Your Big Bad Dream (Bigby x R...

By vicbarr

125K 3.7K 1.7K

A Bigby Wolf x Reader story that will thrill your senses and sweep you off your feet for a journey that'll se... More

Your Big Bad Dream (Bigby x Reader)
Your Journey Begins... On an Uneventful Night
Let's Try and Understand...
Let's Get to Know the Wolf...
It's Difficult to Lie to The Big Bad Wolf...
The Mutts Instigate...
Bonding with Bigby...
Your Fantasy Crashes Down...
Reality Returns?...
Where Do We Stand?...
A Sanctuary & A Song...
Let's End This...
Undercover Living...
Snappy Apprehension...
Bold Bigby & Bad Vibes...
Landing In Constanศ›a...
The Ambiguous Abyss...
Heat You Can't Sweat Out...
Mission: You're Missing...
Racing Waves...
Hidden Treasure?...
The Escapist...
Taking Off...
What's The Verdict?...
The Journey, Part One...
The Journey, Part Two...
The Den...


3.8K 122 29
By vicbarr

December 31, 2018. Fable Town NY. I don't freaking know or care anymore, you get the gist POV:

Bigby slowly lifted his heavy eyelids. He let out a low grunt in discomfort and rubbed his aching head as he adjusted in his seat. Bigby was quickly startled by a weight leaning against his leg. He looked down and noticed you were sleeping heavily on him. Your face was puffy from obviously crying the prior day, and you were snoring lightly. He chuckled and ran his hand through your (h/c) hair. Though his touch was gentle, it managed to wake you up.

You sat up straight on the floor and stretched your arms towards the sky, "mm, Good morning Bigby~" you sang.

"Good morning to you too. Covering my shift today?" Bigby joked. You looked at him quizzically, then remembered you were wearing his formal work attire. Your face flushed slightly, "Sorry, I just needed to borrow something comfortable to sleep in."

"It's fine. Besides, it looks much better on you than me." Bigby pointed towards your blooming chest because you forgot to adjust the top button on the shirt. You immediately rushed to cover your chest while blushing madly.

Bigby let out a low laugh then attempted to get up from his seat. He ended up groaning in pain and not moving an inch. "What the hell happened last night?" he asked.

You stood up and patted the over sized shirt down, "You mean after you almost died or before?"

"Obviously afterwards smart ass." Bigby jokingly reached out and pinched your thigh. You giggled and faked an "ow".

"Well, I called Dr.Swineheart, he arrived in three minutes flat, we all came back here and he patched you up. That's about it."
you shrugged.

"And Mary?" He inquired. "No clue... She just disappeared." you frowned slightly.

Bigby rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes while sighing roughly. You attempted a comforting smile and pushed his messy auburn hair out of his face. "Wait," Bigby called out and clasped onto your wrist, "How do know Dr.Swineheart?"

As he looked back at you with sharp eyes you bit your lip and averted your gaze towards the floor. "(Y/n).." Bigby warned.

"The night that we argued...Is when I met both him, and Bloody Mary for the first time. She attacked me in some alleyway. When I was on the verge of bleeding to death, Dr.Swineheart kind of just.. found me?" You shrugged and looked back at Bigby.

"That crazy bitch! argh!" Bigby growled in frustration trying to move from his seat. You held him back and forced him to stay seated, "The Doctor also told me to look after you today. He said you were way too reckless last night Bigby." You gave him a concerned look. "I was just doing my job. Which I need to continue doing before Mary causes any more problems." This time when Bigby tried to get out of his chair you swiftly sat on his lap and pushed him back down roughly. "Ah, what the fuck (y/n), that hurt!" he complained.

"You're not doing anything today. Doctors orders." You smirked. Ordering Bigby around for once was an awesome feeling. Bigby rested his elbow on the chair then his head on his knuckles, he sent you a small glare, "That reminds me, how about all of the orders I gave you last night?"

"What're you talking about?" you questioned. "If I tell you to stay away it's too dangerous, fucking do it."

"I'm not helpless or weak Bigby. I'm not going to sit back and let the man handle everything." crossing your arms, you spoke in a very serious tone. "You will as long as I'm around." Bigby's tone even more serious.

"And if I don't?"

"Don't test me (y/n)." Bigby commanded while gripping on to your waist. You rolled your eyes and removed yourself from Bigby's lap. "Whatever you say sir" you stated sarcastically while making your way into the kitchen.

After a few minutes you came back out with a short glass of water, two pain killers and a professional first aid kit. "What's all that for?" Bigby complained. You set the kit down on his lap then handed him the pain killers and water, "To heal your reckless ass."

