The Perfect Summer

By AutumnFireflyx

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Alison is looking forward to the best summer EVER with her best friend Serena. When Ali and Serena go away fo... More

Chapter 1: Ali and Serena
Chapter 2: It's time to go
Chapter 3: Hitting the road
Chapter 4: Sightseeing?
Chapter 5: Skateboarding
Chapter 6: Unexpected
Chapter 7: Wesley and connor
Chapter 8: Problems
Chapter 9: unresolved diffrences
Chapter 10: The day after
Chapter 11: Unforgivable Lies
Chapter 12: Concert
Chapter 13: Maybe?
Chapter 15: Volleyball
Chapter 16: Tell me Lies
Chapter 17: Serena
Chapter 18: No Promises
Chapter 19: Realization
Chapter 20: Lies
Chapter 21: Scars and Memories
Chapter 22: Before I die
Chapter 23: New friends and old enemies
Chapter 24: Hair
Chapter 25: wait, what?
Chapter 26: Remember
Chapter 27: Where the cool kids hang out
Chapter 28: The Perfect Summer Plan
Chapter 29: Another Day
Chapter 30: Romeo's
Chapter 31: The Bonfire
Chapter 32: End Of The Road
Chapter 33: You Must Have Me Confused
Chapter 34: Happy Never After
Chapter 35: A reason?
Chapter 36: Bye Bye
Chapter 37: Hot
Chapter 38: I want easy
Chapter 39: Nerves and endings
Chapter 40: The Best Day
Chapter 41: True Love
Chapter 42: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 43: "It was a good summer" - Perfect Stranger.

Chapter 14: Date night

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By AutumnFireflyx

I was at work thinking about the facts that Serena had only gone and got me a date with Connor, you know that guy who's guts I hated, I bet hes only going out with me for a dare. Serena went on a date with Wesley, she did not need to go and get me a date. I sat on the stool ranting to myself, in my head when Connor walked through the door.

"What do you want," I asked sighing realising I should have worded that question differently. He just smirked.

"well I want you-"

I realised that before whatever he was gonna say came out I should tell him that I wasn't going to go out with him.

"By the way, I'm not going out with you today, Serena really shouldn't have-" I started.

"Too bad, you don't really have a choice," He said not letting me finish.

"Yeah, I do I could easily just not turn up." I shooted back.

"Yeah, 'cause Serena is really gonna let you do that," He smirked.

I sighed, I knew that Serena would make me go, but I really didn't want to go. Connor started talking, snapping me out of my thought.

"Why do you think I don't like you?, I'm not just going out with you 'cause I wanna annoy you, you know I might actually like you," He said in one go.

I started laughing, "Yeah, you like me so much, that's why your such a jerk," I said.

"I can be nice you know," I was about to laugh but then I saw his face and realised that he actually meant it.

There was now a line forming behind us, "I have to work," I replied.

"Great, I will pick you up at seven and dress sorta casual," He said taking that as a yes.

I wanted to tell him that that wasn't a 'yes' but he had already left the store, and I looked up at the customer to see a grumpy man glaring at me for making him wait. When he ordered he was also very rude. Somebody was having a bad day.

Lara and Serena were not at work today, so it was just me, which was hard. When my shift was finally over, I left as soon as I could, I stepped outside to see a yellow and white ice-cream van and I couldn't help myself. I got an ice cream cone with vanilla ice cream and the red and blue sauces with a flake. I hadn't had one of these in the longest time.

I was strolling along the side walk when I saw Leo, and then they came, the flashback of that night he was drunk  and told me he loved me and that message. I wondered how somebody could do that to someone.

I decided to just keep my head down and ignore him. As I walked past I realised that he hadn't noticed me, I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when I heard him shout to me, "Hey Alison, wait up," He called as he made his way up to me.

I looked at him, then I looked back down, I really didn't know how to start this conversation. "Look, I don't know what you were going on about the last time I saw you," He said looking innocent, but it would be so stupid to fall for that again.

"Yeah, right you did nothing like always," I replied.

"Can you please just explain it to me?" He pleaded.

"Why do I have to explain it to you, when you so clearly already know," I said dismissing his plea. "Look I gotta go," I said walking off. I didn't feel like eating the cone of the ice-cream as it had gone soft so I chucked it in a near by bin.

I walked into the house to see Wesley and Serena together. I awkwardly started to walk towards the stairs.

"Hey Alison, how was work?" She asked, I closed my eyes then turned around slowly.

"It was okay, I guess," I replied feeling uncomfortable. They were sitting on the sofa next to each other, they were so close I felt like I had just disturbed a really intimate moment.

