A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no...

By CrownedCabbage

911K 41.3K 88K

{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket cha... More

Chapter 1- When in Doubt, Eat Chicken Nuggets
Chapter 2- Well He Could Use a Snickers™
Chapter 3- Welcome to Polar Star!
Chapter 4- Cooking for a Nude Man
Chapter 5- How Does One Obtain Such Power?
Chapter 6- We Have a Farm!?
Chapter 7- The Jiggle of the Jello
Chapter 8- No Misteak About It
Chapter 9- Duel of the Don
Chapter 10- Look at Me
Chapter 11- To Camp We Go!
Chapter 12- I Killed a Chicken With My Bare Hands
Chapter 13- Who's the Juggle Master? I'm the Juggle Master!
Christmas Special; Merry Christmas!
Chapter 14- Terror of Nine Vegetables!
Chapter 15- The Magician From the East!
Chapter 16- Two Big Losers
Chapter 17- Revealed Nemesis
Chapter 18- An Egg-citing Breakfast Buffet
Chapter 19- Camp's Completion
Chapter 20- Like Father, Like Son
Chapter 21- Midnight on a Mountain
Chapter 22- Preparation Revelation
Chapter 23- Stolen Possession
Chapter 24- Autumnal Elections Announcements and Cinnamon-Stick-Sniffers
Chapter 25- Keep Calm and Curry On
Chapter 26- Unexpected Dip
Valentine's Special; Happy Valentine's Day!
Chapter 27- The Festival
Chapter 28 - Splat
Chapter 29- Summer's End
Chapter 30- Nervous Nightmares; Autumn Election, Start!
Chapter 31- Of Curry and Courage
Chapter 32- Preliminaries, End! Beep Beep, LETTUCE
Chapter 33- Crab Cake Closure
Chapter 34- Party Games; Missent Messages
Chapter 35 - Quarterfinals, Round 1! ; Crabs and Cicadas
Chapter 36 - Don't Eat the Potato Salad
Chapter 37 - Got Beef?
Chapter 38 - Autumn Elections Finals! ...Where is the Exit?
Chapter 40 - Stagiaire, Stage 1: Noodle-Doodle-Doo
Chapter 41 - Stagiaire, Stage 2: Ristorante F
Hot Springs Special - The River's Master
Chapter 42 - New Recruit
Chapter 43 - Scooters, Showers, and Unsolicited Teammates
Chapter 44 - Grocery Runs and Cursed Mascots
Chapter 45 - Revenge of the Cursed Mascots!
Chapter 46 - An A-bun-dance of Problems
Chapter 47 - Moon Festival, End: A Fireworks Finale!
White Day Special; Happy White Day!
Chapter 48 - Go Home
Chapter 49 - Salty Rice and Microwave Curry
Chapter 50 - Are You Chicken?
Chapter 51 - Frog Bread Friends
Chapter 52 - Scouting the Competition
Chapter 53 - Director Dumpling
Chapter 54 - Mr. Clean Michelin Man
Chapter 55 - Sparklers, S'mores, and Bonfires; Promotion Exams, Start!
Chapter 56 - Starry Nights in Sapporo
Chapter 57 - Count McChonkster and Kevin C. Cucumber
Chapter 58 - Promotion Exams, Stage 3: A Concerning Lack of Nipples
Chapter 59 - Reunions, Rooftops.... and Revolution
Chapter 60 - A Second Attempt at Snowball Assault
Chapter 61 - It's All Ogre Now; Down with the Empire
Chapter 62 - A Demon of a Dad
Chapter 63 - Osteoporosis
Goodbye, Joichiro (Bonus Backstory: Yasuo)
Chapter 64 - Your Cooking
Chapter 65 - The Meaning in a Name
Chapter 66 - Like a Hotdog Against the Windshield
Chapter 67 - Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo
Chapter 68 - Team Shokugeki, Start! ; Funny F-eel-ings and Broken Kitchenware
Chapter 69 - Bout 1, End: Rice Ball Assault and Garlic-Induced Grief
Chapter 70 - Bout 2, Start: Dabbing on da Hatersss
Chapter 71 - Teletubbies, Gaslighting, and Gacha Toys
Chapter 72 - Spillin' the Tea
Chapter 73 - A Hint of Goat; None Pizza, Left Beef

Chapter 39 - Shiomi Seminar, and the Stegosaurus?

6.4K 363 896
By CrownedCabbage

(Name)'s POV

"Where are you headed so early in the morning?"

