Sister to Jonas

By Cubs09

25.9K 540 91

The Jonas family is very tight-knit, but no one gets along better than twin brother and sister Joe and Brexle... More

Best Friend
9th Inning
How to Succeed
Not Anymore
Moving On
Cake by the Ocean
Staples Center
New York
Hometown Crowd
Author's Note


362 10 0
By Cubs09

Brexley's POV

"I'm getting a double scoop of chocolate marshmallow. No questions asked," Joe says as we arrive at Scoops.

"Of course you are," I tell him, shaking my head, and he grins cheekily.

"I think I'm going to have to go with a single scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough," Sophie says, and I nod.

"Me too."

The three of us order, and then Nick goes, getting a double scoop of cotton candy. Kevin orders a single scoop of rocky road, and Danielle brings up the rear, with a single scoop of butter pecan. After paying and receiving the ice cream, we head back outside into the California sunlight to eat.

"This ice cream is amazing. I didn't know Los Angeles had such good stuff," Sophie remarks.

"Haven't you ever stopped for ice cream in this city before?" Joe asks incredulously.

"I've never been to this city before this trip," Sophie says, and Kevin almost drops his cone at this statement.

"Seriously? But then you have so much to see!" he says.

"I know," she says with a giggle.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" Nick asks, and she shakes her head no.

"We've got nothing going on for the next two days, and then we fly out," Sophie says.

"We have to go show you the Hollywood sign tomorrow, then," says Nick.

"Can you? Really?"

"Yes. You know how fun that would be?"

As Nick says this, I can see Joe smiling along with Sophie, obviously sharing her excitement to be hanging out tomorrow as well. I am equally as excited; Sophie is a great person and she's super fun to be around, even if she is a few years younger than the rest of us.

"You guys are awesome. Thank you," Sophie says.

"One condition. You have to tell us what happens at the end of this season of Game of Thrones," Joe jokes, and she smiles, shaking her head at him.

"Sorry, Joe. Can't happen."

"Dang it. Well, it was worth a shot," he says, and he continues to eat his ice cream.

After arriving back at our house, we all settle into different spots in the living room and prepare for our movie marathon. Then, I open my phone to the notes section, so that I can write down which movies we plan to watch.

"I'm thinking everyone requests a movie, and that's how we do this," I say.

"So we're going to watch six movies?" Kevin laughs.

"Do you have somewhere you need to be tonight?" I joke, and he shakes his head no.

"What about you, Sophie? Do you have a time limit?" Joe asks.

"No, I don't have anything going on," she says.

"Why don't we just have everyone give suggestions, and then we use a random generator to narrow it down to two or three movies? I feel like we're going to get bored if we watch six today," Nick says.

"Yeah, we could do that," I say, and everyone agrees. "Joe? What's your pick?"

"Uhhh..." he says, racking his brain for a good movie. "The Lion King."

"Mulan," Nick says.

"Hercules," Kevin suggests.

"High School Musical 2," Danielle adds.

"I'll say Lemonade Mouth, to switch it up a little. What about you, Sophie?"

"Camp Rock," she says, a devilish grin on her face.

"NO!" Joe yells, as Nick and Kevin shake their heads at her.

"That's my pick. You can't tell me no," Sophie says cheekily, and Joe looks playfully distraught.

"I hate watching myself in that movie," he says, but he shrugs it off. "Hopefully the generator doesn't pick it."

I log onto my laptop, pulling up an online generator to plug our movie choices into. Once they're all typed into the website, I click the select button and it takes a few moments to roll through the options before settling on our first movie.

"First movie: Mulan," I announce, and Nick screeches his pleasure at this, considering we usually never end up watching the movies he suggests. "Second movie: Lion King."

"Let's goooo!" Joe yells, pumping his fist in the air.

"Last movie..."

"PLEASE don't be Camp Rock!" Joe pleads.

"Last movie: Camp Rock!" I say, high fiving Sophie triumphantly as she looks excited.

"You're lying! You've got to be lying!" Joe says, peering at the computer screen to see if I cheated. Huffing when he realizes I didn't, he settles back against the couch. "Whatever. It's the last movie. I'll probably be asleep by then anyway."

