Radiance | Keiji Akaashi (Hai...

By neko-chanuwuu

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"With a star before my eyes, all there is left for me to do is to 'play as I have always done' and deliver. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

70 4 33
By neko-chanuwuu

Plop, plop, plop.

Those were the sounds the rain was making. It was cold and the sky including the clouds were dark in color, hiding the bright sun behind it. Big fat rain drops were falling from the dark fluffy clouds in a fast pace, making it impossible to actually see the drop of water. 

The teacher was discussing up front, talking about science stuff. I don't know, I honestly wasn't listening because my attention was at the window and just plainly staring at the rain outside.

I had my cheek placed on the palm of my hand as I stared intently at the window as I watched the rain fall on the ground. 

I watched the branches of the trees dancing along with the soft blow of cold wind. I watched the dark clouds float up in the skies as they very slowly drifted away. I watched the flying of birds above, their small tiny wings flapping up and down.

It was quiet. Even though my teacher was discussing up in front, it felt like my ears were drowning out the sound of her talking which complete silence was replaced instead.

Even just for a little moment, it felt very peaceful. It felt like I was somewhere quiet, nobody was there and bothering me. 

It was just me there, just looking at the horizon as rain drops made plopping sounds on the ground, the chilly wind making my warm skin shiver, and the earthly smell would fill my nostrils.

It felt nice and relaxing. For a moment, I forgot all of my troubles. I wished I could stay like this forever, until the last bell rang. 

The loud ringing of the school bell took me out of my daydreaming and I was now back in reality.

I blinked stupidly at my surroundings as I tried to process where I was and what was I doing. The instant that I realized that I was still in school, all of the troubles and emotions that I wanted to disappear immediately came back inside of the chest, hurting me deeply.

As all of my classmates were keeping their things inside of my bag, I was just staring at them doing so. I was dazed, and maybe slightly confused. Well that's because the goddamn bell suddenly rang and it dragged me back to the reality I was avoiding.

Soon, I was also keeping my things inside of my bag. I stood up and grabbed the coat that was hanging on the back rest of my chair. I put it on and slung my school bag on my chest as I walked over the exit as I proceeded downstairs to the shoe lockers.

Club was cancelled today since the teachers announced that they will be inspecting the gym, maybe for damage and other stuff. 

Bokuto was not happy about that. He actually began shouting and babbling about him being out of shape and his body will probably forget how to play volleyball just because club was cancelled for one day.

It was a pain-in-the-ass. We had to convince him that he will still be the same even if he doesn't play volleyball for one day. And also, we bought him chocolates so he could calm down. 

It worked. It did calm him down, the only problem was he had sugar rush and had been very unnecessarily excited for approximately twenty-hours and on going. 

The chocolate that he ate yesterday was still in effect, meaning he still had the sugar rush inside his system. It was complete chaos. 

Bokuto was currently being handled by Konoha and the others and now I had to go home before they pass the responsibility of baby siting my senpai to me.

I finally reached the shoe lockers and I was now changing my shoes. I sat down on the elevated floor and began doing so.

I was actually focused on putting on my shoes that I didn't notice that a person was now standing in front of me.

I looked up and saw Katsumi smiling her usual toothy grin. She was looking down at me and her hands were on her hips. Her hair and uniform was slightly damp wet.

"Katsumi-san," I said as I hurriedly put the other shoe and stood up. We were now looking at each other within eye-level, well not exactly since I was a bit taller than her.

"I was looking for you, Akaashi-san." she said. I slightly raised an eyebrow up, "Is that your way of saying that you dashed under the rain just to find me?"

"Well..." she paused as she chuckled. "You're not wrong."

I sighed as I brought out my handkerchief from my pocket, "Where did you even look?"

"I looked for you in the courtyard." she answered. I brought the piece of cloth to her hair to dry it slightly. "Did you really think that I would go to the courtyard even if it's raining this hard?"

"Well you're a lot more unpredictable than you know." she smirked as I continued drying her long hair. "And besides, I don't have a notebook that could see in the future."

"Haha, very funny." I deadpanned as I now roughly dried her hair. Katsumi just laughed. 