I paused, half-way out the door, and looked up to where Isshiki stood at the top of the stairs.

"Figures you'd be awake already, Isshiki-senpai." The upperclassman chuckled at my observation, descending the steps so he was standing before me. He'd changed from his farming fundoshi into his standard apron, which was a little better nudity-wise, and I squinted at his toned arms in annoyance.

Yeah, I'll never get used to this.

He noticed my staring and grinned, obviously happy I was sticking to my promise of... looking at him. Weirdo.

"Did you nude—need something?" I bit my tongue as I felt myself die a little inside.

"Not in particular, no. Just seeing you off is all." He reached around me to hold open the door.

"...Huh. Thanks, Isshiki-senpai." It was nice of him to do so, but I could tell he still wanted something from the gleam in his eye. "I'll see you later then?"

He nodded and waved, standing at the door as I walked off. I still found it odd that he was doing this, but I supposed it was nice having someone to send me off.

"Good luck, (Name)-chan! I trust you'll do well in the next stage of your first year!"

"Thanks, Isshiki-senpai!" I called back to him. Wait, next stage? I stopped and turned back around. "What do you mean next stage?"

But he was already gone, leaving me to shout at the dorm's exterior in the dark.

Great, there's probably another test or camp from hell again... I slumped my shoulders and resumed my journey. As if everyday classes aren't enough. I can never catch a break at this school.


I arrived at the Shiomi Research Society at seven sharp, right on time. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon at this point, leaving me to wonder if it was normal for the woman to wake so early each day.

It was near impossible to get out of bed this morning... I even retired from the party early so I could sleep.

Then again, it started late to begin with. I rubbed my temple, a bit fatigued as I recalled the obligatory celebration for Soma's performance in the Elections. Last night's a blur of rice juice, confetti, and... onion rings?

The seminar's shabby exterior did little to deter me as this was now my second time visiting the building. I rang the bell and waited, but when no response came, I checked my watch. She did say seven, right? I rang again.

Please tell me I didn't walk all the way out here for nothing. My feet ached at the thought of making the long trek back when the door creaked open.

"Who is it?" I looked up to be greeted by a pair of striking green eyes. And the rest of Hayama, too. "Homura?"

He opened the door to show his full self but not enough to invite me inside. "Why are you here?"

I sweated at the less-than-friendly greeting, plus the fact that this was the same dude that won the Autumn Election literally less than 24 hours ago. Could you blame me for being a little bit intimidated?

"Uhhhhhhh, Shiomi-senpai—"

As if summoned by her name, the woman slipped under Hayama's arm to stand in front of him, bouncing in place. "(Surname)-chan! Welcome, welcome!" She grabbed my wrist and all but dragged me inside, Hayama shoved aside in her haste.

"I told you we were expecting a guest this morning, Hayama-kun!" She scolded him, still dragging me by the arm.

The male shut the door and followed after us calmly. "Actually you didn't, Jun. You told me something important was happening today but didn't specify what."

The woman halted in her tracks and spun around to point at him. "Yes! (Surname)-chan is the important thing!" Did she just refer to me as a 'thing?' "And don't call me Jun!"

Hayama ignored her in favor of giving me a once-over, and I squirmed a little under his calculating gaze. Luckily, Jun pulled me away before I could get too uncomfortable.

She led me into one of the rooms where she ushered me onto the couch. A large whiteboard stood beside the window with various calculations scribbled across it, and a tornado of other notes littered the floor throughout. She jumped when she noticed this mess and scrambled to clean it up, barking orders at her assistant to go prepare us some tea.


The Autumn Elections winner and technically the top chef of our year.

Making me tea.

I waved my hands frantically, appalled by the suggestion. "It's okay! Y-you really don't have to."

While the apathetic vibe that Hayama radiated wasn't exactly welcoming, he merely blinked at me before leaving to obey Jun's orders. Okay then.

The professor stacked the papers haphazardly onto the table and finally sat across from me, the pile immediately collapsing into a jumble again. She ignored them, however, and adjusted the round frames atop her nose. "Are you comfortable, (Surname)-chan? Is there anything I can get for you?"

"I'm fine, thank you." I bowed my head politely, though she continued to jitter with energy. "Really."

Hayama returned with a tray of tea which he placed on the table between us. As we grabbed our cups, he automatically reached to straighten the mess of papers, placing them in a binder nearby. Seems it wasn't his first time organizing her mess.

"Thank you, Hayama-kun." Jun smiled and sipped from her cup. I followed her example and sipped, relishing the warmth.