Bigby smirked and took the two microscopic pills down his throat without the water. You gave him a 'really?' face. When he decided to mock you by simply shrugging, you held his bearded face between your fingers. You took the cool glass of water to your mouth, gaining a small sip, then you forcefully pressed your lips to his. He didn't complain at all. When he kissed you back, with his tongue attempting to enter your mouth, he then realized you were sending water down his throat. He complied and drank the cool liquid, then he parted the kiss and smirked deviously, "Was that part of the doctors orders too?"

You giggled while opening up the first aid kit and tinkering with it, "I thought his lesson plan needed some adjustment."

You then tugged at the hem of Bigby's torn shirt, "Take this off."

"Woah, you're coming on pretty strong doctor." Bigby teased. You playfully punched his shoulder, "Bigby come on, I need to look at your wound."

Bigby waved you off, "Nah, don't worry about it. It's probably already healed."

You gave him a slightly mortified expression, "You were just shot last night!"

"Fables have a pretty fast recovery rate hun."

"Nope, not buying it. Come on." You started unbuttoning his shirt on your own. Bigby simply sat back and watched you.

Bigby was right that he healed quickly, all his minor cuts and scratches were completely gone. However, a large white bandage was pressed against the center of his chest. You decided to poke it, Bigy grunted slightly.

"Told you it's not healed yet."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Bigby mumbled.

You moved closer toward Bigby, focusing all your attention on being as gentle as possible. You slowly lifted up the bandage, revealing a tiny stitched up hole in his chest. All the blood had been cleaned up, but it started to leave a crusted scar. Bigby raised a brow and spoke quietly, "Doesn't it gross you out?"

"Not really." you whispered under your breath, trying not to break focus. You picked up a few cotton balls from the kit, and dabbed it in rubbing alcohol. You steadied your hand and slowly pressed it around and then on the center of the closed wound. Bigby hissed slightly in pain while balling his hand up in a fist. You held onto Bigby's bicep and dug your nails into it slightly, "Relax, relax, I'm almost done." You continued with a few more dabs till it looked completely clean. You then opened a new package of bandages and placed a fresh one across the center of his firm chest. You closed up the kit and clapped your hands together, "There! All done, wasn't that bad right?" you smiled sweetly.

"It hurt like a bitch."

"Then don't get shot anymore." You patted his cheek lightly and went off to put away the first aid kit.

Back in the kitchen, you were on your tippy toes trying to put the kit back in its proper cabinet. "This apartment was built for freaking giantsss-" you stretched your last words out while stretching your arm out as far as you could. All of a sudden, a warm pair of arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you a few feet off the ground. You tossed the kit back into the cabinet then dropped back down onto your feet.

"Bigby what're you doing up?" you faced him and frowned. He pulled you close to his chest by your hips, "I'll be fine, your treatment made me a thousand times better." he smirked and planted a kiss on your forehead. You smiled warmly and rested your head against his chest lightly, "I'll always be here to heal you when you're down."

The two of you continued to stay in a warm embrace until a small knocking noise came from the front door. You both looked at each other before Bigby let go of you and made his way over towards the knocking guest. He opened the door slowly before it was nudged open all the way by Colin. Bigby sighed and closed the door behind him, "Colin, where the hell have you been?"

"Out and about you know." Colin informed. "You can't just walk around looking like that." Bigby retorted. "Aye, your mug isn't exactly a beautiful sight either." Colin grumbled.

You giggled slightly at their bickering. Colin turned in your direction, "Hey! Welcome back toots. I missed you."

You walked over to Colin then kneeled down and patted his head, "It's good seeing you again too Colin." Bigby rolled his eyes for your giving Colin attention.

"Aye, you always dress like that or did I walk in on something?" Colin remarked while nodding towards your revealing outfit. You stood back up and coughed lightly while blushing, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to come back."

"We're gonna have to get you more clothes to keep here." Bigby scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Does this mean we officially have a new roomy Big's?" Colin asked excitedly. You also became ecstatic at Colin's questions, but you tried not to let it show.

"I don't know.. There's still a lot that needs to be sorted out." Bigby began while rubbing his beard.

"Pleeeeease?" The pig pleaded with puppy dog eyes. You hopped back down to Colin's level and flashed the same begging eyes then chimed in, "Pweeeeease"

Bigby chuckled and shook his head, "Fine fine, just stop that."

"Hooray!" you exclaimed then gave Colin a super huge hug. Colin's face flushed and he chuckled pervertedly. "Watch yourself pig." Bigby glared down at him.

"I think he's jealous." You whispered in Colin's ear. "Hey, I heard that!" Bigby exclaimed.