"Just..." I began. Now, I brought the cloth to her face to wipe the remnants of water from it. "Just don't run under the rain next time. You might catch a cold."

"Okay~" was her response as she smiled sweetly. I was wiping her left cheek and her left eye was closed. Katsumi looked like a child and it was cute. It kind of made my heart skip a beat, kind of. 

"Why are you looking for me anyway?" I asked her as I wiped my handkerchief on her face one last time before folding it and shoving it back to my pocket. 

"Well that's because you just suddenly disappeared from the classroom and I didn't even know where you went!" she pouted as she crossed her arms. 

She now turned her head away from me, still pouting. "I thought that you might have gone home without even saying goodbye to me."

"Is that the reason why you were looking for me?" I asked her. Katsumi turned her back towards me, her lips still pouty. She slowly nodded her head.

Her little action was seriously cute. She was acting like a child and it was making my heart go doki doki and also do back flip. I felt slight heat on my ears.

"Jeez," I breathed out as I brought my hand on my nape and rubbed it. "You're acting like Bokuto-san."

"Well it runs in the blood. Deal with it." Katsumi finally turned towards me as she placed her hands on her hips. 

"I am dealing with it." I chuckled. "I am dealing with the two of you."

I looked at my feet as I let my hand fall from the back of my head. I mumbled, "But, I don't hate it. This personality of yours."

"Did you say something?" she asked as she blinked innocently at me. I looked up at her as I smiled, "It's nothing."

"Oh!" she exclaimed as if remembering something important. 

She pointed a finger at me accusingly and began babbling, "Next time if you're gonna head home without me, be sure to tell me beforehand or just simply say goodbye!"

I raised both of my hands in surrender and I said, "Yes, I will. I'm sorry. I won't repeat it again." 

Katsumi puffed air out from her mouth in slight exasperation as she lowered her finger that was pointing at me. I also began lowering my hands slowly, a bit cautious because she might point that finger at my face again.

"You'll never know what awaits us tomorrow." she plainly said. "I just wanted to spend lots of time with you. Even if it's just a second, I'll take it." 

I didn't know why she was saying something so sentimental and wise at me. I was kind of confused honestly but I just nodded at what she said.

I feel the same that she does, honestly. I really wanted to spend literally every minute of my life with her, and even if it's just a second I'll take it without hesitation. Maybe that was what she meant, I hoped. 

"I have to get going now." Katsumi said as she smiled at me. She slung her school bag on her body properly. 

"I'll walk with you." I suggested as I brought my hand on the strap of my bag, gripping on it slightly. 

"Oh no, I'm not going home just yet." she said as she wagged her hand in front of me. "I have some place to go to. Let's walk home together some time."

Katsumi smiled sweetly at me as she rummaged through inside her bag. Her eyebrows slowly pinched together when she couldn't find whatever she was looking for inside her bag.

"Dang it. I forgot my umbrella." she mumbled as she let her arms fall in an exasperated manner.

I grabbed the umbrella from my bag and handed it to Katsumi. "Here, you could use mine."

"Eh? Are you sure it's fine?" she asked as she widened her eyes at the umbrella then at me.

"It's fine. Take it." I smiled at her. Katsumi was hesitating whether to get the umbrella from me but she grabbed it anyway.

"Are you going to be fine?" she asked me, worry present on her face. I just smiled and said, "I'll just wait for Bokuto-san and the others. I'm sure they have umbrellas." 

"Though, I am not saved from Bokuto-san's sugar rush and bone cracking neck hugs." I added inside of my mind.

"Alright then. Thank you." she smiled back at me. She walked towards the edge of the entrance and opened the umbrella. Fast falling rain drops made a harsh contact against the opened blue umbrella. 

Katsumi turned back to me once last time as she smiled and waved her hand at me, "Bye, Akaashi-san. See you tomorrow."

I smiled a little as I waved my hand at her in little motions, "Bye, Katsumi-san. See you." 

Katsumi brought the umbrella up as she walked under the rain. Her body was getting smaller and smaller as she walked away. I noticed that my hand was still up so I slowly brought it down and shoved it inside my pockets instead. 

