Deal With It

By Aysha07

221K 6.5K 757

Tyler Lawson. The hottie in town. The "bad boy". My best friend's brother. The guy I absolutely despised. Eve... More

Deal With It
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
author's note

forty nine

1.8K 61 4
By Aysha07

Chapter 49

The sun shone directly on my face as I sat on a bench outside. My eyes were squinting and I had tried to move around but there was no escaping its bright rays today. Unusual, since the rain was unstoppable throughout the whole night. Then again, this was England, and calling our weather bipolar was probably the biggest understatement of the century. Or at least very close to it.

As I waited outside the court, I shook my leg uncontrollably, bunching my dress up in my hand. Straight after I gave my testimony, I raced out. The nerves and anticipation I felt just being out here was immense, in there it would be unbearable. Every time I began to feel confident, a ton of doubt and uncertainty would bury me beneath itself and when I'd finally climb back to the top, the cycle would be repeated.  Every so often I would muster up some courage and walk up to the doors, planning to join Tyler inside. Clearly it didn't work since I was still sat out here. My only option now was to hope and pray that things would work out.

I buried my head in my hands, trying to block out any thoughts and focus on the silence but was distracted by a commotion from somewhere nearby. I looked up and glanced in all directions, seeing, to my right, a number of people forming a crowd, their cameras clicking and urgent questions flying about. At first, I was confused. Then I realised that in our small town, a story like this was gold.

Rarely was there anything of interest happening here, and if there was, it would typically be kept discreet. This particular case, however, was the topic on everyone's tongues. How did I not know this would happen?

I stood up, mentally preparinng myself to ignore the nosy townspeople rather than venting my frustration out on them in angry outbursts. I was on my tiptoes, trying to spot someone I knew but despite both Tyler and Daniel's heights, they were lost amidst everyone else. "Arissa?" A familiar voice called from behind me. Turning around, I was met by the last person I expected, or wanted, to see. "How are you?" He asked, digging his hands into his pockets. His appearance hadn't changed at all; similar clothing, no facial hair, and hair which was neatly gelled back. Perhaps too gelled.

"Better than I was six months ago," I remarked. It was actually seven but who was counting? He looked down, knowing it was around the time we broke up, around the time I caught him cheating on me. "How is Millicent?" I said sourly, trying but failing to hide the hurt I still felt. After all, she was a friend I truly trusted.

"I don't know, we ended it a while ago," he surprised me by saying. "I'm so sorry about everything, Arissa. My biggest mistake was hurting you, letting you leave."

"Save it, Jason," I laughed, holding up my hands. "You should go," I told him, knowing Tyler would be joining me any minute, hopefully in a pleasant mood. He scanned the area, licking his lips as he rocked back and forth on his heels. It was obvious he had something more to say. "What is it?"

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," he said, confusing me. I think he noticed because he decided to elaborate. "I mean, since Tyler and you are no longer together."

"What? Who told you that?"

"Nobody," he shrugged. "I just thought you and Daniel were..."

"What? Why would you think that? Tyler and I are very much together and Daniel is just a friend," I crossed my arms moodily. I bet he wished it was true but he wouldn't have that satisfaction.

"That's not what it looked like to me. Do you kiss all your friends?" he raised an eyebrow. That's when I realised. He had seen us that day. And as I looked up at him, his face became amused as he put the pieces together. "You cheated on him," he said with an exaggerated gasp, looking completely in shock. "Little Arissa cheated on big bad Tyler," he laughed wildly. "And he obviously doesn't know or he'd definitely have left you."

"Shut up," I snapped. "Go, just go."

"Okay, cheater, I will." Every word he said stung a little more. "But just remember, you and I," he moved his finger in the space between us, "are exactly the same." Before I could respond, he left, bestowing upon me an even heavier load of guilt than before. I always knew what I did was terrible but when someone said it aloud, especially in such a harsh manner, it didn't help in the slightest.

A hand made contact with my shoulder and I jumped in surprise, not expecting it since I was occupied elsewhere. "What the hell did he want?" He fumed, about to chase after him.

"No, stop!" I shouted, grabbing onto Tyler's arm. Having him speak to Jason was too scary for me to even think about, he couldn't know my secret. Not now. "Leave him be, just tell me what happened in there." He didn't look convinced, his gaze still in the direction Jason had headed towards.