...Cinnamon. I couldn't help but giggle into my cup. Of course it'd be cinnamon.

"What is it?" Hayama asked, mistaking my giggles for something else. I stiffened under his expectant stare and shook my head.

But I couldn't wipe the dumb smile off my face, so I took another sip. "It's nothing. Thanks again for the tea."

Hayama raised a brow at my odd behavior but let it go, taking the tray with him as he exited. "I'll be in the other room if you need me, Jun."

"It's 'Professor Shiomi' to you!" She hollered after him, irked by his informality.

I smiled at the interaction. From what I'd seen so far, it was clear she cared for him like a mother. Was she his guardian, perhaps? I knew little about his background, not that it was my business or anything.

"I'd like to thank you again, Shiomi-senpai. I know students aren't permitted to special seminars until second year, so I appreciate you taking the time to teach me today." I thanked the professor, running my thumb along the ceramic handle of the teacup. "Of course Hayama-san's the exception to that rule seeing how he won the Elections..." My voice trailed off at the end, unsure why I decided to bring up that fact when I couldn't even advance past the preliminaries.

Jun beamed. "Yes, Hayama-kun is amazing isn't he? Although, it's a shame you didn't progress past the prelims!"

I croaked, her reminder piercing me like an arrow.

"And I didn't even get to greet your father!" She puffed her cheeks in disappointment this time, and I sweatdropped as I wondered how that interaction would have gone.

"You're right. If only I'd performed better the first round..." The dainty teacup exuded warmth into my fingers as I balanced it atop my knee. I now traced the rim of the cup with my finger, shoulders slumping.

"Seeing all those amazing chefs perform in the Election... it kinda knocked the wind outta my sails. Or at least it did, for a little while." Just being here in the same building as Hayama was like a wakeup call.

Jun placed down her teacup at my sudden gloominess, her lips pursing with worry.

"(Surname)..." I hardly thought to protest the name at this point.

"But I," I sat a little straighter and looked the woman in the eyes, "I want to try! No, I will try harder!" Jun also straightened at my abrupt declaration as I lifted my fist, determined.

"I feel like I've been floating along this entire year, always a moment away from sinking, but I don't want to do that anymore." I lowered and unclenched my fingers, flexing them in front of me. I looked up at Jun again and summoned all my confidence. "Now I want to give it my best effort and more..!"

Then a wave of self-consciousness crushed my confidence as a blush took over my face. Why was I suddenly saying this to her? My hand flew up to scratch the back of my neck, and I ducked my head in embarrassment. "And then maybe, Shiomi-senpai, I'll be good enough for you to see me up on that stage."

"Homura-chan..." The change in names caused me to look up. I flinched when I was met with Jun's teary-eyed face, on the verge of sobbing.

I jumped up in alarm. "S-Shiomi-senpai!"

She pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes, sniffing. "You... are not like your father. Not exactly." She then blew her nose loudly. "You're more than him."

I'm what now.

"Woah woah, slow down. What??" I held up both my hands in attempts to register this random comparison. How could I possibly be more than my father?

Jun laughed at my concern and shook her head. "That came out wrong; I can't quite explain it. Your father, when I knew him, was always so... reserved. Even in his ambitions. It was if he never knew exactly why he cooked, or why he did anything." She cupped her chin in thought. "Maybe indecisive is the word?"

The first half was no surprise to me. If there was one thing my father hated, it was confrontation. He wasn't what you would call ambitious.

But indecisive? My whole life, there was always one thing he was confident in: his cooking. It was the only time he ever seemed entirely sure of himself. He always knew his purpose.

As for me?

I bowed my head again. "But even I don't know what I cook for. Or. What. I am doing. ...to be entirely honest." My words came out choppy as I shamefully admitted this. "All I know is I want to be better."

"Why do you cook, Homura-chan?" Jun asked bluntly.

What..? I stared at her, dumbfounded by the simple question, but she didn't elaborate. She just waited.

So I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Because... I love it."

Jun's eyebrows lifted at my answer, and even I was surprised with myself. Had she asked me this a few months ago, I probably would've said 'to bring honor to my village' or whatever.

"Then isn't that enough? For now, at least?"

It was such a simple concept. Cooking simply because I enjoy it? Is that enough to push me beyond my limits, to allow me to grow as a chef? It feels weird to work for myself.

But the more I thought about it, the less crazy it seemed.

So what if I didn't have a dramatic, weighty purpose for my cooking? Or a special person to cook for?

At least until that day comes—the day when I find the person I want to cook for most—wasn't myself enough?

