air, "Yay! Let's go home then."

She smiled at me, making her face features more beautiful. I smiled softly back at her as we made our way home.

We got to the train station and hopped off the train after few stops. Nobody was talking between the two of us as we walked down the road side-by-side. It wasn't uncomfortable silence, it was more on a comfortable one.

The sun was already setting, making the once blue skies orange and a bit yellow. Everything the sun touches turns into orange. The trees, the buildings, the water. Literally everything was orange.

"I wonder why everybody suddenly made plans on such a short notice." Katsumi said, her head up in the clouds that looked like orange cotton candy.

I laughed nervously, "I wonder too..." It was impossible for her not to notice this sudden change of behavior with the whole team.

"Why didn't they invited us?!" she suddenly turned to face me, a pout on her lips as she wailed. "E-eh?"

"I seriously thought that she figured it out. But as usual, Katsumi-san is always oblivious." I sighed inside of my mind.

"But I think that's okay." she said as she faced the road before us again, putting her hands behind her back.

I tilted my head to the side a little as I waited for her answer.

"That's because, we were able to hang out like this like we used to before." she answered as she faced me, a sweet smile on her face.

I stopped on my tracks as I looked surprisingly at her. My heart beating wildly once again as my stomach turned in a good way.

"It somehow feels kind of nostalgic. It felt like we hadn't done this for a while." Kastumi chuckled as she continued walking forward.

I watched as her back slowly walk away from my sight, slowly getting smaller and smaller. I reached for her with my hand but she was far away for me to reach.

I let my hand dangle in the air, trying to reach for Katsumi who was getting further and further away from me. Her long hair was slightly swaying as she walked away.

"You're already giving up when you even hadn't gave your all. You're already letting her go without knowing her true feelings." for some reason, I suddenly remembered what Bokuto said to me last time.

He was right. I was already giving up when I still haven't done anything. There was no next time, only this time. I have to tell her know, I have to tell her about my true feelings now.

I gulped as I closed my fist and put them on my side. My heart was beating so much because of the intense nervousness I was feeling. I shouted out loud so she could clearly hear me now this time,

"Katsumi-san! I like you! I like you for a long time now!"

I instinctively closed my eyes as I shouted those words at her, hoping that my feelings would reach her.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that Katsumi had stopped on her tracks. She was just there, standing before me frozen in her position.

It felt like my heart was about to leap out of my throat. I was so really nervous, my heart hitting my ribcage multiple times in a very fast speed.

But, whatever her answer will be I'll accept it wholeheartedly. Even if it hurts me.

Katsumi slowly turned towards my direction. There was a sweet smile on her lips and her golden orbs shining due to the orange sunlight as she said, "Let's get some crepe, Akaashi-san."

She didn't respond to what I said. After she said that, she began walking forward again. I just followed her, hopefully she'll gave me an answer.

We got to a nearby park as Katsumi bought crepe from a crepe shop nearby. I sat on the bench near as I nervously fiddled my fingers.

I looked at my surroundings and noticed that this place seemed familiar. I finally remembered, this was the place where we bought crepes on our last day of school.

This was the place where I almost-

Okay, let's not go to that. I don't want other things that could add pressure to me.

My heart won't stop thumping, my stomach was having butterflies, and my hands were feeling really cold. I even hadn't realized that my whole body was actually shaking. I was just so nervous.

Katsumi sat right next to me as she brought the crepe to her lips, eating and chewing it as she did.

"I only bought one so let's share with this." she said to me. I nodded at that as I averted my eyes from her because I know I'll just get more nervous than ever if I made eye contact.

There we were, just sitting on the same bench while she ate her crepe and I nervously played with my fingers.

There was an awkward atmosphere around us which made me more on the edge to be honest. It felt like I was going to die because of heart attack.

"Here," Katsumi gave me the half-eaten crepe which I grabbed with cold and shaking hands.

I slowly brought it against my lips as I took a bite. It was creamy and sweet. It also melts inside of my mouth. It was a strawberry-flavored one.