"But he—"

"Forget that," I snapped. He faced me and furrowed his brow. "Sorry," I sighed. "I'm just feeling anxious."

He averted his gaze from mine, looking anywhere but at me. Something wasn't right. I cupped his face, moving his head towards me but he just pushed my hands away, grunting. Folding his arms, he gave me his back and said, "it isn't good news, Arissa."

My heart sank into the depths of my stomach. "What? Why?"

"They said the evidence was insufficient, what a load of bullshit!" He kicked the ground. "This was meant to be our new beginning," he ran his hands through his gorgeous brown locks, taking deep, angry breaths. "Jake has been released and now I don't know what to do."

"Please tell me you're joking," I muttered, talking more to myself than anyone else. I sat back down on the bench and dropped my head into my hands, resting my elbows on my knees.

"Okay," Tyler said. "I'm joking." I looked up and glared at him. "What? I only did what you asked," he smiled sarcastically.

"This isn't funny!"

He seated himself next to me, leaning back as he folded his arms behind his head. "Hm, it kinda is."

I sat up straight and twisted myself around so I was facing him, a stern look on my face. He grinned even more at my expression. "What the hell? Seriously, just tell—"

"Congratulations, guys!" A voice chimed in. Standing beside Tyler was Daniel, wearing nothing but a wide smile. "I had a good feeling from the start," he said. Tyler snickered, shaking his head.

I looked up at him, then at Tyler, then back at Daniel, furrowing my brow. "Clearly someone here is lying to me and I have a feeling it's you," I pinched Tyler's ear and pulled his head towards me. Complaining, he removed my hand and rubbed his ear over dramatically, then stopped and smirked.

"I was just messing!"

I scoffed, slapping his shoulder, "I was on the verge of a heart attack!"

"Hey, stop abusing me, drama queen!" He poked my arm.

"You deserve way worse, jerk!" I gave him a shove. I internally prepared my defences but instead of attacking back, Tyler burst out laughing.

He playfully pinched my nose, "have I told you how cute you are when you're angry?"

"Yes, I believe you have."

"Oh," his face dropped. "Well, you are. Adorable."

"That's not exactly my aim when I'm angry," I said. "More like scary and intimidating."

Tyler looked at me blankly before giving a roaring laugh. "You? Scary and intimidating?" He threw his head back, still chuckling. "Please, you're the furthest anyone could be from those two things!"

"Okay, okay, it's not that funny," I frowned, taking light offence to Tyler doubting my scariness. I planned to get him real good next Halloween.

"Of course, sorry, my bad," he replied, placing a hand on his chest. "You're even scarier than a demonic clown that spurts venom from every inch of itself and is coming up from Hell just because you stole its favourite red nose."

I raised my brows, questioning his sanity. "Honestly, why am I even dating you? You're a total weirdo," I pushed his head back, smiling.

"Hm, maybe because you love the way I kiss you," he leaned in again, tenderly pressing his lips against mine. I nodded as he kissed me and placed my arms around his neck, knowing it was one of the many reasons why.

"We should go," Daniel's voice interrupted. Both our heads snapped towards him, clearly having forgotten we were in his presence. Was he there the whole time? "I mean, in case we get mobbed again," he nervously laughed. I scanned the area and most of the reporters and other people had left, already possessing the information they wanted. There was no chance of that happening.

"I doubt it," I mumbled, moving away from Tyler.

"We should grab some lunch. I don't know about you guys but I'm starving!"

"Oh, definitely!" Tyler agreed, standing up. He held his hand out to me and I took it, interlocking our fingers. We walked to our cars and Daniel suggested we leave in the same one which didn't really make sense to me. He was slowly proving to be the most annoying third wheel in the History of Third Wheels.

"Tyler and I actually have plans," I said. Tyler looked at me unusually and I smiled, hoping he would take a hint and play along. "With my parents," I added.

"Crap, yes. We do. I forgot," he quickly responded, unconvincingly.

"Oh," Daniel said, squinting his eyes momentarily. "Well, that's OK. I'm sure we can reschedule." As he spoke, he looked directly at me; only at me. I felt uncomfortable and somewhat threatened. It was difficult to pinpoint exactly what made me feel that way but it probably had something to do with the dark hue in his eyes. "I'll catch you later," he added, and I knew he meant that just for me.