My smile slowly faded as the rain got stronger and harsher. I looked behind me, hoping that Bokuto and the others decided that it was now time to go home. I saw them coming down the stairs.

Bokuto was laughing out loud as he slapped the backs of Konoha and the others, clearly enjoying his life. While the others looked stressed and tired of baby sitting an over-excited Bokuto. 

Bokuto noticed me and he quickly raced down the stairs. He opened his arms wide as he wrapped it around my body, crashing me with his strong hugs. I couldn't breathe.

"Akaashi! There you are!" he practically shouted at my ear as he finally let me go. I had to put a hand on my chest as I basically coughed my lungs out. 

"Man, you almost killed Akaashi." Konoha said as he suddenly appeared beside Bokuto. I was still coughing and I couldn't seem to stop.

"Nah, he's strong. He could manage." Bokuto said confidently, he probably couldn't see me coughing here right in front of him.

"He literally can't! Can't you see? Akaashi's suffering!" Komi said as he motioned his hand at me, shouting dramatically too. 

My coughing session finally ended as I straighten up. My chest felt tight, my throat was burning, and my eyes were watering. And yes, I am fine. 

"Gosh Akaashi, I am so sorry." Bokuto apologized and he seemed quite worried of my condition right now. 

I cleared my throat and said, "It's fine, Bokuto-san. If I could tolerate your mood swings, this is absolutely nothing."

Bokuto's face lit up as he placed his hand on his hips confidently and turned to Konoha as he said, "I told you Akaashi is strong!"

"I would take what Akaashi said as an insult, but okay." Konoha said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Where's Katsumi?" Komi suddenly asked as he looked around the shoe lockers. Konoha's face lit up and repeated the question with a smiley face and more excitedly tone, "Yeah, where's Katsumi?!"

Komi gasped for he just registered what Konoha was trying to do. Komi turned to me, smirking. If strangers would look at us right now, they'll probably wonder why two third-years were smiling stupidly at their kouhai like they were waiting for treats or something.

"She just went out." I answered as I jerked a thumb behind me. "You just missed her."

"Why didn't you go home with her?!" Konoha exclaimed as he grabbed my shoulders. Confused, I let out "Eh?"

"In this rare times, this is where you should walk home together, you dumbass!" Konoha shouted at me as he began violently shaking me.

"It's like..." Komi began in a dreamy voice. Konoha finally stopped shaking me and took Komi's hands as they began babbling something stupid again.

"It's raining, then the two of you will share the same umbrella. Your bodies are close to each other and your shoulders are grazing. The both of you are feeling each other's heat." Komi narrated with dreamy eyes. 

"Soon, your hands will also graze and then the two of you will nervously hold hands and BOOM! You're romantically holding hands under the rain." Konoha narrated with sparkling eyes and he was holding Komi's hand.

They both look like a gay couple, honestly. If these two got together, I won't be surprised anymore.  

The two squealed to what they just came up with, holding each other's hands and jumping up and down as well. They were fanboying again. 

"That's why when there's rain, you should always, always, walk home together in one umbrella." Konoha said as he jabbed a finger at my chest. 

I brought my hand on my chest as I rubbed the spot he jabbed. It kinda hurt, by the way.

"Katsumi-san has somewhere else to go. I couldn't tag along if she has other plans." I countered.

"This is the basically the reason why you can't get her to date you." Konoha joked with a smirk. 

It might have been a joke for him, but it wasn't for me. I felt slight pinch of pain inside my heart. I pinched my eyebrows together as I looked away.  

Bokuto noticed this as he nudged Konoha's side using his elbow. He warned him, "Oi, stop it."

One look at me, Konoha knew it was a bad joke. His smile dropped and was replaced by a guilty but worried expression, "Oh shit, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright." I quickly said with a forced smile and nod of the head. Konoha looked troubled so he just closed his mouth and looked at the ground.

"I think Katsumi went to see Kenma and Kuroo." Bokuto suddenly said to me. "Eh?" was my only response.