"Whoops." You giggled and jogged to the other side of the apartment. Bigby chased after you and caught you in less then a second. He swiftly scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder. "Bigby put me down!" You screamed while holding down the back of your shirt to cover your bottom. "Take it back then." He teased and started poking at your sides. You started laughing uncontrollably as Bigby tickeled your sides. Colin just shook his head and walked over to sit in Bigby's chair to rest, "You two are such children."

Business Office, 3rd POV:

It was late afternoon, the sun was setting on the Woodlands, and fables all around were retreating home for the evening. It was New Years eve afterall. However, Snow was still in the business office behind a pile of paperwork. She was centered in her work, not even taking a moment to realize that someone was knocking against the Business Office door. Bufkin eventually caught notice to the tapping noise and flew over to the door, "Uh, I apologize but Ms.Snow is very busy right now."

"I'll just be a second Bufkin." In stepped a beautiful and young woman. She had on tall brown pumps, leggings and a red trench coat. Her long dirty blond hair curled over her shoulders elegantly. The woman guided her sky blue eyes around the room till they landed on Snow. "Snow?" she called out.

Snow snapped her head up as if she'd been startled, "Beauty? What are you doing here? It's New Years Eve."

"I should be asking you that." She laughed and crossed her arms. Snow sighed and pushed her bangs behind her ear, "I'm way too busy with all these recent complaints and reports suddenly flying in. Celebrating is the last thing on my mind."

Beauty approached Snows desk and offered a smile, "I really wish I could help you out."

"No offense, but was there something you needed Beauty?" Snow regarded her with tired eyes. "Um well actually, I was wondering if you knew where Bigby was? He's not in his office, and obviously not here."

Snow rolled her eyes and groaned quietly, "Did you try his apartment?"

"Oh, uh I guess not. I just doubted he'd actually be in there. He's a workaholic just like you." Beauty shrugged. "I guess that's true, but I have no idea where he is. Was there something you needed from him that I could help you with?" Snow asked politely.

"N-no, that's alright. I'll just go check for him again, thank you though." Beauty stammered and backed away from Snow's desk. "Are you sure?" Snow raised a brow. "Yeah, totally!" Beauty chuckled nervously. "Okay? When you find Bigby could you let him know to come back to work." Snow stated and went back to her clutter of papers.

"Will do, thanks again Snow." Beauty quietly left the business office and decided to just return back to her apartment for the remainder of the evening.

Bigby's Apartment:

You stood by Bigby's kitchen window, staring off into the night sky. According to Bigby, any second now fireworks were going to set off in the distance, signaling a new year. You were more accustomed to the traditional parties that took place in the sky scrappers of Times Square, counting down to a glass ball. Yet for some reason, you were more excited for this quiet, relaxing and in your opinion, cuter tradition.

In the other room, Bigby was scolding Colin for (somehow) getting into Bigby's liquor cabinet and becoming drunk off his ass. You were just laughing quietly to yourself in the kitchen.

You decided to open up the window, letting the cool breeze pour in against your skin. You weren't hot at all, but the wind provided a refreshing feeling. You closed your eyes and indulged in the breeze beating against your pale face. "Enjoying yourself?" A rough voice called out from behind you. You turned to see Bigby, dressed in only sweatpants, smiling and holding a glass of straight bourbon. "Yes actually." you smiled back. He walked over and set the drink on the window sill then hugged you from behind.

"Not much of a man for wine are you?" you smirked and looked back at him while picking up the glass. He made a disgusted face, "Hell no, stuffs gross." You giggled then took a sip. The smokey liquid chased dow your throat, burning it with a bitter taste, you stuck your tongue out in displeasure, "No, that stuff is gross." Bigby laughed as you set the glass back down. He then wrapped his arms around your chest and pointed out the window, "Look."

As soon as Bigby spoke, a loud explosion from outside grabbed your attention. In the far distance multiple rays of color shot up and fell back down. Eccentric patterns of lines, swirls and simple explosions cluttered the sky, illuminating it with a wide range of colors from every inch of the rainbow. You smiled warmly and gazed at the fireworks as they swept across the sky. While your eyes were focused outside, Bigby stared down at you in astonishment. Your beauty was absolutly unrealistic in his eyes. You eventually caught his eyes looking down at you. You faced him and locked your eyes with his. "Happy New Years gorgeous." Bigby whispered. Your smile grew and you blushed lightly, "Happy New Years Bigby." Bigby leaned down as you raised on your toes to intertwined your lips with his. His lips were hotter than any alcoholic beverage and sweeter than candy. The two of you kissed the prior year goodbye while looking forward to the next one.

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