"Since when?" Katsumi finally asked. Her tone wasn't monotone or even angry, it was actually soft and sweet. She must've seen how nervous I was.

My mind processed what she said because I didn't know what she was referring to. But I thought that maybe it was about my confession so I answered with, "... Before starting second-year."

"That's early." she chuckled at me. I also chuckled as I took another bite, "Yeah."

There was the silence again. Nobody wanted to talk so I decided that it was a good time to finally let it all out, let all of my feelings out.

"At first, I didn't realize that I already had those feelings. I only knew them when they started to get bigger and stronger." I said to her honestly, looking down at the half-eaten crepe in my hands.

"It was getting stronger and stronger every day until that my heart could no longer take it anymore."

"The... the happy smiles you were giving me, the jolly personality that you showed me, and the features that you had..." I paused to emphasized those.

I decided to look into Katsumi's eyes. She was also looking directly at me, her golden pools focused only to me. I finished,

"Those were the things that I like about you. In fact, I like everything about you. That's why..."

"Seeing you happy with another boy made me terribly hurt." I finished as I looked down at the crepe once again as I finally ate all of it.

I crumpled the crepe paper in my hands and let it be there for the meantime. I looked up to her again as I said,

"Like I told you, you're my radiance. You make me happy in every way. Whatever you do, you never fail to bring a smile to my face. And I thank you for that."

Katsumi had her eyes widened at me. Her expression was pure shock as she listened to my feelings flowing out of my mouth. She couldn't say anything, she just listened to my every word intently.

"That's why whatever answer you'll give me I'll accept it fully, even if it hurts me." I smiled sadly at her as I stood up, planning to throw the crepe paper in my hands in the nearest garbage bin and maybe walk home already. This was actually too much for me handle, really.

I started to turn away when I felt her hand grabbed my forearm. I could feel her long and slender fingers and soft palm against my skin. "Akaashi-san, wait."

I turned back to her as she pulled my arm downwards. I was surprised when she suddenly pressed her lips against mine.

My eyes instantly become bigger at that. My heart racing more faster than before, my stomach's butterflies worsening, and my face heating up intensely.

Her lips were wet but soft against mine. It felt nice and good. She had her eyes closed as she gently kissed me.

Katsumi slowly began pulling away, her eyelids also slowly fluttering open as she looked directly at my eyes.

My knees felt wobby that I sat right back down at the bench, frozen on my spot as I put a hand against my mouth looking at her with widened eyes and beet red face.

Katsumi chuckled at me as she said, "That was what you were trying to do last time we were here, right?"

My eyes widen at that as I looked away, deeply embarrassed.

She drifted her eyes elsewhere, also tugging stray hair behind her ear.

"The truth is, I also feel the same." she said to me as she slowly looked back at me. She showed me her softest smile as she said, "I like you too, Akaashi-san."

This earned an even hotter and redder blush to my entire body. It felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest from so much thumping and my whole body was also shaking furiously.

"I actually had a crush on you the first time we met." she said, looking up at the orange skies. "You were literally the most beautiful person I ever seen."

"And once we got along and become friends, my affection for you grew even bigger and deeper. Because you were always looking out for me and always taking care of me."

"I hid the fact that I have feelings for you because I was so scared that you don't feel the same. I was terrified of getting my heart broken. I was terrified of pain." she continued as she now looked at the ground, the tip of her foot playing with the dried leaf below.

"I was actually planning to confess to you and yet, here you are." she smiled as she looked into my eyes. "Confessing to me."

Going back to the days where I felt extremely upset, hurt, and helpless thinking that she might have feelings for another person instantly attacked me. Now, I got even more embarrass with myself.

Katsumi who was looking right into my eyes suddenly got her cheeks tainted with deep red. She instantly covered her face using her small and slender two hands. 

"Ah! This is so embarrassing! I can't take it!" she squealed as she began thrashing in her seat. "I wasn't thinking when I suddenly kissed you! I'm so sorry!"