"You see, those three had been talking and playing online games together a lot now." Bokuto explained to fill me in. "And she told me this morning she had plans with them, so... yeah."

"Oh..." was the only answer I could bring out of my mouth. I looked down as I was feeling awful emotions again. Sadness. Pain. Jealousy.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked out at path outside of the school. It was still raining hard, rain drops splattering on the muddy soil. 

"I think Katsumi-san has feelings for Kuroo-san..." I thought inside of my mind.

I didn't want to believe that sentence because this might be just a product of me overthinking, but Katsumi's actions were telling me otherwise. 

"She definitely likes him."

And there was nothing I could do about that and it was making my heart crack.

I was walking under the rain. It was now raining for hours now and it showed no signs of stopping. It was even darker now and more colder. There was no trace of sunlight because the thick clouds covered it.

The stone pavement had built up small water puddles on the ground. As I walked, splashes of water would get my shoes, socks, and even my slacks wet. It irritated me because my feet up to my shins were now wet.

The sounds that filled me in were the sounds of rain drops harshly hitting the umbrella I borrowed from Yukie, the wet footsteps me and strangers around me made, and the plopping sounds the rain made as it hit the ground.

I suddenly remembered that I needed to buy a new alarm clock since Fukuro destroyed every single one I had before. I didn't know what was her problem with clocks but I could see that she clearly despised the thing for some reason. 

Maybe clocks did something to her which probably irritated her. And let's not talk about that since I didn't know what was going on inside of that problem owl's mind. 

I was waking up in time, the only problem was Fukuro was the one doing the waking up. She would fly over my bed then suddenly gawk and squawk very loudly and I think even our neighbors could hear her. 

There were also times that if I didn't immediately comply, she would suddenly peck me using her hard beak. I was seriously acquiring bruises and cuts just from that. 

It was pretty annoying. Who knew that there was a thing worse than alarm clocks? I present to you my owl Fukuro everybody.

I sighed at remembering that. I just hoped that she won't destroy the next one that I will buy. I didn't want her hooting and pecking me first thing in the morning.

I split up with the others at the train station. I got off after a few stops and I told them I had something to buy. Everyone bid me goodbye, except for Bokuto who didn't want to let me go. 

Now, I got in some decent electric store I saw nearby. I entered inside and the smell of brand new plastic and rubber filled my nostrils. 

I folded the umbrella close and shook it a little to remove the excess water on it. I wiped the heels of my shoes on the floor mat and looked around the store.

"It looks like I might even buy stuff I don't need..." I said to myself as I saw a lot of amazing electronic stuff inside. 

I placed the umbrella on the umbrella rack by the entrance as I proceeded more deeper into the store.

I quickly got into the section where the shelves were full of different kinds of clocks. I knew I would get distracted by the stuff I could see here, so I should first buy the thing I needed.

I looked at the tall and wide white metal shelves. It displayed alarm clocks in different shapes, colors, and brands. 

I put a hand on my chin as I thought of what clock I should buy. I thought that maybe I should buy a digital now one, since all the destroyed clocks were the ones with arms.

I grabbed the digital clock my eyes first landed on. It was small, square, and black. The screen was also black and the numbers it displayed were in red digital numbers.

"This might be good enough." I said inside my mind as I looked at the small clock at all angles. "If she destroys this, I swear I'll buy a huge grandfather clock. Let's see if she could manage to destroy a clock that huge."

I smirked at my own idea as I proceeded to the cashier to pay for the item I chose. I arrived at the counter as I gave the lady clerk the item I chose to buy. 

The lady clerk had her long black hair tied up in a ponytail and there were lots of piercings on her face. She was chewing gum. She blew it into a big pink bubble as she languidly grabbed the item I placed on the counter for her to scan. 

I shoved my hands inside of my pocket. My eyes landed on the earphones stationed just beside the counter. My attention was at one particular blue earphones.

"Training camp is nearing, I wonder if I should buy one..." I said to myself, still eyeing the earphones.

"Is this all?" the clerk asked with no energy in her voice. "Uh...." I looked at the clerk then back at the earphones, deciding whether to also purchase those or not.