"Yeah. I guess it is." I smiled and lifted the cup to my lips. My shoulders felt considerably lighter now.

Jun giggled. "I'm glad you came to me today, Homura-chan." I noticed she was using my name again. "Should you ever need my assistance, I am here for you." I felt my face flush in happiness at the offer.

"Thank you, Shiomi-senpai. I'm glad I mustard up the courage to visit today." I winked, unable to restrain myself.

"Yet perhaps you're still like your father in other ways." She deadpanned.

On that note, I didn't want to take advantage of her through her relationship with my father. But I couldn't help but comment, "I did find your research study on the native spices of Morocco fascinating." It had taken some digging, but I managed to find a few of her studies published online. But for the most part, her research was private.

Instantly, the professor launched into a long lecture on the topic, her lab coat dragging across the floor as she scurried over to the whiteboard. I pulled out my notebook and did my best to keep up, hanging onto every word of her lesson.

Hayama walked in to retrieve our cups and sweatdropped at the sight. "She's started another one of her lectures..." He mumbled but stopped when he saw me taking notes. "And for once someone is listening."

He picked up our forgotten cups and went to leave when the sound of the doorbell alerted us. "Jun? Are we expecting more guests?"

"Huh? Not that I know of." The woman paused her lecture, allowing me the chance to rest my hand. Hayama furrowed his brows and left to answer the door. "Who could that be, I wonder..."

I stood and peeked my head outside, though my curiosity was answered when a loud voice echoed through the halls.

"Yoooo, Hayama! What's up?"


I turned the corner and sure enough there stood Soma and Kurokiba at the entrance. Hayama frowned at them, obviously displeased with their arrival, when Jun popped up beside him unannounced.

How'd she sneak past me?!

"If it isn't the other two finalists! Hayama-kun, serve our guests!" She ordered and led them down the hall. Her assistant sighed and rubbed his temples before doing as instructed.

Jun was right. Now not only Hayama, the winner of Elections was here, but Soma and Kurokiba (the other two top chefs) were here as well.

I am but a McDonald's French fry amongst hash browns.

"Oiii, Homura? You're here too?" Soma greeted me as they reached the corner.

But this is Soma. I was able to relax at the boy's presence, too familiar with him to feel daunted.

I placed a hand on my hip and chuckled. "I was invited, Soma-kun. And you?" I followed them into another room where Jun seated them on two couches.

"Kurokiba and I are here to taste test! This guy's still convinced that his dish was tastier than mine yesterday." He jabbed his thumb in the opposing chef's direction.

Kurokiba closed his eyes and sighed, droning, "It's because my dish was tastier than yours."

They proceeded to bicker over the matter as I stood there awkward but also half-amused at their petty rivalry. It was nice to see Soma worked up like this—it was a refreshing change from his other rivalries (sorry, Takumi).

"That's all well and good, but why are we doing these taste tests here?" Hayama sighed from his spot against the wall.

Jun returned with the tea tray this time, offering it to us and urging me to take a seat as well. I sat beside Soma and accepted another cup, ignoring their squabbling as I took a sip. Delicious.

"It's okay, Jun, we don't have to host them." Hayama uncrossed his arms when he spotted the tray, pulling Jun aside to whisper not-so-subtly, "Also, you don't need to serve these top shelf cookies. They're fine with any old thing."

"I can hear you, d*mmit." Kurokiba leaned to glare over at Hayama.

"Sorry, I already ate," I finished my third cookie, "...one."

Kurokiba proceeded to insult Hayama, the latter doing little to hold back as he retorted just as fiercely. Soma was now deep in thought, ignoring their fighting. I watched, amused, and laughed when Kurokiba greedily poured the cookies down his throat, Hayama's attempts to stop him in vain.

"Hayama," Soma turned to leer at the male, "I wanna do an eat-and-compare. Make that scorched saury carpaccio, okay?"

"For two." Kurokiba added, still munching on the cookies.

"Just shut up and go home!" Hayama refused immediately.

They ignored him. "Chop-chop."

Seems like the next few hours will consist of these three bickering... I sipped my tea, watching the three go at each other's throats like it was the morning news. Seems this morning would be louder than I anticipated.


I returned to the other room with Jun to continue our lesson. It took barely a moment for her to regain her place, but soon enough she grew antsy again. "Please excuse me while I check on our other guests real quick! I'm sure Hayama-kun can explain this to you."

The idea of being alone with the aloof assistant made me panic. "You don't have to–" I was given no chance to protest as she zipped out of the room.

