King (Meruem x OC)

By rara1026

71.4K 2.6K 402

This is the story of a king and the woman who caused his downfall. He was terrifying. Feared by anyone who da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 24

1.8K 73 5
By rara1026

"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused, Miss Piper." Komugi said, Her voice was stuffy and her nose was leaking. I was repulsed by her. I sighed placing a handkerchief in her hands.

"Don't worry about it. Blow your nose," I demanded. She smiled as she clenched the rag in her hands and blew her nose like a trumpet.

"Thank you," She sniffled. She handed the handkerchief back to me. I watched as her lip trembled. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"What is she-"

"Wah!" She cried. I jumped back in complete dismay. She was crying loudly.

"What are you crying for?!" I yelled. She continued sobbing before sniffling and trying to dry her eyes with her hands. "Here! Here! Take the handkerchief back!" I yelled placing the handkerchief back into Komugi's hand.

"I'm sorry!" She sobbed as she blew her nose, "You're all so nice to me!" I sighed. She tried handing me back my handkerchief, which was soggy as if someone dunked it in water. I made a face of disgust.

"It's okay. Keep it," I said. She smiled and jumped on me and began to hug me.

"Thank you! Thank you, Miss Piper!" She said as she began rubbing her face on my upper chest. I wanted to get her off of me. Her boogers and tears were getting on my shirt.

"You're welcome but get off of me!" I squealed, getting severely grossed out by her snot. She got off of me and sat on her knees. Tears were still streaming down her face but she had a big smile on her face. She leaned closer to me. "What?" I asked. Even though her eyes were closed, I could feel her own eyes piercing mine.

"Are you going to marry the supreme leader?" Komugi asked almost evilly. I felt my eye twitch and cheeks warm. I was happy she couldn't see me.

"W-what makes you say that?" I asked.

"I can't believe I stuttered..." I thought to myself, "Of all people, this girl makes me stutter..."

"Well," Komugi started, "When he makes you sit with us, I can hear him whispering to you. The room gets hotter too." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"I can't believe I'm entertaining her," I think again to myself, "How low have I fallen..." I wanted to scream that it's because of him! I can't do that cuz it just brings up a whole slew of feelings I have no idea how to deal with. I remained quiet and tried to think of a better answer.

"It has been getting hotter these days. Especially in the afternoons when you play with the King." I said. Her lips curled into a smirk. I wanted to cringe. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. "Please don't do that," I said. I already had a weak spot for her... I didn't like it. It looked like he, too, had a weak spot for her. "I'll call Pitou to see to your wounds," I said, wanting to leave as quickly as possible. I found Pitou and threw her in there with Komugi. I stayed outside. I felt vulnerable around her. I didn't like it.

Footsteps began to echo out the hall. I looked over to see Pouf approaching me. I didn't want to be the first one to speak. He stopped in front of me and glared down crazily at me.

"It's only a matter of time until I have you killed. You had your chance. Now I'm looking for death." Pouf said before turning back to his usual composed look, "I'm assuming Pitou is in there with the girl?" I nodded. "Good. He doesn't want her alone anymore. Anywho, the king would like to have a word with you in the throne room." Pouf said. I opened the door to Komugi's room.

"Pitou," I called out, "Can you stay with Komugi? I need to speak with the king."

"Sure. I happen to like this human as well," Pitou said as she and Komugi smiled.

"You too huh," I muttered.

"What?" Pitou asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing. I'll be back," I sat shutting the door. Pouf was gone. I didn't sense anyone around me. "His ability is shrinking, right?" I thought to myself. I walked to the throne room. I felt a pit in my stomach. That dream was still on my mind. I wanted to scream. "It's infuriating!" I yelled. I felt energy burst from my body. It looked like my entire body shot out flames. I gasped and held myself, "That's new..." I mumbled. I decided to keep going. Hopefully, no one would bother me about that.

I pushed open one of the doors to the throne room. He was sitting in front of a chessboard.

"You asked to see me, sire?" I said keeping my back to the door.

"Yes," He said nonchalantly, "Sit. I want to play a game with you." I cautiously stepped forward. He already set the game up and gave himself the black pieces. "I saw you playing. I want to test your skills myself."

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