I quickly grabbed the earphones I've been eyeing and gave it to the clerk. She scanned it and pressed buttons on her computer. She looked at me with lazy eyes as she said the price of the items, "It's 150 yen."

I grabbed my wallet from my bag as I began counting the money I have. I gave it to the clerk and she did her job. 

I looked my wallet and luckily I still had more money left, "I could survive school lunch with these for a week."

"Here." the clerk said as she handed me a white plastic containing the items I bought. I bowed my head slightly as I mumbled to thank her.

I proceeded to the entrance and it was still raining hard outside. I grabbed my umbrella from the rack, opened it, and put it upward as I stepped out under the rain. The rain drops made loud harsh sounds as it landed on the umbrella.

I made my way to the station so I could finally go home. I just took the path where I walked earlier. But I noticed that the puddles were now deep and eventually it was now a mini flood. 

I sighed. I looked around to find a different route to go to the station without wetting my feet. I found a small alleyway and I think this will lead me to the station. I didn't know the ways here but my gut feeling was strong with this one.

And so I walked down that path. There was less people walking here, in fact it was almost zero. Instead of walking pass by buildings and establishments, I was passing by trees and houses. 

It looked like I got inside the residential area nearby. The alleyway lead me to a path to the residential area. 

I was fine by it as long as this path leads me towards the station and the water puddles on the ground won't make my socks damp and my feet stinky. 

As I walked deeper on the path, I noticed that this particular path looked familiar. So I looked around me as I went back to my memory lane if I ever walked on this certain pathway before.

I looked around more by turning my head at all sides and letting my eyes roam on every angle and the surroundings helped me remember. This was the residential area where the school Nekoma was close by.

I pinched my eyebrows together as I groaned in annoyance. I mumbled, "Just as I was forgetting about the Kuroo-san issue, here I am, close to his school." 

I shook the thought away as I continued walking. The rain was still pouring hard. Splashes of water were still getting on my legs but it wasn't as bad as earlier. 

The temperature was cold and I was glad I was wearing my coat or else I knew I'll be shivering if I hadn't. 

The rain drops were plopping audibly against the umbrella on top of my head. Some of the water droplets stayed on the umbrella and some slid off.

I continued walking and soon I arrived beside a school. The sign on the school read, "Metropolitan Nekoma High".

I stopped on my tracks and stared at the school before me for a few minutes. The rain also fell there and they weren't students walking near it. 

It felt and looked... quiet. The school looked abandoned for some reason. 

I turned around and began walking away. I ignored the fact that the school was there and just continued putting one foot before the other. I just didn't want bad emotions get into me.

I noticed that I spaced out. I only got to my senses when I saw a human figure before me. Since the rain was strong, I didn't know who it was. All I could see was the raindrops falling fast and slightly visible white fog.

I continued walking and that's where I noticed that the human figure looked familiar. It was a girl who had long hair with unique hair color and she was holding up a blue umbrella. 

It was Katsumi.

My lips slightly curve into a smile as I decided to approach her, but I stopped short when I noticed that...

She wasn't alone.

I noticed three boys was right in front of her. They were wearing dark colored clothes and they looked like they were gangsters. They were smirking as they seductively held and rubbed their hands on Katsumi's arms and shoulders.

Katsumi looked terrified and she couldn't even move because of that. She had her eyebrows furrowed, tears forming in her eyes, and her grip on the handle of the umbrella tightening. 

They were harassing Katsumi.

The sight of Katsumi super terrified made me worry a lot. My anger towards those three strangers was building up. A lot of unpleasant emotions were building up inside my chest.

I clicked my tongue in agitation as I threw the umbrella and the plastic bag as I began dashing towards them. It felt like the intense anger I was feeling was also pumping my adrenaline. 

I felt the rain drops damping my face as well as my clothes, but I didn't care about that anymore. I just wanted to save Katsumi. 

I never acted like this, and I knew that. But just the thought of someone doing these things towards Katsumi that makes her like this, it was making all the emotions my brain had known burst out like an overloaded water balloon. 

