Boy best friend // Tayler Hol...

By littleobsessian

111K 1.1K 162

I'm best friends with Tayler since kindergarten. We hang everyday together cause he lives next door. We're ba... More



391 6 4
By littleobsessian

"No Stella, I think we really have to" - he says. "Do we? Can't whatever happened in Sydney stay in Sydney?" - I answer him. "No but Stella for real we have to talk. We can't keep pretending nothing happened" - he says. I nod. I knew we would have to talk about it one way or another but I hope we wouldn't. But here we go. "We can't keep going on like this, Stella. We keep messing with each other and ourselves" - Tayler says. "What do you mean with that exactly?" - I ask him. "We both know the feelings are there. You know I would go for it but I completely understand you're not ready yet. But if we keep it this way, we should stay friends and it can't happen again. If it was up to me, I would ask you here and now to be my girlfriend and give it a try" - he explains. "You're right we need to make it clear but I can't be your girlfriend. You're my best friend. I don't want to lose you. Also long distance would never work" - I tell him. "Stella, you will never lose me, you are everything to me. But how do you know if you never try? Nobody needs to know but just give it a try" - he tells trying to convince me. "So you think we have to give it a try?" - I ask him. "Yes just give it a try. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out and we stay friends but you won't lose me. I promise you that. So what you say, we try this?" - he asks. "I don't know Tayler. I don't know if I can do this but you would keep it secret to see how it goes first? Promise?" - I say. "Yes our little secret, I promise. So my beautiful Stella, do you want to be my girlfriend?" - he asks. I look at him not knowing what to say. He looks back at me with his big brown eyes. He is the cutest human ever to exist. I just can't help it. "Okay... I guess.... we can give it a try...." - I say very carefully and slightly hestistating. He gets the biggest smile on his face which makes me smile so bright. So I guess we're together now. I stay for the rest of the day. I also just don't want to leave him because I know in a few days he's going back to LA and I'll have to miss him again. It feels like nothing has changed and at the same time something did change. He is no longer just my best friend, he is my boyfriend. How did this happen? I can't believe it. After dinner we go back to his room and we keep talking and talking like we always do. I just wish we could pause the time so he doesn't have to leave again. Eventually we start to cuddle and it feels so good I fall asleep.

When I wake up the next morning, I feel good. It's so comfortable next to Tayler and I just stare at him. He is so cute when he sleeps. It doesn't take long before he wakes up too. "Good morning beautiful" - he says. "Good morning Tayler" - I answer him with the biggest smile on my face. Actually I just want to stay in bed all day because I'm super tired and the jetlag is working. Also cuddling all day would be nice. Right before we go downstairs for breakfast, I realise his mom is home. "Wait Tayler, your mom is home. She's gonna think this is suspecious. I can't go downstairs" - I tell him. "Stella, don't worry. You have stayed here so many times already, she's not gonna suspect anything. This is just gonna be a sleepover to her" - he answers me. Well he does have a point and even if she suspects anything, she won't say a word about it. We just go downstairs and get breakfast. We say goodmorning to his mom and after breakfast we go back upstairs. Since Tayler only have a few days here in Texas, we're gonna spend as much time as possible together with Nadine and Cody. Before we meet up I'm going to change myself back at my house. When I walk in a voice coming from the kitchen calls me. It's my mom. "Hey Stella, are you out the whole day?" - she asks. I nod. "Are you eating this evening with us?" - she goes on. "Euhm I don't know, I guess not" - I answer her. "But we haven't seen you yet since you got back. We wanna hear everything about Australia. Just invite them all to come over for dinner so you can tell us all" - she says. Well I mean I can ask them. "Okay sure I'll ask them and let you know" -  I answer her. I go upstairs to change me and now I am overthinking if it was a good idea to do this. I can't pretend for everyone me and Tayler are just friends. Everyone is gonna find out and I just can't do this. 

On our way to Nadine and Cody, I try to tell Tayler but I don't know how. My mind is all over the place. "What are you thinking about?" - Tayler asks me. I'm literally so far inside my head I don't even hear him asking it. "Hello, earth to Stella" - he says. "Wow sorry, what did you ask?" - I say. He asks again. I try to tell him it's nothing but he insists. "Well I don't think I can do this. They are gonna find out everything. We should not do this. I can't lie to everyone" - I tell him. He stops and look at me. "Wow Stella, where does this come from? What made your mind suddenly change? What is this? What happened?" - he says. "Tayler, I love you and I always will but I can't just pretend you're my best friend when there is going on more. I don't want to lie and I also can't lie. Everyone is gonna find out anyway" -  I answer. "Stel, no one is gonna find out. We have always been so close and even if they find out it's no problem. I know this might be a lot but please don't give up already. Just give it time and we will see. If you still think this by tonight ..." - Tayler says. "No, Tayler stop it's okay just go" - I interrupt him. We look for a few more seconds at each other and then we go further and we stay silent the whole way. As soon as we arrive I can't get quick enough to Cody and Nadine because I know if I waited he would want to talk with me again. I can't have this conversation again. 


AN: I know it's been ages since I updated but life has been so busy. But hey here I am again with a new chapter finally. Thank you to everyone for being so patient with me. Life is still busy so it's gonna take some while before I update again but I promise I try to update as soon as possible. Hope you like the new part. Thank you to the people who are liking it so far it means a lot to me. Love you guys💕

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