"Yes! I've never seen this movie, so how better to watch it for the first time than with some of the people who are actually in it!" Sophie says.

"It'll be fun to watch. We'll sing along with it, won't we, Joe?" Kevin says, grinning at his brother.

"Sure. You know what? Why not. It's not like I haven't sung those songs a million times for people before," Joe says, finally giving in to the movie choice.

"That's going to be something if you actually remember the lyrics," I tease him, and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"I don't always forget them."

"Yes you do," Kevin says.

"Yes I do."

Around three and a half hours later, after finishing Mulan and The Lion King, we all get up from where we are sitting to watch the movies and stretch out a little bit. That's a long time to stay in one spot, especially for us, who are always on the move. Then, after making some popcorn and getting sodas from the fridge in the garage, we return to our places and I press play on the movie Sophie and I are most looking forward to; Camp Rock.

"Are you ready to watch this cinematic masterpiece?" Joe asks, and Sophie nods with a laugh.

"Of course I am, and you better be singing."

"Don't you worry."

Upon reaching the scene where Mitchie is watching HotTunes tv and sees Shane Gray has been causing trouble, Kevin sniggers at Joe.

"I forgot your hair used to look like that. Not a great look, dude."

"You're one to talk. Just wait until you see your old hairstyle! Sideburns and all!" Joe fires back, and Kevin shuts up.

"Wait, Joe, that's you?" Sophie asks, and Joe grudgingly nods.

"Unfortunately, it is." At this, Sophie almost loses her mind with how much she is laughing.

No one says anything else until Nate and Jason Gray are dropping Shane off at Camp Rock. As if they had made the agreement ahead of time, Kevin, Nick, and Joe all stand to act out the scene along with their characters.

"How do you guys still remember this word for word?" Danielle asks when they have completed it and sat back down.

"When fans quote it at you all the time, you tend to remember it," Kevin says, placing his arm around his wife as he continues to watch the movie.

Sophie gets a kick out of the part where Shane is running away from the screaming fans at camp and trips on his way to hide behind the trees. I can't help but laugh at this as well; it's my favorite part because it wasn't planned for Joe to fall. He's just clumsy like that. My twin ignores Start the Party, the famous dance scene, because he thinks it's 'the most embarrassing'. Nobody pushes him to act that one out, since he's been a decent sport about all of this so far. And then we reach the scene by the lake, with Joe singing Gotta Find You, and he stands up to sing along as promised with his phone acting as his microphone.

"Wow, Joe, vocals on point," I tell him after he's finished, and he gives me a snarky grin as he nods.

"I know, right? It's a no wonder our band was blowing up when this movie was made. My singing skills were fantastic!"

"That's funny, because I sang a lot of the songs that made us popular too!" Nick protests playfully, and Joe just shrugs at him, sitting back down.

All three boys are forced to sing along to Play My Music, and Joe even goes so far as to reenact his fantastic dance moves from the scene. Kevin, trying to match his energy, attempts his famous spin move while playing air guitar, but almost crashes into the tv set and then gives up. Better not to risk it. About forty-five minutes later we conclude the movie with the famous This Is Me, again sung partly by Joe in real life and in the movie, and then we all get up and dance to the last scene that involves the whole camp.

"That movie was great. I'll definitely have to watch the second one some time with you guys," Sophie remarks as the credits roll and we clean up the living room.

"Not for a looooong time," Joe says. "I've had enough for a while."

"Come on, it wasn't that bad," Kevin says.

"For you! I'm in, like, the whole movie!"

"Fair enough."

"I think it was good. You guys were very good actors," Sophie compliments them.

"Well, thank you," Joe says, and Kevin and Nick nod their thanks as well.

Joe and Nick go off to drive Sophie back to where she's staying then, after we all say our goodbyes and let her know we will be picking her up around 10:30 for our adventures tomorrow. Kevin, Danielle and I finish cleaning up the living room before heading upstairs to our bedrooms to get some rest. It's been a very fun day, and tomorrow has the promise of being even better.

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