Hayama entered a few moments later. "What is it?"

"Huh?" I faltered, still uneasy when left alone with him.

He sighed, clearly annoyed at the entourage of intruders today. "Jun said she needed me to explain something."

I stiffened at the reminder. "Oh, right! Uh, you really don't have to. I was just asking her about the most suitable climate for sumac to grow in."

He promptly began to explain, and I fumbled with my notes for a second before following along. He was courteous enough to stop at different intervals, unlike Jun who rambled on without pause.

I could see why he was allowed to take a special seminar even as a first year; he was just as knowledgeable as Jun on the subject.

I thanked him as he went to leave, when he suddenly stopped and turned around to face me. He looked like he had something to say.

"Last time we met, you proved at least somewhat knowledgeable on spices."

I waved my hand modestly. "I have much to learn. My knowledge pales in comparison to yours or Shiomi-senpai's." The notes in my hands were evidence of that. "I've only read some books here and there. Experimented with what was available in my village."

Hayama squinted at this next topic as if suspicious of my background. "Jun really idolizes your father: (Surname) Yasuo, correct?"

I sweatdropped at the question. Why does it always trace back to him? I didn't even know he attended Tōtsuki until recently.

"Err, yes. What does my father have to do with any of this?"

"It's a shame I was unable to witness your cooking in the Elections." He placed his hand on his hip.

So I've been told. I clenched my jaw in annoyance at the second reminder today, as if him ignoring my question wasn't enough.

He continued, unaware of my chagrin, "...but you have managed to catch my interest."

...What?? I wrinkled my nose. I really didn't understand the kids at this school. Is he trying to compliment me?

Something told me he didn't hand out compliments often, so I supposed I should be... flattered?

"I'll... take that as a compliment, coming from the winner of the Elections. Haha." I gave an awkward finger gun. "Congrats, by the way."

How else was I supposed to respond to that? With some dramatic declaration of rivalry, then three different camera shots to capture the moment at multiple angles? This wasn't an anime. I didn't possess the powers of the protagonist to generate random breezes.

Hayama sighed, seemingly unimpressed after his evaluation of me, and uncrossed his arms. He probably thought I was something grand based on Jun's descriptions of my father, and the truth must've been disappointing.

At least, that's what I thought he was thinking. I couldn't say for sure.

Though I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me, I lamented.

"I look forward to seeing what you have to offer, Homura-san." He finally exited, granting me the ability to breathe again.

Sweet marmalade, he's so intense. And for what reason? I carded my fingers through my hair. Maybe that's what makes him such a spectacular cook. I dunno.

"(Name)-chan, get in here!" The sound of Soma's call brought me back to reality, and I entered the other room.

"Need something?" My answer was a bowl of rice to the face.

"I need your tongue!!"


"...oka—" I was cut off as Soma practically shoved his dish into my hand and a pair of chopsticks into the other.

"Try my dish and tell me it's better than his." He ordered.

"I don't think my opinion will do much to prove who's better." I uttered in apology but was given little choice under Soma and Kurokiba's intense stares. I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"But hey, food's food."

I am so glad I came here today, was all I could think as the delicious taste of Soma's dish spread on my tongue. If being their taste tester means I get to eat this for free, I'm all for it.

"So how was it? Good, right?" Soma badgered with a cheeky smirk. "Much better than Kurokiba's."

"Shut up! She hasn't even tried mine, idiot!" The other chef snapped. "And it's obvious that my cooking is better, regardless."

"If you're so insistent, why don't you make it again so she can compare them?" Soma challenged.

"I'm not comparing them. I just accepted the food." I silenced them both through a mouthful of rice. "Is there any left?"

Soma lit up at my request. "Ohh, you want more? It's good, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's friggin' delicious." I stroked his ego in return for another serving. "And I'm really hungry."

"Hear that? She's probably only eating because she's starved. If she were eating my cartoccio it'd be a different story." Kurokiba grunted through gritted teeth.

"Can you two shut up or go home already? You're giving me a headache." Hayama snapped at them from his seat beside Soma. Jun sipped her tea next to Kurokiba, glasses fogged from the steam. Had she forgotten about our lesson entirely (though Hayama pretty much covered it all)?

"It really is delicious, Soma-kun." I answered honestly as I pulled up a chair to sit.

"Though I think you two owe Hayama-san a... saury." I gave a large grin and waited for their reaction expectantly.

What? Nothing? I held back a tear. I was really proud of that one.