"So, why are we here?" Tyler asked as he parked in front of my house.

I took a deep breath, "to celebrate, of course." Earlier on, I called my parents to announce the good news and decision in our favour at court. Their happiness was beyond bounds but my real reason for coming here so suddenly was not what I had told Tyler.

I swung open the car door and got out, shutting it behind me and walking upto the front door. It was unlocked so we walked straight in.

"Arissa!" Dad exclaimed when he saw me. "Wow, you've changed so much. How long has it been? Fifteen years? Twenty?"

"Ha-ha. Quit with the sarcasm, Dad," I rolled my eyes. We continued into the kitchen where my mother was chuckling as she pulled out a pasta dish from the oven. Clearly, she had overheard our little conversation.

"Your father has a point, it's like you've moved out!"

I almost disagreed until I realised she was right. The last time I slept in my own bed was over three weeks ago, and that was only because of the fire at the cabin. It seemed like that was my new home; my home with Tyler.

"That actually brings me to my point, what I'm here to talk about," I told them. It was the perfect opportunity. Walking over to the table, I took a seat, waiting for them to follow suit. Once we were all around the table, I began. "Mum, Dad," I said, feeling quite nervous all of a sudden. "A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders today; something that's been standing in my way for quite some time now. There have been lots of things that haven't gone as planned, but that's OK because it's all over now.

"Finally, I can leave it behind me and start afresh, like Tyler, who's leaving for London in under two weeks to get his pilot license," I couldn't stop the big, proud smile that was glowing on my face. Joy erupted from my parents as they congratulated Tyler before settling back down to hear what I had to say. "And he's invited me along," I shrugged and smiled. I glanced around and all their expressions demanded one thing- my answer.

"So? Are you joining me?" A hopeful Tyler asked.

"M-hm," I nodded. "I want to go!"

"Yes!" He shouted, literally deafening me in one ear.

I took one of each of their hands and held them tight. "I want your approval. I'm doing the right thing, aren't I?" I asked. At the end of the day, their opinions meant everything to me.

There was a pause for a few seconds until Dad broken the silence. "Darling, if it feels right, it's what you should do. Chase your dreams, conquer the world!" He exclaimed, making me laugh.


"I've held you back long enough, sweetheart. I'm not going to make that mistake again. You do what you want to do, and I promise we'll always be by your side."

I jumped up and raced round to their side, embracing them tightly and leaving a kiss on their foreheads.

"Now, how about some of that pasta?" Tyler grinned.


As soon as we got into my room, Tyler left the longest, most passionate kiss on my lips. He was smiling from ear to ear. "Wow, what was that for?"

He flopped back on my bed, pulling me with him. "See, I wanted to do that downstairs when you said yes to London," he began, playing with my hair, "but your parents were directly in front of us and I don't know if they'd appreciate that," he finished. By now, his hands were roaming everywhere— through my hair, along my cheeks and jawline, brushing over my lips.

"Definitely wouldn't."

"I thought so," he said, quickly changing the topic. "So your birthday is coming up. There are just so many things to celebrate lately," he smirked, rubbing his chin in thought. I knew instantly that this was what he actually wanted to discuss.

"Oh no, please no parties!"

"Why?!" He was perplexed.

"Because I don't want to be surrounded by 200 drunk people I don't even know. I'd rather have a small dinner with my family and friends."

"Don't be a bore, it's going to be our last night here!"

"Exactly. Which is why I want to be sober enough to remember it," I turned my head away, sulkily.

He sighed in defeat, "okay, as you wish. It is your birthday, after all."

"Yay!" I faced him again, grinning in triumph. He may have been stubborn but he could never outdo me.

"Now, back to all the things we can celebrate..."

"Seriously, Tyler, I said no parties!"

"Who said anything about a party?" He questioned, leaning down. He murmured in my ear, "all I'm suggesting is, we can begin the celebration right here, right now."


SO much has happened since I last updated!

• Zayn left.
• Zayn shaved his head.
• Zayn got a nose piercing.
• And, well, Zayn left :(

N e v e r getting over it.

January 2016 update: I'm pretty much completely over it. I love P i l l o w T a l k !

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