I was taken aback with what she said so I yelled, "I-I'm actually more embarrassed than you are! I actually thought that you have feelings for Kuroo-san!"

Katsumi instantly removed her hands from her face as she at me with an opened mouth and surprised expression.

"Eh?! Kuroo-san?! Ew! He's only my friend! And I'm actually talking to him about you! And sometimes I seek advice from him!"

"I clearly didn't know that!" I yelled as I chuckled. I didn't know why we were shouting at each other but I thought it was ridiculous.

Katsumi didn't shout nor answer anymore back at me, instead she began laughing and it wasn't long enough before I did too.

There we were, sitting next to each other as we laughed. After minutes of just laughing our asses off, our laughter began to subside slowly. Silence was there again.

"So," Katsumi began as she looked far ahead of her. "Does this means that we're already dating now?"

"Oh, I hope we are." I answered her as I gently placed my hand against her smooth cheek and I turned her head towards me. "Because I want to do this again."

I brought my face closer to hers as I kissed her soft pinkish lips. I closed my eyes as I felt my heart beat thumping against my chest.

Her lips was smaller than mine but it felt really soft and warm against mine. I just plainly pressed my lips on hers, noy moving it or whatsoever.

She was my first kiss so I didn't know what to do. I was inexperienced with this kind of thing since I was just focused on academics and club before.

I just kissed her for few moments before slowly pulling my lips away.

I slowly opened the my eyelids as I rested my forehead against hers.

I stared right into her golden eyes but she was averting her gaze from mine, either from embarrassment or nervousness or even maybe both.

"Hey, look at me." I called out to her in thr softest voice I could muster. I held her face using my two hands. She hesitantly drifted her eyes into mine.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her gently and softly. She shyly blinked her eyes as she mumbled, "Y-yes."

I smiled as I withdrew my face from hers to kiss her forehead.

I stood up from the bench which earned a confused look from Katsumi. I offered my hand to her which she slowly took.

I squeezed her hand as I pulled her so she'll stand up too. I bent my body down as I wrapped my arms around her waist as I hoisted her up and began twirling ourselves in circles.

"I'm so happy. I always wanted this." I said honestly as I smiled widely at her while spinning in circles with her in my arms. She was just giggling at me wholeheartedly.

Once I was starting to get dizzy, I stopped and finally put her down. I cupped my hands on her soft and pinkish cheeks.

"I swear I'll never let you go." I whispered to her. "Never."

Katsumi smiled widely at me too as she replied with, "Me too."

She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her body as we hugged each other.

She felt warm and soft against my body. Our hearts joined together because of the hug beated as one.

My chest was swelling up with lots of wonderful and overwhelming emotions I didn't know I actually had inside me. I felt like the happiest man on Earth.

We botg pulled away from the hug as we both smiled genuinely at each other and also laughed as well.

"Can we.... can we sit back down at the bench again?" Katsumi asked me. "My body feels really wobbly and weak after saying and doing all that."

I laughed, "Yeah, let's sit down. My knees don't feel like knees after that kissings. They feel so shaky."


Katsumi Bokuto, the light in my life.

My radiance.




And second is after this, I won't be updating much since I'll put this book in a semi-hiatus.

Because first, my online classes are nearing *cries* which means there will be a lot of school works and stuff to do and I can not update my stories with how much I'm going to be busy in the next few weeks.

Second is I seriously don't know what to write next pfft. So, I plan to make a strong and solid plotline for this so I will know what I'll be writing in the next chapters.

And third, I plan to publish another haikyuu book (which is yaoi btw, sorry not sorry). And yes, I know that I have other stories that are already ongoing but my brain won't be in peace if I didn't publish this particular one. I hope y'all understand.

Lastly to those who have read this far and actually enjoys my chapters and stories, thank you very much! I appreciate the time you gave on reading this and the love and support you give me, so thank you! This book is nothing without you readers.

That's all, I hope I could update this book as soon as I can! neko-chanuwuu out!

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