"Just like (Surname)-senpai." Jun muttered to herself. She lifted her cup to sip again. "In any case, this is your only chance to relax and enjoy your time as first-years."

"Our only chance?" Soma repeated.

Kurokiba was also confused. "What does that mean?"

Jun lowered her tea and answered him, "It means that soon, you'll be tossed out of the academy." She explained casually, even smiling a bit.

Tossed out of the academy? I stopped crunching on my rice.

"The on-the-job training program is about to begin," she lifted her finger for emphasis, "the Stagiaire."

St... stegosaurus?


She explained the process of the 'Stagiaire'—the French term for 'trainee'—to us: we would be sent to places ranging from high-class restaurants to food manufacturers, tasked with performing the daily duties there. But in order to pass, we had to leave a "visible accomplishment" during the training period. And failure to perform led to—you guessed it!


I slumped at the familiar word. "I feel like if I so much as sneeze at this school, I'll get expelled."

"That's right. That's how this school is run." Soma murmured with a blank smile.

I sent him a pointed look. "Knowing you, you're practically asking for it with every stunt you pull!" He laughed shamelessly at the accusation, and no one came to his defense. It was obviously true.

Still, the opportunity for real-life professional training? I drummed my fingers against my knee.

I'm kind of excited!


"You've got to be kidding me."

I looked up from the information sheet detailing the specifics of the Stagiaire to see none other than Whitewater's wonder boy: Yanagawa Ryou.

He tugged at the collar of his uniform, his necktie looped lazily around it, and pulled his luggage up beside mine.

"Don't tell me..." He gave a defeated sigh as I gasped. "We're partners for Stage 1!"


I slapped him on the back with a boisterous laugh. "C'mon, Ryou-kun! This will be a great learning experience for us. I'm sure we'll be best friends by the end of this."

"Only in my nightmares." He looked up as a train pulled up, now accepting passengers. He gave no warning as he grabbed both of our suitcases and boarded. "Try to keep up, Homura."

"Someone's extra prickly today." I grumbled and followed after him, then cheered. "Train ride with Yanagawa again! Let's go!"

"Shut up."

Ryou was more than capable as a chef—his festival victories the past ten years were proof of that—but he was also extremely headstrong. And while I didn't act like it, I myself wasn't thrilled with the idea of having to work with him. Our friendship was still fragile, even after months spent together, and who knew what might happen without Hibiki to referee.

But I knew the two of us would have to suck it up and learn to work together if we were to survive the next week—our lives at Tōtsuki depended on it.


"Do you know where our training site is?" Ryou asked as we pulled along our luggage. Didn't he read the handout? I wondered but didn't bother asking.

I stopped to squint at the map provided to us. "It should be around here somewhere. Next to a big building."

He scoffed. "We're in Tokyo. All the buildings are big." He leaned over my shoulder to analyze the map.

I huffed and shoved the directions into his hands. "Well excuuuuse me if I'm a bit lost, princess! I didn't exactly grow up in confusing, overlapping streets like this." I waved my arms wildly at the towering structures around us.

I'd mistaken a cellphone tower for the Skytree, for crying out loud! I looked around in a mixture of intimidation and awe at the hustle-and-bustle of city life. "It's kinda terrifying. And cool."

He ignored me as he rotated the map in his hands. "Which restaurant are we even going to? Is it specified?"

I reached over and pointed at the little square on the map. "That one. I think it's a noodle factory or something."

"You don't mean..." Ryou blanched, his complexion matching that of the paper as he stared at the designated spot.

I did a one-eighty and looked up. Oh, hey!

"Silly me, we were standing right in front of it!" I laughed and pointed at the building behind us.

I went to read the sign, but Ryou beat me to it, his skin a deathly pale. "Mugen Noodles?"

"Welcome, little Tōtsuki chefs." A sickly sweet voice greeted us, making my blood run cold as ice. "It certainly has been a while since our last meeting."

I looked away against my better judgement. Despite all of my big talk before, I struggled to fight the panic trying to claw its way out of my throat. It was getting harder to breathe.

Ryou saved me the luxury and stepped forward, fists shaking, but head held high as he spoke. His voice was the only part of him that came out strong.


Akahoshi waved her manicured nails cheerfully.

"Good luck on Stage 1 of your Stagiaires. I look forward to your performance."


A/N: This starts the Stagiaire arc! I'm so excited to share these next few chapters with you guys. It focuses on the growth of the Reader as a chef and is an essential part of her journey. What do you hope to see in this arc?

Next Update:
August 3rd, 2020

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