"So I'm gonna be upstairs," I replied quickly running up the stairs. Then I realised I probably should have said 'hi' to Wesley.

I went to my room and looked out of the window, I saw Leo speaking to Connor, I hope they were not talking about me again. I could just about make out there figures, so there was no way I would be able to hear them. What if I went out with Connor and then he told Leo all about us? Oh well, I wasn't going to fret over that.

I decided I should probably take out the clothes I was gonna wear, even though I didn't really want to go on this date IO decided I might as well. What was the worst that could happen? I know I trusted people way too much, it was one quality of mine that I wish I could change. I always saw the best in people and it always got me in trouble, but I decided that maybe Connor actually liked me and if he screwed me over i would get my payback somehow.

I looked through my brown wardrobe and took out a white top, he said to dress casual, the top had a picture of the ocean and the sun with the words 'Never stop dreaming' on it. I also got out a pair of grey skinny jeans and laid them out on my bed, I also decided that it was too hot outside as it was the middle of the day so I should pick out my jewelery too. I picked a silver key necklace and a stack of green bracelets.

I didn't know what to do after that so I started walking around in my room while thinking of what to do. Serena walked into the room with the biggest grin on her face. When she saw my clothes laid out she started grinning even wider.

"Don't even," I said before she commented on it.

"Okay, okay but I swear he really does like you Ali or I wouldn't have made you go out with him," She said trying to ease my mind.

"Yeah, I know," I replied back simply.

"So, where are you guys going," She said sitting down on my bed.

"I don't know he didn't tell me," I said "But he told me to dress casual," I said quickly before she asked me why I was dressing so casually.

"Oh, okay cool, and you might actually really enjoy yourself," She said seriously.

"Yeah, maybe."


At exactly seven o'clock Connor came to pick me up.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hey, you look cute," He said, I had a feeling he was used to telling girls they looked hot but since I was wearing a top and jeans it would be so noticeable that he was lying.

"Thanks, you look cute too," I joked, he just glared at me. I was starting to realise that I should stop joking about peoples look, especially guys who were self obsessed, I really did offend them.

I laughed nervously. "So, Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see, I don't want you to chicken out," He replied smirking at me. This made me a little more than nervous.

"Oh no," I whispered to myself, but I'm pretty sure he heard me. He got into his car, as I followed. Once we were both in the car, I just sat there for a few seconds feeling slightly uneasy. If we had nothing to talk about then this date was going to be just a little uncomfortable.

"So do you like music?" I asked starting off the conversation, then  I realised that he might turn the radio on, and as much as I would love that I actually wanted to talk with him.

"Who doesn't like me music?" He replied with a question.

" what music do you like?" I asked desperately trying to make this less awkward.

He just started to laugh, was my question really that funny? He out one of his hands on my knee, and looked at me, gazing at the road then back at me so that he didn't crash. "Stop being so nervous," He reassured me.

"Right," I whispered to myself.

"I like indie rock and pop music mostly," He replied to my earlier question.

" What movies do you like?" He asked trying to get to know me better.

"Hm...Romance," I replied honestly.

"Oh god, not you as well," He replied back sighing.

"What did you mean not me as well?" I asked confused.

"All girls like is Romance, I mean seriously," He asked.

"Hey, don't judge me I like action too," I replied offended.

"Yeah right, why don't you name me a few action movies you like then," He asked testing me, but I really did like action movies, I proceeded to naming him a few of my favourites.

"Is it just me or are you actually impressed?" I asked faking shock.

"Haha very funny but seriously I take back my word, you have some seriously good movie tastes," He said complimenting me. The hole ride there I was nervous about here we were going, but after starting top talk about the  movies everything started to flow, we talked about loads of things and he was actually really nice wants you got to know him. 


"Okay were here," He said after a long drive.

"Okay, I don't get it what is this? Your not gonna rape me are you?" I asked always expecting the worse, while I giggled nervously.

He started to smirk,. "Yeah, 'cause I'm really gonna rape you at an ice- skating rink," He replied back,

My eyes grew wide, "Whoa, what? No...No," I expressed my displeasure.

"What, why?" He looked a little offended.

"I don't mean to offend you its just, Ice - skating, I mean ice - skating, I'm really clumsy and I fall a lot, I mean I could go home with 60 bruises and I could-" I started babbling on and before I knew it Connor had slung me over with his strong muscular arms and I actually didn't want to be put down, I started staring at his ass, no wait, why was I being such a perv?

"Connor, can you please put me down?" I asked innocently.

"Nope," He replied.

"But why?" I asked innocently.

"Because you were babbling on and on and I also don't want you running away," He said back honestly.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm really gonna run away when it is pitch black and I have no idea which way to go," I replied back sarcastically.