I ran as fast as I could, I was nearing her and the three bastards. I planned of stepping in front of Katsumi, shielding her from them as I do. And then I'll blow a powerful punch on one of the guys' jaw. 

I won't care if these guys will hurt or even kill me, what matters to me is that Katsumi will be safe. And that alone is enough. 

I won't let anyone hurt her and if I had to protect her with my life, I'll do it without hesitation. 

But then, I stopped. I suddenly stopped on my tracks. I wanted to run forward, but my legs wouldn't listen to me. The reason why I stopped was...

Kuroo suddenly appeared there with Katsumi and the other guys.

Kuroo stood in front of Katsumi as he shielded her from the perverted guys. Kuroo had his hands on his hips as he smirked at the three guys. He was probably saying irritating stuff to provoke them.

The three guys looked offended at what Kuroo said. They brought their fists up, trying to look confident and scary but in reality they just looked like scared dogs with all bark and no bite. 

In a swift motion, I saw Kuroo landed a fast blow on one of the guy's face. He fell on the ground as he put a hand against his face. The guy quickly got on his feet and ran away from them as fast as possible, the other two guys soon ran after him.

Kuroo smirked one last time as he turned to see Katsumi. Katsumi was crying under the rain, she was wiping her tears mixed with rain water using her hands. 

The sight made my heart shatter.

I wanted to walk up to her, and take her into my arms as I soothed her from her crying. But I couldn't do that, since Kuroo was there to do the things I wanted to do with her.

Kuroo pinched his eyebrows together as he gently pat Katsumi's head. Katsumi was crying harder now and she buried her face on Kuroo's chest, tightening her grip.

Kuroo was taken a back at first and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around his body. His expression soften as he lovingly caress Katsumi's head. Katsumi's shoulders shook as she cried, she buried her face more on his chest.

There they were, Kuroo had his arms wrapped around a crying Katsumi. He was soothing her from her crying.

The sight broke my heart even more. My chest was filled with lots of awful and unpleasant emotions. Pain. Sadness. Jealously. 

My chest hurt a lot. I put a hand against my chest, to the spot where my heart was and gripped on my clothes tightly. I was hoping that if I did this, the pain might disappear. But it didn't, it only intensified.

My eyes felt hot and soon began to water. Soon, tears began flowing down my cheeks. The tears I was crying was mixed with the rain water. I couldn't feel the hot tears, I just felt water slid down my face.

It felt like my heart was being crashed and shattered in millions of pieces. It hurt, a lot. The pain I was feeling was intense making it unbearable.

I looked away from Kuroo and Katsumi. I began walking away. I grabbed the umbrella and plastic bag that I dropped on the ground earlier. Both were now soaked wet.

I walked away from them. I wiped the tears off my face using my free hand as I held in the tears falling. 

I felt horrible, really horrible. Every inch of my body was aching. The pain I was feeling was unbearable now.

I couldn't stop the tears I was holding in and ended up crying again. I stopped in my tracks as I put my arm against my eyes and dropped the umbrella as I cried some more under the strong downpour of the rain.

If I could wish for something, I'll wish that I never caught any feelings for Katsumi. Because these romantic feelings that I had gave me nothing but pain. 



Y'all, sorry for the past angsty chapters. It's for the sake of the plot. I know you'll understand since we all do anything for the plot.... right?

Okay! I just wanted to share that I started Tumblr... uh.... one week ago? Two weeks ago? I don't how days go by now, I don't even know what day is it today.

Anyway, I'm sure y'all know what kind of bullshit I write here, and apparently since I had a Tumblr account now, I am also channeling my inner fuckery in there.

So if you're interested of reading my incorrect haikyuu quotes, the link to my Tumblr is at my Wattpad profile. 

And yes, I use this book to endorse other things besides my fanfics pfft. I run a business so I can't help it, and that businesses are writing lots of bullshits, my fave. 

And oh, as all of you can notice. At the start of the chapter, I've been putting in photos instead of gifs. Well that's because, our internet is a freaking sloth wanna-be and it couldn't freaking upload the gif.

So, I might put pictures on there now instead of gifs.

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