Alive | ør | Asleep •Jyler•...

By -M-I-N-E-

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Alive | ør | Asleep, Book Two of: We're Human. COMPLETED Disclaimer: it mentions depression, self-conscious... More

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𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲


42 3 7
By -M-I-N-E-

Header photo credit: JishJosephh


Warnings: mentions suicide, profanity.

Words 1284



Tyler knocked softly on Josh's door, anxiety rushing through his veins as he waited patiently at the door. This would be his proof. He couldn't find him anywhere else, so if he wasn't here then he most likely was dead.

That terrified Tyler tremendously and he hoped he would just come to the door and do the handshake with him.

A few seconds passed, so Tyler knocked again.

No answer.

He knocked one more time, because he might've just been in the bathroom.

But after a full minute his body slouched in defeat as he began to turn and walk the other way.

This still didn't mean he was gone. He could've just left to do laundry downstairs.

Tyler then stopped in his tracks as he saw the black cloaked figures watching him from the Dema Tower.

They were called Watchers.

They weren't exactly human, but they never took their cloaks off to identify their features. The only body part seen was their eyes. They glowed a bright red, and they gave you a look as if you were the most hated being in the entire universe.

Their cloak looked like they were crafted out of the Crow's dark black feathers, and the top of the hood reminded Tyler of a crow's long sharp beak. He honestly wouldn't be surprised if they plucked the feathers while the poor animal was still alive, making the bird suffer every time they removed a single piece of armor from it's small body.

The Watchers were the 'people' who watched day and night, waiting patiently for an attempted escape. Those were the 'people' who handled the speakers when a runner was attempting and most likely failing.

What were they doing watching Tyler? Did they think he was attempting to escape? All because he went to knock on Josh's door?

Tyler then had an idea...

He quickly turned around, trying his best not to look at the creatures so they didn't suspect he knew their stalking.

He marched up to the door again, twisting the handle, and swiftly yet surprisingly, slipping himself into the dark dim lit room owned by Josh.

He quickly shut the door, his posture confident and non-worrisome for any watchers who might be watching him.

No one was quite sure, but some people theorized that they could see through walls with their devilish glare. So, with that information, he moved quickly through Josh's apartment, opening drawers and looking under his bed.

He was no longer looking for Josh, he was now looking for evidence that he was still alive.

As he rummaged through Josh's drawers, one certain piece of paper caught his eye. Suicide note? Maybe.

Tyler grasped it in his hand, looking around the room quickly before glancing over the pages. He unfolded the wrinkled paper, a small ripped piece of paper fell out. Tyler quickly snatched it before it floated to the ground, looking at it with furrowed eyebrows and confusion.

It was only a teared piece of paper with a grey compass. He hummed in thought, as he stuck it in his pants; Deciding to look over it later and to move on to the note.

> They're asleep. The night took forever to arrive, and now we're almost ready. We've studied the watchers, and know that there's no chance that we can step through unnoticed. So, instead of trying to hide ourselves, we'll make sure that all of us are noticed. It's been one year since the last convocation, and tomorrow's Annual Assemblage of Glorified will be the biggest spectacle this concrete coffin of a city has seen all year. If we time it right, we'll divert the attention of the watchers and finally take the step through. We've had no contact, but we're hoping the other side will be able to find a way in. We're not sure of the breach location, but we are willing to risk being smeared in order to find it. We know that we must go lower, and wait for the torches. They've never seen anything quite like this, and by morning, everything will be different. I'm terrified and excited, all at the same time. They don't control us.
> - Clancy


Tyler read through the small paragraph, slightly shocked at the name seen at the bottom.

Who was Clancy and why was he writing to Josh? Who is we?

There were so many questions swarming through Tyler's mind, all he could do was quickly cram the note in his pocket, and casually walk home as if nothing happened.

The watchers eyes seemed to follow him though.


Jenna and Tyler walked down the graveyard's sidewalk, one hand holding each other's and one hand holding flowers.

They were currently walking to Brennan Black's grave. He had committed suicide not to long ago.

No one knew until the head count, and Jenna struggled to keep herself standing from the loud siren that screamed right after they called for his name into the crowd.

Tyler had grasped her hand, squeezing it gently to reassure her. Ever since that head count, Jenna had been scared to death of them. She didn't want a bishop telling her one of her family members died. She wanted to be told carefully and not carelessly. Hell, all she wanted was Brennan to be alive.

"Do you think Josh did it?" Tyler asked quietly as they walked, the only sound was the kaws of the crows and the slight ruffle of the bushes from the wind.

Jenna didn't need him to elaborate. She knew about the theory of Josh attempting escape, and she knew the closeness of him and her husband quite well. Jenna shrugged, "I don't know."

Jenna believed that there was a chance he died, but she didn't want to come out and tell Tyler that.

Tyler nodded, staring at his feet as they carried him across the pebbly pavement. "I think he did it."

Jenna then became slightly confused. Were they talking about the same thing? "What do you mean?"

Tyler stopped, looking around for any watchers before bringing Jenna closer into a hug. Jenna excepted it, yet she was sort of confused by the matter. "I think he escaped." He whispered in her ear. He kissed her cheek lovingly, before grabbing her hand and tugging her along with him, smiling.

Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, lost on the matter. "You think he escape-"

Tyler quickly nudged her in the shoulder, flinging his arm over her shoulders, startling her the slightest bit. "Shhh, they might be listening." He whispered, softly rubbing her shoulder. "Sorry for nudging you."

"Oh," Jenna glanced around, as they stopped at their destination.

"I'll show you the letter when we get home." Tyler said quietly and gently as he helped Jenna ease herself down into the soil, her knees holding her up as well as Tyler for support.

"Okay." Jenna replied. Although she still was quite confused on the matter, she decided not to question him, especially out here.

Tyler let out a deep breath, glancing down at the grave that read Brennan Black. "He was a good man."

Jenna smiled softly, refusing to frown because of his death. Brennan would want her to be happy, and celebrate his life. "The best." Jenna mumbled, sniffling the slightest bit as she put the flowers beside his neon gravestone.

They stood there for a moment, until Jenna was done staring at his neon name. She reached for Tyler's arm, who pulled her up into a standing position.

"Alright, we can go home now." Jenna mumbled, before glancing one last time to his grave. "Bye Brennan." She whispered as they began to walk back towards the apartments.


Sorry it's so late! I have a job now


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