"Hey, no need to be rude," He said.

"Oh, sorry," I replied back actually sorry, I realised that I might actually have sounded ungrateful, but dear lord help me, I am so clumsy please do not make me fall too many times.

We were now inside the stadium I forced Connor to put me down as people had started to stare, and any attention towards me is not good because I almost always embarrass myself.

"What shoe size are you?" He asked going up to the counter.

"Size four please," I replied politely.

Once he handed me the shoes I just stared at him, he looked like he was going to burst out laughing at any second.

"Don't laugh at me," I scolded, I really was terrified.

"Your not gonna die I promise you," He whispered into my ear.

"Promise you will catch me if I die," I realised as soon as the words left my mouth that they made no sense at all.

"I promise," He said sincerely.

"Right...okay," I said deciding that i should probably at least try since he would be really annoyed with me if I was a spoil sport, and I didn't want to be a brat.

I got onto the ice skating rink okay and I immediately grabbed the sides so that I wouldn't fall, Connor was just looking at me laughing, well I was glad he was enjoying himself.

Then out of nowhere he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of the ice rink, "Uh..what are you doing?" I asked nervously I really didn't want to know the answer to that.

"Teaching you how to Ice skate," He said simply.

I started to skate while Connor was holding my hand, I felt like I was really getting the hang of it, when I fell on my butt and even though I thought I would be crying hysterically, I was actually laughing. Connor helped me back up and we kept going for a few hours laughing and just enjoying our selves.


After the few hours had gone by I was exhausted and hungry, I just sat there in the night thinking about my first real date, I had actually enjoyed myself, with Connor! I was shocked.

At that specific moment my stomach rumbled loudly. I crossed my arms over it. Well, that was embarrassing.

"So restaurant or take out?" He asked.

I laughed nervously, "I should really be getting back, I have food at the beach house. Its okay," I said not making complete sense. What was happening to me?

"Restaurant it is," He replied.

I knew i wasn't going to win with him so I said, "Actually could we have a take - out," I was in really casual clothes and I didn't want him to take me to a fancy restaurant. I also hated sitting in front of a guys and eating for some reason I  found it weird and off putting.

"Okay then," He replied simply and turned on the radio at a low sound so that we could still talk.


When we got to the take - away shop, Connor ordered my food then asked me what I wanted, I ordered fries, a burger and some chicken wings. He looks shocked, "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," He said quickly.

"Oh, I get it, you've never been out with a girl who eats more than a little bit of her salad," I said making a face.

He started laughing like a maniac and I joined in. I really hated girls who didn't eat.

"Yeah, that was close enough," He said after we had both calmed down. When we got our food I started to take the money out of my brown satchel but Connor gave the money to the man already.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked back.

"You just payed for my food," I said stating the obvious.

"Um..yeah," He replied confused.

"I like to pay for my own food, so now I owe you money," I said handing him the money , like I said before I hate taking money from people. Its an odd thing about me.

"Listen Alison, it was just a few pounds, seriously babe, don't stress on it," He replied easily.

"Fine," I said but only because we were in a little take away shop, so I was pretty sure everyone was listening to our conversation. There was nowhere to sit, so I suggested something that I thought would be fun.

"How about we eat in your car, then we can get to know each other better," I said a little too excited, and I had no idea why.

"Cool," He replied making his way to the door.


"No, I swear I stole that girls doll, I was so jealous," I said laughing.

"I bet you were a cute kid," He said.

"I was chubby, like really chubby," I replied.

We were int eh car eating our chips and burgers while we chatted about all this stuff, I couldnt believe I had actually enjoyed myself on this date.

"Thanks Connor," I said sincerely.

"For what?" He asked.

"For a perfect first date," I replied back honestly.

"That's okay," He replied leaning closer and closer, he put his hands on either side of my cheeks, and looked me in the eyes, his eyes were beautiful I could just make out by the dim light that they were a grey colour. He started to rub his nose against mine and our lips met, I started moving my lips in sync with his.

He pulled away, "It was my pleasure," He finished.

We chucked out rubbish in a bin and started to drive home. I had my first kiss, well my official first kiss, it was a plus that he wasn't drunk.

When he pulled up near my house, we said goodbye and then I went inside, on the counter was a rose, from the same guy who had sent it before. I sighed way to ruin a great night. Leo really was a creep. I grabbed the rose and was about to chuck it in the bin when I realised that I should probably keep it.

Serena came down the stairs in her heart pyjamas, "So how was it?"She asked ecstatic, leaning against the counter.

I smiled at her.

 Okay, so I haven't proof read this so sorry for any mistakes, also my longest chapter yet :D haha, I hope you like it!!

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