Thomas Jefferson's Coming Hom...

By Chromatica_Schuyler

270K 6.7K 13.1K

Y/n Washington, the only child of America's first President George Washington. At 18 years old you are the mo... More

Thomas Jefferson Welcome Home
A Cabinet Meeting
Wine Glasses
Broken Hearts
A Letter
Why is she on your Couch?
A Talk with Dad
George She Loves Him
Romeo and Juliet
We Need to Talk
Don't Pull the Trigger
The Plan
A Winter's Ball
Go Back to Sleep
He Was Here
Back to Work
Fairy Tale Thunderstorm
Martha Washington
So I Guess This Makes Us Sisters
The Press
She Wants to Stay Here
The Dangers of Forgetting Lunch
Was I Just Kidnapped?
Why are you Afraid to Cry in Front of Me?
The Night Before the Wedding
Wedding Day Part 1
Wedding Day Part 2
The Morning After
His Return
I'm Worried About Her
Back Home
Back at Monticello
Thomas I'm Pregnant
Anastasia's Reprise
Look at my Son
Family Bonding
Thomas's Lullaby
Don't Pull on my Curls
George Washington's Return
Miss Maria Reynolds
She's The Victim
Alexander You Did Not
We Need A Vacation
The Sequel Is Out!

The Reynolds Pamphlet

2.2K 63 147
By Chromatica_Schuyler

~4 year time skip~

~Y/n's POV~

"Mommy look!" Alex exclaimed, running up to me with a drawing. I took the drawing in my hands, "Look I drew you, I drew daddy, I drew George and I drew baby Rose." Alexander Hamilton Jefferson was 3 and a half now. Thomas and I had two other kids now. George Washington Jefferson who was 2 and Rose Jefferson who was 3 months old. 

"It's beautiful honey!" I exclaimed, "and daddy's hair looks flawless as usual!" That's when Thomas walked in the door. He was holding a newspaper and looked defeated. Alex took the drawing form my hands and ran up to Thomas. 

"Daddy, daddy look! I drew a picture!" He exclaimed. Thomas put down the newspaper and took the drawing into his hands. 

"It's beautiful Alex and my hair looks amazing, but can you go back to your room, mommy and I need to have an adult discussion," Thomas said. Alex nodded, grabbing the drawing and running back up the stairs. Thomas picked back up the newspaper and walked over to me. 

"What's up?" I asked, setting down my book. 

"Have you read this mornings newspaper?" He asked. 

"No," I replied. He handed it to me and I immediately wish I hadn't read it. 

"The Reynolds Pamphlet: Alexander Hamilton had a Torrid Affair!" It read. 

"What," was all I could say. 

"Keep reading." 

"The charge against me is in connection with one James Reynolds for purposes of improper speculation. My real crime is an amorous connection with his wife for a considerable time with his knowing consent." 

"This can't be real," was all I was able to say. 

"Oh it is real now keep reading." 

""I had frequent meetings with her most of them at my own house. Mrs. Hamilton, with our children, being absent on a visit to her father." After I finished reading the whole thing I collapsed on the couch. 

"This cannot be happening," was all I was able to say. How did Alexander, the godfather of my children cheat on his loving wife Eliza with this Maria Reynolds woman? Thomas got up, got a glass of water and then handed it to me. 

"I need to go talk to Alexander," I said, getting up. 

"Y/n are you sure that's a good idea?" Thomas asked. 

"I need to talk to him, Thomas. He's like a father to me," and with that I ran out of the house. I ran to Alexander's house and knocked on the door. Philip opened it. 

"Pip," was all I was able to say, pulling him into my arms. He had clearly been crying.

"Y/n why did he do what he did?" He sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed my hand up and down the young mans back. It was hard to believe Philip was 15 now. 

"Philip, I don't know," was all I was able to say, "where is your mother?"

"She's in her bedroom," Philip croaked. I nodded and ran upstairs and flung open the door. Eliza was sitting on the floor, looking at a letter. 


"Don't. You're here to see him aren't you. To comfort him. To tell him what he did was okay. I'm surprised he didn't slip into your bed," Eliza snarled. I was taken aback by this. I had never seen her like this. My jaw was practically on the floor. 

"I'm not here to tell him what he did was okay. I'm here to knock some sense into him. Also I would never ever ever sleep with Alexander," I said. 

"I don't wanna hear it Y/n. Go talk to him. He's like a father to you after all," Eliza sobbed onto the letter. 

"Eliza please-" 

"Go, just go!" She yelled. I quickly left the room and closed the door. I knocked on Alexander's office door. I just heard sobbing. 

"Alexander-" I called. I slowly opened the door. Alexander was at his desk, his head in his hands and tears streaming down his face. I walked over and sat across from him. 

"You fucked up," was all I was able to say. He just kept crying. 

"I-I've lost her haven't I," Alexander sobbed. 

"Alexander I honestly don't know." 

"How could I have been so stupid and selfish!" He cried into his hands. I grabbed one of his hands and took it into mine. I didn't want to forgive Alexander. He messed up big time, but he was my best friend. I had to be here for him. 

"Alexander," was all I was able to say. 

"I should of just let James Reynolds tell Eliza. I should have never paid him!" Alexander yelled. He stood up suddenly and flung a stack of papers at the floor. 


"DON'T ALEXANDER ME!" He screamed, he then fell to the floor and sobbed again. 

"Alexander please listen to me," I said. He looked up at me with sad puppy dog eyes. I sat next to him and pulled him into my arms. 

"It's the hurricane all over again," he croaked out in between sobs. 

"I know Alexander, but you have to understand you really messed up." 

"I can't lose her. I love her!" 

"I know Alexander." 

"I'm a fucking idiot!" 

"Alexander what can I do to help?" I asked. 

"Stay here with me, please?" He pleaded. I nodded. What he did was awful, but at least he regretted it. 

A/n I hope you liked this chapter! Also holy shit thank you for over 40k reads! This means a lot to me. Anyway for this Gaga update we remember this iconic look. She looks like an actual angel in this. I mean she already is an angel, but this dress just confirms it. 

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